Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 644, Yuan Xiaoyi has to leave

Li Wenjuan also realized the danger. She screamed in fear and tried to struggle. But the gentle man's expression changed and he said fiercely: "Don't move, I'll beat you to death if you move again!" Li Wenjuan didn't dare to move anymore and had to let the gentle man push her upstairs. At the same time, a fierce fight broke out on the third floor. Two men and two women in the five-person group drew out their daggers, turned around, and started fighting with Zhao Gensheng and others. Seeing this situation, Qin Jiahong screamed even more cheerfully, but there was a little excitement in his voice.

A woman with short hair frowned and slashed at Qin Jiahong's head with a knife. Qin Jiahong yelled "Ouch" and turned over backwards. The rocking chair also turned upside down. This knife stabbed the back of the rocking chair. Qin Jiahong got up and ran towards the living room shouting "Oh my God!" The short-haired woman's eyes were cold, she drew her knife and was about to chase Qin Jiahong. Just as I took a step forward, I suddenly felt a chill on my lower back. Turning around, she saw a man with a scruffy beard standing behind her. The man said coldly: "You come to our Tongzilou to cause trouble, do you think you live too long?" The man's knife had already stabbed the short-haired woman's waist.

The short-haired woman looked back and saw that the fight in the stairwell had ended, and her companions had fallen to the ground. But they were not dead yet, they looked seriously injured, and they all looked painful. The residents who had followed them upstairs were all standing calmly, each with a grimmer look on their face. The short-haired woman suddenly regretted coming to this place. She didn't expect to be wiped out so easily.

The man pulled out the knife, and the short-haired woman slowly fell to the ground. Qin Jiahong came back, patted her chest and said, "I was really scared to death. I almost died in the hands of this little bitch. Gensheng, you saved me!"

This word "gensheng" made Zhao Gensheng tremble. He didn't expect that he was almost fifty years old and still couldn't resist Qin Jiahong's temptation. The battle was decided in an instant, not because of how powerful Zhao Gensheng and the others were, but because they were used to targeting vital points. The competition among masters is who can strike faster and harder. If something can be solved with one strike, never use a second strike. Although Zhao Gensheng was picking beans, he also had a knife hidden behind his back. This has been his habit for many years. The same goes for other residents in Tongzilou. They lived here in seclusion for some reason ten years ago, but they did not lose their due edge because of the dull life.

After dealing with these people, Zhao Gensheng and others quickly rushed upstairs. They were all worried about the safety of Li Wenjuan and Yuan Xiaoyi. Qin Jiahong's cry attracted the attention of the entire building, and almost all the residents rushed out and gathered on the fifth floor where Li Wenjuan lived. A series of coughs from Uncle Qi came from the fifth floor, and the gentle man was already yelling: "Old man, get away, or you will die too!" Uncle Qi coughed and said: "This is my granddaughter, what are you doing? Follow me, don't embarrass a little girl."

More than a dozen residents upstairs and downstairs witnessed the next scene together: the gentle man strangled Li Wenjuan's throat with one hand, and pointed a gun at the coughing Uncle Qi with the other hand. At the same time, he slammed his heel on the door behind him, preparing to call out Yuan Xiaoyi inside and kill him. As long as Yuan Xiaoyi is killed, the gentle man feels that he can escape. Because there is a large window on each floor of the corridor, and outside the window is the endless cornfield. He could escape simply by jumping out of the window.

"Get out!" The gentle man looked at Uncle Qi, leaving no room for negotiation.

A person upstairs said: "Do you think you can get out of this place?" More than a dozen people looked at the gentle man coldly. The gentle man felt great pressure, like an antelope accidentally wandering into a lion's habitat. . The gentle man doesn't like this feeling of fear. He feels that he should be a lion! Lions, you have to show the courage of a lion!

So without hesitation, he shot the man who just spoke. "Do you think I can leave!" He roared hysterically, with a wicked smile on his lips. He believed that this action had shocked everyone. This shot hit the speaking man in the leg. He didn't want to kill anyone casually. In the end, this shot only served as a warning. But the speaking man who was hit in the leg did not dodge, and his eyes were still staring at the gentle man coldly, letting the blood flow out from the hole in his leg.

Not only did he not move, but more than a dozen people upstairs also didn't move, as if no one took the shot seriously. There was silence for a moment, except for Uncle Qi's cough and Li Wenjuan's sobs. Someone downstairs said: "Wenjuan, don't be afraid, we will let this guy die." As soon as these words were spoken, everyone seemed to have been instructed and moved towards the gentle man at the same time.

Uncle Qi was still coughing. As he coughed, he said, "Look, trouble is coming, right?"

"Damn it, damn it!" The gentle man waved the gun back and forth: "Are you desperate for your life? Are you desperate for your life?!"

At this moment, the door behind the gentle man suddenly opened. Yuan Xiaoyi stood at the door, looking at the chaotic people outside the door, and couldn't help but let out an "ah" sound. The gentle man turned his head involuntarily, and at the same time adjusted the direction of the gun, preparing to kill Yuan Xiaoyi with one shot. At this moment, Uncle Qi suddenly made a move like lightning, pinched the wrist of the gentle man holding the gun, and twisted it inward. The gentle man let out a scream, and the pistol fell to the ground. Someone from upstairs flew up and kicked the gentle man on the cheek. The gentle man staggered and let go of Li Wenjuan's hand.

Uncle Qi, with his quick hands and eyes, grabbed Li Wenjuan's hand and dragged her out of the dangerous area. More than ten people surrounded him and beat the gentle man until he was rolling on the ground. Li Wenjuan gasped for breath. The scene just now really frightened her. Uncle Qi patted her back and said softly: "It's okay, it's okay." At the same time, he shouted to everyone: "Tug them away quickly."

The place was quickly cleaned up. Yuan Xiaoyi walked over nervously and asked timidly: "Are these people here for me? I'm sorry to cause trouble to you..." Uncle Qi looked up at Yuan Xiaoyi and said lightly: "You Let's comfort Wenjuan first, she's a little scared." Yuan Xiaoyi nodded, then pulled Li Wenjuan, who was still shaking, back to the house.

The residents of Tongzilou gathered around Uncle Qi's house and watched as Uncle Qi treated the wounds of the man who had been shot in the leg. Zhao Gensheng said: "It's because Brother Qi has this ability, otherwise Crazy Ma's leg would be lame." Crazy Ma said: "It's because Brother Qi is here that I can be so calm, otherwise I would have been scared to death. "Everyone burst into laughter. Although the process just now was thrilling, everyone was generally very excited, like a monk who had abstained from meat for many years and finally had a meal of meat.

Uncle Qi packed his tools. After everyone had finished laughing, he had almost finished cleaning up and said, "Yuan Xiaoyi has to go."

Everyone fell silent. Uncle Qi continued: "Don't forget the purpose of our living here. If Yuan Xiaoyi continues to stay here, it will definitely cause endless trouble. This will violate our original intention of living here and come back." What's the difference between Jianghu and Jianghu?" These words were reasonable and well-founded, and everyone became quieter.

"Call Wang Hao and ask him to come." Uncle Qi said calmly.

When I received Zhao Gensheng's call, the dinner was coming to an end. I touched my round belly and said, "Little Momo, can you take me somewhere?" When our Haomo action team came, it was Zhou Mo who drove the car. Zhou Mo said, "Where are you going?" I said, "Laoyapo Tongzi Tower." Zhou Mo was stunned for a moment and said, "Don't be kidding, where are you going?" I said, "Really going to Tongzi Tower."

Zhou Mo was dubious, but still took me there, while Qi Siyu and Ye Zhan went home first. Arriving outside the Tongzi Tower, I said, "Wait for me here. I'll come up to do something." After saying that, I got out of the car - in Zhou Mo's shocked eyes.

Zhao Gensheng called and said he had something to do but didn't say anything. I entered the Tongzi Tower and found that everyone was a little evasive towards me. I was a little strange, so I went to Zhao Gensheng and asked, "Uncle Zhao, what's the matter?" Zhao Gensheng said, "Uncle Qi has something to do with you." I came out again and went to Uncle Qi's house. After knocking on the door, I walked in and asked, "Uncle Qi, what's the matter?"

Uncle Qi sat down with a cough and said: "In the afternoon, five killers came to look for Yuan Xiaoyi." I stood up suddenly: "Then what?" Uncle Qi waved his hand: "Don't worry, we have already killed him." After killing them, everyone was thrown outside." Then he told the story of what happened before. Although Uncle Qi's words were very plain, I was still shocked to hear them.

"Thank you, Uncle Qi." I said with emotion: "I knew Teacher Yuan was the safest here. How is Uncle Crazy's leg? I'll go over and check on him later."

Uncle Qi shook his head and said: "Your crazy uncle is fine. But..."

I looked at Uncle Qi strangely.

"Yuan Xiaoyi, you can't stay in Tongzilou any longer."

"Why?" My heart beat faster and I looked at Uncle Qi puzzled.

"Because we don't want to cause trouble." Uncle Qi said calmly: "We just want to spend our old age in peace and don't want to get involved in any grudges."

"Uncle Qi..." I said with pleading in my tone: "Teacher Yuan is Ye Yuchen's fiancée. Don't you have a good relationship with Ye Yuchen's grandfather? Let Teacher Yuan live here, otherwise there will be no place for her. ”

Uncle Qi said: "One thing means another. Even if Ye Yushan comes in person, I won't agree. What's more, Yuan Xiaoyi is not Ye Yushan's appointed granddaughter-in-law. As far as I know, there should be someone else. ?Tell me who I should help from my perspective?"

I sighed, already understanding what Uncle Qi meant. I stood up, walked out the door, and knocked on the door opposite.

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