Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 413: The Semiconductor Controversy

In March, when the weather gets warmer, Bai Chuanfeng is basking in the sun with Xiaoqingkong and Xiaoyasheng in his garden.

Suddenly, the nanny came out of the main hall in a hurry, "My lord, Nakajima-san said that I need you urgently."

Um? Bai Chuanfeng raised his head in surprise, what could be going on at this hour, SIC hasn't made any big moves recently.

"I see, you go to work first."

"Hayi" Jun Dai bowed his body, and then retreated respectfully.

"Are you going out?" Yuko Tanaka, who was sitting next to the stroller, wanted to get up, and packed his coat and briefcase for him.

"Let's rest first, I'll let Jundai get ready." Bai Chuanfeng stretched out his fingers and gently touched the tender hands of the two little guys, then smiled and got up to leave.

"Oh, that's right." As if remembering something, Bai Chuanfeng, who had just walked two steps, came back again, and gnawed hard on Yuko Tanaka's face.

Then, amidst the latter's reproach, he left contentedly.

Tsk, the senior who is a new mother is now like a ripe peach, very attractive.

Back in the living room, Bai Chuanfeng first picked up the phone and called Heitaro Nakajima to ask what happened.

"Brother Nakajima, is there any urgent matter at SIC? ...Okay, I'll go there now!"

After hanging up the phone, Bai Chuanfeng's expression was no longer as relaxed as before.

"Kimyo, tell Kojima to come over, I'm going to Daikanyama."

"Hay!" Jundai first hurried to find Shirakawa Feng's exclusive driver Kojima, and then quickly prepared his coat and other items for him.

More than half an hour later, the black Toyota Century parked under the SIC building.

Just entering the lobby, Yamazaki Hui who had been waiting here hastily greeted him.

"Where is he? Is there anyone receiving him?" Bai Chuanfeng who was walking hurriedly asked without waiting for him to speak.

"In the VIP reception room, Nakajima-san and Shima-san are accompanying them. They should be here for the chip."

Bai Chuanfeng paused, and his face became more serious.

"Let's go up first." It's useless to worry about anything at this time, so let's take a look at what medicine is sold in the other party's gourd.

Sure enough, I knew that those friends and merchants would not be safe.

After half a year, this time I finally took the initiative to find the door.

In front of a luxurious conference room on the top floor of the SIC building, Bai Chuanfeng straightened his clothes and waited for Yamazaki Hui who was beside him to knock on the door before stepping into the conference room.

"Uno-san and Sugiyama-san, the arrival of the two today really makes SIC flourish."

The smiling Bai Chuanfeng smiled enthusiastically, and he quickly walked up to the other party before he got up.

"I took the liberty to visit today, it's because I'm being rude." The leader, Uno Zongyou, got up slowly.

He is over sixty years old, and his health is not very good, so he looks a little sick.

But Bai Chuanfeng didn't dare to neglect him, because just a few months ago Uno Zongyou had another identity, the Minister of International Trade and Industry.

At the beginning of this year, due to health reasons and advanced age, he voluntarily resigned and retired.

Sugiyama Kazuo, who was by his side, was serving as the Deputy Minister of Industrial Affairs in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry at this time.

A former minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and an incumbent minister of affairs, this lineup is very delicate.

Neither too formal nor too dismissive.

Seeing this, Bai Chuanfeng already knew it in his heart, and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry was also making the first tentative contact.

After exchanging thoughtful greetings with each other, they sat on both sides, but since the other party took the initiative to come to the door, Bai Chuanfeng simply did not take the initiative to speak.

Sure enough, after a few more polite words, Sosuke Uno put down his teacup and smiled.

"Bai Chuan-san has really done a great job in the past two years, not only creating a top enterprise like Bai Chuan Electric.

Even in the most cutting-edge chip field, he is a blockbuster. He is really young and promising. "

"You are too absurd." The higher the hat was worn, the more cautious Bai Chuanfeng was.

"Cough~" Uno Zongyou coughed lightly, and then said slowly, "There is no doubt that chips are the core of the future technology industry.

Not only neon, countries all over the world invest a lot of resources in this field every year.

Only by concentrating efforts under the guidance of the government can there be a major breakthrough in chip technology.

Just like Neon's current DRAM chip, the reason why it can win half of the global market in one fell swoop from the situation of extreme scarcity.

Among them, everyone worked together towards a goal, which can be said to have played an almost decisive role. "

There is no lack of pride in Uno Zongsuke's tone, which is the pride of the entire Neon, and it is also the confidence of the Yamato nation.

Not to mention him, even Sugiyama Kazuo who accompanied him nodded in approval.

"Uno-san is right. Only by working together as a group can we burst out with energy beyond imagination!"

Oh, sure enough.

One mouthful of government guidance, one mouthful of collective strength. How could Bai Chuanfeng not understand the meaning in his words.

"Uno-san, Sugiyama-san, does the Ministry of International Trade and Industry want to restart the VLSI Institute?"

Without pretending to be ignorant, and without practicing Tai Chi, Bai Chuanfeng asked straightforwardly what they planned to do.

Uno Sosuke and Sugiyama looked at each other, hesitated for a few seconds, and the former looked at him with a serious face.

"Shirakawa-san, what do you think of the VLSI Institute?"

"Uno-san, as the former minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, do you have any special discoveries about the economic development of neon over the years?"

Bai Chuanfeng did not take the lead in answering his question, but instead chatted with the other party about the economic development of Neon.

"A special discovery?" Uno Zongyou looked at him strangely.

"That's right, I have some shallow opinions, and I have some questions. Please ask Uno-san and Sugiyama-san for clarification."

Bai Chuanfeng put down his teacup and sat up straight, looking at them with burning eyes.

As the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in charge of neon economy and industrial development, it must have seen more than itself.

"Uno-san, since the economic development of neon in the 1950s, it has never been free from the influence of the United States, right?"

This... Uno Sosuke and Sugiyama Kazuo's expressions became subtle, but it was the truth, they had to admit it.

"So from the 1950s to the 1980s, the 30 years in between.

Is our economic cooperation with the United States smooth sailing, or in other words, close? "

"Bai Chuan-san, what do you mean...?" Uno Zongyou's serious expression added a trace of seriousness.

"Although we have a lot of cooperation with the United States, competition and friction are always around.

From the mid-1950s to the early 1970s, the economic pillar of Neon was the textile industry.

With the advancement of technology and the preferential tariff policies of the United States.

Relying on the advantage of extremely low labor costs, Neon expanded its textile market share from 17.4% in 1951 to over 60% in 56.

In the textile market in the United States, more than half of the products come from neon.

This is indeed a remarkable achievement, but is it really okay? Are Americans also satisfied with this result?

Facts have proved that this is not the case, that is, since 1956, Miri has signed textile trade agreements four times.

The content of the agreement aims to limit the export volume, growth rate, total amount and other data of neon textiles.

Moreover, in the 1960s, domestic counterparts in the United States rebelled fiercely and filed an anti-dumping lawsuit to the government.

Under pressure, the leader of the industry promised to take more stringent measures against neon textiles.

Finally in 1971, Miri and Japan signed the Miri-Japanese Textile Trade Agreement.

So far, the "fiber friction" has come to an end, and Neon has given up the textile industry to upgrade its industrial structure. "

Following Shirakawa Kaede's eloquence, both Uno Sosuke and Sugiyama Kazuo's expressions became somewhat complicated.

I can't tell whether I feel humiliated by my previous experience, or feel grateful for the decision to upgrade the industrial structure at that time.

However, is the trade friction between Neon and the United States limited to this? No, not far from it.

"From the end of the 1960s to the end of the 1970s, neon accounted for more than 42% of the steel imports of the United States.

It reached its peak in the early 1970s, and its market share once exceeded 50%, which triggered a wave of protectionism in the United States.

From 1967 to 1974, Nihong was forced to take the initiative to restrict the export of steel to rice for three consecutive times.

The "Special Steel Import Quota Restriction Agreement" in 1976 and the "Agreement on Maintaining Market Order" signed in 1977 for the purpose of "import minimum price system" are all products of the tide of the times.

The 20% punitive tariff has made many neon steel industry clubs gradually disappear.

Since then, Neon's steel exports have declined significantly and no longer pose a threat to the United States. "

Uno Zongyou opened his lips, but he was usually eloquent, but he didn't know where to start.

But Bai Chuanfeng didn't intend to stop at all, he got up and went to the window to look at the street scene outside to continue his explanation.

"Thanks to the upgrading of industrial organizations, since the 1960s, Neon began to export a large number of home appliances to rice.

At the peak in 1976, 90% of the imported color TVs in the United States came from neon, and 20% of the global color TV market was won by neon products.

So the United States began to impose anti-dumping duties, raise tariffs, and launch the '201 investigation', under various measures.

After the signing of the "Market Order Maintenance Agreement" between Mi and Japan in 1977, Neon was forced to automatically restrict the export of color TVs to Mi.

So far, the third trade friction, that is, the color TV friction is going to deposit. "

Uno Zongyou sighed slightly, he had experienced all these things himself.

Even in private, he has scolded the shamelessness of the United States, and it is still difficult to think about it now.

But Bai Chuanfeng still didn't give them a chance to speak or even think, and continued his speech.

"In the 1980s, that is, the first two years. The output of neon cars exceeded the 7 million mark, ranking first in the world.

Among them, nearly 2 million vehicles were exported to the United States, accounting for 21% of the US auto market.

At the same time, the U.S. auto industry began to decline. In 1980, the three major automobile companies of General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler all suffered losses.

A large number of unemployed industrial workers began to gather on the streets to smash neon cars to protest against the invasion of neon products.

As far as I know, we once negotiated with the United States in 1979, but with little success. "

In front of the window, Bai Chuanfeng turned his body slightly, his face appeared uncertain under the light.

"Uno-san, Sugiyama-san, now Neon is ready for the fifth trade friction, is the semiconductor dispute?"

Uno Sosuke and Sugiyama Kazuo visibly trembled, and then each other felt a tingling sensation in their scalps.

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