Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1537: , Is she crazy? I want to kiss my brother

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Lu Anran didn't want to admit defeat, but she really had no energy, seemed to run out of energy, and didn't want to give up, she could only default to Xu Fengyu to help.

After reaching the finish line, Lu Anran wanted to lie down, Xu Fengyu did not give up, "We can't lie down immediately after strenuous exercise, we slowly go down the stairs, and we can lie down on the lawn."

"Can't you just lie down?"

"No, dear, obedient, I will help you down."


Lu Anran felt that her legs were not her own. She went downstairs and fluttered a bit. The weight of her entire body rested on Xu Fengyu. She looked up at the man beside him, except for a thin layer of fine sweat on his forehead. There is nothing wrong with it, even the breathing is steady as usual, as if I was walking instead of climbing.

"Aren't you tired?" Lu Anran couldn't help asking.


"Have you learned Kung Fu?"


"Otherwise why are you so perverted? You have good skills and the breath is so smooth after strenuous exercise, but it can't be achieved by fitness, let's say, where did you learn these skills?"

Xu Fengyu was silent for two seconds before answering the question, "I once spent a year in the army."

"Ah?" Lu Anran was surprised. How many surprises did this man hide? "Are you a soldier like dad?"

Xu Fengyu quickly glanced a bit of obscurity in his eyes. Once he was full of blood, and he wanted to be like a man like Lu Jinshen and Xu Zihua, but Xu Dechang and Liu Lianfeng firmly opposed.

He entered the army without knowing the two old men. Liu knew that he fainted and almost died. It was also the same time that he was found to have a myocardial infarction. The old man was afraid that he was worried and kept concealing him.

It wasn't until one year later that he went home to visit relatives and saw Liu Lianfeng who was unable to move half of his body until he realized that his unauthorized decision had hit the elderly so hard.

Xu Dechang took his hand and said, with cloudy eyes, "Boy, my son died on the battlefield, neither my grandma nor you want you to follow his old path. If you really feel bad about grandpa and grandma, don’t go. Is the army okay?"

He agreed to Xu Dechang and retired.

The blood in my heart no longer dared to spray out.

He was ashamed and felt that Liu Lingfeng suffered a stroke, so Liu Lingfeng let him sing when he died, and he agreed.

"Xu Fengyu." Lu Anran shouted at Xu Fengyu's expression.

"Huh?" Xu Fengyu looked back.

"what happened to you?"

"It's okay."

"But your face is not very good." Lu Anran was concerned.

"It's okay."

"...Oh." Lu Anran thought Xu Fengyu should have remembered his mother. She remembered the time when he dreamed and panicked and feared. He felt distressed for him, but did not know how to comfort him.

The two remained silent until they went downstairs.

Lu Anran took Xu Fengyu's mouth sweetly and called him, "Brother, lie down together for a while?"

Xu Fengyu sat on the floor, "You lie down."

Lu Anran lay down, took Xu Fengyu's hand, and said, "lie down?"

Xu Fengyu glanced back at Lu Anran. The girl's smart eyes contained obvious concerns. Did he worry about her just now? Somewhere in the bottom of my heart was soft, lying down with her strength, her hands folded behind her head, her eyes looking at the clear blue sky.

"Is the sky particularly blue?" Lu Anran's voice remembered by his ear.

Xu Fengyu, "Uh."

"Is it particularly expansive?"


"Looking at the vast blue sky, do you feel better?"

Xu Fengyu leaned her head and looked at the girl's pretty little face, so she was comforting him? His eyes darkened a little, and he lifted his lips slightly, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Lu Anran turned his head to look at Xu Fengyu, his eyes were too deep, she was a little afraid to look directly, just looked at it and turned away, wanting to say ‘who is worried about you? ‘But I’m afraid she’s saying that, he’s in a worse mood, enduring, not squeaking.

The two lay in silence for a moment, and Xu Fengyu sat up.

Lu Anran took his hand, "What are you doing?"

"Go and buy water for you." Xu Fengyu said, holding the grass and getting up.

"Don't go." Lu Anran pulled his hand hard when he spoke.

Xu Fengyu was getting up and pulled by her. He fell directly down, and he fell sideways. He fell down safely next to the landing, and his face was facing the side of the landing.

Lu Anran turned his face, ready to ask him if he had anything to do, only to know that he turned so close to her.

The two faces are separated by a few centimeters. Although they are not close, they breathe.

Lu Anran was stunned. He looked at the beautiful face close to him so silly, his heart was uncontrollable and he started pounding, and his face quickly turned red.

He didn't move, just looked at her deeply.

The two's eyes were glued and stared.

Xu Fengyu raised his hand, rubbing his thumb gently at Lu Anran's lips, and his voice was charming and dumb. "Your lips are really beautiful."

Lu Anran's heartbeat soared and banged as if he was about to burst out of the mouth, and her eyes fell unconsciously on Xu Fengyu's lips, and found his lips so sexy, thin and crimson.

The picture of Xu Fengyu drunk and kissing her drunkly appeared in his mind.

In fact, she doesn't seem to hate his kisses, I don't know, no smell of alcohol, what is the smell of his kisses.

Lu Anran was taken aback by the shameful thought she was born, is she crazy? He even wanted to kiss his brother.

Lu Anran slapped Xu Fengyu's hand with a palm, took a slip and sat up from the grass, got up, "I...I went to buy water..." and then ran away quickly.

Xu Fengyu sat up from the ground, looked at the figure of Enron quickly escaping from the landing, looked down at her red-handed hand, and sighed a little. She even disliked his approach.

When Xu Anran bought water, Xu Fengyu was answering the phone. He put one hand in his trouser pocket and his slender figure turned his back to him. After listening to his brief two sentences, Lu Anran knew that this call was from Fan Xintong.

He seemed to feel her gaze, turned his head to look at her, and then turned back to the phone and said, "Tongtong, don't make a fuss, just like that, I will call you back when I have time." Then he hung up Call, turn around and ask her, "Hungry or not? Would you like to eat something?"

Lu Anran thought that he was still in a bad mood just now. In a blink of an eye, he was able to coax the girl again, and he didn't know where the fire was coming. He then turned and strode towards the stop of the small train.

"Don't you play here?" Xu Fengyu followed.

Lu Anran said without looking back, "No more playing."

"Where is the next stop?"

Lu Anran stopped and turned to look at Xu Fengyu coldly, his tone very sharp, "I can't play, do you understand? Go home, do you understand home?"

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