Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 536 Adding clock

Looking at the data in his hand, Bai Chuanfeng became more and more excited.

Naganobu Bank is Japan’s top-notch bank.

How could he not be moved by this plate of meat?

Putting down the information in his hands, Bai Chuanfeng sighed inexplicably.

"Arai-san, do you think we have a chance?"

Yu Arai, whose hair and beard has turned gray, can understand Shirakawa Kaede's worries about gains and losses when facing Chang Yin.

Because Changxin Bank is different from other banks, both in terms of background and functions.

Just as he and Professor Yamada had analyzed in depth to Shirakawa Kaede, neon capitalism has its own characteristics.

Since the Meiji Restoration, there have been capable people who have been exploring capitalism suitable for neon.

Among them, there are three main theories that are more accepted by people: "Shibusawa Capitalism" by Eiichi Shibusawa, "Universal Principles" by Yukichi Fukuzawa, and "Plutocratic Capitalism" by Mitsubishi Zaibatsuyataro Iwasaki.

One of the latter two took Omi as a model, and the other took monopoly as its ultimate goal. In the end, they failed to adapt to Neon and were slowly eliminated.

The idea of ​​"Shibusawa Capitalism" is to use Japanese methods to curb capitalist greed.

In order to resolve the massive invasion of foreign capital and foreign culture, this is an elite system with unique Japanese characteristics.

The two core points it emphasizes, "the unity of justice and benefit" and "The Analects of Confucius and Abacus" are also regarded as guidelines by most people in the financial world.

Especially in the Ministry of Finance, many of them are "Shibusawa" and are loyal believers in this model.

For this reason, neon after the war basically developed rapidly for more than 20 years based on the blueprint of "Shibusawa capitalism".

However, as time evolved, a new Shibusawa capitalism was born in the 1970s.

The main forces advocating it are Industrial Bank, the Ministry of Finance, and New Japan Steel.

Xingyin took charge of capital allocation in the post-war era when funds were scarce and was the general headquarters of the neon economy.

The Ministry of Finance has exclusive licensing rights in taxation, finance and other financial fields, and is the regulator of the neon economic system.

Under the call of "steel is the lifeblood of the country", New Japan Steel stands at the pinnacle of industrial capitalism and leads Japan's financial circles.

These three provided strong support for the long-term dominance of the political power by the People's Liberation Army.

It can be said that from the 1950s to the 1980s, Neon's economy has been operating according to this model.

As the most special entity in the neon banking industry, Xingyin’s status has always been unshakable.

If we have to classify Neon's banking industry into different grades, then Industrial Bank is at the top.

Under it are urban banks, trust banks, other long-term credit banks and financial institutions in the government system.

Further down are local banks, mutual banks, credit banks, and financial institutions of the agricultural cooperative system.

According to the size of the fund allocation authority, a concise and clear pyramid system is formed.

In addition to hierarchical division, the Neon government also implemented a division of labor among these banks.

Metropolitan banks provide short-term loans to large enterprises, while local banks serve small and medium-sized customers.

The Trust Bank is responsible for asset management, and the Bank of Tokyo is reorganized into a foreign exchange specialized bank.

The three banks of "Changxin Bank" are the most special. They assume the role of coordinating national resources.

These three banks with state-owned background are Industrial Bank, Qunye Bank, and Japan Bond Credit Bank.

However, like chaebols, they either turned to ordinary banks or were split and reorganized under the orders of the United States.

Among them, Industrial Bank has begun to turn into an ordinary commercial bank, but it is still the most special in terms of composition.

Quanye Bank was split into two, and one half was reorganized into the current First Quanye Bank, which is positioned as a city bank.

The other half is now Changxin Bank, which mainly provides long-term equipment loans to heavy industrial and chemical industries such as power, steel, and shipbuilding.

Japan Bond Credit Bank mainly targets the bond and real estate industries. After all, its predecessor is Japan Real Estate Bank.

Other chaebol banks such as Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and Sumitomo are all classified as urban banks, and Shirakawa Kaede's Hokuto Bank is also one of them.

This is the general pattern of modern neon banking industry, with clear positioning from large to small.

However, with the impact of numerous capitals during the bubble period, the original banking system was riddled with holes and decayed.

Respectable people who were originally aloof like Industrial Bank and Changxin Bank could not resist the temptation of the property and stock markets and began to get involved in the civilian loan business on a large scale.

Nowadays, the status of the three special banks has been gone forever, and functionally they are infinitely closer to urban banks.

But after all, they have enjoyed glory before, and they still hold a special place in Tibet.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Bai Chuanfeng did not set his target on Industrial Bank.

Its status is too special, and with the weight of Beidu Bank, it should not be able to influence its fate.

Even if the other party has this intention, the Ministry of Finance will not agree.

Don’t forget that the Ministry of Finance is the leader who strives to maintain this system. They are least willing to see the collapse of “New Shibusawa Capitalism”.

Changxin Bank is less conspicuous than Industrial Bank, especially since it was the first to reveal its flaws.

The 4 trillion yen bad debt is no joke. If it were left on other banks, they would have gone bankrupt.

Looking at Shirakawa Kaede's heart-beating eyes, Arai Yuya felt a rare surge of blood.

“Chairman Shirakawa, the neon banking industry has long existed in name only.

Now everyone is waiting for the first person to take that step.

No matter how the process changes, the outcome has already been determined. "

Due to the impact of the bubble burst, although many banks were saddled with large amounts of bad debt, few actually went bankrupt.

The reason is that the "myth of banks not failing" is vigorously maintained by the Ministry of Finance.

In other words, the Ministry of Finance does not allow banks to go bankrupt, especially those with state-owned assets.

If the Ministry of Finance had not intervened, banks that could no longer sustain themselves might have filed for bankruptcy.

After all, facing more and more bad debts every day, not every bank can persist.

If the Ministry of Finance uses this to hold people accountable later, it will appear that you incurred the most bad debts during your term of office. If you are not held responsible, who will be held responsible?

But judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Changyin chose to cover up the facts.

Although there is speculation that Changyin gave up its controlling stake in EIE because it encountered difficulties.

But no one knows what kind of situation Changyin is facing now.

Only people with ulterior motives like Shirakawa Kaede and Arai Yu had a rough idea of ​​Changyin's situation.

Arai Yutaka said that the banking industry structure has existed in name only, which is not an alarmist statement.

Judging from the information they have, almost all banks have a large number of non-performing assets, of which real estate mortgage loans are the largest.

There is no doubt that at least a third of these banks will not be able to hold on as house prices continue to decline in the future.

Since it will go bankrupt sooner or later, why not put in more efforts to make it die early and be reborn?

If you want to be a troublemaker in the banking industry, bah, if you want to promote the reform of the banking industry, Shirakawa Kaede is bound to do so.

"Arai-san, since others don't know Changyin's difficulties.

Do you think we should be considerate of the other party, complain to the public on his behalf, and ask everyone to buy more Changyin stocks? "

Bai Chuanfeng, who was making rapid calculations in his mind, spoke words of compassion in an uncertain tone.

Arai Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he had to listen to what Shirakawa Kaede said.

"Hmm~, it's not impossible to advertise it widely, but I don't know how the Ministry of Finance will react?"

“The Ministry of Finance is busy with business, so it probably doesn’t have time to pay attention to these things.

Besides, if it is really too idle, we will find more things for it to do. "

Bai Chuanfeng, with twinkling eyes, had already made up his mind. The next step was to speak to Chang Yin.

As for the "pyramid system" that the Ministry of Finance strives to maintain, there is a good saying: if it is not broken, it will not be established; if it is broken, it will be established.

"Look for an opportunity to reveal Changyin's bad debt information, and other non-performing assets such as Industrial Bank, Shanyi Securities, and Donghai Bank will also be included."

Following the last financial scandal, Bai Chuanfeng is ready to give extra time to his colleagues.

Shi Penzi continues to buckle, and don’t stop exposing the old man. Speed ​​up~speed up~

Yu Arai most admires Shirakawa Kaede's entrepreneurial spirit of having the courage to break conventions and constantly meet challenges.

To be honest, not many people can do this in neon, which is stuck in the past.

Now he will once again challenge the "myth of bank failure". There is no doubt that this is the first time for the neon banking industry.

The first person to kill one of the three major industries with his own hands, just thinking about it makes people's blood boil.

Now that the goal has been clarified, Arai Yu did not hesitate and immediately started preparing for this part of the work.

As a senior expert in the financial industry, he knows what kind of news is most fatal to banks.

As land prices plummeted, a large number of real estate companies closed down, and bank non-performing assets surged.

There were suddenly more news in newspapers about the imminent bankruptcy of a certain bank, and the one that was most mentioned was of course Changyin.

The first is the revelation of Changyin’s losses in EIE International’s investment, with 1.5 trillion yen of bad debts, which shocked the entire economic world.

Faced with such accusations, Chang Yin, furious, immediately denied it.

In order to establish a healthy financial image, the senior management also produced a so-called revenue statement.

This report does not seem to have any problems with Changyin, at least it is much better than other banks.

However, before the other party could be proud for too long, a news magazine quickly exposed the other party's trick.

Changyin’s so-called revenue statement deliberately “off-balance sheet” non-performing debt.

The specific method is that Changyin has formed a large number of subsidiaries.

The subsidiary company will then purchase the land originally mortgaged by the developer based on the book price, and the developer will repay the loan.

After that, the affiliated companies borrowed money from Changyin to obtain funds for purchasing land and building houses.

To put it bluntly, the left hand is replaced by the right hand. The actual land and bad debt situation has not changed, but the debt has been transferred out on the surface.

After such an operation, the revenue report will certainly look good.

However, the emperor's new clothes were torn off, and Chang Yin, who could not cover up, immediately became speechless.

After all, a careful search of these subsidiaries will reveal who is its actual controller.

There are many media outlets that are willing to do this. Bai Chuanfeng just gave an introduction here, and a bunch of reporters immediately caught wind of it.

Not only did they uncover many of Changyin's subsidiaries, but they also discovered that its bad debts went far beyond that.

4 trillion yen of bad debts, a well-deserved Neon Namba question.

Faced with the shocking publication of non-performing assets, the stock market gave its most authentic response.

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