Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1503: , Called brother

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Fu Yiran recaptured his mobile phone from Lu Anran, a pair of indifferent looks, "Mom said, Lu Ziqian is my brother, brothers must love each other..."

"I promised to take you out for a ride and never give you a ride. This is not a joke. It will kill you if something goes wrong. If you don’t agree, then pull it down. Don’t even want that set of equipment, anyway. If my mom doesn’t hurt me, and Grandma Lin pets me, you’re different. Although grandpa and grandma love you, they don’t live here anyway. You can do it yourself.” Lu Anran finished and went away.


Lu Anran smiled, "It's your acquaintance."

Fu Yiran, "Now send me the equipment."

Lu Anran gritted his teeth and sat down, "The computer moved over."

Fu Yiran got up and took the laptop on the desk.

Lu Anran logged into the game account and gritted his teeth while operating: "With your technology, such good equipment is also a waste to you."

"Can I pretend to be cool?"

"……Rich playboy."

In the room, the siblings united the front.

Outside the villa, Xu Fengyu's car stopped slowly at the door. He sat in the car for a moment before getting out of the car with a gift and ringing the doorbell. After a while, the door opened from the inside and looked at the woman who appeared inside the door , Xu Fengyu rolled inside.

More than ten years have passed, and the years have not left too many traces on her face. Instead, she has a more mature woman's charm. Looking at her, Xu Fengyu's mind unconsciously showed the scene of the two people making trouble.

Take remote control and grab snacks.

Things seemed to have happened yesterday, but in a blink of an eye it has been more than ten years.

"Tong Qiao." The words came from the depth of Xu Fengyu's throat, which is also the name that often appears in his dreams.

"Zi Qian?" Tong Qiao looked at the tall and long man at the door, thinking that he had only reached her waist before he left, sighing at the passage of time, it was hard to believe that the little devil in her heart had grown into a big man. No longer can I find the half-shadow shadow that was once lively and cute and naughty.

Xu Fengyu nodded, "Well, I am Zi Qian."

Tong Qiao's eyes were a little bit hot, and she reached for a punch in Xu Fengyu's chest. "Little bastard, it's been more than a decade since I left. It's too conscienceless."

Xu Fengyu's thin lips and micro hooks are still familiar to him. He hasn't changed at all. He carried the things in his hands. "Heavy, you hold it."

"I don't know if I want to bring it in again?" Tong Qiao said in his mouth, but his hand had reached out and took over the thing in Xu Fengyu's hand, turned around, and looked at the shoe cabinet next to it. "The dark blue pair is Yours, I prepared it for you according to your dad's size, and I don't know if it fits your feet."

Xu Fengyu lowered his head and changed his shoes, "Just right."

Tong Qiao walked towards the living room, looking upstairs, shouting: "An An, Xiao Yi, come down quickly, your brother is back."

Lin Lan heard the sound coming out of the kitchen and talked to Xu Fengyu for a while and then went into the kitchen to make tea again.

Xu Fengyu didn't see Lu Jinshen, and wanted to ask Tong Qiao, was he still in the army and didn't get off work, but somehow he didn't know how to speak, and he left with complaints.

Complaining that Lu Jinshen did not save Sheng Yufei, complaining that Lu Jinshen made him watch his mother die in front of him.

That scene was deeply engraved in his mind, and the **** scene often appeared when he dreamt back at midnight.

But slowly, he grew up and was sensible, knowing that Lu Jinshen was not saving, but was trying to do both: not letting the bad guys off, but also saving their mother and son.

As he grew older, he gradually understood Lu Jinshen's position, knew the responsibilities and responsibilities as a soldier, and knew that Lu Jinshen was right to do so.

Intellectually, he can forgive, but emotionally and psychologically, he can't get through that hurdle.

After all, it was his mother who had a blind date with him.

Sheng Yufei resisted the scene where the bullet fell into the pool of blood for him, always staying in his mind, the complaint was deeply buried in his heart with the fear and helplessness of the time, even if he knew Lu Jinshen was right , The shadow in my heart is also difficult to erase.

When Xu Fengyu was in a trance, footsteps came from the stairs. He sat on the sofa and looked back towards the stairs...

When Lu Anran came downstairs, his eyes fell on the sofa. He always felt that the figure was familiar. Suddenly, the man turned around and after seeing the other person's face, Lu Anran almost rolled down the stairs.

Why is he here?

Wouldn’t she be angry because she said he was a little white face, a little fresh meat that ate on a cheek, so he went to the door and wanted to tell her parents that her car was being detained by the police on the high speed?

Is this person too shameless? !

Xu Fengyu looked at the woman who had just separated at the high-speed intersection a few hours ago, and even came down from Lujialou. It was also terrified. When I remembered, Guan Sen said that her surname was Lu. Isn't it... "Tongqiao, are they?"

Tong Qiao looked at a pair of children who came down the stairs, and the tenderness of maternal love appeared in the eyes, introducing Xu Fengyu, "That was your sister An An. When you were a child, did you like her the most? Don’t you know?"

Xu Fengyu accepts incompetence a little, and Jun Yi's dusty face is slightly pale. When he left, An An was not yet one year old. How could he even know?

No, the point is, how can she be Lu Anran?

"An An is next to your brother, named Fu Yiran. He was not born when you left." Tong Qiao's voice continued to ring in the living room.

Lu Anran heard Tong Qiao's introduction, and he choked, Nani?

Is he Lu Ziqian? !

Distracted, the foot stepped into the air, and the person almost fell off the stairs. Fortunately, Fu Yiran supported her in time and whispered in her ear, "Lu Anran, what kind of plane are you doing? You were scared by him when you saw you. such."

Lu Anran ignored Fu Yiran's ridicule and ran downstairs in two or two steps to the sofa. He pointed to Xu Fengyu and asked Tong Qiao, "Mom, do you say he is Lu Ziqian?"

Tong stood up, pressed Lu Anran's finger to Xu Fengyu, and scolded, "An An, can't be so big or small, call me brother."

"Brother, mom, he's not Lu Ziqian, you admit the wrong person." Lu Anran said to walk to Xu Fengyu, arms folded and looked down at him, "What are you doing Xu Fengyu? Why do you pretend to be Lu Ziqian?"

Tong Qiao was confused by Lu Anran, "An An, what did you just call him?"

"Xu Fengyu, his name is Xu Fengyu, I know him, he is not Lu Ziqian." Lu Anran said.

I haven’t seen it for more than ten years, the person has completely changed, the little boy has become a big man, Tong Qiao does not have ten levels of assurance. The man in front of him is Lu Ziqian, but he feels very familiar to her, "An An, will it be Are you wrong?"

Lu Anran did not answer Tong Qiao, Ling Li stared at Xu Fengyu, "You said, are you Xu Fengyu?"

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