Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 344, crying loudly

When I woke up, I found myself in a very familiar environment, as familiar as if I had never left here. Yes, I was in Chenggao's dormitory, and beside the bed stood friends who had fought side by side: the Four Heavenly Kings, Dai Zude, Hu Jianmin, Lin Song... There were more than twenty people, filling this small dormitory. Bustling with people.

"Brother Hao, are you awake?" Gong Ning was the first to speak. Others also shouted: "Brother Hao, Brother Hao."

I held up my arms and sat up with difficulty. My whole body was still in pain, but my head had been briefly bandaged.

"Brother Hao, you better stop moving." Gong Ning said quickly: "You are seriously injured and you need to take a good rest."

I didn't speak, but I forced myself to sit up, then leaned against the wall. The first thing I said was: "Does anyone know Ye Zhan's current situation?" When I said this, I looked out the window. , the sky became a little dark, the snowflakes were still floating, and the whole world had turned into a silvery white color. Gong Ning said: "There is news that Ye Zhan and your friends from Beiqi are in the hospital. I don't know the specific situation." I breathed a little relieved, as long as Ye Zhan is in the hospital.

Then I asked again: "Where is Brick?" I remember that Brick carried me in, so where is he now?

Gong Ning said: "Brick went to pick up bricks." I was slightly startled: "What do you mean?" Gong Ning said: "Brick said that when you wake up, he will definitely organize people to rush into Beiqi, so pick up more bricks in advance Be prepared." After hearing this, I actually laughed, the smile was so sad, the smile was so frightened: "Okay, okay, good pick, the one who knows me is a brick." At the same time, I clenched my fists fiercely. , there was another scene of everyone falling in a pool of blood before our eyes. It was unforgivable, unforgivable!

Gong Ning lowered his head and asked, "Brother Hao, what do you need us to do?" It was obvious that he already understood what I was going through in Beiqi.

I said twelve words very briefly: "Organize manpower, prepare guys, put on school uniforms, and stand by where you are!" Naturally, having everyone wear uniforms is to make it easier to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Gong Ning also responded very briefly: "Yes." Then he turned around and said to the more than 20 gangsters in the dormitory: "Did everyone hear what Brother Hao said?" Everyone nodded, and then left. dormitory. When there were only four heavenly kings left in the dormitory, I said to Gong Ning: "Go find a mobile phone and wait for my message."

After the explanation, I got out of bed. As soon as I took a step, I felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground. Gong Ning and the others hurriedly came over to help me. I waved my hands and shook them off, then walked out step by step while holding on to the wall. My whole body was really hurting, but I knew now was not the time to cry out in pain, so I could only grit my teeth and move forward. After leaving the boys' dormitory, I happened to meet Brick at the door.

Brick's shoulder bag was bulging, and I asked with a wry smile, "Can you carry it?" Brick raised his head and said, "It's okay for you to carry it, so what's the point of carrying Brick?" I smiled, and walked forward. There was nothing left to hold on to, and he almost fell to the ground again. Brick quickly supported me and asked me to put my arm on his shoulders. I smiled bitterly and said: "I wish I had such good physical fitness as you!" Brick glared and said: "You are good enough, you are so seriously injured and you can still get up! Besides, can you?" Are you comparing yourself to me? I have been beaten since I was a child, and I have no reaction at all after being hit twice."

I asked: "Then how did you get defeated by Brother Yu last time?"

Brick was silent for a moment and said: "Brother Yu is invincible." But even if he didn't say what the specific situation was, I knew that this was just like the confrontation between him and Hao Lei. secret.

"Where are we going now?" Brick asked.

"Of course I'm going to the hospital." I raised my head, facing the wind and snow in the sky, letting the snow particles fall on my face: "Look at those guys, are there any that can stand up?" Maybe I raised my head, Is it to cover up the tears that are about to burst out?

"Okay, okay." Brick said again: "Just now when I was picking up bricks outside, I met a guy with big hair and crazy talk. I seemed to have seen him somewhere, but I can't remember who he was."

"Master Yuan?" I said immediately, "What did he say to you?" I felt a little nervous. Yu Chengfei clearly told me to be careful about Hou Shengshuo's final counterattack, but I still turned a deaf ear to his words. Such a big thing happened this time, and I was embarrassed to tell him, but I was still prepared to solve the matter myself. He must be very disappointed in me now, right? They obviously have so much hope for me and think it’s no problem for me to win Beiqi...

Brick said: "He asked me to tell you that Brother Yu is ready and is just waiting for your call." After hearing this, I couldn't bear it anymore, squatted on the ground and burst into tears. I thought I wouldn't cry, but because of these words, I started crying. At first, I squatted on the ground and cried, and then I just sat in the snow and cried. The campus of Chenggao is so quiet. The snow foam all over the sky hit my face and got into my open mouth. My cries spread far and far...

Brick panicked and hurriedly pulled me: "Wang Hao, what's wrong with you? Wouldn't it be great to have Brother Yu to help?"

I ignored him and continued to cry, crying hard like a helpless child. After crying for a long time, I slowly calmed down, wiped the wet tears on my face with my sleeves, then put my hands on the snow and stood up slowly. I didn't stand up for the first time, and my body was shaking badly. Brick came to help me again, and I waved my hand and pushed him away, saying decisively: "I can do it myself!" Then I stood firmly in the snow. The heavy wind and snow got in through my clothes, making me feel cold all over. I took one step, and then another. This little injury is nothing to me!

Brick stood next to me and looked at me in shock. I smiled at him: "I'm strong, right?"

Brick nodded vigorously: "Strong, very strong!"

"Okay, let's go!" The two of us walked side by side in the snow. My steps were very steady and my body was very stable!

There are so many people standing behind me, who else in the world can knock me down? !

We walked forward for a while, and when we were almost at the gate of the city university, we suddenly saw two blurry figures walking in the wind and snow. Those two figures were so familiar that a tenderness suddenly filled my heart. The two figures also spotted me and started running quickly. "Husband!" Xia Xue shouted and quickly ran into my arms.

Taozi looked at Brick and said, "Brother, isn't Wang Hao seriously injured? Where are you taking him?"

Brick said: "Wang Hao's physical fitness is stronger than I thought. And it's not me who leads him, he leads me!"

I hugged Xia Xue and said with a smile: "What are you two doing on this snowy day?"

Xia Xue broke away from my arms, raised the thermos bucket in her hand and said, "Taozi and I went home and made chicken soup for you! You can't move much now, right? Go back to the dormitory and lie down." Then she was about to pull it. Follow me back. I didn't move and said, "Brick and I are going to the hospital to see how Ye Zhan and the others are doing." Xia Xue said, "Su Wan and Ye Zhan's gang of brothers have gone there. They should be fine. You still have to go to the hospital." Take care of yourself first." Taozi also said, "Yes, Wang Hao, the most important thing for you now is to rest."

I still shook my head: "I must go." Brick nodded: "Yes, we must go."

Xia Xue looked at me doubtfully, then at Brick's bulging shoulder bag, and said, "Not only are you going to the hospital, but you are also preparing to go back to Beiqi for revenge, right?" Taozi tilted her head and said nothing, tears streaming down her face. The tick-tick-tick-tick-tick fell.

I knew I couldn't hide it from these two smart girls, so I nodded heavily: "Yes, I won't let it go."

Xia Xue also shed tears and asked, "You must take revenge?" I still nodded: "You must take revenge."

"Okay." Xia Xue said, "After you drink the chicken soup, let's go. Don't waste our efforts in vain."

I thought about it and said, "Okay." Xia Xue unscrewed a lid and found two bowls inside. Tao Zi helped and filled both bowls with chicken soup. Brick and I each held a bowl. The chicken soup was still hot and steaming. We sipped it in small sips, and a lot of snowflakes drifted in. Anyway, we drank together.

Brick said with a smile: "It feels a bit like 'the wind is rustling and the water is cold, and a strong man will never come back'. It's just that what he drank was Zhuangxing wine, and what we drank was Zhuangxing chicken soup." Taozi glared at Brick: "Brother. , can you stop saying these depressing words? We let you two drink chicken soup to keep your bodies healthy so that you can come back safely!"

Brick nodded and said, "Yes, yes, my sister can talk, look at my mouth." Then he started to be silly and happy again. Brick seemed to be able to smile so happily only in front of Tao Zi. Taozi asked again: "I heard that my sister-in-law was also injured and hospitalized?" Brick said: "That's not true. Why do you think she is a girl?" Halfway through, she quickly changed her words and said: "Bah, bah, bah, what sister-in-law? She I’m not your sister-in-law, I haven’t married yet!”

We all laughed, and the previous sad and tragic atmosphere was gone. That bowl of chicken soup also flowed into my heart, turning into a feeling of warmth and tenderness. After drinking the chicken soup, I feel that my strength and energy have recovered a lot. I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. The love chicken soup they cooked is really more effective than any panacea.

I stretched my muscles and said, "Okay, it's time for us to go." I felt a lot more relaxed before I knew it.

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