Judging from the previous two contacts, the embassy should have a lot of sincerity towards Bai Chuanfeng's visit.

Even if Bai Chuanfeng's expectations are not bad, he may receive a formal invitation from the embassy after a while.

Of course, this is something to say later, but the future business direction needs to be planned in advance.

"In short, within five years, except for the necessary local production capacity, other factories of Neon will gradually move out.

Starting from Walkmans and headphones, it gradually transitioned to products such as CD players, electronic dictionaries, and televisions. "

The technical content is gradually advanced from low to high.

It's not that Bai Chuanfeng looked down on the technical environment of his hometown, and specially selected products with low technical content to transfer production capacity.

Not to mention that this is the instinctive choice of capital, at this moment there is indeed no supporting production system in Huaxia.

For example, CD players, there are no suitable parts suppliers in Huaxia.

Laser heads, motors, decoding chips, turntable structures, etc., are almost all provided by Neon.

The round-trip between the two places is long, and it also adds a shipping fee.

Therefore, if it cannot solve more than 50% of the parts supply, Baichuan Electric will not consider directly relocating the factory.

As for products such as walkmans and earphones, Bai Chuanfeng now doubts whether he can handle them in his hometown.

After all, Huaxia has not yet established a qualified quality system, and the processing accuracy of parts has yet to be tested.

However, considering the industriousness of the labor force and the speed of improving the quality of personnel, Bai Chuanfeng is willing to spend more money and time to cultivate the development of Huaxia's industrial system.

Of course, he is not such a selfless and dedicated person. Huaxia's huge future market is something that Baichuan Electric has been coveting for a long time.

Enter the venue early to deepen mutual cooperation, so that many things can be discussed on the table in the future.

After receiving Bai Chuanfeng's order, everyone knew that their boss had made up his mind.

If so, be prepared to do your best.

Among other things, Xiaotian has nothing to say about obeying orders.

"From next year, everyone here can consider going to Yizhou and Huaxia for field investigations.

In addition to studying the configuration of the local industrial system, understanding the local market situation is also one of our goals. "

Bai Chuanfeng firmly believes that if you want to integrate into the local market, you must fully understand their preferences or customs.

Just treating Huaxia as a foundry is not his ultimate goal.

Don't forget what he said before, cultivating the market is also one of the goals in the next few years.

"President, do you have any instructions regarding the local market of Neon?"

The relocation of factories is to cope with the export impact brought by the appreciation of the yen, but the local market of neon is also a place that needs attention.

After all, in the next few years, Neon will still be the largest source of profit for Shirakawa Electric except for the Beimi market.

"About the local market." Bai Chuanfeng paused, "In addition to continuing to innovate, we also need to spend more time on high-end products."

"Huh?" Hasegawa and the others looked at each other unexpectedly.

In the past, Bai Chuanfeng often emphasized to them that taking root in the underlying market is the business purpose of Bai Chuan Electric.

Why did you suddenly change your temper now?

"I said that we should work harder on high-end products, but it does not mean that we have given up on the low-end market."

Seemingly guessing what they were thinking, Bai Chuanfeng specifically added another sentence.

"You didn't realize that this year, especially since the end of the year, there are more and more people in Ginza."

Bai Chuanfeng suddenly changed the topic to Ginza, and everyone didn't react for a while.

"President, are you saying that more and more people are willing to spend money?" Hasegawa asked tentatively.

"That's right." Bai Chuanfeng nodded with a teachable look, "Hasegawa-san's sense of the market is quite sensitive."

"Cough~" Hasede who received the praise was a little bit flustered, Mr. President, I will always be your dog's leg.

Without Hasegawa who looked like a dog licking, Bai Chuanfeng began to analyze the market for everyone.

"A stronger yen may not be friendly to you or me, nor to the Neon government. But it is only good for consumers, at least so far.

Obviously, as the yen appreciates, its international purchasing power will also rise accordingly.

The high-end products that originally came from the United States can now be bought with a 20% discount, and consumers are of course happy.

And as time goes by, once consumption habits are developed, Neon's high-end products will be imperceptibly promoted. "

This is actually a cover, the real reason is that because of the bubbles in the stock market and property market, people have more money in their pockets than they can spend.

At that time, no matter what high-end products were, they would clean up the goods for you.

But Bai Chuanfeng couldn't say the reason so bluntly, there was something magical about it. Others will only believe it if it happens, otherwise they will just take you for a fool.

"In short, if the group of consumers of high-end products expands, then high-end products will be our basic market.

The business purpose of Baichuan Electric is to stand on the side of the vast majority of consumer groups. "

Under normal circumstances, the consumer group of low-end products is the largest, but the situation here at Neon is likely to be reversed in the next few years.

So Bai Chuanfeng is also flexible, that is to please the majority of people, this will never change.

After such an explanation, everyone felt a sense of enlightenment.

Because there are more people in Ginza, they actually saw it with their own eyes.

For this alone, it is worthwhile for Shirakawa Electric to work hard on high-end products in the coming year.

After finalizing the basic policy to deal with the appreciation of the yen, Shirakawa Feng began to discuss with everyone the business situation of Shirakawa Electric this year.

By the end of 1985, Shirakawa Electric's product lineup had become larger and larger.

There are already more than a dozen types in total, among which the most eye-catching performance this year is the 14-inch LCD TV.

The performance of Shirakawa Electric's super large LCD screen at the World Expo at the beginning of the year is still vivid and famous all over the world.

In the second half of the year, the first generation of LCD TVs finally rolled off the assembly line from Shirakawa Electric's factory.

This ultra-thin high-definition LCD TV has caused a huge sensation in Neon since it was first launched to the market.

After all, the blockbuster at the World Expo, Neon can be said to be a household name here.

But everyone also knows that it is a concept product, more like a trailer.

However, in just half a year, this thing called LCD TV has come into reality, which is not surprising.

Although it is only 14 inches in size now, it still can't stop people's enthusiasm for it.

Even with the super high price of 340,000 yen, Shirakawa Electric still sold more than 500,000 LCD TVs in the second half of 1985.

Due to the high technical difficulty and high profit, the current LCD TV has become the most profitable product of Shirakawa Electric.

In the coming year, this kind of TV will also be exported overseas.

I believe that with the advertisements in the previous World Expo, its overseas performance will not disappoint.

However, there is an increase and a decrease, which is affected by the appreciation of the yen. Among the products exported by Baichuan Electric this year, the share of other products such as Walkmans has dropped significantly.

Compared with last year, which did not include LCD TVs, Shirakawa Electric's profit this year was only about 1.7 billion US dollars, which was 200 million US dollars less than last year.

This is the impact of the Plaza Accord in just one quarter, and it is hard to say in the future.

If it weren't for the profit of nearly 300 million U.S. dollars brought by LCD TVs, Baichuan Electric's profit this year might not be as much as last year.

This is also the reason why Bai Chuanfeng wants to relocate the walkman factories to Huaxia. Only by reducing costs can more profits be guaranteed.

Under the manufacturing industry, the other most affected is SIC.

Leaving aside the impact of the appreciation of the yen, the cyclical recession in semiconductors alone has almost cut SIC's profits this year.

The price of DRAM chip 256K dropped from $31 last year to less than $3 this year.

There is a gap of more than 10 times in the middle, and several semiconductor manufacturers can withstand it.

No wonder Intel directly announced its withdrawal from the DRAM chip field in October, and gradually closed seven domestic fabs, focusing on the processor chip business in the future.

Because of the periodic Great Depression, it is not only DRAM chips that are affected, but also processor chips.

For example, SIC's 16-bit chip SIC80281 was sold to Apple for $90 last year.

But this year, the price has become 60 US dollars a piece, which is still the initiative of SIC to ask for a price reduction.

If the SIC is hard capped, Apple is likely to turn around and fall into the arms of Motorola again.

So even though the contract was signed, SIC still took the initiative to lower the price in exchange for Apple's commitment to continue purchasing SIC chips in the coming year.

In fact, SIC has no profit at this price, but in order to maintain market share, it must persist in losing money.

Otherwise, once Apple is lost, it will be difficult for SIC to enter Beimi in the future.

Fortunately, the latest 32-bit chip SIC80381 released by SIC this year is still priced at around US$350.

It was released almost at the same time as Intel's 80386, and its performance is roughly similar, even slightly better than the former.

This is the first time that SIC has caught up with Intel, and the performance of the two has remained at the same level.

Because of its powerful computing power, Apple has decided to use this chip in the next generation of Mac high-end models.

Although Qiao Gang is no longer around, this does not affect the cooperation between Apple and SIC.

Even Bai Chuanfeng thought that without the paranoid leader Qiao, Apple would become more talkative.

In short, affected by the semiconductor depression, SIC's profit this year is only 100 million US dollars, a significant drop.

It is several times less than HAL.

Alas, the winter of semiconductors is coming.

Especially for SIC in Neon, even if it is a fabless semiconductor company, the road ahead may not be easy.

Because this year, the United States has become more stringent in the investigation of semiconductors here in Neon.

In August, Intel and Micron initiated an anti-dumping lawsuit against Neon’s manufacturers, and after two months of investigations in September and October.

In November, the International Trade Commission held that EPROM products imported from Neon harmed the US industry.

In December, the U.S. government initially ruled that 64K DRAM was sold at a price below the fair value.

The final ruling on the two product lawsuits will be announced in the first half of next year.

According to the current trend, it is clear that the situation here is not good for Neon.

Storms, one after another.

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