After attending the school's graduation ceremony, the financial settlement of Baichuan Holdings has basically come to an end.

Different from the negligible tax amount last year, the combined tax amount paid by all the clubs under Shirakawa Holdings today is close to 10 billion yen.

The local market of Baichuan Electric alone contributed about 6 billion in taxes, and this part of the money was paid in full by Baichuan Electric.

It's not that Bai Chuanfeng took out the money willingly, but that he couldn't do without.

As the pillar of neon taxation, corporate tax is the top priority of the tax department.

Especially those civil servants in the tax department, their behavior style can be called perverted.

It is said that in order to find out the business situation of an izakaya, the civil servants of the tax office changed into plain clothes and squatted in front of the izakaya for a month in turn.

What are you doing? Pick up trash!

That's right, those civil servants stand in front of the trash cans of the izakaya every day, counting the total number of wine bottles consumed by the izakaya that day.

Then, based on the number of wine bottles, it can be deduced by analogy whether the operation of the izakaya is in line with the reported revenue data.

With such a perverted civil servant around, Bai Chuanfeng didn't dare to cheat.

Who knows if they will go to the major electrical appliance stores to count the shipments of Baichuan Electric, if they are caught because of this, it will be a lot of fun.

Apart from other things, the plan to go public this year alone is likely to encounter Waterloo.

The tax scandal before listing is definitely a fatal blow to the company.

Therefore, in order to avoid extra problems, all the clubs under Baichuan Holdings behaved honestly, paying no less tax.

Because of the huge tax payment in 1981, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry issued the "Showa 56 Export Contribution Enterprise Certificate" to Shirakawa Electric.

The gold content of this certificate is similar to the gold content of a 500 yuan bonus and a pennant after picking up a dog's head gold and handing it over to the country.

It's better than nothing, at least it's officially certified. Put it on the enterprise display wall in the lobby on the first floor, it can be regarded as a brand.

Bai Chuanfeng was even thinking about whether to print the certificate page on the outer packaging of the product, taking the opportunity to promote it.

But after thinking about it, he still gave up this idea, it was too low.

It seems that it is not popular to do this in the small days, so forget it.

Throwing the certificate on the table casually, Bai Chuanfeng began to care about another important matter of the club.

"Is this the LCD screen we produced ourselves?"

"Hay" Akagi who was standing in front of the desk quickly handed him the handheld.

Bai Chuanfeng took it over and took a closer look, it seemed to be the same as before. Turn on the power of the handheld and try it, it's okay, it's really the same as before.

After all, it is the first batch of products to roll off the assembly line. Compared with the previous LCD screen of Suwa Seiko, it is considered a success if there is no difference.

"What is the yield rate of our products?"

"With the help of Stanley and Nitto Electric, it can roughly reach more than 80% now."

80%? Not too bad, Bai Chuanfeng nodded in satisfaction.

As far as he knows, the good product rate of Suba Seiko and Sharp is basically maintained between 85% and 94%.

The first batch of products rolled out of the Baichuan LCD factory, and the yield rate of 80% is already very good.

Now the production process of TN-LCD is very mature, and there are no extra difficult steps in the production process.

Therefore, with the help of two experienced companies, Bai Chuan, a beginner, can also achieve a yield rate of over 80%.

Of course, this is because the cut LCD screens are generally small-sized products. If it is replaced with a large screen of more than ten inches, it will be good if it can exceed half.

Moreover, this is only the first batch of products to roll off the assembly line. In the future, with the running-in and proficiency of each production link, there is still room for improvement in the yield rate.

After fiddling with the handheld for a while, and confirming that there were no obvious shortcomings, Bai Chuanfeng felt relieved.

"So based on today's yield rate, what is the cost of our LCD screen?"

In addition to the yield rate, another issue that Bai Chuanfeng is concerned about is the cost.

These two factors are related to whether LCD factories can survive independently in the future.

And the reason why Bai Chuanfeng chose to make the LCD himself was not because of the cost of the handheld.

When this question was mentioned, Akagi's face became a little excited, "President, the cost of our own LCD is not even 100 yen per piece."

"So cheap?" Bai Chuanfeng looked at him in surprise.

"Hay" Akagi nodded affirmatively, "Stanley and Nitto Electric gave some discounts for the raw materials, and the yield rate is good, so there is such a low cost."

"Is the cost of Suwa Seiko and Sharp also in this range?" Bai Chuanfeng changed the subject and began to care about another issue.

"Roughly the same," Akagi gave an affirmative answer.

Damn, with such a low cost, I dared to charge me 500 yen for a piece before.

Black, so fucking black!

Now that I have my own production line, don't even try to make any money from me.

"How much of our current production capacity can meet the handheld shipments?"

"Because there is only one production line, about 25% to 30% can be satisfied now."

"With the addition of four production lines, Kawasaki's factory is also staring at the spot and stepping up expansion.

Only by completing the construction of the LCD factory one day earlier can our handheld profits be guaranteed. "

"Hay!" Akagi nodded in agreement.

The expansion of the LCD factory is the first goal to meet the demand for handheld devices, and Bai Chuanfeng plans to reserve the excess production capacity for Walkmans and subsequent CD players.

This small size screen is very suitable for use in portable electronic products.

Electronic watches, handhelds, walkmans, CD players, LCD screens are useful in these products.

For example, this year, Baichuan Electric will add a display screen to its new generation of Walkman products.

The size doesn't have to be too big, just the size of your thumb is enough.

Use this screen to display simple track information and simple song timing.

Of course, these information are displayed in numbers, for example, the tracks are arranged in the order of 01, 02, and 03.

Song timing is similar to an electronic watch, beating by the second.

Very simple, but also very functional.

It's not that Bai Chuanfeng doesn't want to add more complex functions, such as displaying characters to display the song name, or directly displaying lyrics.

But that requires separate support from the chip, and the cost outweighs the gain.

Moreover, the Walkman tape does not support this function, but the disc of the CD player can, but that is another story.

But with the addition of a screen, the quality of the Walkman is different.

A proper high-end product, isn't it more compelling than a tightly covered casing?

To make consumer electronics products is to highlight the word "new".

To be more specific, I have what no one else has.

Look, there is a display screen on the Walkman, and Shirakawa Electric is the only one.

As long as you are always one step ahead of others, you don't have to worry about the market share of your own products.

Of course, at present, most of the production capacity of LCD factories is supplied to handheld devices.

After all, the screen of the handheld is much larger, comparable to the size of several electronic watches.

As for the screen from the LCD factory, the quotation to the handheld side is around 180 yen.

It does not mean that if the cost of a piece of LCD is less than 100 yen, it can be given to the handheld business department at such a cost price.

Because the LCD factory also needs to make a profit, otherwise what will it use to maintain its own operation.

The salaries of workers and the operating costs of factories all need money.

And don't forget, the LCD factory also has shares of Stanley and Nitto Electric.

It’s okay for you to reduce costs yourself, but you can’t sacrifice the interests of others. That’s not how business is done.

Besides, 180 yen is already cheaper than the 200 yen purchased from Suwa Seiko.

With this quotation, Shirakawa Electric's handheld profits will immediately increase by 320 yen.

Good deal, very good deal.

When the yield rate increases later, the production cost of LCD factories will continue to decline.

At that time, Bai Chuanfeng will not be satisfied with the self-sufficiency of LCD.

He also wanted to grab orders from Suwa Seiko and Sharp.

If you ask me to raise the price, not only will I not make you any money, but I will also steal your job!

Anyway, its own LCD factory is backed by a handheld business department, so basically it doesn't worry about orders, and it doesn't starve to death.

External quotations can be slapped hard, and Suba Seiko and Sharp are two, and one is counted as the other.

That's how Bai Chuanfeng held grudges. As long as it was profitable, he didn't mind letting LCD's quotation take a big dive.

Anyway, the core business of Baichuan Holdings is not here, so let's fight a price war to practice.

In the DRAM chip business, Xiaotian can kill the counterparts all over the world.

The LCD factory in Baichuan is not too much for its neon counterparts.

This fine tradition, Bai Chuanfeng expressed that he must study hard.

There is also STN-LCD being developed by SIC, and the current progress seems to be good.

It is very likely that we can see the finished product this year, and then we can give a little surprise to the two colleagues in the LCD industry.

Bai Chuanfeng likes to make friends, whether they are old friends or new friends, he is willing to communicate with them a lot.

He didn't mind if there were Sony and Aihua before, and then there was Nintendo, and there were Sharp, Suwa Seiko and so on.

After solving the problem of the screen of the handheld, it can be regarded as a big worry in my heart.

After all, the handheld business is Baichuan Electric's second largest core profit growth point, so he can't help but pay attention to it.

After these affairs have been dealt with, the time has officially entered April.

And this month, there is also an extremely important matter that requires Bai Chuanfeng to do it himself.

This matter is related to his major layout in the future, and is closely related to the future foundation.

In mid-April, Shirakawa Kaede appeared at Akita Airport again.

This time, in addition to the people from their own club, there are also Keio Group and Tokyu Group, two major firm teams.

"Baichuan-san, Nagata-san, Xiaochuan-san, welcome!"

Under the gangway at the airport, a long red blanket reached Bai Chuanfeng's feet.

Kikuji Sasaki also waited here with Akita's managers from a distance.

Seeing them coming down, the governor of Akita immediately stepped forward, held the hands of several guests with both hands, and shook them vigorously.

At this time, the local Akita media gathered outside also raised their cameras and kept taking pictures.

Kakaka, the light of the flashlight can't be blocked in broad daylight.

Obviously, for this welcome ceremony, the Akita County Hall has also made many arrangements here.

After everyone met and greeted for a while, Sasaki Kikuji also extended his hand.

"Everyone, everything has been prepared at the Akita Office and we are waiting for your visit."

Nagata Masahiro and Bai Chuanfeng nodded, and then a group of people got into the car and went straight to the Akita County Hall.

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