Chapter 16 Layout the film and television circle! Take control of the cultural top!

Chen Yunji looked at the note in amazement

These names….

“Erm….. Daojun, I don’t know a lot of them….”

“This Li Cangdong knows it…. He is a writer of novels and provides scripts for movies….. But the reputation is not obvious…..”

“These seem to be newcomers….. Some are familiar, but unfamiliar. ”

“Oh, this is my junior…”


“It’s okay father.”

Chen Daojun said

“You have connections in Chungmuro, these people should be your peers or juniors, or just entered this circle, I have searched some of their works and remarks, and I think it is very future.”

“Walking around Chungmuro Road a lot, when you meet these people, you will find that they are all talented.”

“If their life is not satisfactory, or their career is not going well, then provide them with conditions, give them full rent, or even buy a house, no matter how much, I will pay for it.”

The list given by Chen Daojun is the upper echelon of the kimchi cultural industry in the next ten years!

Lee Cangdong, Bong-joon, Park Chan-ok and others are all well-known directors, and the famous “Old Boy”, “Han River Monster”, “Memories of Killing”, “Burning” and so on in later generations are all their works.

They should be living unsatisfactorily now, and it’s a good time to invest!

There is also a future Hanguo Zhongwu Road troika Song Kanghao Xue Jing begging Cui Min, these three in 87 years should have just stepped into the film industry, it’s a pity not to catch it!

There are also some celebrity presenters.

Catch them….

Equivalent to what?

It is equivalent to capturing the cultural export of the cold country! Thought output!

It is equivalent to capturing the cultural thinking of a countryman!

An excellent movie can stir up the deaf and resonate deeply, so in this, add a little private goods?

It is very easy to change people’s minds!

In some ways, it’s more important than making money!


“Okay….. My office is actually on Chungmuro Road, so I’ll go to Chungmuro Road these days to walk around more. ”

Chen Yunji said.

Zhongwu Road can be understood as the good Lai Wu of the Han Kingdom.

His parents are influential in the film and television industry, his mother is a famous movie star, and his father is a director and producer.

It’s still easy to bring some juniors.


Early the next morning,

Chen Daojun took a taxi to Qingxinzhai.

There is another $2 million on the import and export bank account, and 200 more points

That’s 32 million in total.

The initial capital in the early stage, a little more, will be much more in the future!

Now there are two million more, and after investing in the future, it will be dozens of times more than two million!

Along the way, Chen Daojun carefully observed the 87-year-old city.

Today, the city is still called Seoul. In ’05, the name will be changed because of the need to de-sinicize the influence.

However, Chen Daojun came

It is impossible to change it.

Change your horse,

Is it bad for Seoul to shout?

When Chen Daojun mastered the upper cultural outlet, it was the beginning of the thorough implementation of Sinicization and the true recognition of ancestors and return to the ancestors.

Instead of letting the later little sticks all kinds of jumping feet, all kinds of stealing culture.

Looking at the traveling taxi, Chen Daojun found a module in the system.

“Vehicle upgrades, 200 points, can upgrade ordinary cars to bulletproof and explosion-proof versions.”

Now he has seven hundred points.

“This thing is very necessary.”

“Because of this body, there is a big thunder.”

“That is, the mud truck that does not know when it will appear to be hit at any time.”


According to the original historical line, Chen Daojun was bought to murder.

Killed by a mud truck.

Of course, that was after Chen Daojun grew up.

However, now Chen Daojun is seven years old and will begin to emerge, and he will not wait until he grows up to lay out and waste ten years of time.

With Chen Daojun’s emergence in advance, then, this mud car killer will be advanced!

“When I go abroad, when I get back, I buy some vehicles and upgrade them all.”

Between thoughts,

It has already arrived at Qingxinzhai.

Grandpa’s convoy was already waiting for him.

A black tiger head galloping.

“Daojun! Come and get in a car with Grandpa. ”

Chen Daojun ran over and got into the car.

Grandpa and grandson exchanged a few pleasantries, and the convoy set off.

The chaebol Chen family’s motorcade traveled, and more than a dozen cars occupied the entire street on the road, and no one dared to sound the horn. Because every car has the logo and badge of the headquarters of Shunyang Group.

Even the police at the traffic intersection turned a blind eye when they saw it, and some even police motorcycles specially cleared the way for the chaebol convoy.

This is the superiority of the chaebols in this country.

In front of the public, if you don’t go too far, no one cares.

In the background, no matter how excessive it is, no one cares.

In later generations, chaebol scandals broke out from time to time, and the people denounced them in various ways. On the surface, it seems that the chaebol family has no secrets, and the people can scold them at will.

But actually, is that really the case?

Those scandals of the chaebols were all caused by opponents fighting each other! In order to suppress the market value of the other party’s stock price. Aren’t the newspaper news outlets that report on the scandals of the chaebol families the industries of rival chaebols?

If there were no fights between the chaebols, the people would not know anything!

“Daojun….. Do you know what we went to the Dibai Oil Country for this time? ”

His thoughts were interrupted by his grandfather’s question.

Chen Daojun shook his head.

“We went to Dibai this time, not to buy things, but to sell things. We, Shunyang Electronics, Shunyang Semiconductor, recently won an order in Dibai, which is very important, grandpa I want to go to personally negotiate. Shunyang Semiconductor wants to win a reputation in the world! ”

Semiconductors, electronics.

This one is all a piece of the old man’s heart.

It is the industry that the old man wants to develop the most.

So, the order of the oil country, he personally went to sign.

Chen Daojun scoffed at this.

Because, don’t look at the old man blowing Shunyang Electronic Semiconductor…

However, Chen Daojun, who is familiar with international current affairs, knows that Shunyang’s semiconductor products, in this era, are garbage!

It’s a bit of an exaggeration to say garbage, but it’s actually completely uncompetitive internationally.

There are small days to live a good Toshiba, Sony, and other groups. More beautiful and European semiconductor industry.

Shunyang is nothing in front of these giant crocodiles.

For example, the current Shunyang semiconductor is the same as the difference between the domestic cottage machine and Apple.

(PS: Does anyone watch?) Doesn’t anyone collect it?

Please give some collection support ah, ask for a monthly pass, urge to change, the author sees the monthly pass to urge more direct addition, ask for flowers, evaluation, comment! Kneel and beg! During the new book, data is very important, decide where to keep the book, this book is too niche, there is no collection, kneel to beg the masters! )

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