Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 401 Final Disposal

Hearing that Bai Chuanfeng was going to hand over the development of the handheld to himself, Satoru Iwata was eager to try it, but at the same time he was a little worried.

After all, he has witnessed Tanimura's lessons learned with his own eyes.

And the way Bai Chuan-kun got angry was really scary.

They had known each other before they graduated, and Bai Chuanfeng had always been a gentle and friendly image in the eyes of Iwata Satoshi.

But today Satoshi Iwata will finally see his ruthless side.

But Satoru Iwata quickly put these disturbances behind him, and he was not corrupt, so he was just worrying about nothing.

He Iwata Satoshi's favorite is the computer, the second is the game, and the third is the beauty.

As for money, Iwata Satoru didn't have any extreme pursuit, just enough.

And for a fat house, he didn't even spend much of the money he earned in the past few years.

So after hearing that Bai Chuanfeng wanted to hand over the development of the handheld to himself, Iwata Satoru hesitated for a while, and then began to really consider its related development work.

After pondering for a while, he spoke in deliberation. "Next summer, there should be no problem."

"Okay! Then it will be next summer." Bai Chuanfeng was very satisfied with Iwata Satoru's answer.

Did not mention such and such difficulties, directly gave the time.

Unlike Gucun back then, either there was not enough manpower, or time was tight.

In short, during the entire handheld development process, five or six requests were made.

However, although he didn't make any additional requests, Bai Chuanfeng still considered some auxiliary work for him.

"Please be sure to raise any requirements during the development process, and the SIC and LCD factories will fully cooperate with the development of the handheld when necessary.

The goal of everything is for the smooth launch of the handheld next summer. "

"Hay!" With such a guarantee, Satoru Iwata became more confident.

In fact, he just gave the time for next summer, which is already a conservative estimate.

Based on his experience in developing the previous generation of handhelds and his familiarity with SIC8089A, this cycle can be further shortened.

But in order not to see Bai Chuanfeng getting angry, he gave a development cycle with enough margin.

The handheld project started again, and Bai Chuanfeng's mood, which had become bad because of Tanimura's incident, finally improved a lot.

"Everyone," he looked at the faces of everyone in the conference room, and said solemnly, "HAL's focus in the next stage is the development of handheld ODS.

Everyone must cooperate unconditionally in project development, which includes personnel transfer and assignment of work tasks. "

"Hay!" Everyone agreed in unison.

They didn't dare to be perfunctory in the face of Tanimura and Yamamoto's public execution.

"In addition, the follow-up development of FES will be handed over to Yamashita-san for the time being, and Iwata-san will temporarily act as the president of HAL."

FES has now entered a stable period, and there will be no changes to the game console in a short time.

At most, it is to develop supporting things around the handle, and Yamashita Daji is fully capable of this.

As for the development of FES game cartridges, there are six production teams, so don't worry too much.

No matter how bad it is, signing so many third-party game developers is enough to digest the number of game cassettes released every year.

The appointment of Satoshi Iwata as the acting president of HAL is also paving the way for Shirakawa Feng to officially take over the post of president next year.

Wait until the development of the handheld is completed next year and it will be officially launched. As long as the sales volume is decent, the word "generation" of President Satoshi Iwata will be removed.

Everyone in the conference room could see that Bai Chuanfeng was deliberately cultivating Iwata Satoshi, but they had no objection to this.

First, he developed the best-selling FES, and then he was ordered to take over the development of the handheld ODS.

With these two merits, Iwata Satoru's promotion, everyone is convinced.

Moreover, most of HAL's employees are young people, and they don't pay much attention to each other's seniority.

In this way, the management of HAL underwent a sudden change, but the reorganization was quickly completed.

But the handling of the Tanimura and Yamamoto incident is far from over.

As soon as the meeting ended, Bai Chuanfeng kept letting the audit team of Bai Chuan Holdings settle in the HAL Research Institute.

In the next period of time, they will conduct a comprehensive financial review of HAL.

Bai Chuanfeng didn't believe that Tanimura and Yamamoto alone could steal a huge amount of nearly 300 million yen.

It would be difficult to achieve this without the cooperation of the people below or other departments.

Several important departments, such as the original handheld development team and personnel, were the focus of review.

At the same time, Yamamoto went through the interrogation in the conference room just now, and after he came out, he also told everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

It turned out that it was indeed Tanimura who found him at the very beginning of the matter.

As the president of HAL, Tanimura is the titular top executive.

Although the parent company Shirakawa Holdings still exists, the latter does not participate much in daily business activities.

After all, the game industry is different from traditional enterprises. It is not easy to send two people over to play.

Also because of the one-word decision on game and software development, Tanimura is the absolute authority in the eyes of ordinary members.

It just so happened that he took over the development of a new generation of handhelds at that time, and all the funds, personnel transfers, etc. were under the authority of Tanimura.

When Tanimura found Yamamoto and started the first large-scale reimbursement.

Although the latter was shocked, he didn't dare to report directly to Baichuan Holdings.

The Neon club is also strictly hierarchical, and the head of a club is already an irresistible existence for employees.

Don't you see, in order to please customers, the boss of the later generations directly stuffed the employees' faces into the hot pot.

There was also a male member of Dentsu who was forced by the leader to finish drinking the beer poured into his leather shoes at the banquet.

As for the scenes where the president pours coffee on the employees in public and smashes things around him, it is even more commonplace.

And how did these unfairly treated employees do it?

The employee who was stuffed in the hot pot didn't even resist at that time. The other colleagues present did not respond either, and continued to go to work after a two-day break.

The Dentsu male employee who drank heel beer was left with a shadow in his heart because of the unbearable humiliation, and then he went home and committed suicide.

Did you find it? When these members encountered bullying, they did not resist immediately.

Even the most extreme resistance that can't stand these things is to hide in the house alone and commit suicide.

Why is the personality of Neon people so extreme and forbearing, and workplace bullying is so common for everyone?

This is related to their traditional culture, and "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" also has a very objective description.

"Neon people are extremely aggressive but very gentle in nature; militaristic and beautiful; arrogant and self-respecting but polite;

Obstinate yet weak and fickle; tame but unwilling to be pushed around; loyal yet rebellious;

Brave but cowardly; conservative yet very welcoming of new ways of life. "

This text describes the character of the current neon people, and the way of doing things is very appropriate.

Under this kind of environment and culture, it is not surprising that they can recognize the strictly hierarchical workplace rules and habits.

Now HAL, and even Shirakawa Electric have workplace bullying?

There is no doubt that Bai Chuanfeng has no way to completely eradicate this phenomenon.

All he can do is to protect the welfare of employees as much as possible.

For the rest, the neon government has nothing to do, what can he do.

Therefore, facing Tanimura's blatant false report of large expenses, Yamamoto knew the tricks in it, so he didn't dare to question it.

Especially after Tanimura gave him some favors, Yamamoto even enjoyed it.

Later, the courage gradually grew, and the two even partnered to invest the research and development funds of the handheld into the stock market.

For them, developing a handheld can earn a few dollars.

Not to mention the long cycle, even if it succeeds, it is just a little bonus.

But the stock market is quick to make money. The principal of 200 to 300 million, a slight increase is enough for their salary for a year.

So for more than half a year, Tanimura's mind was spent on stock trading, so he didn't have the energy to manage the development of the handheld.

Throwing the project casually into the hands of the people below, he and Yamamoto had a great time speculating in stocks.

It wasn't until now that Bai Chuanfeng came to personally check the results of the handheld, that everything surfaced.

Speaking of which, Bai Chuanfeng is also quite curious. According to Tanimura's income in the past few years, it should be enough to be called a social elite.

But why is he still trying to find ways to make money for himself through these crooked ways.

After listening to Yamamoto's explanation, he found out that the more than 200 million yen he earned in the past few years was all rushed into the stock market by Tanimura.

The result is self-evident.

Bai Chuanfeng really didn't understand him, and all his savings were lost by trading in stocks.

Why didn't you stop in time? Is stock trading the same as gambling, and is there an addiction?

He doesn't know Tanimura's psychology, but the most important thing now is to recover the research and development funds in the stock market.

With the cooperation of Yamamoto, the professional financial team quickly transferred out the remaining 140 million yen.

Fortunately, half of the 300 million yen can be recovered, otherwise Bai Chuanfeng would not have let him go so easily.

This matter has been dealt with back and forth for nearly a month, and finally there is a preliminary result.

Yamamoto of HAL's finance department is suspected of helping the former president Tanimura to report false accounts and transfer the company's public assets.

In the end, he was ordered by the headquarters to resign and leave, dismissing all relevant positions.

Unable to consider that the amount of money he has been corrupted is not too much, HAL did not send him directly to the Metropolitan Police Department.

In fact, the most fundamental reason why he was not allowed to step on the sewing machine was that Bai Chuanfeng had reached an agreement with Tanimura.

The latter handed over the shares, and the former did not pursue his legal responsibility.

If only Yamamoto was sent in, he would feel unbalanced and would definitely confess Tanimura as the mastermind.

Now that both parties have signed the agreement, Bai Chuanfeng will keep his promise.

After all, with a loss of less than 200 million yen, in exchange for 1.8% of HAL's original shares, this deal is definitely a bargain.

Otherwise, according to the rapid expansion of FES and game business this year, Tanimura's dividend at the end of the year would be more than 200 million yen.

Moreover, the club has a financial scandal, which is not a good thing no matter how you look at it.

Considering the social impact, this matter was finally handled in a low-key manner.

Tanimura took the blame and resigned, surrendered his shares and left. Yamamoto was pulled into the industry blacklist and has since disappeared.

At the same time, two employees of the development team were also transferred from the original department and transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A deputy director of the personnel department was dismissed, and the two parties signed an agreement that HAL does not need to pay any compensation.

So far, the "handheld incident" ended with the resignation of three senior executives and the transfer of two developers.

"All the criminal evidence about Yamamoto and Tanimura should be sealed up and must not be lost."

"Hay!" Assistant Xiaotian nodded in understanding.

Bai Chuanfeng looked at Tokyo outside the window, his eyes sometimes flashed with light, and sometimes fell into deep thought.

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