Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 372 Family Entertainment System

In the HAL Research Institute, Bai Chuanfeng sat in front of a TV prepared in advance, and was curiously looking at a machine in front of him.

A small rectangular box of about 20 centimeters, the main body is white, and the button and surrounding decorative stripes are replaced by blue.

From a distance, it looks big and square, blue and white.

The reason for this design is mainly to match the blue logo of Shirakawa Electric, including the blue and white design of the handles that can be inserted on both sides of the machine.

There are only two buttons on the entire game console, a power button and a reset button.

There is also a slot in the upper part of the middle, which is where the game cartridge is installed.

However, when not in use, it is covered by two plastic hinge-like curtains to prevent dust from entering.

As for the two handles, one on the left and one on the right, Bai Chuanfeng felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he saw them.

There is an iconic cross key on the left side of the handle, and two simple A and B round buttons on the right.

Familiar, too familiar, this is the memory of the whole childhood.

While he was looking at the blue and white machine, Iwata Satoru and a middle-aged man with a round face were also explaining to him how to use the game machine.

"Bai Chuan-san, just plug in the cassette and press the reset button, we can experience the game."

As its designers, Iwata Satoru and Akagi faithfully implemented the "minimal simplification" purpose proposed by Bai Chuanfeng.

This is a game device for children, it does not require complex operations, the simpler the use, the better.

So there are only two buttons left on the blue and white machine of Shirakawa Electric, and the game cassette can also be plugged in and played.

At the same time, for the sake of safety, the edges and corners of the game console are all rounded and chamfered.

With this rounded shape, even if a child accidentally bumps into it, it will not hurt or feel pain.

"This is the game designed by your company?" Bai Chuanfeng took a game cartridge protected by an orange shell and looked it over carefully.

On the front of the cassette box, there is a sticker made of a game poster. A cartoon villain in a blue suit is running fast with goggles, followed by a robot villain in hot pursuit.

"Lode Runner (Gold Digger)" has a few bold and large black characters, which are very conspicuous under the sticker.

"Hay, this is a scrolling maze game.

The purpose of the player is to steal all the gold and escape smoothly in each level. "

Yuji Kudo with a round face nervously explained to Bai Chuanfeng the various gameplays and mechanisms of the game.

Don't be nervous, this is the famous founder of Baichuan Electric.

The legend that it is sitting on trillions of assets is widely circulated in Neon, and this name alone makes Yuji Kudo nervous.

When Bai Chuanfeng saw the name "Gold Digger", he always felt a little familiar.

However, because of the age and the plausible game posters, he couldn't remember where he had heard of it.

Since he couldn't remember it for the time being, he didn't bother to think about it again. Pressing the switch of the game console, Bai Chuanfeng directly inserted the cassette into the slot.

Press the reset button again, "beep beep~beep~" a burst of music sounded.

On the TV screen ahead, a yellow and black cartoon image of a little honey slowly appeared.

"Little bee?" Bai Chuanfeng involuntarily said in surprise.

"Hay!" Behind him, Yuji Kudo subconsciously stood at attention and lowered his head, "Its name is Hachisuke, and it is the logo of Hudson Software."

However, Bai Chuanfeng didn't pay attention to its name at all, he just stared at the little bee on the TV with a dazed expression.

This cartoon image is too familiar. I played the cassettes of this game company a lot when I was a child.

"Bomberman", "Adventure Island", "The Legend of Momotaro".

Of course, all the players were playing pirated cassettes at that time, but this still made Bai Chuanfeng feel kind and inexplicable.

It turns out that the name of Little Bee Company is Hudson Software. I have always called it Little Bee when I was a child.

Only now did Bai Chuanfeng realize that the game partner Iwata found was also one of his childhood memories.

Gently press the start button on the handle, the villain with the face towel, the ladder, the pile of gold, the brown wall, everything is so familiar.

At that time, the friends around me preferred to call it "digging gold" or "mouse stealing rice".

Just now, Bai Chuanfeng felt that the name "Gold Digger" was somewhat familiar, but he was misled by the posters, so he didn't think about it.

Blame it on the promotional posters of Neon Games. The cool scenes and characters have nothing to do with the real game screens.

After you plug in the cassette, you realize that the pictures shown on the TV are basically pixel villains, and there are no details on the posters.

But the complaints are the complaints, Bai Chuanfeng still has a mood of reminiscence, and he has slightly passed his addiction to the handle.

Tsk, the gradually familiar technique makes developer Yuji Kudo's explanation a bit redundant.

"Uh..." Yuji Kudo, who finally realized the problem, stared at him with wide eyes.

This... is this genius?

Not to mention him, even Satoshi Iwata who was watching secretly gave Bai Chuanfeng a thumbs up.

Sure enough, Shirakawa-kun has not forgotten his original intention, and his enthusiasm for games is just like his Iwata Satoshi, and he is loyal.

"Okay." Putting down the handle, Bai Chuanfeng looked at his game console with satisfaction.

It's the taste of childhood, yes!

"Let's talk about this Gold Digger game."

"Bai Chuan-san, you are truly a genius."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuji Kudo offered a flattery.

I didn't expect this big thing to have such a side.

Bai Chuanfeng smiled, "I am also one of the game users. I will experience every game released by Baichuan Electric."

"So that's how it is." Kudo Yuji's face became serious, and he heard another meaning from Bai Chuanfeng's words.

In order for Hudson Software's games to be successfully launched on Baichuan Electric's home console platform, it must first pass his level.

"So Shirakawa-san, what do you think of the game "Gold Digger"?" Kudo Yuji looked at him anxiously.

"It's very interesting, and it's fairly easy to learn." Bai Chuanfeng didn't make a fool of himself, and commented directly.

Phew~ Yuji Kudo breathed a sigh of relief.

Hudson Software used to make computer games, as for the evaluation

Forget it, Kudo Yuji himself doesn't want to mention it.

"Kudo-san, our family game console is also called FES (Family Entertainment System).

It is, as you can see, a whole new kind of gaming platform. As long as the game is based on it, it can be played at FES. "

Bai Chuanfeng also chose a tall name for his game console.

Game consoles, what a mess.

Look, the name "entertainment system" is a little unclear in an instant.

Some people may say that they don't know what the "entertainment system" is for.

If you don’t understand something, it’s right, because you don’t understand it, and then you become curious, so that you have the desire to understand.

"Of course, as a game platform, we welcome third-party game manufacturers and Shirakawa Electric to jointly create a brand new game entertainment system."

What Bai Chuanfeng said made Kudo Yuji's blood boil. With the size of Bai Chuan Electric, do you still worry about the sales of your own games?

"However, in order to regulate the behavior of third-party game producers, it is also to be responsible to users.

We have formulated a series of regulations that need to be followed by game developers. "

Business is business, and Bai Chuanfeng will not forget his identity as a capitalist because of nostalgia.

And hearing the so-called regulations, Kudo Yuji also felt tense, he knew that the meat scene was coming.

"First, all third-party games must be reviewed by Shirakawa Electric before they can be launched on the FES platform."

Kudo Yuji nodded, expressing no objection. Satoru Iwata had emphasized this point with him a long time ago.

"Second, for all the game cartridges sold at FES, Shirakawa Electric will get a certain commission, with a maximum of 35%."

"Shirakawa-san!" Kudo Yuji's expression became anxious, the commission was too high.

Counting the development costs, as well as a series of costs such as game cassettes and publicity, Hudson Software has almost no profit.

"Kudou-san, don't worry, please listen to me patiently." Bai Chuanfeng raised his hand and interrupted his half-speak.

Although Kudo Yuji was anxious, but Bai Chuanfeng said so, he could only wait patiently.

Although this young big man has a kind side that loves games.

But the strength of the negotiation is also impressive.

"The 35% commission includes the production cost of the game cassette.

At the same time, Hudson can use names such as 'Shirakawa Electric' or 'FES' and related pictures when promoting the game.

In addition, as long as the resources allow, we, Shirakawa Electric, will also help to promote your company's games, and channel sales resources will be treated equally.

Trust me Kudo-san, it's worth the money. "

Kudo Yuji, who heard Bai Chuanfeng's promise, really began to relax the anxious expression on his face, but he was still a little tangled.

35%, which is equivalent to the game that I have worked so hard to develop. Baichuan Electric directly took so much profit.

Of course, according to the regulations, Hudson Software also saved a sum of cassette production costs, and the reputation and channels of Shirakawa Electric were also something he coveted.

In terms of the huge size and influence of Shirakawa Electric, its publicity effect far exceeds Hudson's own toss.

But this commission is really not low. After careful calculation, it is very likely that Shirakawa Electric's profit from the game cassette is more than that of Hudson himself.

Seeing Kudo Yuji's hesitant appearance, Bai Chuanfeng didn't rush him.

Bai Chuanfeng has confidence in his own conditions, and the 35% commission is also a figure that Bai Chuan Electric has carefully studied internally.

Taking a cassette of 5,500 yen as an example, Shirakawa Electric draws 1,925 yen.

As for the cost of cassettes, Shirakawa Electric's own factory can solve them, and the cost of a cassette is about 500-600 yen.

1925-550=1375 yen, this is the profit earned by Shirakawa Electric.

In fact, this rate is similar to Nintendo's future royalty system, but to the extent of disgusting people, Nintendo is definitely the boss.

How does Lao Ren play? A cassette costs 5,500 yen. Nintendo finds a foundry to do it, and the cost is about 650 yen.

Then Lao Ren sold the cassette to the game manufacturer in turn, and it became 1,000 yen.

After adding 1,000 yen in royalties, each game cassette manufacturer has to pay Nintendo 2,000 yen, of which 1,350 yen is Nintendo's profit.

A closer look seems to be the same, but the old Ren's approach is much more disgusting.

What kind of games are submitted for review in advance, and a manufacturer can only make 5 games a year, which sounds like a loss of authority and humiliation to the society.

But compared to Nintendo's approach to ordering and delivering cartridges, these are child's play.

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