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Yang Ji, "Five Lord said, there will always be such occasions in the future, and you will not be prepared for the consequences."

Song Li was wronged, "Wu Ye has never attended such occasions before. Where do I know this will happen? I have no experience, right? Besides, Wu Ye just told me to come and wait for him with a contract, and he didn't say that I should bring a bodyguard. Town scene."

Yang Ji, "You can say these words to Wuye."

Song Li, "..." How dare he complain in front of Huo Yanqing? Don't you want Xiaoming?

Song Li leaned into the seat with a tired look, "Mr. You are ready to sign a contract with He Jingxing today. As soon as Wuye arrived, Mr. You immediately changed his mind. Why do you say this?"

Song Li was too curious to hold Yang Ji to chat, but Yang Ji certainly didn't know about the work. Song Li asked and replied by himself, "You said that Mr. You wouldn't like men. ?"

Yang Qi's mouth twitched slightly, and was about to say something, only listening to Song Li and said: "But I think that He Jingxing looks good, why doesn't you like He Jingxing?"

Yang Qi's cold voice sounded in the car, "Mr. You is oriented normally."

"How do you know? You haven't seen him again." Song Li said.

"Five Lords went to China. US military bases to save Mr. You's life."

Song Li froze for two seconds, and the whole person popped up from the seat in an instant. He shot his thigh and said: "No wonder Mr. You was so excited when he saw Wuye. It turned out that this was the case. All these things were explained. The contract conditions were almost the same. Under the circumstances, Mr. You will definitely choose to cooperate with his life-saving benefactor."


After an hour of treatment, Ding Han came out of the room and He Jingxing smoked in the living room. The whole living room was filled with light blue smoke, and the smell of nicotine was strong and pungent.

Ding Han walked to the sofa, stood respectfully, and his eyes fell on the ashtray filled with cigarette butts on the coffee table, "Mr. He."

He Jingxing stooped to dust off the smoke, and looked at Ding Han, "Okay?"

"All right."

He Jingxing lay his back on the sofa, leaning slightly on his side, his long legs overlapping, his hand holding cigarettes on the arm of the sofa, "What do you think of today's affairs?"

Ding Han, "Mr. You should know Huo Yanqing and have a good relationship."

He Jingxing agreed. He nodded slightly and thought about the deep coldness in his eyes. "He looked at me and Mr. You during this time. In fact, all the results were already under his control."

Ding Han noticed that the temperature around him fell, and knew that the man in front of him was angry. Also, he should be angry when being played with the palm of his hand. However, Ding Han didn’t understand a little bit. The headquarters of Zhongzhou Group is clearly in the United States, where is the man’s territory. Who doesn't fear him there?

Why didn't he let the man-in-law do not run to Fancheng to start again?

He said he wanted to expand the domestic market, but this kind of thing just sent a trustworthy person to take care of it for a few years, and the foundation was solid. It is not too late for him to come over again. Why should he come over in person?

And she always feels that He Jingxing is very hostile to Huo Yan. He acquired the Tang Group. This time he intends to cooperate with ZH Group, it is obviously all directed at Huo Yan. If you really want to expand your domestic business, Fan Cheng, like Huo Yanqing, It is not a wise practice for people who can only cover the sky with their hands without saying deliberately, at least they should not become enemies.

Although Ding Han was puzzled, she was not a talkative person.

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