Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 509, fart

I was shocked. I didn't expect Iron Block to shoot so early. Qiu Feng was also shocked, his eyes widened, cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, and even a stink came from his crotch. Behind Qiu Feng, the students who were noisy just now all became quiet now. The gunshot was heard by most people.

The sound was indeed coming from the iron gun. But the strange thing is that Qiu Feng did not fall down. He was still standing in front of me, and I could clearly hear his rapid breathing. This...what's going on?

The muzzle of the gun that was close to Qiu Feng retracted from my shoulder again, and there was only a "clacking" sound coming from behind, and the iron block seemed to be fiddling with his pistol. Soon, Tie Nian moved the pistol over again and pointed it at Qiu Feng's forehead again.

"The discharge of the empty gun was purely an accident." Tie Nian said, "Let's do it again. Will you let me?"

So that’s it!

Large beads of sweat dripped from Qiu Feng's forehead, and the trembling muscles on his cheeks revealed the fear in his heart. Without any extra words, his body slowly took a step back. And I took a step forward holding Li Wenchao. After taking a step back, Qiu Feng's psychological defense completely collapsed and he stepped back one after another, while I also moved forward one after another. During the whole process, Iron Block's pistol never left Qiu Feng's forehead. The students have automatically divided into two sides, allowing us to move forward unimpeded. In the open space below the dormitory building, every pair of eyes is looking at us.

After walking a dozen steps, I saw Nie Yuanlong and three red sticks standing in the crowd. I pretended not to see him and kept walking. Nie Yuanlong's voice rang out: "Who said not to let Wang Hao leave this building just now? Why are you escorting him out now?" The tone was full of ridicule and sarcasm, and it was really not a big deal to watch the excitement. Qiu Feng gritted his teeth and seemed to want to retort to Nie Yuanlong, but because the gun was pointed at his forehead, he could not say a word and could only continue to retreat step by step.

There were so many students around. I really suspected that the whole school was out, and many of them had weapons in their hands. If they all pounced on them, even a handful of micro-push wouldn't be enough. After walking a little further, I saw Black Spider, Da Laoer and the others, so they all shouted "Brother Hao, Brother Hao". I nodded to them and continued walking. The three of us kept moving forward, and the students around us moved with us. When we arrived at the school gate, a shabby taxi was waiting for us. The unshaven old man who is the car god of Taiyangshan rolled down his car window and said in amazement, "It's such a big show!"

"There's no time for nonsense." I learned the uncle's "talking" skill last time, and I know that once he starts talking, he won't stop talking. I put Li Wenchao in the back seat, and then I squeezed in. Tie Bian adjusted the passenger seat and barely managed to stuff his huge body into it. "Municipal People's Hospital." I said my destination. As soon as the uncle stepped on the accelerator, the car sped out, leaving a large group of students behind. I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Tie Nian." Tie Nang said, "It's not over yet." I said "hmm" in confusion, and Tie Nang continued, "If the speed is not fast enough, your brother may die. Lose."

As soon as he heard the words "not fast enough", the driver suddenly became furious: "What did you say?! Not fast enough?!"

At the entrance of the Municipal People's Hospital, I got out of the car with Li Wenchao in my arms, and Tie Nian stood next to me.

"Look for me next time if you need anything!" The driver waved at me and drove away quickly.

"I didn't expect you to have such a talented person." Tie Nian looked at the fleeting figure of the car and said with admiration, "Beiyuan City really has hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

"Well, let's go into the hospital quickly." I rushed into the hospital with Li Wenchao in my arms and ran directly to the emergency department. As soon as the doctor saw Li Wenchao, he knew something was wrong. He immediately arranged for surgery and sent Li Wenchao to the emergency room. When the red light in the operating room turned on, I sat on the bench outside and breathed a sigh of relief. Tie Nian sat next to him and said, "It's okay."

After hearing this, I felt more like I had received reassurance, because Tie Nian's words had always been reliable, and if he said it was okay, it must be okay. So, the two of us chatted outside. Although we have never had anything in common (Brick and I have more in common, and we can chatter for a long time together), we can still chat casually. Tie Nian said: "I didn't kill him. It's not that I didn't dare to kill him, it's just that there were too many students nearby. Even the underworld wouldn't kill people so arrogantly." I nodded to show that I understood, and then frowned and asked : "The sound of an empty gun..." Tie Nian said: "I arranged it deliberately. To deal with such a person, a single sound of an empty gun can make you wet your pants. Of course, this method can only deal with rookies."

In my eyes, Qiu Feng is a big boss who is difficult to defeat; in Tie Nian's eyes, he is a worthless rookie.

"It's really interesting." I said, "Can you teach me how to do it? I will scare my enemies like this in the future."

"Okay." Tie Nian readily took out his gun. I took it and held it in my hand. This thing was heavy and cold, but it gave people an indescribable sense of solidity. This is something that steel pipes and machetes cannot give. Next, Iron Block taught me a lot of knowledge about firearms, including how to load the gun, how to load the gun, how to aim, and of course how to empty the gun. He took the trouble to demonstrate it to me over and over again. "Of course, marksmanship cannot be mastered overnight." Tie Nian said: "It requires a lot of practice and actual combat to make progress." At this point, he paused: "Of course, the country has stricter gun management, even if Ordinary gangsters will not use guns casually. Under normal circumstances, it is better to use cold weapons to solve problems. Once a gun is used, the matter will be serious, and the relevant departments will definitely pursue it to the end. Although using a gun to kill is quick and effective, it is difficult to deal with the aftermath. But it’s much more troublesome than killing someone with a knife.”

"So in many cases." Tie Nian played with the gun in his hand: "Guns are just things to scare people. Take our Xinxiang City as an example. When members of two gangs have violent conflicts, they try to use cold weapons to fight. Solved. You will never use a gun unless absolutely necessary. Even if you use it, you must quickly handle the funeral affairs. It is very troublesome to provoke the pursuit of the policeman. Even if you have a strong relationship with the policeman, you should avoid looking for these things. It’s better to be in trouble.”

Iron Nugget talks endlessly when talking about these things, just like Brick always gets very excited when talking about fighting.

Hearing this, I said with some worry: "Last time you fooled the police with a toy gun, what should you do this time?" This time the gun was fired into the sky, but all the students heard and saw it. Tie Nian showed his idiotic smile again: "Don't worry, I have my own solution." I said distressedly: "You still don't tell me?" Tie Nian nodded, grinned and said, "Yes."

I slapped my forehead in despair, wondering why Tiebang wanted to hide this from me.

While they were chatting, the door to the emergency room suddenly opened and a doctor came out. Tie Nian frowned, and I also felt strange. It couldn't be so fast. The doctor came to us, took off his mask, shook his head and said: "We tried our best, but it still doesn't work. You sent us a little late, we have lost too much blood, and many important meridians have been severed... You are not His family, right? It’s better to notify his family as soon as possible, otherwise they may not even see each other for the last time.”

"What?!" It was like a thunder exploded in my mind, how could it be possible, how could it be possible? ! Didn’t you say it’s okay? Why is this still happening? ! How can I explain this to my beautiful sister! My expression was numb, and I felt like I was stupid. I couldn't help but pull the doctor's arm, and begged: "Doctor, I beg you, please try again. That kid's vitality is very tenacious, he won't be like this." You can die easily, you must never give up, you must never give up..."

Despair spread in my heart, and my voice became choked with sobs. Thinking of the moment when Li Wenchao stood in front of me, my heart felt like a knife, and I was so distressed that I almost couldn't breathe. How could such a good brother die?

But the doctor still shook his head: "Based on my ten years of medical experience, I can confirm that this child is hopeless. You'd better express your condolences and please notify his family as soon as possible." After saying that, he threw off my arm and said To turn around and leave.

My mind was pounding, and I tried to get the doctor to say something, but nothing came out.

Is Li Wenchao hopeless? Is death certain?


Behind me, a big man over 1.9 meters tall suddenly said these two words from his mouth.

The doctor suddenly turned his head and looked at the iron block angrily: "Who are you talking about?" Even though the iron block was so much taller and stronger than him, he was not afraid at all. Because this is a hospital, and his prestige has always been very high.

"I'm talking about you." Tie Nian said: "That child can still be saved. I gave him the best hemostatic medicine, and also performed simple care on his severed meridians to maintain his last vestige of life. You If you can't save him, it's because of your incompetence. Don't easily conclude that the injured person is incompetent."

"Who do you think you are?!" the doctor said angrily: "I have been working in this hospital for ten years, and no one has ever said that my skills are not good! And because of my superb medical skills, I will be promoted next month. Now I’m the deputy director!”

Tie Nian sighed and said to me: "I just said that you are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Beiyuan, but now I know that there are many arrogant Yelangs."

"Who are you saying is arrogant?!" The doctor almost yelled: "You are so powerful, go in and save me!"

"Prepare me a mask and gloves." After Tie Nian said this, he opened the door and entered the emergency room.

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