Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1159: , I want to avenge the example

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Shu Xin is now a typical caring and chaotic. He has completely forgotten to call Huo Yanqing to ask about the situation, "Okay."

Shuxin dialed out the strange number, and the other party connected after a while. The environment there was very noisy, and many messy voices could be heard from the phone. "Who are you... why did you send me a message... that person What does it look like... well, thank you."

Shu Xin ended the call and Chen Qiang also hung up the phone, she busy asked: "How is the banquet?"

Chen Qiang replied: "Five Lords are all right. He is sending Miss Shi to the Bright Hotel. I told Five Lords about the information you received. Five Lords said that someone should be alarmist and let you rest in peace."

Shu Xin saw that Huo Yan was okay, and his tense nerves were relaxed, but he really went to the Guangming Hotel, and a heart hung up again, "No, I don't worry, you can send me to the Guangming Hotel."

"But Wuye..."

"You don't send me, I will go by myself." Shu Xin said, striding forward.

Chen Qiang was helpless, "Ma'am, you are waiting for me at the door, I will drive."

"it is good."

The villa is a bit far from the Guangming Hotel. It has been an hour since Shu Xin and Chen Qiang arrived at the hotel.

Shu Xin and Chen Qiang walked into the hotel and walked directly towards the elevator. The two waited for a moment. The elevator reached the first floor and the door opened. Shu Xin and the man in the elevator came face to face.

Shu Xin's eyes were full of shock. Although the man wore a peaked cap and lowered the brim, she recognized him because he was the man who kidnapped her and kicked the dead example. Don't say he wore a hat, even if it turned gray, Shuxin can also recognize it.

Shu Xin clenched his fists a few steps into the elevator and attacked the man inside.

Lin Meng was also obviously surprised to see Shu Xin, and the two started fighting in the elevator.

Chen Qiang looked stunned, what's wrong with his wife? Why do you fight when you see someone?

However, it is his duty to protect Mrs. No one can hurt his wife. Chen Qiang walked into the elevator to stop the comfort, and he fought with the man, "Mrs. You stand a little farther, I will come."

Where Shuxin will stand far away, the scarlet eyes rushed into the fight between the two, "He killed the example, I want to avenge the example."

Shu Xin was kidnapped and sacrificed for example. Chen Qiang knew this. He immediately knew the seriousness of the matter. He started even more ruthlessly, but the other party was obviously not a soft persimmon, and his skill was not under him.

The elevator broke up and alarmed the waiter on the other side of the hall. The waiter immediately ran towards the door and muttered: "Security, security, there are fights here."

Lin Meng knew that it wouldn't do him any good to fight this way. Once things were going wrong, he would be detained here. Huo Yan will surely find the young master from him when he falls.

He must not spoil the master's event.

Lin Meng suddenly remembered that Shuxin was pregnant. When the foot wind turned, he kicked towards Shuxin's stomach.

Chen Qiang's eyes widened, giving up attacking Lin Meng's back, a rotation lifted his feet to block Lin Meng's comfortable attack.

It was in this short gap that Lin Meng pushed Chen Qiang away and ran away from the elevator.

Chen Qiang was shuffled by Lin Meng for a few steps, and after standing firmly, he hurriedly looked at Shuxin, "Mrs. Are you okay?"

Shuxin shook his head and looked at Lin Meng, who had run away. "Damn, he ran away."

Chen Qiang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a call to go out, "A man came out of the Bright Hotel, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, about 1.75 meters tall, try to catch him... I will wait for your news..."

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