Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 411 Psychopathy

When the words "Mac is crazy like it" slowly appeared on the Macintosh computer, the audience in the audience shouted excitedly.

They like this cool way of publicity, and the unparalleled shock brought by technology has made many people hold their heads and fall into a numb state.

That's not all, though, as the Mac continues to play various demos of the system.

Sketchpad, word processing, tables, fonts, drawing, programming, and a self-portrait of Qiao Gang generated by drawing software.

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, but then they screamed at the chess, Pac-Man, Raiden and other games that Mac showed.

Seeing the endless applause and screams from the audience, Jobs smiled shyly and proudly.

This feeling of others applauding, obsessed, and crazy for his work gave Jobs the illusion that he was the king of the world.

"We've been talking so much about the Mac lately, and today for the first time ever, I wanted to let the Mac speak for itself."

After speaking, Jobs walked to the display table and lightly clicked the mouse on the table.

Soon, lines of text were displayed on the computer screen, and a male voice with an electronic sound appeared simultaneously with the text.

"Hi everyone, I'm Mac. It's great to get out of that bag...

It is my great honor to introduce to you a man who is like my father: Steve Jobs. "

Computers can talk in this day and age? ! Regardless of how it was achieved, the audience present were stunned by this passage.

Especially in the last sentence, after Mac announced the name of Gang Leader Qiao from his own perspective, the hall fell into cheers and applause for up to 2 minutes.

Standing on the podium, Jobs was really full of pride and complacency from the bottom of his heart.

After waiting for a while, Jobs continued his press conference until the applause died down.

Next, he began to explain the target groups of Mac computers. In addition to office workers in enterprises, schools are also one of its target groups.

Apple is expected to launch five advertisements starting from the Winter Olympics on February 6.

At the scene, Jobs also played the five advertisements in turn. These advertisements praised the Mac from various angles.

At the end of the five advertisements, there is another sentence of the same advertisement.

Mac computers, computers for each of us (non-computer-savvy) people!

Yes, that's the central theme of Apple's marketing of the Mac.

Because of the birth of the graphical system, there is no need to memorize various complex operating instructions when using a computer, and it is no longer an exclusive skill for professionals.

On a Mac computer, anyone without basic computer knowledge can get started quickly.

With a mouse and a simple and clear graphical system, everyone can become a computer user.

It has to be said that Joe's foresight towards computers is truly unmatched.

The goal of the Mac computer he led is to reduce the difficulty for people to use computers and make this market bigger and more popular.

In the next press conference, Jobs focused on the ecological environment of Mac computers.

That's right, Gang Leader Qiao naturally used the ecosystem theory that Bai Chuanfeng explained to him in his press conference.

And unlike in history, this time Jobs paid special attention to the platform software design of the Mac.

In addition to dozens of software developed by himself, he also brought in other software manufacturers to escort the Mac.

Among the various interview clips played at the press conference, the first one to appear was Microsoft's Bill Gates.

"In the software world, quantity is the most important thing, and the more you can sell, the better.

Microsoft chose the Mac software platform because other platforms became boring over time. "

Tsk, Gates and Jobs haven't broken up yet. The former even showed up in person to create momentum for the promotion of Mac computers.

In addition to Mr. Richest Man, there are also Mickey Kapo of Lotus Software, Fred Gibson of PFS Software Publishing Group, etc., all doing various promotions for Mac computer software.

In the last interview segment, suddenly an Asian face appeared on the big screen, and he was an overly handsome Asian young man.

"SIC80281 provides the core guarantee for the powerful performance of Mac, which is our secret weapon.

Of course, in order to give full play to its performance, we also have our own ideas in the application field.

Different from other office software of various application types, HAL is responsible for providing entertainment and relaxation for everyone.

In the future, we will bring you a variety of fun and relaxing games, and enjoy them occasionally after work, which is more conducive to improving efficiency. "

That's right, this overly handsome Asian young man is of course Bai Chuanfeng.

While he was explaining, the basic information about him was also printed on the letters.

Bai Chuanfeng, President of SIC Chip Design Company/HAL Software Service Company.

This interview video was the last time Bai Chuanfeng came to the United States to visit Matsuzaka Keiko, and was pulled over by Jobs to become a young man.

Although the audience at the scene did not know him, they all gave their applause and cheers for the sake of that face.

They don't yet know what the future of SIC and HAL will mean.

It was not until some archaeologists in later generations saw the video of this press conference that they exclaimed that SIC and HAL, which are very important in the computer industry, had already appeared in such an early age.

Of course, this is something to say later. The press conference came to an end after Mr. Qiao introduced the production process of Mac computers.

The press conference of less than 40 minutes is not long, but it brought too much shock to the audience.

All kinds of novel functions and cool application scenarios deeply stimulate everyone.

And Apple's press conference was not only a feast for the audience at the scene, but also set off a revolution in the entire computer industry.

In the early 1980s, computers were gradually "electricized" from professional equipment, and personal computers at this time were generally large in size.

However, the integrated design of Apple Mac allows users to carry it with one hand.

The media directly gave it the title of "the world's smallest desktop computer".

And Mac is also worthy of such a title, its entire shape design concept is full of sense of technology and simplicity.

A power cord, a mouse cord, a keyboard cord, that's all the cables for a Mac.

Compared with the large number of complicated circuits on the computer at this time, the appearance of the Mac is undoubtedly of epoch-making significance.

Facts have also proved this point. More than 4,000 Mac computers were sold on the day Jobs finished his press conference.

It was a $2,000-plus computer, and it sold over $10 million on the first day.

And it was the first day that the Mac went on the market. After hearing the news, Jobs returned to Apple that day and held a celebration party with the development team.

Most of the thousands of computers sold were 128K versions of the Mac. After all, compared to the 512K's $2,795, the former is $300 cheaper.

At the same time, with the end of the press conference, the name of Mac and Jobs became the darling of the media in just one night.

Especially in the ad run on the "Super Bowl", 96 million people witnessed the unusual "1984" of the Mac.

This advertisement is destined to leave its own legend in the history of advertising, and not only ordinary people, but also many stars are attracted by Mac.

John Lennon, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, they were all obsessed with Apple's Mac.

At the party a few days later, everyone gathered together to listen to Jobs' explanation on how to use Mac's graphics software QuickDraw.

After personally experiencing Warhol, with a few clicks of the mouse, a perfect circle appeared on the screen.

"I drew a circle!" Warhol exclaimed proudly and excitedly.

"I prefer its music player function, which gives me a reason to spend more time on the Mac."

Yoko Ono, holding red wine, is not stingy about her love for Mac.

She is the wife of John Lennon, and today's party is also held to celebrate their child Sean Lennon's 9th birthday.

"There's one person who played a key role in this music player and the Mac's ability to play CDs.

Maybe Yoko Ono, you know him too. "Surrounded by the crowd, Jobs was full of complacency.

"Really?" Ono Yoko showed interest, she also likes music very much.

Yoko Ono would also like to know someone who can put music into a computer and realize it, not to mention someone she might know herself.

"He is your compatriot, also from Neon, named Bai Chuanfeng."

The music player software on the Mac was made by Apple's R\u0026D team and HAL in a week.

The latter wrote similar software on Fujitsu computers when Bai Chuanfeng first promoted CD-ROMs.

So this time the Mac computer was able to play the BGM of "Chariots of Fire" smoothly for the first time at the press conference, and HAL really played a key role in this.

"So it's Mr. Shirakawa." Of course, Yoko Ono had heard about this rising figure.

"Next time I'll ask him to a party, trust me, he's an absolute charmer."

"Fine, Jobs. We should have a party for him~"

"That's right, I'll call him right now."

Jobs, who was already a little drunk, felt that he was the master of the world at this moment, and everyone should surround him.

So without thinking about it, he picked up John Lennon's landline and started making overseas calls.

"Moxi Moxi?" There was a confused voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hey man, it's Jobs."

"Huh?" Bai Chuanfeng, who just woke up from sleep, had to prop up his body.

"What happened? Jobs, is there something wrong with the Mac?"

"Mac? Oh no, it's fine."

"Then why did you call in such a hurry?"

"Hey buddy, you're supposed to be at the party today. Look at it, how lively it is, everyone revolves around you."

Jobs held the wine glass and opened his arms, turned around very coolly and looked back at the dancing people at the party.

"Jobs, don't you really check the time before calling? It's just before four o'clock in the morning."

"Come on! Wake up~, Bai Chuan, fly over now, let's toast to Mac~!"

"Patter..." Bai Chuanfeng hung up the phone directly.

"Hey, who is it?" Yuko Tanaka asked vaguely from the side.

"A psychopath." Bai Chuanfeng turned on the lamp, covered his head and continued to catch up on sleep.

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