Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 304, one word, good

Shi Jiawei didn't notice the change in Li Haoran's expression at all. He was still talking nonstop and frothing at the mouth, planning their bright future: "Haoran, we are only in the second year of high school now, and we still have one year to show our talents. I will definitely We will perform well in front of Boss Hou, and when the time comes, our brothers' reputation will surely resound throughout the entire Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School..."

These warm words sounded like full of great irony to Li Haoran! The sincere Shi Jiawei seemed to Li Haoran to be just showing off! Li Haoran's breathing became increasingly wheezing, and his clenched fists were so hard that his nails even pierced into his flesh.

Why should he! Why should he! Why should he! Why should he!

Li Haoran roared in his heart, jealousy and anger burning like fire in his chest! The two have known each other for three or four years, but in Li Haoran's heart, he had never really thought highly of Shi Jiawei. Li Haoran even believes that without him, Shi Jiawei would never be where he is today. But now, Shi Jiawei is one step ahead of him and has reached a higher level of mountain!

"Haoran." Shi Jiawei stood up with a smile on his face: "Go to class soon, I will go back first. I will officially join the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes in a few days, and then I will treat you to a big meal and share our Call all brothers!"

After saying this, Shi Jiawei turned around and prepared to leave.

Li Haoran's cheeks twitched. He looked at Shi Jiawei's back, and suddenly his mind exploded. Unconsciously, he picked up the stool under his buttocks and slammed it towards Shi Jiawei's back...


In the dormitory. Xu Xiaokai talked about what happened to Yuan Jie and Shi Jiawei today.

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed happily. It's true that there hasn't been such laughter in this dormitory for a long time.

After everyone laughed for a while, Lei Yu asked: "It has such a good effect. I guess Brother Hao didn't expect it at first, right?"

I lay on the bed, crossed my legs, and smoked a cigarette contentedly. I didn't answer the question, but just blew out a smoke ring. Ye Zhan sat beside my bed and said with a smile: "Let me tell you, the rat has thought of it a long time ago. He spent two or three days studying all the bastards who have attacked us, and compiled their experiences and personalities. I feel it clearly! After comparing and comparing, almost without sleep, I selected Yuan Jie and Shi Jiawei to ensure that the plan achieves the best results!"

"That's right." I added: "Yuan Jie and Yang Wei both have bad tempers, and they are old bastards and oilies in the third year of high school. Although they claim to have a good relationship, in fact they don't obey the other, no matter who they are. Being selected as the Six Dragons, the other one will be furious; and Li Haoran and Shi Jiawei are a different pair. Li Haoran thinks he is aloof and arrogant, and never takes Shi Jiawei seriously. He even regards Shi Jiawei as his younger brother. When he gets After knowing that Shi Jiawei became the Seven Dragons, it was inevitable that he would become jealous..."

"High, it's really high!" Lei Yu came to my bedside and said excitedly: "Brother Hao, I regret not being with you anymore!" Others also came over and gathered around my bed, saying some compliments. If so, I would listen happily.

"This is just the beginning." I said, "Just wait and see, with the help of Zhou Mo and Bai Qing this time, at least 90% of the gangsters in the school will believe that Liulong and Qilong are already Yuan Jie and Shi Jiawei. What actions will they take? Haha... The fun has just begun... Brothers have worked hard for so many days, let's sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers from now on."

With a "bang" sound, Brick suddenly punched the wall hard.

We all looked at Brick in surprise. I asked: "Brother Brick, what's wrong with you?"

Brick said angrily: "Why don't I understand it yet? Can any of you explain it to me carefully? My brain is not working well!"

I suddenly felt a little dizzy, so I said to Ye Zhan, "Tell Brother Brick about it." Ye Zhan covered his mouth and said, "I've had aphthous sores in the past few days, and my mouth hurts when I talk. Lei Yu, tell Brick." Tell me about it." Lei Yu said: "I was about to wash my feet. I haven't washed my feet for several days. Xu Xiaokai, tell Brother Brick." Xu Xiaokai said inarticulately: "Have you forgotten? My front I just had my mouth slapped by a steel pipe a few days ago, and it’s really hard to talk. Liu Jinan, please tell Brother Brick." Liu Jinan covered his head and said, "Because I was beaten badly a few days ago, and my head still hurts now. Come on! Shi Dayuan, tell Brother Brick about it."...

They continued talking like this one after another, and the reasons they mentioned could almost be compiled into an "Encyclopedia of Lies". After all the reasons including mouth pain, head pain, stomach pain, etc. were exhausted, it was finally Yu Mengkai's turn. Everyone was looking at him, and Brick was also looking at him expectantly. Yu Mengkai's mouth twitched a few times, and he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, howling: "Brothers, I feel guilty. In fact, I didn't understand the same as Brother Brick. Brother Hao, just do it, and then tell me and Brother Brick Just do it again..."

Brick suddenly became happy: "Look, it turns out I'm not the only one who didn't understand!"


As I expected, the incident between Yuan Jie and Shi Jiawei was just the beginning. A bigger storm quickly swept through Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School...

First, at the school gate, Yang Wei and his men ambushed Yuan Jie, and the two gangs of high school juniors had a hearty fight. After Shi Jiawei realized that Li Haoran didn't regard him as a brother at all, he angrily began to lead him People fought against him. And because Yuan Jie and Shi Jiawei were the default Sixth Dragon and Seventh Dragon, many gangsters aimed their guns at the two of them, trying to prove that they were stronger than the two of them. Poor Yuan Jie and Shi Jiawei were beaten five or six times every day.

Of course, there were also those who were brave enough to find Hou Shengshuo and ask him why he still used everyone as spearmen since he had already decided on the quota for the Sixth and Seventh Dragons? Hou Shengshuo had no way to defend himself, so he yelled at them to get out. Naturally, they couldn't afford to offend the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes, so they retreated angrily. It's just that the doubts naturally snowballed. Although everyone didn't dare to find Hou Shengshuo openly, private abuse was inevitable.

In the past few days, such sounds can be heard almost everywhere. "What does that old bastard Hou Shengshuo think of us bastards from Beiqi?" "That is, since we have already appointed a candidate, why do you still want us to work so hard?" "Isn't this treating us like fools? There is no way in the world. Is he a smart person?" "If I couldn't afford to offend him, I would have come to beat him!"

Unexpectedly, Hou Shengshuo didn't respond at all for several days. I thought he would refute the rumors as soon as possible, but in the end he said nothing or did nothing, allowing such rumors to spread. To be honest, I had imagined that Hou Shengshuo would have refuted the rumors earlier, so very few people would believe him. Now he has no words to defend himself. The yellow mud fell into his crotch, and it is either shit or shit. But his silence made me particularly frightened. Hou Shengshuo could not have given up. This cunning old fox would definitely find a way to fight back as long as the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes did not fall.

But what leverage does he have? The gangsters in Beiqi have completely distrusted him. The remaining dragons and phoenix can only take ten people with them when they go out. If they fight with us, they have no chance of winning. At the same time, I was also worried about the safety of Zhou Mo and Bai Qing. Since I asked them for help last time, I thought that Hou Shengshuo or Bai Qing would definitely cause trouble for them. Therefore, I asked Wang Hai and Xiaochun to find ways to protect their safety secretly, and to report to me immediately if anything happened.


Ye Zhan and I stood by the classroom window, looking at Yuan Jie and Shi Jiawei who were being chased on campus.

"If I were beaten like this, I would have stopped studying a long time ago." Ye Zhan shook his head gently.

"They won't." I smiled: "They think they are the Six Dragons and the Seven Dragons. Even if they are knocked down, they cannot lose the dignity of the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes. They believe that Hou Shengshuo is watching every move they make now. Being beaten hard is also an attitude."

"Sometimes I really can't understand." Ye Zhan said: "Is the temptation to join the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes really that great? Why do they insist on coming to school despite the risk of being beaten every day?"

"In Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School, the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes represent the supreme power. Every member who joins the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes is like stepping on the heads of all the students." I said: "Power has always been able to seduce people's hearts. Have there not been enough struggles for the word 'power' since ancient times? The greater the power, the more bloodshed and the more struggles."

"Mouse." Ye Zhan looked at me with a smile: "You are really becoming more and more mature. I am so happy to see such changes in you."

"Hehe." I also laughed: "If you walk this road a lot, you will inevitably see a lot of things."

After that, there was a long silence.

"Ye Zhan."


"Thank you for always being with me." I smiled: "From Chenggao to Beiqi, you are the only one who is always by my side."

"Haha." Ye Zhan also laughed: "Brother, you said this wrong."


"Chenggao, it's me who's accompanying you; and Beiqi, it's you who's been with me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have offended Hou Shengshuo."

"Hey, do we need to talk nonsense anymore?"

"Of course not." Ye Zhan shrugged: "What I want to say is that no matter where you go or what you do in the future, I will always be with you. We will endure the beatings together; we will eat the hardships together; we will suffer the humiliations together." ; Glory, let’s enjoy it together!”

Ye Zhan said so much, but I only replied to him with one word. I think this word is enough.


{Piaotian Literature

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