Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 392 Troubled Autumn

The guests in the banquet hall were surprised and stunned.

On the other hand, Bai Chuanfeng's mother and son were a little dazed when they saw Mingren approaching from a distance, and then frowned and fell into deep thought.

After the other party nodded slightly in this direction, Hezi seemed to suddenly remember something.

With a faint smile on her face, she also nodded towards the other party in return.

"Sister, sister, it's him!" Masao Tozawa, who was leaning on her side, felt that he was a little awkward to speak.

His Royal Highness the crown prince, the future licking emperor, how could he appear here?

Although he had followed Akihito as a follower when he was a child, since each entered a different school and after his father passed away.

He never had much contact with the crown prince again. After so many years, the childhood things have long been forgotten.

Masao Tozawa hadn't been an idiot yet, Akihito came to Bai Chuanfeng's wedding because of his own reasons.

If it's not because of yourself, then who is it because of?

Masao Tozawa looked at his older sister, and at Shirakawa Feng who was standing with Akihito calmly, feeling a little unpredictable for a while.

But no matter what, it was definitely a surprise to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince today.

Sure enough, it was really the correct decision to be cheeky and uninvited, otherwise he would definitely regret it afterwards and apologize.

Rubbing his hands, Masao Tozawa was already thinking about how to flatter him later.

Akihito and his wife who came here suddenly, after greeting everyone. At the invitation of Tamoli, he took the microphone and said a few words.

As a representative of the royal family, he has participated in this kind of event countless times, and he has no pressure to talk about the scene.

First of all, I wish Bai Chuanfeng and Tanaka Yuko a happy wedding, especially a single compliment to the bride.

"Tanaka-san's Ashin spirit is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which is also the perfect embodiment of the resilience of Neon people.

I hope your sincerity and kindness will continue to inspire everyone in the future. I also wish you a happy life together and be with you every year. "

To hear people from the royal family praise themselves in front of so many people. Yuko Tanaka was a little excited, but also a little bit sentimental.

While thanking you again and again, the tears also burst out uncontrollably.

Bai Chuanfeng patted her on the back, then took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of her eyes.

He could understand why Yuko Tanaka reacted so strongly. She was not completely ignorant of all the rumors in the newspapers during this period of time.

The words that ridiculed her for being unworthy of Bai Chuanfeng as an artist also hurt her deeply.

Although it seems to be unaware on the surface, how can there be no pressure in the heart.

In addition, her mood fluctuated a lot after pregnancy, and now that she was encouraged by a noble person, she couldn't control the grievance in her heart, and she burst into tears.

It was the future Empress Michiko who thoughtfully held her hand and comforted her softly.

She can empathize with Yuko Tanaka at this time, because when she married Akihito, she was under more pressure than this.

As the first commoner queen of the royal family, she received far more criticism than expected.

But after today, no one should discuss Yuko Tanaka's identity anymore.

The future licking royal couple personally approve, can't they keep their mouths shut?

Bai Chuanfeng nodded gratefully to Mingren, he didn't know if the other party did it on purpose.

But that simple sentence can block the mouths of everyone in the future.

This alone deserves Bai Chuanfeng's sincere thanks.

As for Akihito holding the microphone, he wished the couple well.

By the way, I also praised Baichuan Electric for its contribution to the neon economy, and at the same time encouraged everyone present to actively promote the development of neon.

After saying a few words, Akihito and his wife bowed to express their thanks amidst applause, and then retreated.

Next, Tamori and the others took over and began to preside over Bai Chuanfeng's wedding.

Compared with the solemn traditional wedding, the atmosphere of the Western-style wedding banquet is much more lively.

First, Professor Yamada, who was the witness, recited the congratulations, followed by the bride and groom's congratulations and then exchanged rings.

This time it was a real diamond ring, not the red rope clasp on the front of the gods.

While everyone was lively watching the process of the couple's marriage, Mingren and his wife came to the table of Bai Chuanfeng's parents.

"Hezi, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you still have the same demeanor."

Without waiting for them to get up, the smiling Akihito pressed his hands lightly, signaling that there is no need to be formal.

Kazuko, who was wearing a kimono, smiled and nodded slightly. "Ming Rensang hasn't changed at all, do you still love your fish?"

Akihito laughed when he heard this.

He is well known in the circle for his hobby of studying fish.

In the past, when gathering at the Xia Club, he would often take the playmates of the Chinese children and introduce how rare his newly caught fish was.

Hearing Hezi mention this matter at this moment, while Akihito laughed out loud, various scenes from decades ago could not help appearing in front of his eyes.

They exchanged pleasantries with each other, and then introduced the people around them to each other.

Hayato Shirakawa was also a little surprised that his wife knew the current crown prince.

But it was just surprise, he knew Hezi's identity very early on. She also knew that with her former status, it was not surprising that she knew anyone.

Otherwise, how could he completely trust her choice in all kinds of things about his son's study.

Tozawa Masao, who was beside him, wanted to have a few words with Akihito, but the latter seemed to have completely forgotten him, and had no memory of him at all.

He wanted to have an awkward chat, but he was swept away by Hezi's understated eyes, and he immediately shut up again.

Fortunately, his sister said that he was mainly afraid of that nephew that his six relatives did not recognize.

Akihito and his wife chatted with Shirakawa Hayato and his wife for a while, and when they saw Bai Chuanfeng and the others who had finished the wedding process, Akihito also got up and prepared to leave.

It's already very rare to be able to come here temporarily today. Since the wedding is over, it's time for him to leave.

It is impossible for them to stay here for a long time, and the wedding banquet after the wedding ceremony is not in the plan.

"Hezi, if you are free in the future, you might as well take a walk in the Imperial Garden with Bai Chuan-san, or the Jixia Guild Hall.

I don't even want to chat with familiar people when I'm old, so I happened to talk to Michiko about interesting things outside. "

The title of crown prince sounds nice, but in fact he is bound by rules everywhere in the palace.

Michiko has been tortured even more over the years, and even suffered from mental illness.

Akihito also hopes that there are friends outside who can guide her and make her more cheerful.

Regarding his invitation, Kazuko nodded with a smile, "I will go when I am free."

Although he verbally agreed, Kazuko understood that he would rarely come to Tokyo in the future.

Compared with the prosperity in the eyes of outsiders, the peaceful days in Xiaolu are more relaxing.

Akihito and his wife got up and paid their respects again, then left the seats. Before leaving, they naturally exchanged greetings with several distinguished guests.

Same as when they came, it was still Bai Chuanfeng who personally sent them away.

"Bai Chuan, can I call you that?" Akihito slowed down when he walked to the door.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want." Bai Chuanfeng nodded modestly.

Since he and his mother are old friends, they can also be regarded as his elders.

Regardless of the status of the royal family, respect should also be given.

"You can lay down your own foundation without any external force. There is no doubt that ability is the best choice."

Mingren signaled his followers to wait for a while, he wanted to have a private chat with Bai Chuanfeng.

"I heard that you not only have a famous company like Baichuan Electric, but also a company that can design chips independently?"

Bai Chuanfeng's heart skipped a beat. If he remembered correctly, he had mentioned similar words when we first met.

But even though he was surprised, he still nodded calmly.

"Thanks to your concern, there is indeed such a club. But because it started late, the current scale is still not worth mentioning."

"Chip." Akihito nodded sighingly, "The bright core of future technological civilization. You can boldly enter this field, which shows your vision and courage."

"You are absurdly praising, Bai Chuan should not praise like that."

Akihito waved his hand to signal that he didn't need to be polite.

"Originally, I shouldn't be the one to ask about this matter. But since it happened, I might as well say a few more words."

Sure enough, Bai Chuanfeng knew that things would not be that simple.

"Bai Chuan, have you heard of the VLSI Institute of Technology?" Akihito's first question made Bai Chuanfeng's heart tighten.

"I heard." Bai Chuanfeng nodded, "It was jointly established by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the five major semiconductor companies, the Industrial Technology Electronics Research Institute and the Computer Research Institute.

The purpose is to concentrate on overcoming the semiconductor field, and try to catch up with the technology gap with the United States. However, the VLSI Institute of Technology seems to have been officially dissolved in 1980. "

"That's what I said, but the five companies still haven't stopped their original laboratory investment internally, and even increased their research and development efforts."

Akihito told about the unknown side of Bai Chuanfeng's history. There are six laboratories under the VLSI Institute of Technology.

Only the laboratories under the Electrical Appliance Research Institute are really controlled by the neon government, and the other five laboratories are all within the five semiconductor companies.

They receive government funding, and all laboratory results are shared internally.

After several years of concerted efforts in 1980, Neon's DRAM technology has completely surpassed that of the United States, so the government stopped the financial compensation.

However, it is publicly announced that the VLSI Association is officially disbanded, but in order to continue to maintain the technological advantages of Neon.

The five companies continue to carry out technological research and development at their own expense, and can even communicate with each other when necessary.

"Now" Akihito glanced at the thoughtful Bai Chuanfeng, "They want SIC to join them."

"Huh?" Bai Chuanfeng said cleverly, "His Royal Highness, you mean."

Akihito nodded, and spit out a word that made Bai Chuanfeng's face change, "processor chip architecture technology".

"Shameless!" Bai Chuanfeng cursed through gritted teeth.

The VLSI Institute of Technology has been disbanded, but now the Big Five has offered to invite SIC to join a similar body.

To put it bluntly, it is to share R\u0026D investment and share technology, but in fact, it wants the chip architecture technology of SIC.

It's not that they haven't done similar things. In the 1970s, several clubs used the power of the government to force NEC to open their "semiconductor planar production" process to them.

Seeing that SIC seems to be getting more and more popular now, I couldn't help but start to have crooked thoughts.

In fact, in previous negotiations, NEC and Toshiba wanted SIC architecture drawings more than once.

It's just that Bai Chuanfeng didn't let go until today.

Seeing that the talks can't be reached now, then simply use government means to force SIC to open up its technology to them.

To be honest, Bai Chuanfeng was really pissed off by these guys, as expected, as a capitalist, there is no one who is not black-hearted.

Seeing Bai Chuanfeng's angry expression, Ming Ren comforted him instead.

"Don't worry, they are only advising the Ministry of International Trade and Industry now. How to implement it will not come to fruition in a short time.

But as long as you know about this, at least you have a bottom line in your mind for the future. "

Bai Chuanfeng nodded, expressing his understanding.

"His Royal Highness, thank you for your notification, SIC will make all the preparations."

Akihito nodded, ready to say goodbye and leave.

"By the way, Bai Chuan, please remember what the soil for the survival of enterprises is, and never go against the will of the government at any time, remember!"

"Bai Chuan understands!" Bai Chuanfeng bowed again to express his gratitude.

Watching the couple leave, Bai Chuanfeng secretly sighed, what a troubled time.

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