Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 524 Turning upside down

According to Neon's "Equity Law", in principle, if you hold 20% of the shares, you can bring affiliated companies under your banner.

Of course, the premise is that 20% of the many shareholders are the largest shareholders. This principle was applied when Shirakawa Holdings acquired Fuji Heavy Industries.

At that time, Fuji Heavy Industries had many shareholders and dispersed equity. Shirakawa Holdings held 28% of the shares and was already the largest shareholder.

Then according to legal regulations, Fuji Heavy Industries has since been officially included in the Shirakawa Holdings group.

With the main group in place, Shirakawa Kaede could openly intervene in the management of Fuji Heavy Industries and change its name to Subaru Co., Ltd.

Now the General House also wants to play this trick, but because Shirakawa Holdings' shareholding in Shirakawa Electric has always exceeded the 50% limit, it is impossible to control it.

But with 20% of the shares, two or three board seats are secure.

As long as the head office occupies certain rights in the board of directors, he can openly intervene in the operation of Shirakawa Electric.

We may not be good at business operations, but we are good at personnel struggles.

As long as there is a director seat, it may take a few years for the General House to acquire Shirakawa Electric.

Under such a beautiful vision, the General House used all its connections to split into two groups.

He went all the way to contact an important person within the Ministry of Finance, and took the book records of past transactions all the way to use both soft and hard tactics against the senior management of the First Bank.

Why does the General House have such a big appetite and want to swallow up Shirakawa Electric?

In addition to strong financial resources, there is also strong political backing. And having the handle of many financial institutions is the reason why it dares to do so.

The Neon Yakuza are never simply violent groups. Almost all of them are deeply tied to the financial and political circles.

With this kind of relationship, many organizations will survive for hundreds of years.

Because the entire headquarters was mobilized, the Yamaguchi-gumi and Sumiyoshi-kai learned the news immediately.

Both parties have no comment on the actions of the association. Although they will provide security for the association house, it is just business.

Besides, the Yamaguchi-gumi were busy dealing with Sumitomo's covert pressure in Osaka, so they had no time to take care of the headquarters in Tokyo.

As for Sumiyoshi Kai, it is more to watch the excitement. It wants to see if the General House can win Shirakawa Electric.

If the other party succeeds, then Hokuto Bank will be Sumiyoshikai's next target.

Sumiyoshi will be self-aware about industrial matters. Even if Shirakawa Electric gave it a gift, it wouldn't be able to handle the subsequent operations.

But Hokuto Bank can do it. It is behind the Toyota Trading Co., Ltd., and Sumiyoshi has two tools when it comes to finance.

So under the turbulent undercurrent, the actions surrounding Shirakawa Electric have been going on silently.

So does Shirakawa Electric know that someone is working against it?

"Watanabe-san, thank you for informing us. Your news is very timely for us."

"Please rest assured, Shirakawa-san, Shirakawa Electric has always been Daiichi Bank's proudest investment, and we will never intend to sell the stock."

The person who advocated investing in Shirakawa Electric was Ichiro Watanabe. Even if the senior management had any ideas, they had to ask his opinion.

Therefore, facing Shirakawa Kaede, Watanabe Ichiro was very confident in carrying such a Haikou.

"Of course, I have never doubted Watanabe-san's character.

And please rest assured that all the little moves outside are under the control of Baichuan Holdings. "

"It's the best. Alas, Neon's banking industry is getting more and more chaotic."

Ichiro Watanabe has a deep feeling about this. This is true inside First Bank, and it is even more obvious in other places.

Bai Chuanfeng did not comfort him for his sigh.

Wherever we are now, in two years it will be a sea of ​​change.

The two said a few more words and then hung up the phone.

I didn't expect that the general manager would come up with the idea of ​​​​the first banker holding stocks.

Gee, it seems that the ambition is quite big.

"Arai-san, how many shares of Shirakawa Electric do we still have?"

"About 58%, there are sufficient circulating shares."

In the first half of the year, while the stock market was at its bottom, Baichuan Holdings quietly absorbed a lot of circulating shares.

There are already a lot of Shirakawa Electric stocks on the market, especially the General House, which is still buying in.

"Just keep our bottom line and don't worry about anything else."


If the General House only has this kind of means on the market, then Bai Chuanfeng is not worried about the other party's tricks at all.

Do you really think that a violent group like this can accomplish the task of swallowing the elephant?

What a joke, I haven’t taken action yet. Even the connections on the surface were not used at all.

The reason why Bai Chuanfeng didn't rush to teach the general house a lesson was because he wanted to get rid of it once and for all.

This kind of Yakuza organization that hides in the shadows often hides and licks its wounds immediately after taking two sap blows.

It would be very difficult to find them later, and Bai Chuanfeng didn't have time to hide and seek with them.

Either don't take action, as long as you take action, the other party will have nowhere to escape.

In addition, the general house is not his ultimate goal. Shirakawa Kaede wants more.

Jingle Bell.

While Bai Chuanfeng was deep in thought, suddenly the phone on his desk rang again.

"Moxi Moxi? It turns out to be Xiaolin-san."

However, as he spoke, Bai Chuanfeng, who was still smiling, gradually turned cold.

"Excuse me, Kobayashi-san, is this what the Ministry of Finance means, or does it mean Hashimoto-san?"

"Well, I'm just giving you some suggestions from the perspective of the Ministry of Finance." The voice in the receiver suddenly became hesitant.

"Kobayashi-san, the reason why Shirakawa Electric is called Shirakawa Electric is because its surname is Shirakawa! It can only be named Shirakawa!"

After saying that, Bai Chuanfeng hung up the phone with a "pop" sound.

"President Shirakawa, was it...?" Yu Arai next to him showed an inquiring look.

"A person who cannot weigh his own weight," Bai Chuanfeng said with mocking eyes.


"Kobayashi Fengji"

"It's him" Arai Yu suddenly realized.

This is the confidential secretary of Hashimoto, the current Minister of Tibet, and Yu Arai once met him.

"So, what does the other party want?" Arai Yu was a little confused as to why the other party called.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a backing behind the general house, but it once again impressed me."

Ichiro Watanabe had just informed him that the General House was trying to accept the stock of Shirakawa Electric from the first bank, which was enough to surprise him.

Unexpectedly, I turned around and found the confidential secretary of the current Minister of Tibet as a lobbyist. It was really surprising.

This association seems to be a gangster, but the work it does is more like a certain political party.

After listening to Shirakawa Kaede's explanation, Arai Yu finally understood what happened.

It turned out that Kobayashi Fengji had just called and asked Bai Chuanfeng tentatively.

Do you mind if Daiichi Bank transfers Shirakawa Electric's shares to a company called Optics Valley?

Others don’t know who is behind Optics Valley Co., Ltd.? Does Bai Chuanfeng still not know?

Now that he has seen all the details of the association house, why does Guang Gu think that others won't be able to recognize it after covering it with several layers of skin?

This Xiaolin-san is deliberately pretending to be confused~

And when Shirakawa Kaede asked him whether it was the Ministry of Finance or Hashimoto's intention, he hesitated and was speechless.

He is also a person who is greedy for profit and cannot understand his own weight.

Not to mention Hashimoto, the Minister of Finance, not even the Ministry of Finance dared to talk to Bai Chuanfeng like this.

Do you really think that the weight of hundreds of thousands of members under Baichuan Holdings is just for show?

Baichuan Holdings, which started out as an industrial company, is by no means something that one or two politicians can shake.

"Chairman Shirakawa, what if the Ministry of Finance is really behind this matter?"

Arai Yu feels that in everything, it is better to consider the worst outcome first.

"What should I do?" Bai Chuanfeng turned to look at him and chuckled, "Of course it is to change the Tibetan Prime Minister."

Arai Yu's body was shocked, this...

I don’t know if it was his misunderstanding, but Arai Yu always felt that since the shareholders’ meeting half a month ago.

Bai Chuanfeng seemed to have become more fierce and more in line with the methods of a chaebol leader.

"Okay~" Bai Chuanfeng stood up and stretched easily, "Since some people can't hold it in any longer, we can start taking action."

After speaking, he looked at Yu Arai, "Especially this Kobayashi-san, it's time for him to see what the power of the chaebol is."

Arai Yu stood up with a serious expression, "Chairman Shirakawa, are you talking about the information collected before?"

Shirakawa Feng nodded, "Let's find an opportunity to reveal the transaction between Fuji Bank and Second Bank."

This is an unusual transaction that Beidu Bank accidentally discovered, and it comes in handy now.

There are also business transactions between banks, such as loan business transfers, and even this is packaged into a financial product and put into market transactions.

What Second Bank wanted to trade with Hokuto Bank at that time was the arbitrage projects operated by Fuji Bank Minoru Nakamura.

Because it has learned a lesson from the past, Beidu Bank is extremely cautious when it comes to large-deposit mortgage loans.

As a result, I found out amazing details.

However, Bai Chuanfeng did not take any immediate action. His intuition told him that he could take advantage of this matter.

Isn't this still Xiao Linsang from just now? Isn't he one of the people involved in this loan fraud?

It can be used just in time to knock the mountain and shake the tiger. By the way, the first one persuades Yin to take action even if he says nothing.

That's right, this time Bai Chuanfeng is planning to poke a big hole in Neon's financial industry.

It's good to be chaotic, but if there is no chaos, how can we fish in troubled waters?

This incident at the General House is a good opportunity.

Because they have close contacts with the financial world, once this mine is detonated.

The banking and securities industry, which uses it as a hub, will definitely explode with big fireworks.

Beidu Bank, it’s time to move to the next level.

Originally, Bai Chuanfeng planned to pursue it slowly, but after clarifying the relationship behind the scenes.

He let out a long sigh. With this intricate web of interests, it was almost impossible to plot quietly.

In this case, let's cut through the mess quickly and turn it upside down at once.

Starting from the second half of 1990, if relevant agencies launch an investigation.

Then the survey time of half a year to one year coincides with the time of real estate thunderstorms next year.

The double thunder explosion should be quite powerful.

In addition, news has been sent back from Ota that there should be a big gathering at the clubhouse next month.

Great, it all comes together.

The bubble era is over, let yourself be the first to help burst it.

However, before poking holes, you have to give yourself a few layers of armor, otherwise it will be more than worth the gain if you hurt yourself.

Chuo Ward, Tokyo Prefectural Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department, welcomed a special guest here today.

Yes, this guest is Shirakawa Kaede.

This place known as "Japan's strongest prosecutorial agency", tsk, this was his first time here.

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