Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 504, It turns out to be you!

"Hao, Brother Hao..." Liu Xiangrong looked up at me with a slightly fearful look.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a frown, pretending to look around at the other students in the class, but actually my eyes met with Xiao Mao's. Xiao Mao also had a confused look in his eyes, and he obviously didn't know much about Liu Xiangrong's situation. Liu Xiangrong supported the wall and stood up with difficulty. He was panting for such a simple movement and his face was a little pale. "Brother Hao." He called me again, then took my arm and walked to his seat. I still looked at him strangely. Liu Xiangrong sat down and asked Li Wenchao to move a chair for me. After I also sat down, Liu Xiangrong said: "Li Wenchao, let them all go out."

Although the voice of this sentence was low, all the students in the class heard it. Without Li Wenchao saying anything, everyone stood up and walked out consciously. Soon, Liu Xiangrong and I were the only two people left in the classroom, while Li Wenchao was guarding the door of the classroom.

"Brother Hao." Liu Xiangrong said with a little sweat on his forehead: "Tomorrow's battle with Zhang Yunfei, will you come and help me?"

"Ah?" I was a little stunned. I didn't expect Liu Xiangrong to make this request.

"I've thought about it." Liu Xiangrong said with some frustration: "With my current physical condition, I may not be Zhang Yunfei's opponent even in a sneak attack. So you should come and help me. The two of us can definitely kill Zhang Yunfei together. "

"This..." I said, "Tell me first, what happened?"

"Zhang Yunfei came to see me just now." Liu Xiangrong said: "He said he came to me to discuss business. I felt uncomfortable when I saw him, so I said in a very angry tone: What kind of business do you want to discuss? He said he wanted to buy cigarettes from me, but he If you don’t have any cash, can you exchange something for something?”

I was a little confused: "What is bartering? What does he want to exchange for?"

Liu Xiangrong continued: "He said that his chickens cost 200 yuan a shot, which is the same price as my 200 yuan cigarette. Of course, this is not the key. Who in the school doesn't know that I am worthless? If I had goods in hand, would I still be deceived by the loan shark arranged by him? So I concluded that this guy must be here to insult me. I scolded him very unhappily: "Go away, those ugly guys in your hands are cheating on me." Don't want it either.' Then he got angry and said that I don't know what's good and what's wrong. Why do I curse people all the time. I said, 'I'll just call you a bitch. Do whatever you want.' Then he pulled out his knife and slashed at me. . I didn’t take it seriously, so I pulled out the machete from the drawer and blocked it. Who would have known that I couldn’t stand it at all when the knife was struck, so I took a few steps back and sat down on the wall. Zhang Yunfei didn’t continue to hit him, just hit him hard. He snorted, turned around and left..."

I frowned and analyzed Zhang Yunfei's behavior from Liu Xiangrong's story. As soon as he came up, he poked at the sore spot in Liu Xiangrong's heart. It was typical that he wouldn't open the pot and pick up the pot. This was deliberately to make Liu Xiangrong angry. Then a conflict occurred and it was natural for a fight to begin. Zhang Yunfei was obviously prepared, and he slashed Liu Xiangrong to the ground with one strike. But he did not continue to attack after that. He just turned around and left with an insulting "hum", giving Liu Xiangrong a heavy blow and making him doubtful and disappointed in his own strength. was a natural thing for Liu Xiangrong to ask me for help.

What a Zhang Yunfei, you are trying to drag me down. Not satisfied with giving you a chance to kill Liu Xiangrong, you actually want to kill me as well? ! The human heart is so incompetent, why the hell do you really think you are Lu Bu alive?

"Brother Hao, you have to help me." Liu Xiangrong grabbed my arm and said pitifully, as if he was treating me as a life-saving straw. I frowned slightly and said nothing, thinking in my mind: If Liu Xiangrong and I come together, it will be easy to deal with Zhang Yunfei. But I arranged this situation not to kill Zhang Yunfei, but to kill Liu Xiangrong.

Then he said: "Brother, I really want to help you. But if I take action, it will be premeditated by us. How to explain it later? Don't worry, if it is a sneak attack, there is no problem in killing Zhang Yunfei. Look at Zhang Xiaoyong, is he as good as me? He cut me twice and chased me like a lost dog."

"No, no." Liu Xiangrong shook his head: "I can't beat Zhang Yunfei, I can't beat him... I can't bear any of his stabs... Alas, my body is completely destroyed, I shouldn't have touched him if I had known That thing." Obviously, his spirit has been completely destroyed by Zhang Yunfei. When I came in just now, I could tell when I saw him leaning against the wall in a daze. Zhang Yunfei came here with premeditation and purpose. It was obvious that this move was very successful, which made Liu Xiangrong think that he could never defeat Zhang Yunfei.

"Also." Liu Xiangrong continued: "There is no need to consider whether Brother Long will pursue the case afterwards. Let's tell the truth. Anyway, it was Zhang Yunfei who designed to harm me first. Isn't it right for me to kill him and find someone to kill him? Brother Long Why don’t you help me!”

"Brother Hao, please help me!" Liu Xiangrong's tone was very sincere, and he was about to cry in a hurry.

When he said this, I was speechless. Although Liu Xiangrong didn't ask me how I knew the secret, Nie Yuanlong made sure to ask me afterwards. There is no other way but to push Xiaomao out when the time comes. Whether Xiao Mao lives or dies has nothing to do with me. Thinking like this, he nodded heavily: "Okay, then I'll help you!" But he made up his mind that even if he went into battle tomorrow, he would just do it perfunctorily. It would be interesting not to go up and make up for it when Zhang Yunfei was slashing Liu Xiangrong. Anyway, He would never help Liu Xiangrong kill Zhang Yunfei. Although they will go into battle tomorrow, the plan remains unchanged, and Liu Xiangrong will still be killed.

"Brother Hao, thank you." Liu Xiangrong said with excitement: "You are much better than Brother Long!"

I was smiling on my face, but I was saying in my heart: "Quickly knock me down, I'm even darker than your brother Long!" I have to use extremely dark methods to deal with you guys who have no conscience. OK.

After agreeing to Liu Xiangrong's fight, I left his classroom. On the way back, I went over the whole thing in my mind. When I thought of "Zhang Yunfei deliberately hit Liu Xiangrong so that he asked me to help him fight together", I suddenly felt a chill on my back. Zhang Yunfei dares to do this, which only proves that he is sure of victory! Killing both of us at the same time is definitely not possible given his strength, so he must have arranged other helpers... who could they be? But no matter who it is, I'm afraid they can't let me do it perfunctorily. After Liu Xiangrong was killed, I fell into the attack of two people, which was 100% doom and gloom!

Thinking of this, I regretted agreeing to Liu Xiangrong's fight. I dug a fucking hole for myself.

what to do? I lowered my head and thought hard, frowning, as if I was getting involved again. On the way back, Li Wenchao stayed with me. He kept touching his head and had no idea what was bothering me. Back in class, I haven't figured out a way yet. It would definitely be inappropriate to tell Liu Xiangrong that I can't play now. After thinking hard all afternoon, I still couldn't find any solution. I felt that this was too difficult, so I dug a hole and buried myself in it. This white paper fan was really difficult for my grandmother. I thought I was quite smart, arranging this and that, but Zhang Yunfei disrupted all my plans with a random change.

Your sister, why is it so difficult to play a stratagem? I know the thirty-six stratagems by heart, but none of them are useful now!

Lying in bed at night, I still had no clue. Thinking that the war will start tomorrow, I can only prepare for the worst, that is, run away as soon as the fight starts. It is really embarrassing to run away if you can't beat me, but it is much better than being killed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang suddenly. I picked up the call, and a mustache's voice came from inside: "Brother Hao, I'll wait for you at the bottom of the dormitory building."

I quickly put on my clothes and went downstairs. I didn't know why Mustache wanted to see me so late. When I came downstairs of the dormitory, I looked left and right and saw no one. I saw a cigarette butt flickering in the corner, as if calling me over again. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a mustache. Mustache hid in the darkness, stamped out the cigarette butt, and said, "It's safer this way. I'm afraid of being seen by others."

I smiled appreciatively and said, "What do you want from me?"

"Brother Hao, I just received an arrangement from Qiu Feng. Tomorrow I will go into battle with Zhang Yunfei to kill you and Liu Xiangrong!"

My eyes widened, and joy surged in my heart: "It's you?! Are you the one who arranged the battle?!"

"Yes." Mustache didn't know why I was so happy, and said sadly: "Brother Hao, I don't want to fight you, what should I do now? How about I help you kill Zhang Yunfei tomorrow."

"No, please don't!" I was overjoyed, which made sense when I thought about it. The entire vocational college thinks that the person who hates me the most is Mustache, and this guy will kill me whenever he gets a chance. It was based on this consideration that Qiu Feng arranged for Mustache to appear in the battle.

It’s just that he doesn’t know that Mustache is actually mine!

Now, I really want to look up to the sky and laugh. There is really no end to the road, and good luck is still on my side.

"Brother Hao, I see you look very happy?" Mustache was a little confused: "What on earth is going on?"

"I don't have time to explain so much to you." I said: "When the fight starts tomorrow, we will fight together quickly. Of course, we can't really fight, just mean it. But in order to make the acting more real, we can do this …”

Then the two of us simulated fighting downstairs, pretending that he was holding a knife and I was holding a knife. How should I dodge when he cuts me; how should I look at him and how should he dodge. It was made clear every time that it looked very dangerous to outsiders, but the two of us knew that it was nothing at all. It was definitely much better than the "fake fight" of the four generals and the four red sticks!

(Updated at 10 o'clock tonight~)

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