Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 851: Dead bodies on the streets

I tried my best to look at this scene with a "cold" mentality, but I still felt a little unbearable. In a short time, the car drove through half of Jiefang Street, and everything it saw was still busy. I don’t know how many people were injured and killed in this battle. Jiefang Street was a mess. The larger stores were destroyed, but the smaller stores were spared.

At this moment, a shrill howl sounded. I looked towards the source of the sound and saw a bastard with a broken stomach lying in the corner of the street. He was rolling around on the ground covering his wound with his hands, but an ambulance and a man in a white coat were not far away. But he was indifferent. I glanced over and saw the tiger head logo on his arm. He was a member of the Black Tiger Gang!

"Why don't they save people?" I pointed at the man and said angrily.

Xiao Wang looked at it and said, "I guess he couldn't be saved even if he was taken to the hospital. Let's wait for him to die and take him directly to the crematorium."

"Asshole!" I scolded: "You know you can't save him before he's dead? Xiao Wang, let's take him to the hospital!"

I could remain indifferent to the other injured people, but when I saw the injured from the Black Tiger Gang, I really couldn't just walk away.

After saying that, I was about to open the door, but Xiao Wang had already locked the door. Xiao Wang said: "Brother Hao, don't do it. There are many police here. You will be arrested as soon as you show up!"

"But..." I looked at the Black Tiger Gang members in the corner, feeling a wave of distress and discomfort in my heart.

What is the outcome of this war?

"It's okay, Brother Hao, leave it to me." Xiao Wang stopped the car and waved to a man in a white coat on the street: "Come here!"

His tone was strong and confident, and he felt like a leader. The driver who drove for the deputy mayor was different. To be able to come to Jiefang Street and drive an Audi car with a government license plate is certainly not an ordinary person. The man in the white coat came over immediately, and Xiao Wang Yi said arrogantly: "Why don't you care about the injured person on the street?"

The white coat groaned and said: "He, his injury is too serious, I'm afraid he won't be sent to the hospital..."

"Just what?!" Xiao Wang said with a serious face: "If you are about to die, don't you need to save him? You can save him however you want. Bastards are human beings too!"

Xiao Wang learned very quickly. The man in the white coat immediately nodded and bowed "yes, yes, yes", then called on several companions and rushed over. I breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Thank you." Xiao Wang said: "Brother Hao, please don't say that. But to be honest, Mayor Li and I have been together for so long, and we have met all kinds of gangsters. Quite a few, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone with such a humanitarian spirit as you.”

I smiled bitterly: "There is no humanitarian spirit, it's just because he is my brother."

The car continued to move forward. I looked at the wounded everywhere, and I felt an indescribable sadness in my heart. As a gangster, I shouldn't be this sad, but I can't control my emotions. I kept looking left and right. I knew I would be sad after reading it, but I still couldn't help but look. After reading it, I couldn't help sighing. If I could control it, I would never allow such a tragedy to happen. Why don't Miao Chenjiang and Ma Weishan do things without considering the consequences? When they see their brother die and get injured in vain, won't they feel a little sad and guilty in their hearts?

Xiao Wang is worthy of being the person next to the deputy mayor. He is naturally very good at observing people's emotions and observing people's feelings. He just heard him say: "Brother Hao, don't be sad."

I smiled bitterly and said, "You see it? Do you know what I'm sad about?"

"I know." Xiao Wang said, "When you see so much blood and so many people injured, you feel that this battle should not have happened, so you feel sad."

I smiled and said, "You do understand people's psychology quite well."

Xiao Wang said: "That is, I work in the government every day, and I have to respond to Mayor Li's look or action. In this business, the response is not fast, and a slight mistake will lead to big mistakes. You have to be careful every step you take.”

"Not bad." It turns out that being a driver also has so many advantages. If it were normal, I would be willing to chat with Xiao Wang, but now looking at the desolate Jiefang Street, where is there any thought for small talk?

Just listen to Xiao Wang say again: "Brother Hao, I usually hang out with Mayor Li, because he is in charge of this area, so I have also been exposed to a lot of underworld things. He always said that when Beiyuan has a The king of the underworld, black and white work together and work together, and only then will Beiyuan usher in true harmony."

I nodded. This is not the first time I have heard this theory.

"But." Xiao Wang continued: "Mayor Li also said that if a new king of the underworld is to be born, war and bloodshed are indispensable. So, for the sake of future harmony, the current chaos is indispensable. Hao Brother, you are a great contributor. Beiyuan can prosper and people can live and work in peace and contentment. You have made great contributions and your name will last forever."

Although I know that most of Xiao Wang's words are flattering, I feel much better after hearing them, and I am not as sad as before. Violence brings stability, and bloodshed brings peace. I hope Beiyuan will be safe in the future.

"Brother Hao, look!" Xiao Wang suddenly shouted.

I was originally looking to the side, but now I followed Xiao Wang's eyes and looked ahead. The middle of the road ahead was stretched over a large area by a yellow cordon, and in the middle of the cordon lay a dead man, who turned out to be Ma Weishan, the former lord of the city west of the city. Even if Ma Weishan is dead, he still looks cool with sunglasses on his eyes, as cool as the Terminator in the movie.

Ma Weishan's body has not been taken away yet, as if it was placed here to be despised.

Look, this is the result of being a gangster and being the boss!

Dead bodies on the streets!

Xiao Wang carefully walked around the cordon, pulled me out of Jiefang Street, and drove towards the south of the city. When we came to Kaiyuan Road, Xiao Wang asked me whether to take a detour or go straight. I said go straight and then I would look at Kaiyuan Road. The situation on Kaiyuan Road and Jiefang Street is similar, and after such a long time, the aftermath work here has been almost completed. There are not many injured people lying on the ground, but the blood everywhere and the messy streets are still symbolic. What kind of tragedy happened here.

Compared to Jiefang Street, my feelings for Kaiyuan Road are naturally deeper. Although I can’t say that I am very familiar with every plant, tree, brick and tile here, I will never forget the days when I was all-powerful here. Jinlangyu, Jinbihuanghuang, DT Bar, Forest Bar...familiar storefronts passed my eyes one after another. Every store was smashed to pieces, and Kaiyuan Road was even more damaged than Jiefang Street. But I believe that this place will definitely return to its original glory.

After leaving Kaiyuan Road, Xiao Wang's speed increased significantly. Although there were many obstacles along the way, no one dared to stop Mayor Li's car. It was basically like being in a deserted area. After getting on the highway smoothly, Xiao Wang rushed in the direction of Xinxiang. The speed was neither too fast nor too slow, just right, and he was very comfortable to sit. After a fierce battle, I felt quite sleepy, so I leaned on the seat and took a nap.

When I arrived in Xinxiang City, I called Tie Nian, who asked me to find a hotel to stay in. When Beiyuan City was lifted from the lockdown, he would take Teacher Yuan back and then go to Ye's house with me. After hanging up the phone, I asked Xiao Wang to go back first.

"Xiao Wang, slow down on the road."

After Xiao Wang left, I checked into an inconspicuous hotel that didn't require an ID card. After entering the room, I took a shower first, then lay on the bed to rest and watch TV. Later, Zhou Mo called me. I told her about the current situation, and she shouted that she wanted to come to Xinxiang City to accompany me. I said, "Xiao Momo, I'm on the run, not traveling. Can you be more serious? Just stay in Beiyuan with peace of mind. Don't run around these days. We haven't completely stabilized yet."

After hanging up the phone, I went downstairs to buy clothes, razors, mobile phone chargers, etc. After all, I didn’t know when the iron would come. In the evening, Ye Zhan called me and told me in detail what happened before and the current situation. This call lasted for more than two hours. Fortunately, I bought a charger in advance, otherwise I would have dropped the phone.

Listening to Ye Zhan's narration made my blood boil. When I heard that Chengnan was in danger and Meng Liang was forced to death by the prince, I was so nervous that I couldn't breathe evenly; when I heard that the prince fell, the mysterious man in white appeared and said in jerky Mandarin, "You are Mi Mengliang" "Ah", I shouted "Long live Mr. Yuan", and I knew with my toes that he had brought these people!

When I heard that the man in white could not distinguish the south of the city from the north, I was so anxious; when I heard that Zhang Beichen was almost hacked to death by Ma Weishan, I almost jumped up; when I heard that a big knife suddenly appeared and blocked Ma Weishan's attack, And when the man said, "It's scary, I seem to have caught up," I burst out laughing: "Brother Ma is here!"

Then, when I learned that Ma Wulong and Shi Dong could have regained their freedom after being released on medical parole, but in order to help me, they took the prison guard's key and released a large number of death row prisoners and serious criminals from prison, I Tears immediately soaked his eyes.

"Why are you so stupid, why are you so stupid!"

"Ma Wulong said before he left that he and Shi Dong would come back one day, and then they would have a good time drinking with you!"

"Okay, okay!" I was so excited that I could hardly speak. What more could I ask for if I have this brother?

Then, Ye Zhan told me the story of Yu Chengfei and Yuan Shao. It turned out that when Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan left, they discussed going to Guangdong to find Mr. Yuan. The two of them drove all the way south, walking and playing, just like traveling. Arriving in Guangdong a week later, the two of them didn't expect to find Yuan Shao right away. After all, Guangdong is a province, the place is quite big, and the place is unfamiliar to them.

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