Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 522 Leave no one behind

Although Shirakawa Electric on the stage was extremely angry, that was just the way it was at the shareholders' meeting.

All shareholders who hold a certain proportion of stocks are eligible to participate in the shareholders' meeting of listed companies.

This is their legitimate right protected by law, and if they have any objections to the company's decision-making, they can raise it openly at the meeting.

As the only way for shareholders to participate in corporate operations, this is also protected by rules.

As a decision-maker, although Shirakawa Electric is very popular, they must respond to doubts.

Otherwise, if the opinions of shareholders are ignored, the market reputation will plummet and the stock price will be affected.

This is the principle of open and transparent operation of listed companies, at least this must be guaranteed at the shareholders' meeting.

At this moment, seeing Kaoru Ogawa looking serious in a suit, Hasegawa glared angrily, but did not interrupt his speech.

There are nearly ten thousand people in the Great Hall, so many people are watching, so face must be taken into account.

"So Mr. Ogawa, what do you think about this?"

As the host of the meeting, Hasegawa still maintained his demeanor very well.

Kaoru Ogawa sneered, "30 billion yen~ Why not do it? Do you have to invest so much in research and development?

Don’t you know what business is the most profitable outside right now? Of course it’s real estate development! "

After speaking, Ogawa Xun turned around fiercely and looked at everyone in the auditorium.

“Everyone, it’s been 90 years, and there are still companies that are still putting effort into making products?

With this investment, if you buy two pieces of land in Tokyo, the value will double in less than next year.

That is 100% profit. If we invest 300 billion, it will be 600 billion next year!

There is so much money that we can’t all share it! "

Ogawa Kaoru's call with a Hiroshima accent was extremely loud in the lobby.

Coupled with those open arms, not to mention, it is full of bewitching power.

Are land prices rising in Tokyo? Of course it’s rising!

Living in the bubble era, many people here have personal experience of the appreciation of land.

News about someone who made a fortune by plundering land appeared around him every now and then.

Therefore, many people were really moved when they heard Kaoru Ogawa's suggestion to use corporate money to invest in real estate.

They can't afford a house themselves, but Shirakawa Electric can.

As its shareholders, of course, you can also get some profits from the appreciation of the land.

Besides, in the current era, is there any company that doesn’t speculate in stocks or land?

There are millions of Neon clubs, large and small, and as long as they are capable, they will almost all set up financial management and investment departments within themselves.

This department does nothing else but speculate in stocks and invest in real estate.

Panasonic and Sanyo are doing this, why can't Shirakawa Electric?

Bewitched by him, everyone in the synagogue couldn't help but whisper to each other and began to discuss.

As if he felt that his words were not powerful enough, Kaoru Ogawa turned around and looked at Shirakawa Kaede and the others on the stage with mocking expressions on their faces.

"Doing business in the golden age is only for fools!"

brush! Hasegawa stood up and wanted to refute something, but Shirakawa Kaede stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Let me answer this question." Bai Chuanfeng picked up the microphone in front of him and responded calmly.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Shirakawa Kaede, the current president of Shirakawa Electric."

With a simple sentence, the lobby that was buzzing just now fell silent immediately.

Shirakawa Kaede~Neon’s youngest plutocrat, a legend in the business world.

The legend about him has been sung countless times. Now that he heard it in person, everyone subconsciously cheered up.

Being able to conquer the now huge Shirakawa Empire, everyone unconsciously felt a sense of admiration.

"As for why Shirakawa Electric invests heavily in research and development but does not invest in real estate, the answer is actually very simple."

Bai Chuanfeng held the microphone in his hand with a calm look in his eyes, but also with a hint of persistence.

“Because Shirakawa Electric is a technology company, not a real estate company.

The core competitiveness of Baichuan Electric is innovation in electronic technology. Baichuan Electric's products are spread all over the world, and they have also participated in every aspect of people's lives.

As one of the top three neon electronic technology companies, Baichuan Electric has grown to what it is today because of its long-term investment in research and development.

The brand Shirakawa Electric can be remembered by so many people around the world because it relies on its own technology, not real estate!

There are thousands of real estate companies, but there is only one Shirakawa Electric!

I can guarantee here: Whenever the world needs technology, Shirakawa Electric will not stop its research and development. "

Bai Chuanfeng's words were loud and clear, and he told everyone clearly.

Even if real estate makes more money, Shirakawa Electric will not forget its roots.

Put the cart before the horse, give up your core competitiveness, and go into real estate?

Are you kidding me, what's the difference between that and suicide?

I saw this innovative man stick to his business philosophy so much.

Everyone in the auditorium didn't say whether they agreed or not, but everyone admired him for his courage to not forget his original intention.

Wow~, warm applause began to echo in the lobby.

Yes, when everyone mentions Shirakawa Electric, they think of all kinds of electronic products.

It would be really weird if we let it go into real estate.

Seeing that his own problems were not difficult for the other party, Ogawa Xun didn't take it seriously. They had plenty of time.

"in next year"

"I object!"

"Shirakawa Electric."

"I object!"

In this way, every time Hasegawa made a resolution, someone below would come out to oppose it.

Especially during the shareholder Q\u0026A session, everyone at Shirakawa Electric was holding back their breath as they looked at the hands that were constantly raised.

That is to never compromise with the General Assembly and answer any questions, but it is impossible to admit defeat.

And this time there were hundreds of people dispatched from the General Assembly Hall, and their intention was to disrupt the order of the conference.

In this way, both sides refused to give in, one hour, two hours, three hours

Until dark, the shareholder meeting of Shirakawa Electric continued.

In addition to Hasegawa himself, Shirakawa Kaede and Arai Yu took turns to explain all the questions one by one.

Because the time was too long, many ordinary shareholders could not bear it any longer and had already exited the market early.

But only the reporters still stood their ground. They knew that today's meeting must be the most special shareholder meeting in Neon's history, and it will create a historical record.

Finally, late at night and early in the morning, people in the main hall raised their hands for the last time.

However, the person who raised his hand to ask suddenly didn’t know what to ask.

Because after more than ten hours, all the questions that could be asked were asked.

The raising of hands just now was just a subconscious action. He saw that less than half of the shareholders in the auditorium were still looking at him.

The little guy from the clubhouse suddenly shrank his neck and said, "I, I have no problem."

Shirakawa Kaede and the others didn't take it seriously, and still looked at Kaoru Ogawa in the audience with high spirits.

Although I didn't eat a bite of food all day, I only drank some water. But with the belief of victory, no one backed down.

They want to tell everyone that the reason why Baichuan Electric is called Baichuan Electric is because it has an invincible heart!

Bang~ bang~, sudden applause sounded in the auditorium, "Very good, today I finally got to see the style of Baichuan Electric."

Ogawa Xun stood up slowly and looked at Bai Chuanfeng leisurely, "Everyone, see you soon~"

After saying that, he turned around and led a large group of people, hula~, and left the huge auditorium.

Phew~ Watching them go away, Hasegawa next to him subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Chuanfeng smiled and patted his shoulder, stood up and left the auditorium.

"Shirakawa-san!~", "Shirakawa-san!" A large group of reporters swarmed around and wanted to follow.

However, both Kojima and Hasegawa stopped them, "It's already one o'clock in the morning. Shirakawa-san hasn't eaten at all. Please forgive me."

After hearing them say this, the reporters suddenly remembered. More than ten hours have passed since the shareholders' meeting was held.

Seeing that Bai Chuanfeng had disappeared at the door, the reporters looked at each other and ran out again.

Hurry back and write, they have booked tomorrow’s headlines in advance!

In the parking lot of the auditorium, Bai Chuanfeng's face darkened as soon as he got into the car.

"Inform Ohta to come, now!" The murderous voice made the atmosphere in the car suddenly become colder.

An hour later, in a secret office, Shirakawa Kaede and Ohta sat opposite each other.

"Shirakawa-san, please tell me if you have any orders." The murderous Ota's eyes occasionally flashed with cold light in the darkness.

He had already heard about what happened during the day. If it weren't for Bai Feng's order, he would have set off long ago.

"Is there any smoke?" Bai Chuanfeng's tone was unexpectedly calm and somewhat disturbing.

"Eh?" Ota was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly reacted, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it over.

Opening the hard packaging, Bai Chuanfeng randomly took out a cigarette from the neatly arranged cigarettes.

As soon as I put it under my lips, an orange-red flame lit up.

Ota, who turned his head and looked worried, was looking at him cautiously.

With a chuckle, Bai Chuanfeng leaned close to the flame and took a deep breath.

Cough~cough~, as the pungent smell poured into the nasal cavity, Bai Chuanfeng couldn't help coughing.

Sure enough, the first time I smoked, I couldn't help but choke.

"Forget it~" Bai Chuanfeng laughed at himself and pressed the cigarette he had just lit into the ashtray.

"Shirakawa-san" Ota looked at him worriedly.

Bai Chuanfeng raised his hand to indicate that he didn't need to worry.

"Are you ready for everything I asked you to prepare before?"

"Hai!" Ota nodded vigorously.

"Huh~" Bai Chuanfeng stood up and came to the window, taking a deep breath.

"From now on, we will monitor the whereabouts of the higher-ups in the building around the clock and wait for an opportunity."

"Waiting for an opportunity?"

"Waiting for the opportunity for them all to get together~"

Ota's eyes widened slightly.

Bai Chuanfeng, who had his hands in his pockets by the window, looked at his face slightly, and the dark moon was dimly lit.

"Then leave no one behind~"

The calm eyes with cold light made Ota's body tremble slightly.

Are you excited or nervous? Ohta didn't know.

But he knew that this was definitely not fear!

Is it finally time to do something big? It seems that I haven't been out for a long time.

When Ohta was deep in thought, Shirakawa Kaede turned around, patted his shoulder and said in concern.

“Remember, don’t put yourself at risk!

You can use any means or method, and leave the rest to me! "

"Hai!" With these words, Ota felt more confident.

Normally, he would be responsible for doing things like this, and Bai Chuanfeng would take care of everything for him. This was not the first time that the two of them had cooperated.

Otherwise, based on the violent methods Ohta has used over the years, he would have been sent to the Metropolitan Police Department long ago.

In the General House, Neon doesn’t need such a supreme existence.

And is Shirakawa Kaede’s goal really the headquarters?

No! A Ji Dao is not worthy of his concern.

He wanted bigger and more.

Turning his eyes slightly, under the dark moon, Kabuto Town in the central district was still brightly lit.

As a neon Wall Street, even the dark night cannot cover up the golden light it emits.

The bubble era is over.

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