Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 454 Six Ghosts Haunt Tokyo

The so-called three major tactics are twisting the towel tactic, sharing difficulties and transferring production bases.

Twist the towel tactic, that is, start from every bit of the production process to save production costs to the greatest extent.

Recycling cutting fluid and reusing leftover materials like Toyota is the embodiment of this tactic.

And the community is facing difficulties. Simply put, it means hiring a large number of temporary workers, reducing the salary of old employees, and all employees tide over the difficulties together.

In Japanese culture, Japanese people have a belief in companies that "we will tide over difficulties together".

If the company is in trouble, everyone must save money to help the company survive the crisis.

Everyone has a strong collective consciousness and can basically do this consciously. This is a cultural characteristic of the Japanese.

For example, the Nichitsu Auto Parts Factory in Osaka is currently facing a crisis due to the sharp drop in profits due to the appreciation of the yen.

Their solution was not mass layoffs, but more temporary workers.

At the same time, wages and benefits are reduced for regular employees, so as to minimize the loss of profit reduction.

Because of the collective consciousness of the employees, although everyone's income has decreased, they sigh in their hearts.

But employees will never go on strike because of this, or threaten the company to raise their wages back.

It is more common for everyone to accept all this in silence and wait for things to turn around.

If this were placed in the West, believe it or not, the old ricers would have fried the pot long ago, and they might even fight you desperately with guns.

Parades, strikes, and trade union negotiations all started together.

But this is neon, as the country with the lowest job-hopping rate in the world.

There are many people who work in a factory or company until they retire after graduation.

This spirit of "overcoming difficulties together" can be found in small enterprises as well as in large multinational enterprises.

If one day Shirakawa Electric has no choice but to do so, maybe it will do the same.

This is not only recognized by the employees of the enterprise, but even the society.

This is the neon that is stubborn, closed, traditional, and places too much emphasis on collective consciousness.

As for the last tactic, transferring the production base, it is better understood.

Baichuan Electric is already doing this, that is, relocating production capacity.

However, due to the sharp rise in the exchange rate this year, it is not just multinational companies such as Shirakawa Electric who are considering relocation of production capacity.

Some bold self-employed Japanese businessmen have already started to go to China to do related investigations.

Most of these Japanese businessmen are Sang, the president of small and medium-sized enterprises that rely on export trade, and the things they do have no technical content.

Most of them are textiles, slippers, and quartz watches, all of which are light industrial products with average technical content.

After visiting Huaxia, these businessmen soon discovered that the products produced in Huaxia were too cheap.

A pair of slippers can only be sold for at least $5 after being produced in Japan, so as not to lose money.

But if it is produced in China, these slippers can be profitable if they are sold for $0.5 in neon.

The difference in cost is more than ten times.

So these Japanese businessmen began to invest heavily in China, and sold the light industrial products produced in China to Neon and abroad.

The businessmen who have tasted the sweetness soon discovered that this is simply a win-win situation.

Japanese people bought cheap goods and won!

The Japanese businessman made a considerable profit and won!

Huaxia workers earned a certain amount of foreign exchange and won!

Voila, win win win!

Of course, this is only a superficial win, but in fact it has brought another problem to Neon.

That is, with the relocation of production capacity of large enterprises such as Toyota and Shirakawa Electric, small and medium-sized enterprises are also speeding up their flight.

The final result is to accelerate the hollowing out of the industry.

Of course, not all small and medium-sized enterprises have chosen to invest overseas, and some with bigger brains have quickly found a way to make a fortune.

Just like the TV news that Bai Chuanfeng is watching now, its reports are really eye-opening.

"Six Ghosts Haunting Tokyo" was born!

Listen to the name of the second, pure neon media style.

"How much do you earn on average per day?"

"About 100 million."

"Eh, so many?"

"Haha, this is just pediatrics. I have tried 500 million a day. This kind of business is too easy, and a computer can make money."

On TV, there was a middle-aged man with a curly hair and a chrysanthemum expression on his face. He was baring a pair of leaky front teeth, smiling very happily.

The middle-aged man's name is Bei Mao, and he is the president of Hanwa Kogyo Sang.

Hanhe Xingye, the most representative one in "Six Ghosts in Tokyo".

The so-called "six ghosts haunt Tokyo" refers to the fact that six companies made a lot of money in the neon financial market.

Hanwa Kogyo, Yamaichi Securities, Sharp Trading, Ito Corporation, Mitsubishi Trust, and Nippon Trust are all members of the Six Ghosts.

Undoubtedly, one of the most out of place here is Hanwa Kogyo.

Originally it was just a traditional, honest steel producer in Japan. Fengguangshi has 30 offices at home and abroad, with more than 1,000 employees.

As the president of Beimao, he has worked in the export of round steel and steel wire for forty years. Because he mainly does export business, Beimao is extremely sensitive to foreign exchange and exchange rates.

After the appreciation of the yen, this is undoubtedly a major blow to Hanwa Kogyo.

But Beimao did not "twist the towel", second, "layoffs", and third, "invest in China".

He did something that left everyone in the industry dumbfounded, that is, speculating in foreign exchange.

Beimao emptied the president's office and then redecorated it. The latest monitors, telephones, fax machines, and computers are all in place.

Then Beimao formed a foreign exchange hype team headed by himself and assisted by the other five executive directors of the club.

From then on, the foreign exchange speculation team began to speculate in foreign exchange at eight o'clock in the morning every day, and continued to speculate until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night.

The scope of foreign exchange speculation ranges from Tokyo to New York, and the amount of inflows and outflows every day increases from 10 to 20 million U.S. dollars, rising up and down, and finally rising to 400 to 500 million U.S. dollars.

Then there was a scene on the news at this time, according to the reporter's report.

Hanwa Kogyo's profit for the whole year last year was 14.2 billion yen, of which 9.8 billion was earned from foreign exchange speculation.

In other words, the income from foreign exchange speculation has far exceeded the income of Hanwa Kogyo.

The reason why this incident caused such a big commotion is because Hanwa Kogyo was originally a small steel company.

Looking at the other five companies, they are either trading companies or trust institutions, and their foreign exchange speculation is not beyond everyone's expectations.

The neon manufacturing industry, which is just conservative, prudent, and rarely involved in financial activities, has now achieved great success in the foreign exchange market?

There is a saying, nothing can disturb your heart more than your friend or neighbor getting rich~

With Hanwa firing the first shot in foreign exchange speculation, those physical manufacturing industries can't sit still.

Oh, we're going through tough times together, we're laying off workers, we're cutting salaries.

Fortunately, you can sit comfortably in the office, watch the monitor, make phone calls, and a lot of money will come.

How does this make other small clubs that belong to the export manufacturing industry think? envy, jealousy, hate!

You can make money in this way, so what kind of real economy, what kind of steel is smelted, what kind of cars are built, and what kind of machine tools are still used.

Isn't it delicious to fry foreign exchange?

Just after the lemons were finished, everyone started to follow the example of Hanwa.

As a result, a large number of enterprises began to go out of business and learn to speculate in foreign exchange one after another.

A very incredible department, the Financial Technology Department, was even set up for this purpose!

Listen to the name, finance is all about technology.

But if you think about it, stock trading, futures trading, and foreign exchange trading, isn't that technical work?

With the support of media publicity, most of the neon manufacturing industry has joined finance, this huge, greedy, and irrational market.

"Xiaofeng, do you think we should try the foreign exchange market?"

Matsuda Seiko, who had just nursed her child, was even more eager to see that a steel business man could make money.

But Bai Chuanfeng was indifferent to her temptation, it was all left over from my play, why are you so excited.

"Why, are you short of pocket money recently?" Bai Chuanfeng glanced at her with a smile.

"It's not that I'm short of money, but there are a few limited-edition Hermès bags that look good," Matsuda Seiko pouted and began to mutter.

Bai Chuanfeng knew what she was planning, so he took out a card from his pocket very familiarly.

"There are 500 million yen in it, the birthday of the password child. The old rules, it doesn't matter if you spend money, but don't touch the financial market that you don't understand. And."

"Also, you must never gamble on football!" The clever Matsuda Seiko immediately raised his hand and replied.

"Well, not bad, I still remember~"

"Hey~" Seiko Matsuda giggled foolishly.

Bai Chuanfeng is not afraid that his women will spend money, but he is afraid that they will lose their fortunes.

How much money can be spent on consumption alone, and it is a bottomless pit to lose.

Seiko Matsuda, who got another card, slipped it into her small treasury, where there were several similar bank cards and checks.

These are all bits and pieces she got from Bai Chuanfeng, some were begged by her coquettishly, and some were given by Bai Chuanfeng on his own initiative.

But without exception, she didn't spend any of this money.

Buying clothes and bags is just a pretense.

Her real idea is to save some money for her two daughters, because without a boy, Seiko Matsuda always feels a little insecure.

She was worried that Feng Xia and Cheng Xia would not be liked by Bai Chuanfeng when they grew up, and they would be daughters of concubines, so no one would love them.

In fact, it was all because of her worrying too much. Bai Chuanfeng was not a native of Nihong, let alone a traditional and conservative family concept.

Girls are also his children, so how could one favor one over another.

It is true that the way each child is raised may be different, but there will never be any difference in caring.

With such a large family business, he will not starve and freeze them.

Besides, Matsuda Seiko is a little rich woman herself, and she used her savings to set up an artist agency.

The main business direction is to discover the female idols and comedians of the new generation, and of course singers are the top priority.

Although the scale is not large, it has been very impressive in the past two years.

Bai Chuanfeng didn't take much care of these things, it's not bad for them to have their own careers.

Just like Keiko Matsusaka invested in the operation of the film and television industry, Yuko Tanaka founded her own manga column at Tokuma Shoten, using a pseudonym of course.

Not only did Bai Chuanfeng not interfere in these matters, but he even gave some resources to him.

He also believes that semi-independent women are not only attractive, but also make it easier for couples to get along with each other.

But having said that, it's time to pull out another thing that Shirakawa Electric has been developing for two or three years.

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