Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 358, All the way to the end

"Don't talk, don't talk." Brick said tremblingly, "Save your strength, we have to go to the operating table soon."

As expected, Yang Mengying didn't speak anymore, but her eyes were closed, and there was still a slight smile on her cheeks.

"Hey, hey, don't sleep." Brick said softly: "It's so cold outside, how can you sleep here? Go home and sleep."

There was a cry all around, and several girls shouted: "Second sister, second sister, wake up..." I was still standing completely stunned, and my whole mind was numb, how could this happen, how could this happen? ?

Just listen to He Juan shouting: "Get out of the way, the doctor is here!" At the critical moment, she remained awake. He Juan took a few steps and pulled the girls and Brick away. The doctor in a white coat rushed over and began to examine Yang Mengying. I took a few steps back tremblingly, almost afraid to listen to the doctor's diagnosis.

The beating on the steps continued. Dozens of police officers rushed up to pull everyone apart and dragged out the dying Hou Shengshuo. At this time, the doctor also stood up, shook his head and said: "It can't be done. The person is dead. You can express your condolences."

My mind buzzed, and I fell to the ground. Several girls burst into tears. He Juan grabbed the doctor's collar and said angrily: "How is it possible? Didn't he just get shot? Why did he die so quickly? You should try to save him at least, right? ?!" The doctor shook his head and said, "Stay calm. This shot in the heart will make you unable to recover." He Juan cursed angrily: "You quack! Don't talk nonsense like this, okay? ? At least take the person back to the hospital and try to save her again. There are a lot of advanced medical equipment there, and they will definitely be able to revive my second sister!"

The doctor pushed He Juan away, shook his head and said, "It's totally unnecessary, the person is already dead." He turned his head indifferently and left with the caregivers. He must have seen too many dead people and was used to it. This is the scene.

Several girls burst into tears, tears covering their faces. Brick seemed unable to accept this reality. He stood aside and stared blankly at Yang Mengying, his eyes as big as camel bells, and his whole body seemed to have been hollowed out of his soul.

Li Kai walked over and looked at Yang Mengying, and also sighed. He turned to look at me, squatted down and took off the handcuffs on my hands, and said softly: "There is a life case, so we won't care about you for the time being. We Take Hou Shengshuo back, and you should quickly contact the family of the deceased and send her to the morgue. People cannot be resurrected after death, and we have seen a lot of people in this business, so please give us your condolences."

After saying these words, he left with the policemen. Everyone gathered around, some were sobbing softly, some were lowering their heads and lamenting, the snowflakes were flying endlessly, and those who were floating were upset. The blood on Yang Mengying's body flowed down the steps, staining a small patch of snow around her red. Yu Chengfei came over and pulled me up, and said to everyone: "Go find a car outside to take Yang Mengying home, ask her family what to do, and help while everyone is here." Even He Juan collapsed. When it was over, only Yu Chengfei could remain calm. He calmly directed everyone, and when he ordered people to look for a car outside, he said: "Ordinary cars are definitely not willing to kill people. You can go outside and find a driver who is familiar with us, and you can pay ten times the usual price." He said to Zhou Mo and the others: "Don't tell the truth when you call. Just say that something happened to Yang Mengying at school and we will send her back soon."

After a while, a van drove in. Yu Chengfei said: "Everyone, give way. Let's lift Yang Mengying into the car first." Everyone moved out of the way. Lei Yu and the others went to lift Yang Mengying, but Brick suddenly rushed over like crazy and pushed Lei Yu and the others aside. She yelled at the top of her lungs: "No one is allowed to touch her. Who said she is dead? We haven't worshiped yet!" Then he trembled and went to hug Yang Mengying. Zhou Mo rushed over and pushed Brick hard, crying and saying: "Are you crazy?! Second sister usually wants to worship you but you don't do it. Now that she is dead, why do you want to worship her? Get out of here, get better and better." The further away the better, don’t touch my second sister!”

Brick ignored it and still stubbornly picked up Yang Mengying. Everyone said: "Brick, people can't be resurrected after death, just look away." Brick still ignored everyone and wanted to carry Yang Mengying to the teaching building. Several girls went over and beat him, crying and asking him to let go of Yang Mengying. Brick gritted his teeth, ignored no one, and walked inside step by step.

"You madman, madman, let go of our second sister!" Zhou Mo and the others cried, but there were so many of them, but they couldn't drag the bricks at all. I walked over and said, "Let Brick bow. This is also Yang Mengying's wish." The girls stopped talking and all cried softly. Everyone followed Brick, and there was a loud clatter of footsteps.

The teaching building was extremely quiet, and there were signs of being beaten everywhere. The windows in the corridor had no glass, and the wind and snow poured in.

Brick hugged Yang Mengying and walked all the way to our class. The words "Happy" on the wall were indeed still there, but the candles on the table had been thrown away. Brick put Yang Mengying down first, and then looked around for candles. Everyone also helped to find it, and soon found two broken candles in the corner. Lei Yu and the others straightened the table, put candles on the table and lit them.

Brick knelt on the ground first, then straightened Yang Mengying's body and knelt on the ground, holding her waist with his hands to prevent her body from falling. Brick said: "Wang Hao, can you help me be the master of ceremonies at the wedding?"

My tears finally flowed down. The emotions I had been holding back for a long time finally burst out, and I almost burst into tears.

I nodded and said, "Okay." Enduring the pain in my heart, I walked to the table and said with a choked voice, "Bow down - heaven and earth!"

Brick shook his head and said: "Wang Hao, this won't work. Today is a happy day for Yang Mengying and I. On the ninth day of March, it's time to get married and pray for blessings. Didn't you tell me this? You should be happy, why are you crying like this? Is it different?"

My heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly remembered the almanac I had read that day. On the ninth day of March, it is better to get married and pray for blessings, but not to be buried in a coffin. Could it be said that everything is destined? Thinking of this, I felt even more heartbroken. If I didn't choose this day, would everything be fine? Tears fell heavily. Thinking of how cute Yang Mengying looked when she called me "Brother Hao," I felt so sad that I couldn't even breathe smoothly. Brick then said: "Wang Hao, just smile and host the wedding for us. How can there be a master of ceremonies who cries all the time at a wedding?"

In fact, it wasn't just me, almost everyone cried, but everyone was suppressing their emotions and didn't want to ruin the wedding.

I nodded tremblingly: "Okay." I forced out a smile and looked at Yang Mengying next to Brick. Her face was so clean and pure white, with a few hints of unmelted snowflakes. I don’t know if it’s my hallucination or something else, but I always feel that Yang Mengying still has a faint smile on her face. Is she also feeling happy for this moment? Although she will never wake up, it is as if she is still with us, never, never leaving...

However, let’s help them complete the worship ceremony first. If there really is a soul in the world, Yang Mengying must be watching us. Yang Mengying, have you seen it? Everyone is coming to your wedding.

I raised my head, held back the tears that were about to flow out, barely put on a smile, and shouted in a long voice:

"Bow down - heaven and earth!"

Brick held Yang Mengying's waist and worshiped together.

"Two obeisances - Gaotang!"

But where is Gaotang?

Brick said: "Brother Yu, you are the most senior here, can you come and be our high hall?"

Without saying a word, Yu Chengfei directly picked up a chair and sat in front of the two of them.

I shouted again: "Two obeisances - Gaotang!"

Brick bowed down with Yang Mengying again.

"Husband and wife - greetings!"

Brick turned around and faced Yang Mengying, holding her shoulders with both hands, and the two of them bowed to each other.

"It's done!" After shouting this sentence, I couldn't help it again, turned my head and let the tears flow freely.

Brick's voice sounded loudly: "I, Brick, am willing to marry Yang Mengying and let her live, grow old, sick, and die. I will never leave her in this life. If I violate the above oath, I will not die well." Five thunders!"

After saying this, Brick exhaled, hugged Yang Mengying in his arms again, and said softly: "From now on, you are my wife, and no one can separate us anymore." Then he stood up and hugged her. Yang Mengying walked outside the classroom.

All of us followed him again, slowly walking through the corridor and outside the classroom. The van was still waiting. When the driver saw us coming out, he quickly opened the door. Everyone ran forward and stood outside the car door, waiting for Brick to carry Yang Mengying into the car. Brick passed by the car, but he didn't even look at it and kept walking forward.

Yu Chengfei said: "Brick, it's time to send Yang Mengying home, her mother is still waiting."

Brick said, "Yes, I just want to take her home. But instead of taking a car, I have to walk her back."

Everyone had no choice but to continue to follow him. After leaving the school gate, everyone consciously surrounded Brick, probably because they were afraid that he would do something outrageous. Zhou Mo and others led the way, while Brick didn't do anything and walked forward step by step.

The snow was still falling, and soon all of us were covered in white. Because of the heavy snow, there were very few cars on the road, almost only us. After walking for about twenty minutes, we finally arrived at the downstairs of Yang Mengying's house. Everyone stood still and basically turned into snowmen. Especially Yang Mengying, because her body temperature dropped sharply, her whole body was almost covered with snow. I suddenly remembered what I said that day: "It's nice to have snow. Let them walk around in the snow after worshiping. It symbolizes the meaning of 'all the way to the end of life.'" I didn't expect that I said this casually. The words actually became true again.

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