Chapter 15 International Guide! That’s you! Dad!

Chen Yunji was dumbfounded and looked at his son stunned.

Co-authored, came to his son to borrow money,

Engaged for half a day….

I didn’t borrow a penny, and I still have to ride in my own two million dollars!?


“You…. Do you understand movies? ”

Chen Daojun nodded indifferently.

“That’s right, recently, I have done a lot of homework, in terms of movies, I have learned a lot with Internet searches, and I have a hunch that around the world, international European and American films will win a wave of explosive growth, and at the same time, Hong Kong city movies will bloom in their final glory around the 90s!”

“I’m ready to get in the car.”

From 93 onwards, the beautiful “Jurassic Park” will blow up the international film market at once, and the profits brought by the box office are higher than the profits of the automobile chaebols of the cold country for many years!

This made the previously unknown Spearberg become a world-famous director in one fell swoop, and large-scale blockbusters began to move into the mainstream.

Then, Titanic, The Matrix, etc. appeared, and the movie really became an artifact for attracting money and blocking the box office!

That is, since this era, the film has super financial attributes, and investment predators have paid attention.

The film industry all over the world was injected with stimulants and began to develop wildly!

There are still a few years before the outbreak, which is the best period for Chen Daojun’s layout.

It just so happens that his cheap daddy likes to be a director

Then let him do it!

Dad has the talent to be a director, has a foundation, has experience, what is lacking is creativity, and Chen Daojun’s guidance in the general direction!

At that time, which actress do you want to arrange, it is not yet ……. Hey, hey, hey.


“I’m going to go abroad with my grandfather, and my grandfather is also very interested in this project, and then I’ll go to the beautiful and talk about some cooperation in film, father, you give me two million now…”

Chen Daojun moved his grandfather out, but he was not convincing alone.

Chen Yunji was convinced a lot, because Chen Yangzhe agreed to this plan.

And the best thing is that Chen Yunji and Chen Yangzhe don’t talk, and he can’t go to Chen Yangzhe to ask about this.


“In this way, what you gave me is not two million.”

Chen Yunji was stunned, not two million!?

“It is not the dollar, which smells of copper, but the dream of your film, the opportunity to become a future international director, an important milestone in the history of the entire world cinema…”

“Imagine a future when you, as an Asian, go on the Oskar stage and receive the Best Screenplay, Best Director Award… Countless well-known European and American film celebrities in the audience applaud you..”

“At that time, the entire cold country will be famous because of you, and even the president will personally modify the neighborhood and name the roads and districts after you…”

Use…. My name, name the street?

Chen Yunjilu…………

Chen Yunji Cave?

That picture appeared in Chen Yunji’s eyes, and the whole person floated.

What Chen Daojun said is true, the stick can indeed do something to change the name of the block for a filmmaker

In later life, Bong Joon won the best picture of Oska with a “Parasite”, and Kimchi was jubilant throughout the country, naming the neighborhood after him, and opening the Parasite Commercial Street Film and Television City. The stick is so strange, finally famous once, ready to maximize the fame.

Of course, Chen Daojun believes that although Feng’s parasites are awesome, quality topics and so on are excellent, there are many political factors behind Naoska that year. When it comes to quality, Chen Daojun believes that the quality of Korean movies around 2010 is better than that of parasites.


“Oh Mo oh Mo…”

At this time, even the mother of the movie star who eavesdropped outside the room was excited….


“Come here.”

Chen Daojun saw that his father was still hesitating, after all, it was two million US dollars, and he pulled his beautiful mother in: “Imagine that when the time comes, my father and I can customize the movie specifically for you, as the big heroine….. Marilyn Monroe knows, Audrey Hepburn knows, right? ”

“Bulbous Monica Bellu…”

Chen Daojun didn’t say anything, the beautiful legend of Sicily should not have been filmed, and the earth ball flower Monica Bellucci has not yet debuted! Don’t accept words?

The movie star’s mother’s chest rises and falls, and people are almost stupid.

“Yunji ah…”

“Husband, vote! Invest money! All to Dojoon! ”

“I believe in my son’s vision, don’t forget, President Lu was elected exactly what his son said!”


The husband and wife walked out of Chen Daojun’s room with a blank look, and as soon as they entered and exited, two million dollars were gone.

“Husband, believe Daojun, I always feel that Daojun is different from other children, and even the star jun who the family calls a genius is far less than our Daojun.”

“And aren’t we making money for our son?”

Both of them were relieved, but they didn’t know….. Son, can it really work miracles?

“That’s right, Dad.”

At this time, Chen Daojun came out of the room with a note in his hand.

“Dad, you have connections in the film and television industry and music industry in the cold country, I did some research, I feel that these people will have achievements in the future, from the perspective of investment, it is worth our investment, you get closer to them.” If necessary, financial support can be provided, and I will pay for it. ”

Chen Daojun handed the note to his father.

Above is Chen Daojun’s carefully listed name.

Li Cangdong.

Kim Ki-deok.

Bong Joon.

Park Chan-ok.

Song Kang.

Xue Jingqiu.

Choi Min-value.

Liu Zaishi.

Li Xiuman.


There are many names, about a dozen names.

Chen Yunji was stunned…….

These names…

(PS: Does anyone watch?) Doesn’t anyone collect it?

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