Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 835: The melee is about to begin

Xiao Zhishan came over again and asked, "Brother Hao, can they still cut off their hands?"

I looked at the happy Zhou Mo next to me. As long as her anger subsided, my anger would also subside. I said: "Don't cut it, just give them a sum of money and forget it." Xiao Zhishan understood, turned his head and walked over there. Zhou Mo drove the car and took Xiao Song and me away.

The next day, Xiao Zhishan came to report and said that a total of five million had been paid. He also said that they were from Xinxiang City. It seemed that their families had some backgrounds. Their parents were either officials or in business. I said, "It doesn't matter where they are from. If you have the ability, come to Beiyuan to seek revenge from me."

Beiyuan is hundreds of kilometers from Xinxiang, and it only takes two or three hours to drive there. Moreover, they are all fast drivers, so it is not unusual to arrive in Dongguan in one day. After this incident passed, these second-generation rich people disappeared. At least they did not dare to cause trouble here in Dongguan. Li Shanman has never appeared on the street. The story of her being stripped naked at the foot of the back hill in Dongguan Town has been spread.

It is worth mentioning that after that night, Zhou Mo and I finally succeeded in that matter. It would be embarrassing to go into detail about this matter, so I’ll just talk about it briefly. Zhou Mo was so angry that he was very excited at night. We tossed and turned in bed, and finally broke through the last bottom line. After finishing the work, I quietly took the sheets to the bathroom to wash them. After washing, I put them on the heating pack. I should be fine if I work all night. After finishing these tasks, I got into bed again. The redness on Zhou Mo's face had not faded yet. She lay on my chest and said happily: "I am your woman!"

I hugged her shoulders, feeling a great sense of satisfaction and happiness in my heart. From this moment on, I will work harder for the future. From then on, like all young men and women who have tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, we had to come two or three times every night before going to bed. Being in Dongguan Town is like living in seclusion in the mountains. I haven't been involved in Beiyuan's affairs for a long time. There should be no problem with Ye Zhan operating there.

During the Chinese New Year, Xia Xue and the others, who were studying in college in Xinxiang, also came back. Except for the fact that Xia Xue could not be seen, Zhou Mo and I went to Beiyuan to play with Bai Qing and Taozi a few times, but we mostly stayed in Dongguan Town. Even if he went to Beiyuan, he would not care about the gang affairs and just be a real idler.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, there was a large fireworks show in the square in our town. I called Bai Qing and Tao Zi to Dongguan and took them to watch the fireworks together. After returning home, I was worried about how to rest, but I received a call from Ye Zhan, telling me that the civet cat in the west of the city had killed the prince in the east. This news shocked me and I almost jumped up with excitement.

The civet cat is Ma Weishan's subordinate, the one who came to see my condition and whose words and deeds are somewhat girlish; and the prince is Miao Chenjiang's subordinate, who is also a famous red stick in the east of the city and is good at beating. Miao Chenjiang has always liked it. He has a high status in the underworld in the east of the city. The raccoon cat killing the prince is a huge event, and it can definitely cause a melee between the east and west of the city. I immediately thought that this must have been arranged by Mr. Rong, and he had fulfilled his original promise.

I said excitedly: "We'll talk about it in detail when I get back."

That night, the three girls were sleeping in the bedroom, and I was sleeping alone on the sofa.

The next day, I returned to Beiyuan with my three daughters. In the villa, I met the senior leaders of the Black Tiger Gang whom I had not seen for a long time, including eight hall leaders and two guardians. Everyone was beaming with joy. I didn't hesitate and gave you red envelopes first. Give them not cash, but bank cards. Everyone sat together, not in a hurry to talk about the civet cat and the prince, but first talked about their respective experiences during the New Year. In my eyes, things in the east and west of the city are important, but they are not as important as my brothers.

After everyone finished speaking, I confirmed that they were all safe before letting Ye Zhan talk about the civet cat and the prince. Ye Zhan said that this happened just last night. There was no warning beforehand and everything was sudden. The civet cat went to the prince's place to take a bath, saying that he had a business to discuss with the prince. The prince opened a private room in the bath and talked with the civet cat while bathing. It is said that the prince was very cautious and asked his younger brother to search the civet cat to confirm that he did not bring any sharp weapons. Moreover, they had to strip naked when entering the bath. Both of their bodies were naked, and the prince was not afraid of the unarmed raccoon cat.

Half an hour later, the civet cat came out of the bath first, put on his clothes calmly, and left without showing any abnormality. After the civet cat left, the prince's younger brother waited around, and finally felt something was wrong. He pushed the door open and took a look. The water in the entire bath was dyed red, and there was a shocking gash on the prince's throat. This was a killing move, a vicious attack, and the prince didn't even have time to scream. According to the wound inspection, it was determined that it was cut by a razor blade. How did the tanuki hide the blade? Some nefarious people made up the story that the civet cat wrapped the blade in newspaper and hid it in its anus, then quietly took it out at the critical moment and killed the prince.

Of course, this is a rumor, and no one knows how the tanuki did it. This matter spread quickly, and the entire Beiyuan underworld was in an uproar. People said that Ma Weishan was avenging his previous revenge in the north of the city. Miao Chenjiang has not expressed his position for the time being, but some people say that he has begun to mobilize manpower to prepare for war with Ma Weishan in the west of the city. Miao Chenjiang sells guns, so he is quite powerful. Killing other forces instantly is just like playing tricks. But it’s not. After all, this is China, and no one dares to play with guns blatantly. Most gangsters buy guns for self-defense rather than for attack. The government is very strict in this regard.

Take me as an example. If I can kill someone with a knife, I will never kill someone with a gun. Other big guys have the same mentality. In China, guns are more serious than drugs. Miao Chenjiang's business is very cautious. Even if someone is willing to pay a large price to buy in large quantities, he does not dare to sell to others in large quantities. Once there is a gunfire incident, he is the first person the police look for, which is generally very troublesome.

Drugs are hugely profitable, and guns are even more profitable. Miao Chenjiang can sell pistols shipped from Yunnan for several hundred yuan each for several thousand yuan or even tens of thousands. The profit therein has increased by an unknown percentage, which is much better than that of a miserable dwarf mule. . In people's general consciousness, those who play with guns are better than those who play with drugs. Moreover, the supply exceeds the demand, and gangsters all want to get one for self-defense.

At present, the top leaders of the Black Tiger Gang are equipped with old-fashioned May 4th pistols, but they basically do not carry them with them unless there are special circumstances. They usually carry knives, sticks, etc., and generally daggers, which are light to carry. Kill with one blow. Only the desperate thieves and river-crossing dragons carry guns with them. Such people are usually already on death row. The so-called barefoot people are not afraid of those who wear shoes. They will fight for your life and dare to die with you, so you must not take the initiative to provoke them.

What I mean by all this is that although Miao Chenjiang has a large amount of arms, he will not use them to fight with others. Unless he really doesn't want to live, he is still willing to use cold weapons to resolve disputes.

As for Ma Weishan, he had already shouted from afar, saying that the civet cat was not sent by him. Moreover, the civet cat has disappeared. He can't find anyone at all, and he can't give an explanation to Miao Chenjiang. However, he is willing to pay any amount of money. Ma Weishan originally wanted to go to the east of the city to talk to the civet cat in person, but maybe he felt that he would be plotted once he went there, so he took no action for a day. Miao Chenjiang ignored Ma Weishan's explanation at all and was still silently mobilizing manpower. The entire city east was ready to attack.

Ma Weishan was helpless and had no choice but to defend himself. The vegetation in the west of the city was surrounded by soldiers and he did not even dare to sleep too deeply.

"After all, it's only been a day. The two sides are still in a confrontation. I don't know when Miao Chenjiang will take action."

I chuckled and said, "What's the reaction from the police?"

"The police must not sit idly by in this kind of underworld war. Pang Guohong is on fire now and wants to call the bosses from both sides together to talk. The current situation is that Ma Weishan agrees, Miao Chenjiang does not agree, and Pang Guohong is still mediating. .”

"We must not let Pang Guohong get into trouble." I said, "I'll go find him and see if I can get him to give up on making peace."

Ye Zhan asked again: "In addition to looking for Pang Guohong, should we do something else? For example, sow discord, add fuel to the fire, etc."

"No for now, let's wait and see what happens." I said, "Let's take a look before we talk. Don't make it self-defeating."

After talking to everyone, I immediately set off to find Pang Guohong. Halfway through the drive, I felt something was wrong, so I turned around and went to the city hall building. Pang Guohong and I have not reached the point where we can "talk about everything", but we have reached a point where Li Zhengyang and I can be honest about everything. When I came to Li Zhengyang's office, I sat down and chatted with him about some household matters, and then talked about things in the east and west of the city.

I said: "This is a good opportunity. If the two of them fight, they will both lose. I just happened to gather them together."

Li Zhengyang said: "The plan is good. But I want to know why the civet cat went to kill the prince so well? Logically speaking, Ma Weishan would not do such a stupid thing. Do you know what is fishy about this?"

"Uh..." Li Zhengyang saw through the key point of the matter at a glance, so I had no choice but to tell the truth: "The thing is like this..."

That day, I sat in Li Zhengyang's office for a long, long time and talked for a long, long time. Finally, Li Zhengyang promised me that Pang Guohong would turn a blind eye. "The police will definitely not ignore the underworld melee, but we can let it go."

With Li Zhengyang's words, I felt relieved. After bidding farewell to Li Zhengyang, I left the government building and came to the street of Beiyuan. It was just after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the roads were still decorated with lights; it had just snowed a few days ago, and the roads were a bit muddy. I recalled what Li Zhengyang said before, and secretly made some ideas and plans in my heart.

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