Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 562: Leave me alone

"Fuck, what the hell do you want to do?!" Fu Jiaming, who was nearest, was the first to react. With everyone's stunned expressions, he kicked Mustache hard on the waist. Mustache lost his center of gravity and fell to the side.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Fu Jiaming rushed over and punched Mustache's cheek hard. Mustache also reacted and slashed Fu Jiaming's cheek with a knife. Fu Jiaming dodged back, and when he was about to fight with all his strength with Xiaozi, Qiu Feng rushed over and kicked Xiaohu hard in the abdomen. The mustache let out an "ouch" and almost spit out bile. Qiu Feng stepped on Mustache's wrist, lowered his head and snatched his dagger. At the same time, Qiu Feng grabbed the collar of Mustache and pointed the tip of the dagger at Mustache's throat. "Damn, sneak attack on me?!" Qiu Feng cursed, pulled up his mustache and faced us.

"Nie Yuanlong, this is your fucking undercover, right?!" Qiu Feng stared: "Fortunately, I'm wearing protective gear, otherwise I would have been sent to the West with this knife! Hahaha!"

The mustache was sweating profusely and looked at me blankly. He didn't complete the task I gave him, and he looked very sad.

The fifth thing that jumped out of the plan. Seeing this scene, I panicked all over. I know who Qiu Feng is and how ruthless his methods are. If the mustache falls into his hands, there is no way I can escape intact! My hands were shaking, and I didn't know what to do at this moment. How to do how to do? ! Mustache's operation failed, we...

In the woods, nearly five hundred students on both sides were all stunned at this moment. No one expected such a scene.

"Brother Hao, what's going on?" Nie Yuanlong also looked at me anxiously: "What should we do now?!"

Damn it, I don’t know what to do! I looked at Qiu Feng blankly, and was about to say something, when I suddenly saw Qiu Feng raising the dagger high and shouting loudly: "If you want to be a traitor, you must have the consciousness to be a traitor!" Then he pointed fiercely at him. Stab his throat!

"No!" I yelled, my mind almost blank, and I rushed over without any hesitation.

Li Kai's words still ring in his ears: "A decisive battle involving you usually involves a human life case."

No, absolutely not! Mustache has done so much for me. He has not yet stood upright behind me and become my upright brother. I absolutely cannot let him die like this!

I want to rescue Mustache, absolutely!

But before I could even take two steps, an arm suddenly stretched out from behind. On the palm at the end of the arm, there was a sharp dagger, stabbing towards my throat! Faced with this sudden change, I could only stop.

The knife did not actually penetrate my throat, but stopped one centimeter away. My throat surged and I swallowed a large mouthful of saliva. The coldness from the tip of the knife penetrated my skin. Immediately afterwards, Nie Yuanlong's voice sounded from behind me: "Brother Hao, don't move. If you move, the dagger will penetrate. You know I dare."

Nie Yuanlong dares, I know he dares! He dared to throw Xiong Fei into the sea, and stabbing my throat didn't matter!

But what the hell is going on? Why did Nie Yuanlong attack me? !

My eyes looked at the opposite side, and under the threat of this dagger, I could only look at the opposite side.

On the opposite side, Qiu Feng was already laughing. His "hahaha" laughter resounded throughout the woods. Of course, his knife did not actually stab the mustache, but also stopped one centimeter away. I suddenly understood his intention, which was to lure me out so that Nie Yuanlong could control me. While I don't know when they got together, that's apparently what happened now. "Hahaha..." Qiu Feng was still laughing: "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, you think you are extremely smart and you think you can control everything, but you didn't expect that your cleverness will be mistaken for you now, right?"

"Brother Hao!" "Brother Hao!" The thirteen eunuchs behind him panicked, messy footsteps sounded, and they seemed to want to rush over.

"Don't fucking move." Nie Yuanlong said, "If you take one more step forward, your brother Hao will be stabbed with blood!"

"Fuck you Nie Yuanlong, you have the ability to fight us with real swords and guns!" The eldest son was the first to curse. Others also cursed: "Fuck you Nie Yuanlong, we helped you so much, and you turned against us?!" "You are really not a fucking thing, let our brother Hao go quickly, grandpas are in a good mood Let you live!"

Nie Yuanlong grabbed my hair and turned my body to the opposite side. I saw the ferocious faces of the thirteen Taibao, each one was very angry, and they wanted to rush over immediately and tear Nie Yuanlong into pieces. The tip of the knife suddenly stabbed me, with a cold sensation mixed with a little pain. I felt blood seeping out, and the cursing stopped abruptly.

"Scold me, keep scolding me?" Nie Yuanlong sneered: "I'm not a thing? Do you want to have a real fight with me? Hehe, do you really think I don't know what you want to do in private? Do you really think I'm being deceived by you? In the dark? A bunch of young people also want to dominate the vocational college? You deserve to be stepped on by me in this life! Today, none of you can escape!"

After Nie Yuanlong's voice fell, there was silence in the grove, and the entire sky seemed darker. No matter how hard the sun struggled, it finally failed to escape the shackles of the clouds. A gentle cold wind blew by, and pieces of snowflakes seemed to fall again.

I looked up and saw that it wasn't snowing, but that some of the snow on the trees had been blown off.

It failed...

My heart is like a pool of stagnant water, and it is useless to look for any excuse now. Failure is failure, and in a dangerous school like the Vocational College, failure may even cost you your life. I have always been cautious, step-by-step, and deliberate, killing opponents one after another, and overcoming difficulties one after another. When I thought victory was within my grasp,...

My fists clenched. The falling snow is falling in front of my eyes. I look at these brothers who have shared the joys and sorrows along the way, and my heart feels cold and a little painful... I'm sorry. I thought in my heart: Instead of leading you into the palace of glory, you have become a lamb on the enemy's chopping block. desolate? pain? despair? There seems to be no word that can accurately express my mood at the moment.

Mingming happily told Yu Chengfei this morning that he would welcome you back in a glorious way... In the blink of an eye, he fell into the trap jointly created by Qiu Feng and Nie Yuanlong. What a bullshit white paper fan, it turns out I'm... not qualified yet.

I looked at the heavy-looking faces across from me, Big Lao Er, Black Spider, One-eyed Dragon, Little Tornado, Wen Xin... The sadness in my heart suddenly reached an unprecedented peak.

Sorry, guys. Sorry, Brother Yu.

Let you...disappoint.

I lowered my head and closed my eyes, a tear falling from my eye.

"Iron block, iron block!"

In the staff dormitory, Yuan Xiaoyi shouted nervously.

"I saw it." Tie Nian's expression was solemn.

"Go and save him quickly." Yuan Xiaoyi's equally nervous face was as white as a sheet of paper.

"Wait a moment." Tie Nian's eyes were like a hawk, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

"Do you want to know how we saw through you?" Nie Yuanlong's voice was filled with a smile.

"I don't want to know." I said simply: "If you lose, you lose. There is no point in worrying about it."

"That's right..." Nie Yuanlong said: "I didn't expect you to be so open-minded. It really surprised me." Then he roared loudly: "Brother Feng, Wang Hao said he didn't want to know, why don't we Let’s just get straight to the point, shall we?”

"Okay!" Qiu Feng said: "As long as we catch the boss, the other stragglers will be easy to deal with!"

Although Qiu Feng was behind me, I could still hear the happiness and excitement in his voice.

"Chang Jian!" Nie Yuanlong shouted.

"Here." A student ran out of the crowd.

"Tell the brothers to kill all Wang Hao's people!" At the same time, Nie Yuanlong shouted: "No one is allowed to resist, throw them away now, otherwise I will kill Wang Hao now!" At the same time, Qiu Feng also shouted: "Fu Jiaming, kill all Qin Bo's people. If anyone makes the slightest move, I will kill Qin Bo! By the way, throw them all away!"

"Yes!" Deafening voices sounded from both sides at the same time. What students in the vocational college like most is killing.

"Kill me!" I also yelled: "Whether you resist today or not, I will not escape death in the end. So you must resist and kill your enemies happily!" I thought I I would be stopped mid-sentence, but Nie Yuanlong unexpectedly asked me to finish. After I finished speaking, Nie Yuanlong said: "That's not necessarily the case. If you are obedient and never resist, I will let Wang Hao live."

"Don't believe him!" I yelled: "Raise the machetes in your hands and fight them fiercely!"

Even if Qiu Feng and Nie Yuanlong unite, the mustache men and I can still be on par with them. No matter what the final result is, it will be extremely beneficial to Yu Chengfei. In short, I am willing to pay any price for Yu Chengfei’s victory!

"I asked you to throw this guy away!" Nie Yuanlong said harshly, and thrust the dagger over again, holding it against my throat.

"I count to three!" Nie Yuanlong shouted: "If you don't throw it away, Wang Hao will die now!"

I couldn't see Nie Yuanlong's expression, but I guessed that he must be ferocious and terrifying now.


Nie Yuanlong gasped.


The Thirteen Taibao opposite and the hundreds of students behind the Thirteen Taibao all stared at me blankly.

"Leave me alone!" I stared: "Fuck them!"

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