Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 348 Sun's big ambition

Shirakawa Electric's European market has been laid out since last year, but the real strength is from this year.

Countries such as Britain, Germany, Gaul, Italy, etc. are the main targets of attack.

Similarly, Shirakawa Electric also has branches in Europe, mainly in Britain and Honan.

They are all established capitalist countries with superior domestic business environment and relatively loose financial policies.

However, because Europe is a multilingual country, if you want to establish your own organization in each region, the investment and capital required are not small.

That is to say, from the second half of the year, because of the large amount of financing obtained, the layout in Europe has accelerated.

At the same time, the localization of some products was barely completed, so in September and October, Baichuan Electric's products ushered in the harvest time in Europe.

For example, last month, according to the financial report statistics in hand, the total shipments of Walkmans reached more than 400,000 units.

This sales volume is more than Neon's home market, ranking second in the world, and it is a little weaker than the US market.

This is because the European market has just been opened up, and Bai Chuanfeng believes that it will not be a problem to double the shipment in another year.

However, although the total population of Europe is nearly twice that of North America, the total market size is still larger than that of the United States.

According to Shirakawa Electric's internal calculations and expectations, the future global market. First in North America, second in Europe, and third in Neon China.

At present, the neon market has basically been fully developed, and the monthly shipment of 200,000 to 300,000 is almost its limit.

Europe is in a state of development, and if the market matures, it is estimated that there will be 700,000 to 800,000 shipments per month in the future.

As for Beimi, to be honest, the upper limit of this market is likely to exceed Baichuan Electric's expectations.

At the beginning, it was internally estimated that after the Beimi market matured, there would be nearly 900,000 shipments per month.

Now the east coast market is being explored step by step, but the shipment volume has reached the previous maximum expectation.

After all, the old ricers are rich, and the concept of advanced consumption has become popular, so the market has been rising all the way.

But this is a good thing for Shirakawa Electric. The total monthly shipments of nearly 1.5 million units bring in operating profits of tens of billions.

Bai Chuanfeng roughly calculated that this year's profits from the Walkman market alone would be able to earn the sum of the profits of the entire Baichuan Electric Appliances last year.

Coupled with handhelds, earphones, this year's newly launched stereos, and CD players, Baichuan Electric's operating profit will exceed everyone's expectations.

However, due to listing reasons, only half of the funds may end up in their own pockets.

But it is also because of the listing, with a large amount of funds, that it is exchanged for the rapid advancement of Beimi and the European market.

There are gains and losses, and the perspective of looking at the problem cannot be limited to a certain point.

Also considering that Shirakawa Electric's funds are relatively abundant, the East Asian market has also begun to be included in the plan this year.

For example, Bangziguo, Lijiapo, Malay, Baodao, Xiangjiang and other regions, they will be the main strategy direction of Baichuan Electric's low-end products.

The profit may not be as high as other overseas markets, but the archway must be erected first.

At the same time, sales channels can also start to build, everything is for the future.

After all the layouts of these overseas markets are arranged, then the main framework of Shirakawa Electric's global market development will be set up.

In the next few decades, we will generally adjust the operating investment in various places according to the economic development.

To say that the biggest advantage of going public is that with sufficient funds, you can let go of your previous plans.

The rapid expansion of the global market is one point. In addition, many research and development projects that only exist in the plan have also begun to establish their own departments.

At the same time, with the support of large sums of money, the development speed of those projects that have already been launched is much faster than before.

After all, Bai Chuanfeng didn't feel distressed about the funds raised from the stock market.

As long as Shirakawa Electric maintains profitability, the quarterly financial reports are worthy of investors' investment.

So who cares about where the financing money is spent, people are so realistic, as long as they make a profit, everything will be fine.

It is commonplace for some unscrupulous companies to arrange luxury cars and villas for themselves, all of which are public accounts.

If Bai Chuanfeng is like this, he is already a capitalist with a conscience.

Putting down the various reports in his hand, Bai Chuanfeng stretched his waist as if relaxing.

The one or two weeks of listing was really busy. I thought I was done after ringing the bell.

Unexpectedly, with the large amount of exposure brought by the listing, Bai Chuanfeng is busier than before.

Not to mention various invitations to activities, there is an endless stream of guests visiting every day.

Some wanted to interview him, some wanted to do business with Baichuan Electric, and some came to solicit investment.

Bai Chuanfeng always thought that Neon would not have the soil for venture capital to survive, but he did not expect that there would still be some accidents.

Just like the big head of Sun that I happened to see at the briefing last time, it was quite a surprise for Bai Chuanfeng that he could come to the door.

Bai Chuanfeng was also a little curious about the richest man who was three or four years older than himself but would become famous in the future.

So in the office, he also personally met the founder of SoftBank.

But what surprised him was that Sun's big head was really not an ordinary person, so he asked Bai Chuanfeng if he was interested in computers.

After Bai Chuanfeng nodded, he asked why Bai Chuan Electric didn't produce its own computers.

Even the core of the computer, the processor chip can be handled, what else can become a stumbling block for Baichuan Electric.

Obviously Sun Zhengyi has also paid attention to the existence of SIC, and is even very optimistic about its future.

As for his question, Bai Chuanfeng thought about it for a while, and only answered that Bai Chuan Electric had no such plans for the time being.

Bai Chuanfeng had thought about computers, but later he gave up entering the console market, at least for now.

Because the current Baichuan Group is not strong enough, and SIC can't stand the toss like a newborn calf.

Who is the biggest customer of SIC's chip business?

The answer is Fujitsu. More specifically, SIC chips are mainly used in Fujitsu's computers.

As of today, the shipment volume has reached close to one million pieces, a proper major customer.

If Shirakawa started the computer business, it would mean it would compete directly with Fujitsu.

Will Fujitsu purchase SIC chips again by then?

Bai Chuanfeng didn't know, and he didn't want to lose SIC's largest client because of the illusory computer market.

Although the expansion of capital is instinctive, but before it is not strong enough, Bai Chuanfeng tries his best to avoid conflicts of interest between the companies he has a cooperative relationship with.

For example, the core clubs within the First Quanyin Consortium are the ones that Bai Chuanfeng tries to avoid.

At the beginning, Beidu Bank was established because it was a last resort, otherwise Bai Chuanfeng would not bite the bullet and enter the banking industry.

Even so, in exchange for benefits, he also agreed to the financing request of First Quanyin, making the other party the second largest shareholder of Baichuan Electric.

If we go to compete directly with Fujitsu again, to be honest, the consortium will definitely have opinions on Shirakawa Electric.

I enjoy shelter under the other party's wings, blocking interference from the outside world.

Now it turns around and grabs the market share of the China National Nuclear Corporation within the consortium, which is unreasonable no matter how you look at it.

Neon people are very traditional, and in their eyes, mutual support within the consortium should be.

Fujitsu will use SIC chips, and it is because Shirakawa Electric is a member of the First Bank Consortium that it placed an order.

Otherwise, with so many mature chips in the United States, isn't it delicious?

Now if Bai Chuanfeng does not take into account the interests of the consortium, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Since you are in Neon, you must abide by its rules.

Baichuan Electric is still in the growth stage, so don't lose the soil for survival for the sake of immediate benefits.

Seemingly realizing that Bai Chuanfeng had something of his own to hide, Sun's big head turned his eyes and it was another idea.

He suggested that the computers produced by Baichuan Electric should be branded as Unison World, and the sales should also be handed over to him.

The so-called unison world is the predecessor of Softbank, which started the computer wholesale business.

The development has been good in the past few years, and Sun's big head has also begun to think about making his own computer.

After thinking about it, it seems that only Baichuan Electric Appliances has this strength in the market, and it is not a direct descendant of the chaebol.

But there is a killer feature like a chip, which is simply the sum of Softbank's entry into the computer industry.

However, he thought it was beautiful, but the reality was very skinny.

Seeing Sun's big head talking endlessly about the broad prospects of the computer industry, Bai Chuanfeng almost applauded him.

That's really clever, he wants Baichuan Electric to be his brand's foundry.

To be honest, at this age, Sun's big head is still a little naive, and his techniques are much rougher.

It's fine if it's another unknown small brand, it is very likely that they agreed to the cooperation method under his tricks.

But who is Shirakawa Electric? Is this agency fee missing?

If Bai Chuanfeng did the OEM for him, then when Sun got the computer with his big head, he would turn around and advertise that it was a product of Bai Chuan Electric.

At that time, Bai Chuanfeng will be speechless, not only that, but also lose his identity for no reason, and hate others.

However, although Sun's head was a little naive, his vision was still there.

Computers are indeed promising in the future. From what he said, it seems that software and communication will also be one of the focuses of future business.

Bai Chuanfeng didn't directly refuse his offer of Amway, but gave him a business card.

Baichuan Electric will not manufacture for others, but Anke can.

Even Anke's main business is OEM, and Eiji Kimura has always had the idea of ​​making his own products.

That's just right now, the two clever ones can throw one piece away and they can toss about it casually.

It doesn't matter if you want to make a computer, SIC chips are ready to go, welcome to purchase.

The computer made at that time has nothing to do with me, Shirakawa Electric, and Fujitsu will not say anything.

Cough~ Although I am the one who makes the money, business is like this sometimes, and it is completely different when you turn a corner.

Cooperating with IBM on optical drives, cooperating with Sun's big head on computers, and other various guests.

After dealing with these trivial matters, the time has come to mid-October in a blink of an eye.

And on this day, the outside world turned their attention to Baichuan Electric.

why? Because the world's first portable CD player is about to go on sale.

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