Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 528 The wind is too strong to hear

September 1990 was destined to be an extraordinary month for Neon.

Especially for banks and securities companies, their eyes are focused on the various new land regulations announced by the Ministry of Finance a few months ago.

These land tax reforms will undoubtedly be a blow to the real estate industry, as well as to the banking and securities industries.

No, to put it more comprehensively, it should have a great influence on the people of Neon.

Because many of our book assets are in land, if land prices fall, the consequences will be disastrous.

Many banks and securities companies have issued a large number of loans using land as collateral.

If land prices collapse, it means that banks and securities companies will generate huge amounts of non-performing loans.

Leaving aside the impact on ordinary people, Neon’s financial industry is likely to rise to the sky collectively.

So everyone is betting that the Ministry of Finance will not dare to take action on the land.

In other words, whether the myth that the land will not fall is true.

However, economies and markets can never be controlled because there are too many factors that affect them.

Even the Ministry of Finance, which claims to be the helm of the neon economy, cannot do this, although they may not know it yet.

However, the Ministry of Finance’s restrictions on land prices are not the last straw to burst the bubble.

In the middle of the night in late September, the entire Tokyo media world was in a panic.

Yes, panicked.

Because according to the news coming back from front-line reporters, what happened in Yeshan was enough to turn Neon's financial industry upside down.

The Jidao fight is indeed big news, but it pales in comparison to the "bad debts" of major banks that were revealed at the scene.

Neon's financial industry is about to change. This is the first reaction of the heads of major newspapers.

They knew that if such news was published, it would definitely cause a major earthquake.

So while panicking, my heart couldn't stop boiling.

If I can grab the front page tomorrow and release the news first, then my newspaper will definitely be remembered by people all over Neon.

But the Ministry of Finance would not be happy to see such news that could cause an earthquake, right?

The newspaper president, Sang Men, was awakened by the phone call in the middle of the night. He lingered in the room for a long time and finally decided to call and talk to his colleagues.

Shiro Nakamura of the Asahi Shimbun picked up the landline and dialed a number. He waited for a few seconds before the call was connected.

"Moxi Moxi?"

"Matsumoto-san, I am Nakamura."

"It turns out to be Nakamura-san. Why, are you prepared to surrender to the Mainichi News by staying up so late at night?"

The competition between the Asahi Shimbun and the Mainichi Shimbun has been fierce recently, with the circulation of both newspapers being around three million.

The original circulation of the Daily News was only over one million copies, but in recent years, under the reforms of Shirakawa Holdings, the circulation has increased significantly.

Now it has threatened Asahi Shimbun's second position, so Matsumoto's first words made Nakamura very angry.

"Stop pretending, you guy. What are you going to do with the Daily News about Yeshan's situation?"

It's almost two o'clock in the morning now. I picked up the phone within a few seconds and was still full of energy. I knew I had woken up early.

"Haha, what should I do? Nakamura, just wait to be defeated by me this time. Tomorrow the circulation of Mainichi Shimbun will definitely exceed that of Asahi Shimbun!"

"Baga! Dream on, you bastard! The Asahi Shimbun's manuscript has been written. Is your reporter still in Hayama?"

"You don't have to worry about it. See you tomorrow, oh no, at seven in the morning!"

"Wait! If the Ministry of Finance asks us to refrain from reporting, Matsumoto, what are you going to do?"

"Hello? Nakamura-san, what are you talking about? The signal is not good and you can't hear it?"

Bang, the phone was hung up!

Nakamura was about to scold him, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly laughed.

This guy is so cunning!

Now that he knew the Mainichi Shimbun's plan, Nakamura no longer hesitated. He immediately picked up the phone and called his editor-in-chief.

"Murakami, get up now! You have to write a special report on Hayama's affairs within one hour!"

"Hey, Hayama?"

"You don't need to ask any more questions. Reporter Komatsu will be downstairs of your house right away.

Get all your people up and start working together!

We must suppress the daily news tomorrow! The newspaper must be delivered on time before four o'clock! "

"Hai!" Although he didn't know what happened, due to professional habits, Murakami got up immediately to prepare for the upcoming big news.

As the editor-in-chief of a newspaper, he often encounters this kind of thing. For breaking news, timeliness is what you need!

Newspaper delivery times for major newspapers in Neon are generally from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m.

It's already two o'clock now. The manuscript must be written before three-thirty and then sent to the printing house for printing.

Only in this way can the first batch of newspapers be delivered on time at four o'clock.

After mobilizing all the hands on hand, Nakamura hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

His intuition told him that this big news would have a huge impact on Neon.

Jingle Bell.

Before Nakamura, who was wandering around the room, could sit down, the phone on the table rang again.

"Moxi Moxi?"

"I am the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance."

"Moxi Moxi? Hello? Hello? Sorry, it's too windy to hear!"

Snap! Nakamura hung up the phone directly~

He learned this trick from Matsumoto, tsk, I have to say it's pretty easy to use.

Ding ding ding. The phone rang again~

This time Nakamura simply "popped" and unplugged the phone line.

Alas, due to force majeure, the phone call is really unreachable~

Nakamura found his cell phone and started calling his subordinates one by one.

After making the call, the phone was turned off.

Nakamura has made up his mind to make big news tomorrow.

This is not the idea of ​​the Asahi Shimbun family. The Yomiuri Shimbun, the leader in the print media industry, has even made emergency news breaks on Japanese TV stations.

However, perhaps they still don’t know that the big news this time is far from being as simple as an earthquake in the financial industry.

The shock it caused was a huge earthquake in the entire neon!

In the early morning of September 24th, Haru Takahashi was wearing pajamas as usual and came to the sofa in the living room to prepare for his daily routine and read the newspaper~

His wife would take the newspapers from the door every morning, sort them out, and put them on the table for him to read.

As a director of EIE International Group, financial news and newspapers from several major print media are placed at the top.

His wife knows what he cares about most, the first is land and the second is finance.

Because the fate of EIE International is closely related to them, especially land, which is almost the lifeblood of EIE.

Starting in 1985, Harunori Takahashi's land financing in recent years has exceeded 1.5 trillion yen.

In 1986, he renamed the electronic peripheral equipment company EIE and listed it for trading. At the same time, he bought the Hyatt Regency Saipan Hotel for 3.2 billion yen.

In 1987, he bought a piece of land with 20 billion yen and started building a golf course. He invested 13 billion yen to buy the Sydney Ligen Hotel and 2.2 billion to establish the private Bond University.

In 1988, 130 billion bought Nissin Steamship, and 80 billion bought hotels, villas, and land around the world.

In 1989 and 1990, more than 100 billion was invested in various land projects.

It can be said that Harunori Takahashi’s business front is so broad that I don’t even know where to start.

But there is no doubt that land is the lifeblood of EIE International, and the second artery is the stock market.

Since the beginning of the month, due to another sharp decline in the stock market, some projects financed by EIE International have experienced a shortage of funds.

How big is the shortfall? It’s reached the point where even the company’s fake financial reports can’t cover it up!

For this matter, EIE International's main bank, Long-term Credit Bank, has prepared to enter EIE for asset restructuring.

The stock market and property market are closely related. The sharp plunge in stock prices has caused the financial situation of many companies to deteriorate, and EIE is one of them.

Harunori Takahashi has been worried about this matter recently, and the tax reform policy of the Ministry of Finance is also giving him a headache.

Then he picked up the newspaper on the table and glanced at it.

"Financial tsunami in darkness! Fueled by the Yakuza!"

"The enemy is in Honnoji Temple! The enemy is in the Ministry of Finance!"

"Big earthquake! No bank or securities company was spared!"

At first, Takahashi thought he was dazzled, and then he changed several newspapers one after another. All the headlines were almost saying the same thing!

There is a big problem in Neon’s financial industry!

Takahashi Haru quickly opened the newspaper and read it carefully, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

Insider trading, profit transfer, financial fraud, non-performing assets, financial fraud.

All the illegal operations he could think of were in the newspapers, and not only that, they also published detailed data.

Judging from Harunori Takahashi’s professional perspective, these data are likely to be true? !

The protagonists involved in these problems, Neon’s major banks and securities companies, are almost all spared.

If these data are true, so is the bank involved.

Apart from finance, what is the first impact on neon?

Oops! Takahashi's face turned pale, it was the land!

For corporate executives like Harunori Takahashi, they are concerned about the impact that the news may have on their careers.

But when ordinary people read today's newspapers, the most interesting thing to read is of course the report about the Yakuza's fight in Hayama.

In particular, the "Mainichi Shimbun" spent three pages detailing the entire story of what happened.

The first is the gun battle that took place in Yeshan last night. Although there are no photos of the live exchange of fire.

But a large number of people around can attest that at night, the Yeshan villa area was filled with flames and gunshots.

The photos of the interior of the villa after the incident also show the intensity of the firefight at that time, with bullet holes and blackening caused by the explosion everywhere.

However, what is strange is that with such a fierce exchange of fire, no wounded or corpses were found at the scene? !

According to the reporter's visit and investigation, the villa here in Yeshan belongs to the assets under the Yakuza Association's house.

An insider from the association revealed that the senior executives of the association were having a meeting there on the night of the incident.

There are more than 100 people in total, but now no one can be contacted.

As if they disappeared out of thin air, the Metropolitan Police summoned them one by one, but there was no news from any of them.

As of the moment when the newspaper published it, no one knew what happened to Yeshan.

However, the scandals about major banks discovered at the scene were highlighted by major newspapers.

Some of them are participated by the General House, and some are arranged by the General House themselves. In short, there are all kinds of things.

However, these ordinary people are not interested in it, so it is better to watch the ultimate fight.

But they didn't know that the seemingly boring financial data had brought an unprecedented impact to Neon.

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