Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 750: Tweaking the tiger away from the mountain for devil_zou The sixth update

I turned my head and looked at Yu Chengfei next to me. The mountain wind ruffled his hair, but his eyes were still firm and his expression was still cold.

The hippo next to him couldn't help but said: "Why hasn't big brother come yet?"

Ma Teng said: "Call to urge me, the people on the other side are almost ready."

Maohou took out the phone and said after a while: "Busy signal, I don't know what brother is busy with."

At this time, the last group of people from the other party also arrived, and they saw a sea of ​​people on the other side, densely packed. I thought to myself: "It's so fucking weird that there's a fight." The most chaotic scene I've ever seen was just hundreds of people participating in the battle. Now there are thousands of people here, which is equivalent to a small war. Do you really think the Public Security Bureau is just a freeloader? If this continues, it's time for the army to be dispatched, right?

Black Yama on the opposite side said: "We are all gone. Where is Bai Yama? He invited me here, but why is there no trace of him?"

We looked at each other in shock, not knowing what to say.

Yu Chengfei's clear voice sounded: "Why are you in a hurry? Just wait."

Black Yama looked at Yu Chengfei and sneered: "Are you Yu Chengfei? Was it your men who killed Lao Qi?"

"Not bad." Yu Chengfei crossed his arms across his chest, with a stern face.

Black Yama looked at me next to Yu Chengfei again, and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "That's right, Bai Yama also brought the Black Tiger Gang over. I always thought the Black Tiger Gang had a neutral attitude."

This time, everyone's eyes were focused on me again. I said: "I have always advocated peace as the most important thing. But if someone offends my eldest brother, I must not sit back and watch."

"Oh?" Black Yama said, "Is your eldest brother Bai Yama?"

"No." I said, "My eldest brother is Yu Chengfei."

Black Yama looked at Yu Chengfei in surprise, but Yu Chengfei still stared at him with a stern face.

"Damn, what a mess of a relationship." Black Yama Luo scolded: "Whether we fight or not, where did that guy Bai Yama Luo die?"

At the foot of the mountain, Pang Guohong, director of the Beiyuan City Public Security Bureau, looked at the top of the mountain with a stern face. The densely packed figures on it already foreshadowed what a terrifying battle was about to take place. Li Zhengyang, deputy mayor of Beiyuan City, also arrived. Accompanied by his secretary, he came to Pang Guohong, and the two started a worried conversation.

"Can you start a fight?"

"I can't tell. Several people died last night. Both sides are a bit determined not to give up."

"If that doesn't work, send troops over. You rebelled against them. Do you really dare to cause such a big conflict here?"

"If it doesn't work, our government will come forward and call the Black and White Yamas together to mediate their affairs."

"It always feels a bit strange for a white man to make the decision for a mafia..."

"No wonder. As long as there is harmony and stability, this sacrifice is nothing."

After discussing it, Pang Guohong started calling Black Yama.

"Black Yama, you are not allowed to act rashly, otherwise I will go up and arrest you." Pang Guohong's voice was stern.

"Pang Bureau." Black Yama Luo said very arrogantly: "Can you leave this to Bai Yama Luo?"

"I have to say something to both of you. What the government means now is to call you two together and help you coordinate. It's okay for you to cooperate. If you don't, they will have to arrest you both."

"Pang Ju, if you open your mouth, I will give you face."

Pang Guohong breathed a sigh of relief, hung up the phone and said to Li Zhengyang: "Black Yama has made it clear, he still has to be afraid after all."

"That's right, we can kill him in minutes." Li Zhengyang said calmly: "Call Bai Yanluo again."

Pang Guohong picked up the phone again, but Bai Yanluo's number could not be connected.

"It's strange." Pang Guohong looked confused.

On the top of the mountain, the two sides had been facing off in silence for twenty minutes. Black Yama sneered and said: "It seems that your boss is afraid to come. Where are the remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals? Do you still want to fight? I will accompany you at any time!" The seven kings all laughed together.

We all have grim faces here, no one knows why Bai Yanluo hasn't come yet. Does he want to hide in the shadows and let the rest of us charge into battle? As a boss, there is no reason to be so stupid, right? If he wasn't here, who else would fight to the death?

Just when the other party was laughing endlessly, Hei Yanluo suddenly took out his mobile phone from his pocket. The scene suddenly became quiet. Black Yama picked up the phone and said arrogantly: "Hey, it's Bai Yama, why aren't you here yet? We've been waiting here for a long time, aren't we scared out of our wits?"

Our eyes are fixed on Black Yama. Black Yama's eyes suddenly changed, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. He quickly stepped aside, as if he didn't want the people next to him to hear. Then, he hung up the phone, frantically rushed to a car next to him, opened the door, got in, and drove away without saying hello to anyone.

At this point, both coaches are gone. Everyone was confused. Both sides were looking at each other, looking left and right. No one could figure out what was going on.

"Brother, what are you doing?" "Brother, what's going on?" "Call brother and see."

The Seven King Kongs on the opposite side were already in chaos. After a while, the third child said: "No, the eldest brother is not answering the phone. What should we do, continue to wait here?" Everyone looked at Donkey Kong, and the eldest brother said: "Wait!"

At this moment, Yu Chengfei's cell phone rang. Yu Chengfei picked it up and his face became solemn. After listening, he put away his cell phone and said to me: "Mouse, let's go." Then like Black Yama, he rushed towards a car next to him like a madman. I followed Yu Chengfei and got into the car. We rushed down the mountain quickly, leaving thousands of people in a daze at the top of the mountain.

We quickly rushed to the bottom of the mountain, and a large number of policemen looked at us speeding by, looking like they were confused.

"Tearing the tiger away from the mountain." Yu Chengfei said while driving: "Big brother is trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. He set up such a decisive battle and led everyone and the police to the top of the mountain, and then he took some people to do another thing."

"What's up?"

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out!" Yu Chengfei stepped on the accelerator, and the car seemed to fly away, "The thing that caused Black Yama to collapse!"

If we turn the time back five minutes ago, we can focus on Black Yama's factory compound. To the east of the compound is a residential area for ordinary people, with neat rows of low-rise bungalows. This place should have been full of joyful laughter, but it is different now than in the past. All the doors were sealed with wooden bars, and bursts of crying came from inside.

Bai Yanluo stood on the roof, with a dozen big men standing behind him. He happily called Black Yama. After hearing Black Yama ridicule for a while, he then asked him to listen to the cries nearby and asked, "Where do you think I am?"

"You bastard!" Black Yama scolded.

"Both each other." Bai Yanluo said, "Listen, come alone, no one is allowed to bring you, otherwise... you listen."

With a "boom", the sound of an explosion came to his ears, and the place where Bai Yanluo stood shook slightly. The first room in the row of bungalows at the foot had been reduced to rubble by the blast. The crying at his feet became even louder, and Bai Yanluo burst into laughter.

"I'll wait for you. If you don't come in twenty minutes, I will blow up the second room."

Bai Yanluo hung up the phone, stretched out a lot, and said to the person next to him: "Look how good it is. All the people, including all the police in Beiyuan City, are attracted to Sun Mountain. This place is not the only one." Has it become our world?"

There was a burst of laughter all around.

"Oh, by the way." Bai Yanluo said, "Call Yu Chengfei again and ask him to come and have a look."

When Yu Chengfei and I rushed to the factory compound, Bai Yanluo was standing high on the roof, the sun shining on his head with golden light; while Black Yama was kneeling on the ground, his eyes filled with tears. tears, teeth biting her lips tightly.

Countless cries and roars came from the bungalow, and the first room on the west side had collapsed. It looked like the traces of the explosion. Bai Yanluo squatted on the eaves and said to Black Yanluo, "Have you seen this remote control?" In his hand, he was playing with something similar to the size of a car key, which was covered with the numbers "12345678".

"Every time I press a button, a house explodes." Bai Yanluo made exaggerated movements: "BOOM!"

"Don't... don't..." Black Yama gasped, his whole face almost distorted.

I looked at this scene in shock. Even Yu Chengfei next to me, who had always been extremely calm, couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Bai Yanluo's actions have obviously exceeded the bottom line of human beings, and there is no difference between him and a terrorist.

"You are too young to fight with me." Bai Yanluo said coldly: "The south of the city is mine, and Beiyuan City is also mine. The king of the underworld in Beiyuan City must be me."

"It's yours, it's yours." Hei Yanluo kowtowed and said, "I was wrong. I will never gang up again. Please be kind and let these people go. I will disband the gang when I go back, and we will Never show up on Kaiyuan Road again."

"Hehe, you think things are too simple. This matter can only be solved if you die."

"Okay, I'll die, I'll die." Black Yama said, "Kill me and let them go."

Bai Yanluo stood up again and shouted: "Yu Chengfei!"

Yu Chengfei walked over and I followed. The two of us came to Black Yama Luo and looked up at Bai Yama Luo together.

"Pull Black Yama to a random place and kill him. I don't want to see dead people." Bai Yama shook the remote control in his hand.

Yu Chengfei bent down, pulled Hei Yanluo up, cut his arms behind his back, and took him to a remote and uninhabited place.

I looked at Yu Chengfei and then at Bai Yanluo. I just felt confused and had no idea what to do.

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