Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

"Wonderful thinking, I am still a student, so I don't want to live with you." Lu Anran's voice came from the phone.

Xu Fengyu's fair-faced face crossed a trace of redness and hurriedly explained, "An An, you misunderstood. I mean I live in a lot of rooms. I can clean up a room for you."

"it is good."

Lu Anran promised to be too refreshing, Xu Fengyu could not believe his ears, "You agree?"

"Well, I agree, but you have to come over to pick me up, of course, and convince my parents that this task is also given to you."

Xu Fengyu, "..." Even if he opened his face cheeky to Tong Qiao, but Lu Jinshen's... He really didn't have the guts, "Let's let it go in advance."

"Xu Fengyu, you are a real counselor."


"How many beds are there in the ward?"

Xu Fengyu knew why Lu Anran asked so, and smiled in the corner of his mouth, and replied: "A bed..." The breathing sound in the microphone increased and he added, "There is still a sofa. I will sleep on the sofa tonight."

"It's about the same."

"Relax, I will keep myself waiting for you."

"...Not to mention, see you at the press conference tomorrow at nine o'clock."

"it is good."

"Well, I hung up."

"Okay." Xu Fengyu heard a busy signal from the end of the phone and then took the phone away from his ear. After washing his hands, he went out of the bathroom and came to the ward. When he saw Fan Xintong lying on the bed, he seemed to be asleep.

Xu Fengyu stepped a little lighter, came to the sofa, and lay down, thinking that tomorrow he would announce to everyone that Lu Anran was his girlfriend, the corner of his mouth hooked a happy arc, closed his eyes, and fell asleep sweetly.

Fan Xintong heard even breathing from the sofa, opened his eyes, adjusted his sleeping position, and looked at Xu Fengyu. His eyes were red for a long time, and his eyes were sore and tears were flowing.

After a while, Fan Xintong withdrew his gaze, took out his phone, and wept silently while typing, as if chatting with someone. After a while, he put the phone back on the bedside table, and then pulled the quilt, watching Xu Fengyu's sleep slowly close eye.

Next day

Xu Fengyu took Fan Xintong to the doctor to look at his feet as soon as possible, and it was clear that he had no problem, and he immediately went through the discharge procedure. This time Fan Xintong did not make trouble, and cooperated with Xu Fengyu.

However, it has always been said that the feet can't make too much force, it is not easy to walk, holding Xu Fengyu's arm refused to let go.

The two entered the elevator together. Fan Xintong looked up at the handsome man with a temperament beside him, sweethearted, holding his arm tight again, leaning his head on his arm, "If you can keep leaning like this forever How good you are."

Xu Fengyu's arm stiffened, and his beautiful brow frowned, "Tongtong..."

"Don't be nervous, I'm talking about if, I just want to have a look." Fan Xintong leaned on Xu Fengyu, looking at the declining numbers, seeming to ask casually: "Brother Feng Yu, if you love and career, you can only choose the same, Which one would you choose?"

Hearing the word love, Xu Fengyu instantly thought of Lu Anran. The thin lips in the mask slightly woke up. When he woke up in the morning, his first thing was to send WeChat to Lu Anran. 】

She came back [I woke up very early, I was a little nervous at the press conference]

[What is nervous? 】

[I snatched you away, afraid that your fans would tear me away. 】

[If you really like me, I believe they will love what I love. 】

[So many people like you, I'm jealous. 】

[But I only like you. 】

"Brother Feng Yu, do you choose love or career?"

Fan Xintong's voice pulled back Xu Fengyu's thoughts, and he turned to look at her, "Why suddenly asked this question?"

Fan Xintong's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes were staggered.

Soon the elevator stopped on the first floor, the elevator door just opened, and countless spotlights clicked at the door.

Xu Fengyu was frightened by the people at the elevator door. How could there be so many reporters?

He hadn't reacted to it yet, and the reporters smashed at him in a bombshell.

"Who is this lady next to Xu Fengyu?"

"You behave so intimately, is she your girlfriend?"

"This lady looks very familiar, as if the woman who came and went to your house in the middle of the night was photographed by the media a while ago, is she?"

"It is said on the Internet that you like your sister, and now you have an ambiguous relationship with this young lady. Which one is your true love?"

Fan Xintong hugged Xu Fengyu tightly, leaning against him all the time, "Brother Feng Yu I am afraid."

Xu Fengyu hid Fan Xintong behind him. She hadn't experienced this kind of scene, and she was afraid that it was normal. Xu Fengyu was accustomed to this kind of scene. Her expression was almost panic and she could cope with it easily. "She is just a friend of mine. Please don't speculate. As for my personal question, I will answer it for you at a press conference later. Now let me give it up."

Where is the reporter willing to give in?

How can they give up on such awesome news?

A group of people blocked the elevator.

Seeing nothing from Xu Fengyu, he squeezed the microphones towards Fan Xintong.

"This lady, what is your relationship with Xu Fengyu?"

"Did you enter and leave his residence in the middle of the night, did the two already live together?"

"Do you know he has a younger sister?"

"What do you think about Xu Fengyu's sibling love?"

Fan Xintong said nervously: "Brother Feng Yu and I are not the kind of relationship you said. I went to his house in the middle of the night because Grandpa Xu was unwell. I used to visit, so don't distort the facts."

The reporter saw Fan Xintong replied, one by one, not excited, this woman turned out to be the one who actually went into Xu Fengyu's family in the middle of the night. Xu Fengyu's gossip girlfriend some time ago, they finally saw a real person.

After one after another, the more and more explicit problem hit Fan Xintong.

"Not only do you act intimately, but you are so intimate, are you in love?"

"Recently it is rumored that your boyfriend and his sister have a private relationship. Can you tell me, is this true?"

"Grandpa Xu should be Xu Fengyu's grandfather. Has your relationship reached the point of seeing your parents?"

"No, no." Fan Xintong blushed anxiously. "Brother Feng Yu and I grew up together. Our relationship is very good, but by no means what you said."

"So you guys are two small and no guesses?"

"When are you going to get married?"

"Why are you showing up in the hospital together?"

"Wouldn't it be you who is pregnant, will he accompany you to the birth examination?"

"No, you..." Fan Xintong stared at Xu Fengyu with anxious eyes. "Brother Feng Yu, why are you talking nonsense?"

After Xu Fengyu sent a message to Guan Sen, he leaned his head in Fan Xintong's ear and said, "The more explanations, the more chaotic. From now on, no matter what they ask, you don't have to say anything. I'll deal with it, you know?"

Fan Xintong nodded and leaned back against Xu Fengyu. A bird looked like he needed protection.

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