Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 536: So, what should I do?

Yuan Xiaoyi was usually very lonely, but now she felt quite happy to find a female companion for her. She pulled Xiaoxue to ask questions. Xiaoxue is the kind of girl with a cheerful personality, so it's not surprising that Yuan Xiaoyi can talk happily with her. Out of some considerations, I still found an opportunity to call Yuan Xiaoyi out and briefly tell her about Xiaoxue. Yuan Xiaoyi also angrily scolded Jia Tai, and vowed that she would never let Jia Tai get close to Xiaoxue again. "If he dares to come, I will throw him out with a piece of iron!" Yuan Xiaoyi looked upright. I think she is really the last conscientious teacher in the vocational college.

After explaining some things, I got up and left. Xiaoxue said: "Brother Hao, don't forget what you promised me!" I bit the bullet and said: "I got it!" But there was really no way. I'm not a god, so how can I help others get rid of drugs. And even if I have the ability, I am not willing to help Jia Tai. I feel sick when I see him. Just because you were a good person before, doesn't mean you are still a good person now. To put it this way, all the bad guys in this world were once good guys. Do they have a chance to be saved?

Although he thought so, after coming out of Yuan Xiaoyi's dormitory, he still knocked on the iron door opposite. Tie Niao opened the door and lowered his head slightly: "What's the matter?" The feeling of being looked down upon by Tie Niao was really... I said, "Is there any way you can get rid of drugs?" Since Tie Niao is in the underworld, he should have been exposed to this kind of drug. thing. Unexpectedly, Tie Niao said simply: "No." I said in shock: "No way?" Tie Niao said: "Even if you are sent to a drug rehabilitation center, the chance of relapse after coming out is very high." My eyes flashed. Liang asked, "Is the detoxification center easy to use?" Tie Niao said, "It's easy to use, especially easy to use. I'm sure you'll quit after you go in, but you won't be able to tell for sure when you get out." I laughed: "As long as it works, I'll give it a try." It doesn’t matter whether he quits after coming out or not.”

Since I agreed to Xiaoxue, I have to go ahead with this matter. Send Jia Tai to a drug rehabilitation center. He will have to live like this for a year and a half. Just leave it to fate whether he lives or dies. No one is in the mood to care about him anymore. As for Xiaoxue, after such a long separation, she can probably forget about Jia Tai and start a new life. After I got downstairs, I called Li Kai and asked him about the drug rehabilitation center. There really is one in Beiyuan City, and it is a compulsory drug rehabilitation center. If you can't quit, you are not allowed to come out. But it is really painful in there... I was overjoyed when I heard it. You should suffer, it is best to let you die. With the help of Li Kai, after running around all night, Jia Tai, who was still in a coma, was finally sent to a drug rehabilitation center. I wonder what his reaction will be when he wakes up the next day?

Thinking that he would live a life worse than death in the drug rehabilitation center, I happily lay on the bed in the dormitory and grinned happily. After a good sleep, he ran to Yuan Xiaoyi's dormitory early in the morning and told Xiaoxue the news. Xiaoxue was shocked after hearing this: "Jia Tai has entered a drug rehabilitation center?" I smiled and said, "Yes, I acted fast enough, right?" Xiaoxue asked again: "How long will I stay?" I said, "Then I don't know, it depends on when Jia Tai can quit. It may be a year and a half, it may be three or two years, who knows." Xiaoxue was completely stunned after hearing this, and two lines of tears fell down. I had expected that she would be like this, so I said coldly: "You said you asked me to help him detoxify, and now that I have helped him, why are you still crying?" Xiaoxue curled her lips and said: "It's not Brother Hao, I didn't blame you, It's too late for me to thank you. What makes me sad is that I didn't even see him for the last time."

"Why are you still seeing him?" I glared deliberately: "Didn't you promise yesterday to break up with him and forget about him from now on? And now you're regretting it? Do you need to take him out of the drug rehabilitation center again? Let me tell you, most people can’t get into this drug rehabilitation center! Do you know how much it cost me to send him there?”

Xiaoxue was stunned by me and said quickly: "Brother Hao, I broke up with him and don't miss him anymore."

Actually, I'm not trying to bluff her. It's really hard to get into a drug rehabilitation center. The key is that it charges a fee, and it's not cheap. The thought of spending money on that scumbag Jia Tai makes my body ache...but I always feel that it's for Xiaoxue's own good, so it's worth it. I knew it was impossible for Xiaoxue to say "I don't think about him anymore" now, so I sighed and said, "Xiaoxue, Jia Tai has entered a drug rehabilitation center now. You can't meet him casually, so you might as well take advantage of this time." Take a rest. Teacher Yuan has a lot of books here. You can read more if you have nothing to do. Teacher Yuan also knows how to play the guitar, so you can learn from her."

Xiaoxue wiped her tears, nodded and said, "Yeah, Teacher Yuan sang for me last night."

I thought, this is good, Teacher Yuan will definitely be able to influence Xiaoxue. Then he deliberately said with a straight face: "You will be living here these days, and you are not allowed to run anywhere. Do you understand?!" Xiaoxue nodded, grabbed my lapel and said, "I understand, Brother Hao." He looked cute and well-behaved. , very much like the little girl next door. Such a good girl was really ruined in the hands of Jia Tai.

However, I have to scare her a few more times: "You must forget Jia Tai and treat this person as dead!"

When Xiaoxue heard this, she blinked her eyes and said, "No, Jia Tai will not die..." Tears flowed down.

When I saw her like this, I was so angry that I really hated iron. I shouted again: "Why are you crying! That kind of person died to save air for the earth and food for the country. It's not too late for the whole world to celebrate! You If you have such leisure, why not think more about how to honor your parents! Did your parents give birth to you and let you degrade yourself for such a scumbag? "

Xiaoxue didn't dare to talk back to me, but her tears were still flowing.

I wanted to curse a few more times, but Yuan Xiaoyi, who had been listening beside me, said, "Wang Hao, come out!" and pushed me out of the door.

When we came to the corridor, Yuan Xiaoyi closed the door and said angrily: "Why are you always being mean to Xiaoxue?" I said: "Teacher Yuan, Xiaoxue is a girl. If she is not mean, she doesn't know what to do." !" Yuan Xiaoyi said: "You are so evil, why are you asking her parents? Don't you know she is an orphan?" When I heard this, I was shocked: "Ah? I don't know!" Yuan Xiao Yi said, "I really don't know? She told me last night." I patted my head and said, "I really don't know. What else did she tell you?"

After Yuan Xiaoyi told her, I realized that Xiaoxue had really talked to her a lot. Last night, they had a long talk. I've known Xiaoxue for so long, but I don't know as much as Yuan Xiaoyi did after meeting her for one night. Xiaoxue is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. It was an inhumane place, so Xiaoxue never had many friends. She even had autism before and almost never communicated with others. In the eyes of other classmates, she was a weirdo. It wasn't until Xiaoxue entered the vocational college and met Jia Tai that another chapter of her life opened. Jia Tai pursues Xiaoxue and praises her as the most beautiful princess in the world. Xiaoxue had never heard such praise since she was a child. She soon became intoxicated by Jia Tai's sweet words and gave her whole heart to him.

When Yuan Xiaoyi said this, I immediately remembered that when Xiaochun introduced Xiaoxue, she said that her boyfriend was extremely bad. The only advantage was that he had a good mouth and could trap Xiaoxue firmly. From this point of view, Jia Tai's mouth is really amazing.

In short, when Jia Tai chased Xiaoxue, he praised her as a unique and beautiful girl rare in heaven and earth. As a result, Xiaoxue's personality changed greatly, from inferiority to self-confidence, and from introversion to cheerfulness. From this point of view, Jia Tai really deserves the most credit. He was the one who changed Xiaoxue. But he actually did this for a reason. Of course Xiaoxue didn't say that, I just analyzed it from the story. Jia Tai and Xiaoxue spent a sweet period, which made Xiaoxue think that she was the happiest princess in the world and that the world was full of beauty and happiness. But the fox's tail was not hidden after all. Jia Tai took drugs and gambled and often became penniless. Xiaoxue was also an orphan and could only receive some state aid. As a result, the two lived very hard and often couldn't even pay the rent. In this case, Jia Tai finally extended his claws to Xiaoxue.

Of course, in this story, any words that slander Jia Tai were added by me. In Xiaoxue's original words, Jia Tai loved her deeply and was forced to do anything. Only bystanders know better, so I tell the story objectively.

When the two of them were so poor that they could barely afford steamed buns, one night, Jia Tai took Xiaoxue to a restaurant and ordered a table full of food. Xiaoxue said in shock: "Where did you get the money?" Jia Tai said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, as long as you can eat well." Xiaoxue trusted Jia Tai and started eating immediately. After eating, Xiaoxue patted her belly and said, "Hubby, where did you get the money?" Jia Tai still smiled and said, "Before that, I want to tell you a story."

"Oh, tell me." Xiaoxue sat upright.

"Let me ask you first, do you want to marry me?"

"I do, of course I do!" Xiaoxue's eyes lit up: "Husband, we'll get married as soon as we graduate, okay?"

"Okay, okay." Jia Tai said, "But my family's conditions are not good, and you are also an orphan. We have no money, how can we get married?"

Xiaoxue shook her head and said, "No money is needed. All I need to do is marry you."

"No." Jia Tai said seriously: "If I want to marry you, I must marry you in a glorious way. I must have a house and a car!"

When Xiaoxue heard this, she was extremely moved and said: "Husband, you are so kind..."

"So, having no money has become our biggest problem." Jia Tai sighed longly: "Without money, I can't buy a house and a car, and I can't marry you home."

"Then, what should we do?" Xiaoxue asked innocently and innocently.

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