Are flashman's headphones sold alone?

Sell, why not sell. Who can't live with money~

"Hasegawa-san, immediately design a separate packaging for our earphones."


"In addition" Bai Chuanfeng called Hasegawa who was about to run out immediately, "The color matching of the earphones has also been enriched, adding white, gray, and black.

Especially for white, it can be produced first, and the stock is also prepared. "

"Understood." Hasegawa nodded. He turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped, "By the way, President, what is the price of our earphones?"

This is a problem. Earphones are not technically high, but they are creative.

Bai Chuanfeng pondered for a while, then raised his head, "1500 yen, uniform retail price."

Although the price is quite satisfactory, the profit margin is not small. Bai Chuanfeng conservatively estimated that there might be a 40%-50% rate of return.

Because of the relatively low technical content and cost, Baichuan Electric can produce thousands of pairs of earphones a day.

The problem of production capacity should not be big, even if it is tight, or even temporarily adding production lines can catch up.

Therefore, under Bai Chuanfeng's instruction, Bai Chuan Electric not only produced flashman at full capacity, but even the production of earphones immediately began to soar.

In terms of advertising, not only TV Asahi, but also Fuji TV with the highest ratings, Shirakawa Electric also bought a few days of fixed-point advertising extravagantly.

On December 27th and 8th, many clubs have already closed in advance.

The office workers who received a generous annuity at the end of the year also relaxed and began to join in the big purchases to welcome the New Year.

If you want to say what is the most popular recently and what people are most keen to discuss, of course it is the flashman bombarded by major TV stations in turn.



Now these two advertising slogans, even kindergarten children can imitate them vividly.

Even on the street, you ask two passers-by at random, what comes to mind first when words like "Flash Kid" and "The Flash" come to mind.

It is estimated that most people will report the name of flashman or KITA without hesitation.

There are only two lines, and the advertising words are repeated back and forth, which is really easy to remember.

Coupled with a wave of assists from "Stereo" magazine, Baichuan Electric's earphones have completely entered the eyes of the public.

In Shinjuku, Shibuya, Akihabara, there are even long queues in front of major electrical retailers.

"What? The flashman is out of stock again? It's been less than half a day since the store opened and it's out of stock again? Didn't you say it's in stock today?"

A young man with dyed yellow hair pointed to the "flashman in stock!" sign at the door and questioned the clerk over and over again.

"Sir, I'm really sorry. We didn't expect to sell it so fast. Our store has urgently contacted the supplier to arrange delivery."

A saleswoman looked anxiously at the yellow-haired young man in front of her, fearing that if the other party was dissatisfied, she would be violent.

After all, judging by his appearance, nine out of ten he is bad, and maybe he has something to do with Yakuza.

"It's really an unscrupulous profiteer." The young man with yellow hair complained dissatisfiedly, "The flashman is gone, so there are always headphones?"

"Sorry sir, the earphones are gone..."

In fact, the shortage of headphones is more serious than flashman, because many people who bought walkman may not buy flashman again.

But Shirakawa Electric's earphones are very good, and they are only 1,500 yen, which is very worthwhile.

Therefore, Shirakawa Electric's headset shipments are far greater than Flashman.

Don't be surprised when you see people wearing walkmans on the street but wearing earphones from Shirakawa Electric.

Because there are not one or two such people, but most people play like this.

"Baga~" The yellow-haired young man was about to get angry when suddenly the crowd behind him became agitated.

He turned his head and looked back, and saw a truck with the "KITA" logo on its compartment parked at the side door of the electrical appliance store.

"Oh~!" Enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd.

They are too familiar with this logo, and the arrival of the truck naturally means that the goods have arrived.

Sure enough, a stout young man with dark skin got out of the car, and he handed the delivery slip in his hand to the person in charge of the electrical appliance store to sign.

He turned around and opened the door of the carriage, where the packed brown cartons were neatly arranged in the carriage.

The bold words "flashman" on the carton made the crowd commotion again, and many young people even whistled excitedly.

Kotaro looked at the bustling crowd and waved to them calmly. Such an action immediately provoked a warm response from everyone.

In the past two days, Kotaro has experienced such a scene countless times.

From the initial excitement to the present calmness, it took less than two days.

Because there are really too many runs, Baichuan Electric is currently short of manpower.

Eighty percent of the employees are on the production line.

It has even started a three-shift mode with people shutting down non-stop, but flashman is still in a state of short supply.

The products that had just rolled off the assembly line didn't even have time to enter Baichuan Electric's own warehouse, and were directly pulled to the electrical retail store by the driver waiting to pick up the goods.

If you don’t have enough trucks, you can rent them. If you don’t have enough drivers, managers like Tiger Taro will go to deliver the goods in person.

Everyone in Baichuan Electric is busy now, and no one is free.

Bai Chuanfeng, the president of the company, Sang Du, came off in person, so one can imagine how busy Bai Chuan Electric is now.

To be honest, the effect of the advertisement, as well as the assists from the magazine, brought a lot of sales that were beyond Bai Chuanfeng's expectations.

He didn't know that once a thing becomes popular, the speed at which its attention spreads among the masses increases exponentially.

If you plot it as a curve, the trend is roughly straight up.

And the reason why Shirakawa Electric's flashman can be sold so quickly is also due to the reputation of walkman.

You must know that as of now, walkman is still out of stock every month.

And now suddenly there is a competing product comparable to it, plus advertising.

Then some people who originally planned to buy walkman turned around and chose flashman.

After all, it is cheap and beautiful, and there are many styles to choose from. This can still attract many consumers to buy.

Although flashman is suspected of imitating the idea of ​​walkman, Shirakawa Electric's earphones have won a lot of favor for it.

At least in the eyes of the public, this Baichuan Electric is still somewhat creative, not just a poor imitator.

This impression is a valuable asset for Shirakawa Electric.

After all, preconceived ideas are the habit of most people. Having a good impression at the beginning will definitely benefit Baichuan Electric in the future.

Corporate image is sometimes even more important than the product itself.

Speaking of both ends, when Shirakawa Electric's flashman started to explode, Hiroshi Ogawa also came to the Sony headquarters in Shinagawa with the magazine "Stereo".

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