Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 469 The Brazen Financial Industry

The reason why neon in 1988 fell into the carnival of the whole people was not only because the stock market and property market continued to rise, which brought huge profits to people.

In addition, the turmoil in the international environment has also given the neon people the illusion that they are the center of the world.

Due to the high unemployment rate and the democratization of Eastern Europe, the social order in Ouzhou is turbulent.

The continuous fiscal deficit in the United States, the housing financial crisis, and the social credit crisis continue to rise.

Coupled with the confrontation between Misu, it can be said that the entire world situation seems to be on the verge of collapse at any time.

But in contrast to Neon, the economic and political situation is relatively stable, coupled with the dividends of previous economic development, it can be said that the lives of Neon people are indeed getting better and better.

Now that the golden age has begun, let's look at foreign countries and compare them with domestic ones.

So the slogan "Japan's first" resounded throughout the neon, and everyone thought that the era of "neon" had arrived.

Therefore, Hideo Kojima and the others were drinking in the port area at night.

Don't look at Akagi who seems to be extravagant and doesn't care about the cost of dinner, it's not because he is complacent.

But in this era, people really drink foreign red wine as plain water.

Since the appreciation of the yen, the former foreign luxury goods here in Neon have become mass consumer goods.

Red wine, French-style meals, and Western-style handmade products have all become objects that people can consume at will.

Although Bai Chuanfeng knew that such a luxurious style would not last long, he had no way to persuade people to change this style.

Even the people around him, or the employees under Bai Chuan Holdings, he didn't interfere too much.

The social environment is such that personal will can't play the slightest role in front of it.

Therefore, when other companies are giving their employees a lot of benefits, Baichuan Holdings can only follow the trend.

Otherwise, if other people play wine and golf, but they themselves live in poverty, will the employees under Baichuan Holdings have no idea?

Don't forget that Quan Nihong is now staging a war of grabbing people. If Bai Chuanfeng sticks to his previous style, it is estimated that Bai Chuan Holdings will soon run out of people.

Therefore, Baichuan Holdings is also giving out hundreds of thousands and millions of subsidies, which are even worse than those of its peers.

Since the last time it made a lot of money in the Plaza Accord, Bai Holdings has also made quick money in the foreign exchange market and the stock market in the following years.

Although the money is not too much, it is still enough to distribute benefits to employees.

Think of it as attracting talents and stabilizing temporary expenses of the enterprise.

Anyway, within a few years, Baichuan Holdings can afford this amount of money.

Under the influence of the social environment, the employees of Baichuan Holdings are just one of the many living beings.

It was a personal choice for them to have fun in the bubble era, and Bai Chuanfeng didn't need to restrict anything for it.

But in some things, he can't let his business follow the trend.

For example, banks, financial institutions, and private institutions all in Nihong are lending money without restraint.

So can Beidu Bank follow the trend and do the same? Of course not!

"Arai-san, Northern Capital Bank still sticks to the original bottom line in terms of lending.

Unless there is sufficient collateral assets, the lending limit will be tightened. "

"Currently, the main objects of Beidu Bank's loans are medium and large enterprises, and their loan amount accounts for more than 60% of Beidu Bank's total lending amount.

In addition, for SME loans and personal loans, their loan review is the most stringent, and unsecured loan applications are almost never approved. "

"Very well, don't relax the supervision in this area for now, the current stock market and property market are too hot."

"Hay" Arai Yuneng understood what Bai Chuanfeng meant when he said it was too hot.

To be honest, he has only seen such a scene in his life at such an advanced age.

While feeling uneasy, Yu Arai was extremely envious of his peers making a lot of money.

But since Bai Chuanfeng insisted on the shrinking strategy, he could only implement it.

"Arai-san, are you wondering why Beidu Bank doesn't lend as much as other banks?"

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Bai Chuanfeng chatted with him about this topic naturally.

"Is Chairman Bai Chuan worried about the ups and downs in the stock market and property market?"

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that most of the money in Neon Bank now flows to these two places.

Yu Arai himself is in charge of the bank, and he knows this best.

If Bai Chuanfeng was worried that Beidu Bank's loans would become bad debts, then the stock market and property market must be the culprits.

Regarding Yu Arai's answer, Shirakawa Feng also nodded in approval.

"Arai-san, do you still remember the industry report we read together last time?"

Yu Arai's expression changed. The annual banking industry report will be professionally interpreted by Beidu Bank in the spring of the coming year.

This report not only includes the financial reports released by Beidu Bank itself, but also other Neon banks, as well as the data reports of large financial stock institutions.

"In the whole of last year, the top 12 banks in Nihong have lent a total of 40 trillion yen to the real estate industry.

This amount accounts for a quarter of the total number of loans, which is 25%.

Real estate loans account for 25% of all industries in Neon, which is too high.

And in addition to uncontrolled lending, almost all banks are secretly expanding their leverage ratios to increase profits.

If you check it casually, there is a high probability that these banks have violated the Basel Agreement of the Bank for International Settlements.

They loan out the unrealized profits of their shareholders as capital, which causes a further expansion of the amount of money in circulation.

This is only the top twelve banks with statistical data, and the small banks and special banks in other places are not included in the statistics.

In addition, look at those private financial institutions, in order to compete for profits and share the market. Thousands of non-bank institutions such as finance companies and investment companies are also secretly lending money to the public regardless of policy restrictions.

They are unregulated, unrestricted. It is unbelievable that even minors dare to lend 5 million yen without collateral. "

This is a real event in society at this time, and it has almost become the norm for lenders.

Because the hot money has flowed to the stock market and the property market, banks also open the door to convenience when providing loans to the public for real estate speculation.

At this time, let alone the public, even the banks feel that land prices will not fall. Assets that are mortgaged by real estate are benign assets, so banks can lend with confidence.

Because of the real estate speculation by the whole people, banks have won a lot of loan business. Although the interest rate is low, it is still a profit.

Moreover, many house speculators have sold their houses in exchange for a large sum of money in a short period of time, and the bank's debts will also be repaid at this time.

So, stimulated by short-term profits and long-term profits, many financial companies and investment companies began to raise funds and lend money.

Their interest rate is higher than that of banks, but the advantage is that the review is loose, and even minors dare to lend money, so there is nothing they dare not do.

Because of the chaos in the financial market, many so-called financial companies and investment companies are actually under the control of Ji Dao.

They just transformed the usury that was hidden in the dark into the current financial company, and then openly lend money to the public.

It's magic, the bubble economy has turned the formerly hidden poles into formal clubs.

The benefits are tempting. If you can make money in an open and aboveboard manner, who would want to do those detestable activities.

According to the statistics and calculations of the Northern Metropolitan Bank, these numerous private institutions have also lent at least 30 trillion yen to the real estate market.

Many of these large companies are also secretly doing loan business, or directly entering the market to speculate in real estate and stocks.

In short, the current loan amount in the neon real estate market is as high as 70 trillion yen, accounting for about 80% of the gross national product.

Is this proportion high? If you look at the United States across the way, you will know that the figure in the United States is 33%.

And data like the United States have faintly exposed the financial crisis in real estate.

So think about it with your ass and know that the real estate of Neon is too abnormal at this time.

However, the fact is that this is not the end of the madness. It is only 88 years now, and there are still two or three years before the peak in 1990 and 1991.

After listening to Bai Chuanfeng's analysis, Arai Yu also calmed down slowly.

Before that, he was also confused by the hot real estate market, thinking that the contraction policy of Northern Capital Bank would make him miss a large profit.

After all, Bank of Japan, Fuji, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Daiichi Bank are all doing this, and Arai Hiroyuki's previous thoughts were normal.

"Bai Chuan-san, do you think we need to be stricter in reviewing real estate loans?"

For some reason, Arai Yu, who was still full of confidence, suddenly became a little uneasy in his heart at this moment.

"That's not necessary. Our current loan targets are all medium and large clubs. In terms of risk resistance and repayment ability, they are much stronger than ordinary people."

Because these enterprises are large enough, even if there is a thunderstorm in the future, they will not collapse.

However, it is certain that the loss will be heavy, but as long as the money from Beidu Bank can be recovered, or there is substantial collateral, then it will not be a big problem.

As for personal business, the proportion in Northern Capital Bank is limited, so don't worry too much.

Speaking of which, because Beidu Bank has strict review on personal business, it has also suffered many complaints from the public.

They use unlimited dolls in other banks, and they can borrow at will.

But after you set it up once at Beidu Bank, it is very difficult to set it up a second time.

Although it has been complained by many people and even given the title of "stingy bank", Beidu Bank still has not changed its strategy.

The explanation to the outside world is to ensure the turnover of bank funds, and nothing else will happen.

"In the past year, Neon's GDP growth rate was only 5%, the lowest in recent years, but people are getting richer and richer.

Where did the money come from? From the stock market, from the property market, and from future overdrafts.

Alas, not a good sign. "Bai Chuanfeng put down the information in his hand with some emotion.

Because the manufacturing industry was hindered, the growth rate of Neon's GDP dropped directly, but now the good times are getting sweeter and sweeter.

There are various indications that the current economy of Neon is not normal.

"President Shirakawa, then...shall we remind others?" Yu Arai asked uncertainly.

"Reminder of what? Remind others that the economy of Neon is not normal?

Not to mention whether others believe you or not, do you think those chaebols really didn't notice it at all?

Remember Arai-san, if you don't want to cause trouble, you have to learn to pretend to be confused.

Otherwise, the chaebol would dare to do anything for the benefit. "

Looking at Bai Chuanfeng's eyes with deep meaning, Arai Yu suddenly shuddered.

The real reason behind the soaring property market and stock market seems to be not only the appreciation of the yen.

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