Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 443 Advance to the Abyss

It was an accident to meet local computer researchers in Xiangshan.

What surprised Bai Chuanfeng even more was that the native land was also working on its own chips.

And the industrial chain is still very complete, even if this industrial chain is extremely fragile.

But as long as it exists, there is hope, and there is a kindling to pass on.

After sending Zhang Jin away, Bai Chuanfeng chatted with the relevant practitioners here.

According to the communication situation, from raw materials to lithography machines to chip design, there are actually related research laboratories doing it.

And the distributed lithography machines of top universities can achieve a processing accuracy of 3 microns.

3 microns, you can process the 80281 chip of the previous generation of SIC.

This process is absolutely sufficient for mainstream commercial electronic products.

That is, only 32-bit chips will use a 1.5-micron or higher 1-micron process.

But that is a processor-level chip. Ordinary audio chips, DAC chips, driver chips, etc. do not need such high precision at all.

And with the level of Zhang Jin's research institute, it is more than enough to make chips in Walkmans or TVs.

But as Bai Chuanfeng said before, because of international relations, there are some things that Bai Chuan Electric really can't get involved in.

Then why did he ask Zhang Jin to go to the local agency in Pengcheng?

Although the factory is a joint venture between Shirakawa Electric and a local organization, if the local organization chooses to purchase Zhang Jin's chips, won't Baichuan Electric arouse suspicion?

Bai Chuanfeng naturally had a reason to do so.

Don't forget what others limit? It is embargoed high-end technology.

It is "embargo" rather than "import". There is a big difference between the two.

The joint venture factory purchases Zhang Jin's chips instead of directly exporting chips here.

Locally produced chips are used locally, and these things have never been exported to the sea. Why is there an embargo?

If Shirakawa Electric purchases Neon's chips and ships them here, or if SIC directly exports its own technology to Zhang Jin and the others.

This will violate the relevant agreement and become the trigger for the United States to settle accounts after the fall.

But the procurement is a reverse import. Strictly speaking, not only did it not violate the agreement, but it even made great contributions.

Of course this is a joke, but it is certain that this operation did not violate the agreement.

Since he was doing things within the scope of the rules, why was Bai Chuanfeng still so cautious.

It's nothing more than clearing up the suspicion on yourself.

You can see that Baichuan Electric is only one party to the joint venture, and the local supply chain has always been the responsibility of the other party, and Baichuan Electric is only responsible for approval.

As long as the other party's parts meet Baichuan Electric's requirements and the price is right, they will purchase them.

Yes, in order to further clarify their relationship, neither Shirakawa Electric nor SIC will export any technology to the local area.

He only checks the qualification rate of the parts, if the performance is not up to standard, then call back and ask them to redesign until it meets the requirements of Baichuan Electric.

What Bai Chuanfeng can do is to give Zhang Jin and the others a chance. If the other party can produce qualified chips, the joint venture factory will purchase these chips.

Relying on the profits of these chips, the local integrated circuit research and semiconductor industry can keep a weak fire and continue.

As long as he could do this, his wish would be fulfilled. At the same time, it can be regarded as making up for the regret in my heart.

If he could avoid the painful pain decades later, it would be regarded as not in vain in his life.

In fact, with the current relationship between the United States and Rabbit, the relevant organizations would not care about such a trivial matter.

It's okay for Panasonic to deliver the whole set of technology, and it's even more okay for Shirakawa Electric to purchase local parts.

Even later, Toshiba directly sold Maoxiong's high-precision machine tools, so that the noise reduction of Maoxiong's big black fish could not be caught in the United States.

Although Toshiba, who committed the crime in the end, suffered a lot of injuries, he still lived well.

Compared with them, Baichuan Electric is already very disciplined.

But Bai Chuanfeng is thinking about the future, the honeymoon period is short after all.

A few years later, in the 90s, Big Brother collapsed.

At that time, the U.S. will turn its guns back and aim at this place, and some organizations will resume their duties.

But even if the United States wants to settle accounts after the fall, it will not be able to catch Shirakawa Electric.

Even after a search, it will be found that Baichuan Electric is very innocent, and its foundation is unbelievably clean.

Even if he is suspected of supporting local sensitive companies, that's okay.

Every document I have has been reviewed by the neon government, and you, Ying Jiang, have also read it secretly. It can't be said that I didn't report it.

While helping others, Bai Chuanfeng also needs to ensure his own safety.

Wait until the 1990s, even if this business can't be done.

But with the transition in the past few years, I believe the local semiconductor industry is not as weak as it is now.

Baichuan Electric's entry into Huaxia can be regarded as making up for the last link of its semiconductor industry chain, the market!

Only when a virtuous circle is formed, can the industry develop healthily, instead of relying solely on state funding.

Those who have dedicated their lives to this country in secret, but remain unknown all their lives, I hope your efforts will not be in vain.

Not to mention Zhang Jin traveled thousands of miles to various joint venture factories to sell his own chips, stayed in China for more than two months, and Bai Chuanfeng was also preparing to return to Neon.

Bai Chuanfeng, who had just returned to Neon from Huaxia in July, felt that he had been away for less than three months, and Neon's place had changed drastically again.

Although Tokyo is still the same Tokyo, the neon is still the same neon.

However, Bai Chuanfeng obviously felt that there was more restlessness in the air, and this was by no means because it was summer in July and Tokyo was so hot.

People in a hurry have enthusiastic smiles on their faces. And what everyone is talking about is the stock market and housing prices.

Yes, another big change in Tokyo is the skyrocketing housing prices.

Since April, when Bai Chuanfeng went to China for inspection, the government agencies here in Nihong have taken out another major measure to stimulate economic development.

"The expansion of the scale of the planned business is centered on the promotion of housing measures and urban redevelopment projects—the utilization of private energy.

To this end, financial measures should be taken to promote the relaxation of regulation and take the initiative to stimulate the effect. "

The translation of this sentence is to use real estate to stimulate domestic demand and redevelop existing urban areas, especially metropolitan areas.

The first half of the sentence is the key point, that is, "use real estate to stimulate domestic demand."

The reason why the Nihong government introduced this policy is to stimulate domestic demand and drive mass consumption.

From the beginning of January to the current July. The appreciation of the yen is like riding a bullet train, advancing rapidly.

At the beginning of the year, the exchange rate between the Japanese yen and the US dollar was 195:1. Do you know what the current ratio is?

155: 1~!

A year ago, the figure was 250:1. In less than a year, the yen has appreciated by nearly 40%!

This speed is so fast that even the Nakasone cabinet, which takes "strengthening the yen" as its policy, feels uneasy.

Therefore, in order to curb the rapid appreciation of the yen, in the past few months, the Nihong government has successively sold several trillion yen to buy US dollars.

The neon government bought tens of billions of dollars back and forth, but as before, the effect was minimal.

The money went outside and returned to the country's financial market, continuing to heat up the stock market.

In addition to buying dollars and throwing yen, the neon government also asked the United States for help.

According to the agreement, the appreciation of the yen has already reached its goal. Therefore, the neon government hopes that the U.S. government will shout to the market to cool down the yen.

However, several requests for help were rejected by the US government in a fancy way.

The thinking of the lighthouse countries is very clear. The depreciation of the dollar is not the goal, and the settlement of the trade deficit is the most fundamental goal.

As long as this number does not drop for a day, it will not clean up the mess of the exchange rate for a day.

The fact before us is that the US trade deficit has not been resolved, but is on the rise.

Therefore, in the face of the many requests for help from the Neon government, the United States found a reason to refuse.

The ambiguous attitude of the U.S. government has given the market an illusion that the yen has speculative expectations that it can appreciate infinitely.

As a result, the exchange rate of the yen surged upwards. Obviously, the Nihong government alone cannot fight against the entire market.

During the six months of appreciation of the yen, the situation of local small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in physical manufacturing has become more and more difficult.

Neon's manufacturing industry has a characteristic, that is, it uses the production mode of small and medium-sized enterprises to supply parts and components, and large enterprises to assemble and export as a cycle system to engage in overseas trade activities.

For example, Shirakawa Electric, Sony, and Panasonic, they are all typical representatives, a CD player or a TV, except for the most critical parts.

Other materials or parts are all purchased from third-party parts for assembly, and then exported overseas with their own brands.

At this time, the yen appreciates. In order to reduce production costs, large companies will adjust their supply chains.

Or buy parts directly from overseas to reduce costs, or like Baichuan Electric. Increase overseas investment to transfer production capacity to achieve a substantial reduction in costs.

But without exception, all small and medium-sized enterprises in the local supply chain were abandoned, their orders were lost, and their survival was unsustainable.

Of course, it has not yet developed into that situation, but it is a fact that the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises has become difficult. And with the appreciation of the yen, the situation will only get worse.

According to the recent survey conducted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the neon manufacturing industry has already shown signs of "hollowing out".

The hollowing out of industry is not a good phenomenon. This refers to the rapid transfer of material production and capital centered on manufacturing to foreign countries in large quantities.

It significantly reduces the status of material production in the national economy and causes a serious imbalance in the proportional relationship between domestic material production and non-material production.

There is another name for this phenomenon, which is "de-industrialization". Later generations of Ami have also stepped on this pit.

The phenomenon of deindustrialization generally occurs only in highly developed countries.

But this is still too early for Neon at this time.

The golden age of manufacturing has just been developed for a few years, and it is facing the situation of giving up halfway.

Faced with this situation, and a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises seeking help, the Nihong government is also anxious.

According to a survey by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, since the Plaza Accord.

The total output value of the neon export manufacturing industry is from 40 trillion yen, accounting for 14% of GDP. It has dropped to 8% of this year's figure, which is less than 30 trillion yen.

The contribution of export manufacturing to GDP has almost plummeted by half.

This is the impact of the 40% appreciation of the yen on the neon manufacturing industry.

It can be said that the situation is very serious, which is why the Neon government keeps asking the United States for help.

Now that the United States is indifferent, the neon government can only save itself.

However, its self-rescue is really a bad move, which is still related to the Nakasone cabinet.

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