Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 439: So Terrifying

As early as a year before the signing of the Plaza Accord, Neon gradually realized financial liberalization under the impetus of the United States and local chaebols.

The stock market, banking, securities, foreign exchange and other fields have basically achieved full integration with the international community.

When Bai Chuanfeng made quick money in the Plaza Accord, he also took advantage of this, so that he could disperse and transfer a huge amount of funds to foreign accounts.

Although the Nihong government has bought dollars and sold Japanese yen, the yen that has been thrown out has returned to the homeland of Nihong after going around Wall Street.

Because of the complete liberalization of finance, overseas investors digested the yen and then took it to invest in the Neon stock market.

As we all know, the bull market of Neon has lasted for nearly two years, and the first investment object of foreign capital coming to Neon is the stock market.

So the neon government worked hard and spent nearly two trillion yen to cool down the yen.

As a result, the dollar exchanged for this money has been depreciating, and the yen that went out has been turned around and returned.

And the money that came back was not invested in the real business, but instead further pushed Neon's stock market to a higher peak.

Then more and more people are blindly speculating in stocks, and more and more people are joining the financial industry.

Since the method of buying dollars and throwing yen does not work, the Nihong government can only think of other ways.

After the Ministry of International Trade and Industry once again investigated the industry and commerce across the country, it was found that the temporarily affected export trade volume was still controllable, and the gap was not very big compared with before.

Now that the lost export business is limited, find a way to make up for this loss in Neon's home country.

How to make up for it? Stimulate domestic demand.

As long as Neon's local market is strong, it may not be able to fill the gap in the previous export trade.

So the neon government began to take a two-pronged approach, trying every means to get the people to spend more.

First, the Hokin Ministry of Labor announced the launch of the "National Income Doubling Plan" in 1986, aiming to substantially increase the income level of the working population.

Everyone's salary has doubled, and they have money in their hands, so they are naturally willing to spend.

For this reason, the Ministry of Labor and Labor of Houjin has also issued relevant orders to domestic enterprises, and the welfare benefits of employees need to be increased in a planned way in the next year.

This is the same operation that later generations of the Celestial Empire make various adjustments to the minimum wage every year.

It's just that the Ministry of Labor and Welfare has taken a relatively large step, and the welfare benefits have been greatly improved.

In addition, the government will also give various subsidies to the people to increase everyone's income invisibly.

Second, starting from January, the Bank of Japan began to cut lending rates. It has dropped from 5% to 4.5%.

The purpose of lowering interest rates is to stimulate domestic demand.

The lower the interest rate on the loan, the more people are willing to borrow from the bank.

In addition, government agencies have also purchased a large number of bonds in the market, trying to spend the money in their hands.

Because there were too many U.S. dollars purchased before, and there were too many foreign exchange reserves.

Keep it in your hands all the time, and it keeps depreciating, so foreign investment is the best way.

Because of this series of stimulus policies, people's money has indeed increased.

But too much yen will lead to inflation. Little days are not stupid, since the money will become worthless, then spend it quickly.

There are also different ways to spend money. Consumption is only the choice of some people, and more people invest their money in the stock market.

At this time, most people's consumption concept is still relatively conservative. If you have money, you can spend a little, but you will not overdraw your consumption.

However, because of interest rate issues, there is no interest on money stored in the bank, so just invest in the stock market.

The big bull market is like a guiding light, attracting people with big wallets to speculate in stocks and foreign exchange.

And because the stock market and the foreign exchange market have all been going up all the way, the people who invested money in found that they actually made money.

So they tasted the sweetness, continued to invest the money they earned in the stock market, and used the rest for consumption.

This way of making quick money has greatly stimulated them, which is much easier than going to work to earn money.

And those who have no money have also begun to borrow money from banks to speculate in stocks and foreign exchange.

Especially in April, the Bank of Japan cut interest rates again. After reducing the interest rate from 4.5% to 4%, the number of companies and individuals willing to take out loans increased significantly.

It's just that things backfired. Only a small part of the money released by the bank was used for consumption, and most of the rest flowed into the stock market.

In fact, the original purpose of the neon government to do this was to expand domestic demand, which is also part of the agreement in the Plaza Accord.

The United States requires the other four countries to cut taxes and interest rates to expand domestic demand.

What to do to expand domestic demand? Of course, it is to buy more American products.

But like the neon government cutting interest rates, many expectations often backfire.

Since the Plaza Accord, the yen and the currencies of the other four countries have appreciated significantly, while the dollar has also depreciated.

However, the trade deficit of the United States not only did not shrink, but further expanded.

This is related to the previous reputation of their respective products, and also related to the investigation conducted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Neon.

As mentioned before, the reason why neon and European products sell well in the United States is not only cheap, but also quality.

Therefore, although the price has risen a bit, there are still many people who are willing to buy.

In addition, according to the survey conducted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, as long as the yen does not fall to 1:180, 1:170.

Then the two pillars of neon exports, automobiles and electronic products, still maintain considerable competitiveness.

Although the cost and price of export products have risen due to the appreciation of the yen, the profit margin is still there.

Therefore, in order to retain the market, neon companies have unanimously lowered prices.

This is to exchange for the market by compressing one's own profit margins. At worst, small profits but quick turnover, but the market must not be lost.

But now the yen exchange rate is still around 1:190, there is still some room for price reduction, so Neon Enterprises still insist on living.

So the United States, which saw no results, urged the other four countries to hand in their homework quickly. The fiscal deficit of the United States has been criticized by all walks of life in the country.

As a dog's leg, Neon is much more obedient than Germany. In just half a year, the interest rate was lowered twice in a row, by a full 100 basis points.

But the effect is just like what I said before, there is not much domestic demand, and most of it has entered the stock market.

However, the manufacturing industry, which was the first to feel the coolness, is already making other plans.

After all, although the export share has been maintained, profits have fallen.

However, it is impossible to increase profits and increase prices, so we can only find a way from the cost.

Early spring in April, although the weather is still slightly cool.

But an industrial park here in Pengcheng has already fallen into a hot situation.

No, this place cannot be called an industrial park yet, it is more appropriate to call it a construction site.

"Mr. Bai Chuan, please see, from this area to the north, a total of 3.32 square kilometers is planned as Nanshan Science and Technology Park.

Before you, the heads of enterprises in Lijiapo, the United States, Australia, oh yes, and your hometown Neon have inspected here. "

In the construction site surrounded by the sound of ping-pong-pong knocking, Liang Xiangzheng, the leader of the industrial park here in Pengcheng, took a group of special visitors to inspect the construction situation here.

Surrounded by the crowd, a young man wearing a hard hat was looking at the dusty construction site with emotion.

The Nanshan Science and Technology Industrial Park, which is famous in later generations, is known as China's Silicon Valley, and it is still a construction site waiting to be reclaimed.

Although many areas are under construction at this time, most of them are still a wilderness.

There are puddles of different sizes accumulated on the bare land, overgrown weeds, and uneven ground.

Looking further away, most of the surrounding buildings are relatively old. Even the buildings are only three or four floors, and there are basically no landmark high-rise buildings.

However, compared with the old ones, there are also many new buildings rising from the ground, such as the land under my feet.

"Mr. Liang, although this place is not very developed, the people here are very energetic."

The scene of Pengcheng at this time had a great impact on Bai Chuanfeng, but he was also deeply impressed by the unique spirit of people in this era.

After hearing Bai Chuanfeng's praise, Liang Xiang immediately slapped his chest.

"Mr. Baichuan, please don't worry, as long as Baichuan Electric needs it. When the first workshop here is completed, it will be used by Baichuan Electric."

For this neon visitor whose mandarin was better than his, Liang Xiang was curious but also very careful.

Not to mention that he is a leader of an industrial park, didn't he see someone from the province and even higher up come down to accompany him?

If he hadn't gotten the job of being in charge of the industrial park, he probably wouldn't even have had a chance to speak.

At the same time, Liang Xiang secretly sighed in his heart, Pengcheng is already one of the most developed areas in the country.

But in the eyes of the other party, it actually belongs to the "not developed" category.

I really don't know if I don't know, and I don't know until I compare that I have fallen too far behind.

But Prime Minister Liang is not discouraged, look at this hot scene, the future Pengcheng will surely shine brightly?

After hearing Xiang Liang's promise, Bai Chuanfeng first smiled and nodded.

"The craft park is indeed a good place, it is adjacent to the port and backed by the mainland.

Both transportation and labor can provide related supporting services. "

Hearing that it was not only Prime Minister Liang, but even the leaders of the provincial and higher levels beside Bai Chuanfeng showed joy.

There is a door. Will the industrial park welcome the first foreign-funded enterprise to settle there?

You must know that the industrial park was just planned and established last year. Let alone construction at this moment, there is not even a decent infrastructure.

Everything is a start-up, and as for the existing enterprises, there is nothing but a material company and a computer floppy drive research and development company.

If an internationally renowned brand such as Baichuan Electric can settle down, it will greatly increase the popularity of the industrial park.

Not to mention that it can increase the attractiveness of subsequent investment promotion, it is very symbolic in itself.

But before they were happy for too long, Bai Chuanfeng looked at the formatted factory building and shook his head again.

Is there any dissatisfaction with Mr. Bai Chuan? Liang Xiang couldn't help sweating slightly from the nervous palms.

However, before he could ask a question, Bai Chuanfeng had already expressed his opinion first.

"Because of the technical issues involved, we built the factory buildings of Baichuan Electric Appliances ourselves.

Design drawings and construction requirements are all in accordance with our standards, but workers and materials need your assistance.

In addition, the land also requires your approval. Baichuan Electric needs at least 1,000 mu of land to build a factory.

For the initial investment, our budget is 30 million US dollars! "

"Hiss~" Liang Xiang and the leaders gasped.

This child is so terrifying~!

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