Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1189: , Shen Shao and people fight

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"Why don't you tell him?" Shu Xin let go of Mu Tranquility and looked at her with a puzzled face.

"He didn't ask."

Shuxin, "..." Wouldn't you take the initiative to explain without asking?

Looking at Mu Qingnian's sad look, Shu Xin couldn't bear to say it when she was blamed. According to Mu Qingnian's temperament, you can ask her to say what she really thinks. It's really impossible for her to explain.

Shu Xin sighed slightly, "Then you are so sad now because you rejected his proposal and felt sad?"

Mu Tranquility shook her head, "She knew that Tingxi had proposed to me, came to me this afternoon, and asked me how much money I wanted to leave her son?"

Shu Xin knew that Mu Tingxi's mouth meant Shen Tingxi's mother.

Suddenly, he stood up from the bed, "How can she do this?"

Shu Xin took two steps beside the bed, "She is insulting people, it's too much!"

Mu Ningjing pursed her lips, "She left after leaving a check."

Leave a check?

Soothing, "What about the check? Give me, I will fall on her face."

"I tear it."

Shu Xin snapped his fingers, tears were not yet dry, and smiled and applauded Mu Tranquility, "Well done, who cares about her bad money?"

Mu Tranquility lowered his head, not squeaking.

Shu Xin quelled his anger for a while, and sat down next to Mu Tranquility, "What do you plan to do?"

Mu tranquil raised his eyes and looked at Shuxin, then lowered his eyes and shook his head, "I don't know."

"How could you not know that you would not want to leave Shen Tingxi?"

Mu Tranquilly stirred his fingers, tears fell on the whitening fingertips, dipped into the palm, lowered his head, and did not speak.

Shu Xin looked at Mu Tranquility like this. Bacheng had such an idea. She lived too humblely and felt from her heart that her life was not good enough for Shen Tingxi. Those experiences from small to large left her with too much shadow and burden. Coupled with Shen Tingxi's mother's dislike and care, Mu Qing's inferiority complex is only more serious.

Shu Xin shook Mu tranquil's shoulder and shook, "If you do this, then you are stupid. Are you worthy of Shen Tingxi turning back for your prodigal son? Are you worthy of his sincerity for you?"

Mu Serenity was helpless, "What should I do?"

Shu Xin was silent for a moment, and said, "Tell Shen Tingxi about it and let him deal with it."

Mu Tranquilly shook his head, "No, Yi Tingxi's character will definitely make trouble with his mother. I don't want to see their mother and child lose harmony, which will only make his mother hate me more."

Shu Xin knows that Mu Tranquility makes sense, but... "If you think about her like this, she doesn't accept your love at all, and even if you don't say it, she still won't like you."

"I know, but at least I haven't broken the relationship between their mother and son."

At this time, there was a doorbell ringing at the door, patting Mu Ting's shoulder comfortably, "It should be the feast dumping meal back, you wash your face, eat first."

During dinner, Huo Yanqin's cell phone rang, and the caller showed Shen Tingxi. Huo Yanqin put down his chopsticks and connected the phone, but it wasn't Shen Tingxi.

Huo Yanqing remembered that Dong Tsai was the person beside Shen Tingxi, "Uh."

"The young master is fighting with people. I can't pull it apart. Can you come over?"

Huo Yan tilted his eyes and looked at Mu Tranquility, who was looking down to eat, pulled the chair away, and stood up from the seat. "Address."

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