Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1534: , An intimate picture of love

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Underground second-level parking lot

Lu Anran sat in the co-pilot seat, Xu Fengyu leaned over and took the convenience bag in her hand. The sunglasses and mask on his face had not been removed. He asked: "How did you buy so many KFC?"

Lu Anran didn't answer Xu Fengyu's question, and turned to look at him puzzledly, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Fasten your seat belts, we set off." Xu Fengyu answered the question, holding the steering wheel in his hand, ready to start the car.

Lu Anran sat still, "What happened? You first made things clear, what do you mean by doing these today?"

Xu Fengyu's slender index finger tapped gently on the steering wheel, turning his beautiful face to look at the landing. "Isn't it because I didn't let you go out?"

Lu Anran nodded, "So?"

"I will take you out to play." Xu Fengyu slightly raised his lips.

Before Lu Anran felt like a little white-faced man, I don't know when to start? She actually thought he was handsome, especially looking at her with such a smile now, so handsome that she was a bit out of control.


The man's magnetically beautiful monosyllable sounded, causing Lu Anran to recover from his beauty, "This is the compensation you said?"

"Well, sit down and set off." Then the car started.

Lu Anran bowed his seat belt and raised his lips slightly unconsciously.

The car drove out of the lower parking lot and merged into the traffic.

Lu Anran turned his head to see the white and slender hands in control of the steering wheel, especially wanted to pull it over and hold it in his hand, but before thinking that Xu Fengyu said that it was not safe to touch the hand while driving, she endured it, looked at it for a while, and looked away, "we where to?"

"C City."

Lu Anran frowned slightly. City C was counted as the neighboring city of the capital, but there was a river in the middle. It was more troublesome to take the ferry. In the past, it was almost two hours’ drive, and City C’s economy is far less developed than the capital. Not as prosperous as the capital, "Why go to City C?"

"Naturally, there are few people who know me."

Lu Anran, "..."

"I checked on the Internet. The large lawn of Baoxi Garden in City C is good. There are many tourist attractions around Baoxi Garden. We can all take a look."

Lu Anran, the big lawn of Baoxi Garden, has heard about it, but has not been there. "You have done a strategy in advance?"


Lu Anran felt warm in his heart. Xu Fengyu had dinner at the Lu family yesterday before going back. I wanted to come back and check the information after working overtime at night.

Xu Fengyu said that KFC had eaten too much, and Lu Anran didn't eat more on the way. When he arrived at City C at eleven o'clock, he found a restaurant to stop and said that he would have the energy to play before eating.

After getting off the car, Lu Anran walked over and took Xu Fengyu's hand, did Liangjingjing's eyes fall on his beautiful fingers, "Be patient all the way, let me touch."

"..." Xu Fengyu was really helpless about Lu Anran's hand control problem. Another hand that was not held by her was pressed on her forehead and her head was raised. "Can you behave normally?" "

Lu Anran thought Xu Fengyu didn't want to touch her hand, hurriedly squeezed his hand, and pulled it to his side, then he was in his arms, "You promised you to show me the hand you touched, you can't say it Without faith."

Xu Fengyu hooked the corner of his lips helplessly, holding Lu Anran's small hand in the palm of his backhand. "I didn't say I won't let you hold it, just to make you normal, don't keep staring at my hand."

"...Oh...Oh..." Lu Anran didn't know what was going on, and his heart was beating very fast. Is it because he was held by his favorite hand?

Well, it must be.

The two held hands and entered the restaurant.

Xu Fengyu's mask has been removed, but in case he is recognized, sunglasses are still worn.

The two found a seat in the back seat, and the young male waiter smiled and took the menu, "Two good, our shop now has a couple set menu event, the price of the food is equivalent to 20% of the usual, two people can take a look Oh."

Lu Anran slightly raised his lips, "Sorry, we are not..."

"Okay, how to participate in the event?" Xu Fengyu interrupted Lu Anran.

Lu Anran turned his head and looked at Xu Fengyu.

Xu Fengyu didn't look at her, but squeezed the little hand in his palm.

The waiter said, "It's very simple. The two placed an order with Meituan and received five-star praise. The picture above shows not only the dishes you ordered, but also an intimate photo of you symbolizing love."

Lu Anran, "What is an intimate photo that symbolizes love?"

"For example, the photos of the two KISS..." The waiter saw that Lu Anran blushed just after she said, thinking that maybe the relationship between the couple might not have reached the point where they were kissing, and they said: "Or face to face A group photo is also possible, just make people look full of love."

"Then we will not participate..."

"Okay, let's look at the menu first." Xu Fengyu interrupted Lu Anran again.

The waiter warmly introduced, "You can enter the name of our restaurant on Meituan, and then place an order directly on Meituan, and then comment on the picture above, so that you can enjoy our event discounts when you pay."

"Okay." Xu Fengyu nodded.

Lu Anran watched the waiter leave and immediately turned to ask Xu Fengyu, "When are we brothers and sisters becoming couples?"

Xu Fengyu looked lightly and took out his mobile phone. He opened the US group and said, "Why not save money?"

Lu Anran was a little unbelievable, lowering his voice and saying, "A big star, do you care about this money?"

"Don't care, but saving is saving. This is a fine virtue of the Chinese nation, and we have to pass it on."

"..." Lu Anran almost forgot, Xu Fengyu is a man with a small belly.

"Don't you also use me to pretend to be your boyfriend perfunctory Xiaoyi last time? I will borrow you to save money, why not?"

"..." Lu Anran had never seen such a careful-minded man, well, she borrowed him first, this time she counted him back, but... "Where do we get a close photo? You won't save money Even your own sister wants to be frivolous?"

Xu Fengyu's eyes moved from the mobile phone screen to Lu Anran's face, his eyebrows slightly raised, "Have you ever been thin and light? I pressed me to the ground that time..."

"I... I didn't do it on purpose." Lu Anran hurriedly interrupted Xu Fengyu's words. She knew he was talking about the time she accidentally pressed him to the ground and kissed his lips when she went to grab the phone.

"What about sleeping on my chest?"

"Then... that's not to blame me, you pulled me up."

"Then do you hold my hand now?"

Lu Anran blinked his eyes twice. After Xu Fengyu mentioned this, she realized that she had done so many unforgivable things to her brother. Kissing, hugging, holding hands, she should do the same between couples. Now!

Lu Anran was busy pulling his little hand back.

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