Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1184: , Are you here to coax the Five Lords?

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Yan Jin didn't want to be a light bulb for a while, and this is Huo Yanqing's office. It was safe and said to Shu Xin: "I go out and turn around and call me when I go."

"Shall I stay with you?"

"No." Yan Jin had already left the door.

Shu Xin waited less than two minutes, and the office door opened. It wasn't Huo Yanqin but Song Li who was sad.

When Song Li saw Shu Xin as if he saw a savior, the sad cloud on his face dissipated instantly, "Miss Shu, are you here to coax the Five Lords?"


This is as if Huo Yanqing is a troublesome child.

"What happened to Yan Qing?"

Song Li wiped the sweat on his forehead, "Wu Ye held a meeting in the conference room. This meeting could have ended at most half an hour. Wu Ye froze for almost an hour. The supervisors are silent, and now because of a wrong data, let me come over and get the report, or will you send the report? It is also possible to save the department heads who are in deep water."

"This is not so good, you are in a meeting..."

"Nothing is bad, the content that needs to be discussed has already been discussed, and Wuye is now just looking for faults and venting his unhappy feelings."

Shu Xin couldn't help laughing when he saw Song Li's wronged daughter-in-law's appearance, "Are you saying such a banquet that you are not afraid that I will hit your small report in front of him?"

Song Li looked nervous immediately, "You won't betray me? How can I also help you monitor the Five Lords, I just risked calling you just now."

"It's scaring you, we are people on a boat, how can I betray allies." Shu Xin smiled broadly.

"That's good." Song Li found the report and stuffed it into Shuxin's hands. "Trouble you."

Shu Xin thought that the matter was due to her, and should be handled by her, and she never refused again. She took the report and walked to the door of the office. When she walked to the door, she turned and said to Song Li: "My master is here too. Turn, she is not familiar with here, would you like to accompany her?"

"I want it." Song Li also left the office immediately, thinking to himself: He will follow Shu Xinming in the future, not only to help him suppress the boss, but also to help her chase his wife.

Shu Xin came to the door of the meeting room, and Huo Yan poured his cold voice out, "What are you doing for me? You dare to show me such a plan?"

"General...President...I will go back and let them make another one...I will make you satisfied next time." A jittery male voice came out.

Shu Xin pushed the door in, and Huo Yan, who was sitting at the top of the room, looked down like water, holding a document in his hand. Hearing the sound, he subconsciously looked towards the door and saw her. Asked her, "Why are you here?"

Shu Xin walked to Huo Yan and leaned over, handed him the document, "Send you a report."

Huo Yan tilted his hand and took it, twisting his eyebrows and asked, "What about Song Li?"

"I let him go with my master."

Huo Yanqin stared at Shuxin for two seconds, his eyebrows tightened tighter, "It's time to work..."

"Shall we go out to play?" Shu Xin bent over and held Huo Yanqin's arm intimately, and a pair of water-spirit eyes looked at him with a smile on his face.

Everyone in the meeting room looked at Huo Yanqing ‘tiger’ and looked forward to him nodding.

However, no.

Huo Yan tilted his arm out, his voice weak, "I'm working, I don't have time."

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