Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 347: The dirty thing is the human heart

"Teacher Huang!" I suddenly raised my voice: "It is said that you have also been out and about. I just want to know, have you tolerated this kind of situation before? Are you willing to deal with the other party and make it a big deal? Even Do you still shake hands and make peace?"

Huang Yancheng was silent for a moment, then shook his head slightly, looked at me again, and murmured to himself: "You have to pay the price for being young and frivolous." Then he turned around and left. I looked at his back and felt that he seemed to have many unspeakable secrets. Maybe he didn't want to protect Hou Shengshuo, maybe... But I still shouted to his back: "Don't throw away your blood just because of your age!" Huang Yan Cheng's body froze for more than ten seconds before he slowly took steps forward and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

On the way back to school, the phrase "Don't throw away your blood just because of your age" kept lingering in Huang Yancheng's mind. Just this ordinary sentence made his blood, which had been dormant for many years, faintly boil. He touched a scar that was one inch long on his belly. The knife almost killed him, and it took him three days in the intensive care unit to recover. At that time, everyone thought he was dead, including himself. Because this knife was indeed aimed at his life.

Although his life was saved, due to the limitations of the medical environment at the time, the wound kept festering, causing him to have a high fever for more than a week. During those days, Huang Yancheng had been thinking about whether it was right for him to take this path? Do we have to live in such fear all our lives? Later, when the wound healed, he announced his retirement from the world of martial arts and became the teaching director of Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School on the recommendation of a friend. The school is willing to hire him, of course, because of his former reputation in the Tao, so that it can suppress those students who don't know the heights of the world.

Huang Yancheng fulfilled his responsibilities conscientiously and indeed calmed many students. He thought he liked this kind of ordinary life, but it didn't take long for him to discover a sad thing, that is, whenever students fight, he will get excited and excited, and even turn a blind eye. Eyes, as long as nothing big happens, he will try not to care. He has always felt that young people should look like young people, and middle-aged men like himself will not mess with it.

Until tonight, after the boy said those words, his heart began to waver again. Yes, where has my blood gone? At this moment, he had a faint urge to lose his current identity and return to the life of gratification and bloodshed. However, the assumption was still an assumption. His blood gradually calmed down, and he decided to go back to school first and persuade the principal to deal with Hou Shengshuo seriously, otherwise it would be difficult for the people to be angry.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and it was only one step away from being completely enveloped by night. Huang Yancheng stepped in the snow and headed towards the teaching staff building, making a "creeping" sound, thinking about the words to persuade the principal in his mind. When he arrived at the principal's office, he knocked on the door as usual. When he heard a voice coming in from inside, he opened the door and went in. The principal was still sitting upright, reviewing some documents, still looking serious and upright. Huang Yancheng thought that people who wanted to be officials were different. This aura was enough to keep ordinary Xiaoxiao away from him. As for Huang Yancheng, no matter how evil-hearted and ruthless he is, no matter how good he is on the road, he is still a bastard to put it bluntly.

"What's the matter?" The principal raised his head, showing dignity in his gentleness. Huang Yancheng unknowingly lowered his status and said in a lowered voice: "I just came back from the hospital. They are not in a good mood. They generally have strong opinions on Hou Shengshuo. I'm worried that sooner or later they will take revenge on Hou Shengshuo." .”

The principal said with some dissatisfaction: "As the director of the Education Department, why can't you even handle the ideological work of a few rogue students? What's revenge? Revenge, don't you think this school is not chaotic enough? Are you not satisfied after bearing the medical expenses? Then Just give them some more pension, I don’t think it’s much, just a hundred yuan per person.”

Huang Yancheng said with some embarrassment: "I'm afraid this is not something that can be solved with money. You know, students of this age group are young, frivolous, impetuous, revengeful, and regardless of the consequences. I'm really worried..."

"Then recruit more security guards!" The principal said, "Didn't you use to be a gangster? After recruiting your brothers, how many students can't be restrained? Wang Bao is also a waste, and he was beaten up in the morning. Call!"

"I'm afraid no amount of security will be enough." Huang Yancheng said: "Wang Hao has a brother in the vocational college, the famous Yu Chengfei. That guy is amazing. If he gets angry too, I'm afraid our Beiqi He will suffer disaster... so I still advocate dealing with Hou Shengshuo and expel him home as soon as possible. To a certain extent, it is for the sake of his safety..."

As he spoke, Huang Yancheng suddenly closed his mouth because he found that the principal was not listening to him at all, but his eyes were tightly closed, with a strange "comfortable" look on his face, and A slight groan came from his throat.

In fact, this happened in an instant. The principal quickly opened his eyes and still looked at Huang Yancheng with an upright face. The whole process took less than a second. But the state just now was still captured by Huang Yancheng. For someone like him who has been on the road before, quick eyesight and quick hands are the most basic skills. If your eyes are not quick and your hands are not quick, you may lose your life at any time.

Huang Yancheng was so experienced that he immediately understood what the principal was about. There was an angry look on his face, and he quickly walked around to the large desk, and before the principal's majestic expression could change, he dragged the girl out from under the desk. The girl said "Ouch" and was dragged to the ground by Huang Yancheng. Huang Yancheng was stunned for a moment. This girl turned out to be Liu Ying, the fourth phoenix in the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes. Liu Ying looked at the stupid Huang Yancheng and said with a playful smile: "Teacher Huang, why did you drag me out? Do you want me to serve you?" She actually touched Huang Yancheng's crotch.

And there was actually a trace of white liquid at the corner of her mouth. Huang Yancheng instantly became furious and stretched out his hand to hit Liu Ying, but in the end he still couldn't do it to the young girl. The principal then let out a low roar: "Huang Yancheng, get out first!"

Liu Ying's hand had already touched Huang Yancheng's crotch. Huang Yancheng pushed her away with one hand. Liu Ying bumped into the bookcase next to her with an "ouch". The bookcases are full of things like the "Four Books and Five Classics" and "Twenty-Four Histories". Huang Yancheng used to think that the principal was very educated, but it seemed like he couldn't read these books. Now he feels that the principal is really a piece of shit who talks about benevolence, justice and morality, but is full of male thieves and female prostitutes! The principal slammed the table angrily: "Huang Yancheng, I want you to go out first!"

Huang Yancheng had nowhere to vent his anger. Now he understood why the principal had been protecting Hou Shengshuo, but he turned out to be the bastard who helped the villain! He gasped for breath and stared at the principal hatefully. He used to think that the streets were dirty and schools were the cleanest places. Now he knows that there is no absolutely clean and dirty place in this world.

What is dirty is the human heart.

The principal slammed the table again: "I'll let you out!"

From Huang Yancheng's perspective, he could just see the principal's naked lower body. The soft lower body was still dripping with mucus, which was so different from his sanctimonious upper body. Huang Yancheng suddenly knew what decision he should make.

He couldn't do anything to an underage girl, but there was no psychological pressure in beating such an old man.

So Hou Shengshuo punched him, and the principal and the chair fell to the ground together. The principal yelled angrily: "Huang Yancheng, you are rebelling against me. You dare to hit me! Don't you want to be the director of the teaching department anymore?!"

Without saying a word, Huang Yancheng leaned down and grabbed the principal's collar, punching him back and forth more than ten times on his "sanctified, majestic and righteous" face, until his face was covered with blood and he was kneeling. He will not give up until he begs for mercy.

"Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School was destroyed in the hands of people like you!" Huang Yancheng threw away the principal, said a harsh word, then turned around and left. When he reached the door, he turned around and added: "By the way, I resign. Goodbye."

Go out and close the door. Huang Yancheng let out a long breath, feeling that his bloodiness was back. Now, he has to go back to his office to pack his things and leave this filthy school.

Where to go? Of course, it is to return to the "homeland", that is where the bloody people should stay.

That night, news spread among the underworld in Beiyuan City that Huang Yancheng, who was once the "Wrathful Flame City", was back.

In the principal's office, the beaten and dizzy principal finally stood up with the help of Liu Ying. Liu Ying straightened the office chair and the principal sat down. "Damn it, I will never let that bastard go!" the principal cursed, completely losing the grace that a school principal should have: "A stinky gangster who had nowhere to go, if I hadn't taken him in, Can he survive to this day? Just wait and see, I have to avenge this!" Of course, he was just talking, because he really had no way to deal with a stinky gangster like Huang Yancheng. Moreover, after receiving such a severe beating in front of Liu Ying just now, she didn't know where to put her old face, so she had to save some face on her mouth.

"Oh, don't be angry." Liu Ying sat on the principal's lap, wiped the blood on his face with a tissue, and said with a smile: "A man who bleeds is the most attractive and sexy!"

"Really?" The principal was delighted and stretched his hand to Liu Ying's butt.

Liu Ying said "嘤四" and got into the principal's arms.

Little did they know that a huge crisis had quietly enveloped the entire Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School...

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