Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 86 - Slumber party

As planned, their slumber party would be held at Taehee's room as it was a V.I.P suite and had a kitchen. Currently, the four of them were sprawled on the bed whilst having a plate of spaghetti, cooked by Taehee, in front of them.

Jinhee tasted Taehee's spaghetti in her last life, and she had to say that they were absolutely delicious. Having the desire to taste them again, Jinhee made Taehee cook them for their slumber party.

"It could have been better," Jaehyun commented. Nonetheless, his empty plate showed otherwise.

A smirk formed on Taehee's face whilst she stared at Jaehyun and voiced out, "Why is your plate sparkly clean then?"

"I wanted this slumber party to remain pleasant and not ruin it by hurting someone's big ego," Jaehyun retorted.

Jinhee gasped. 

Jaehyun's tongue was really sharp for someone who does not converse much. Nonetheless, seeing Taehee being insulted like this brought happiness to Jinhee. Since she couldn't, she was happy to see others do it.

"Kim Jaehyun, someone was rejected last night." Taehee moved her eyebrows up and down quickly, teasing Jaehyun.

Jinhee gave Taehee a curious glance. No one, other than both of them, was aware of this matter.

"How did you know?" Jinhee asked— surprise clearly noticeable in her tone.

Taehee shrugged her shoulders. "Just a guess, but it seems that I'm right. The Kim Jaehyun was rejected."

Taehee laughed out loud on this matter, and Jinhee wanted to punch the girl at this moment. She did not invite Jaehyun at this so that Taehee could run salt at his wound.

Arching her eyebrows, Taehee asked, "Where did that so-called charms I find the girls chatting on you? Someone as dumb as my little squirrel did not fall for your charms and rejected you. 

Seems like those fangirls of yours are dumber than Jinhee. See, Jinhee, you're not that dumb after all; Jaehyun's fanbase is dumber."

'Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! One more time you pronounce that word and I will-'

"Jinhee, you should stay away from those fans or else you might get more dumb than you already are."


Jinhee picked up the pillow closest to her and targeted it towards Taehee's face with her utmost strength, catching Taehee by surprise. As Taehee removed that off of her face, Jinhee threw another pillow at her.

"This is what you deserve for talking too much!" Jinhee exclaimed before getting up from the bed.

Taking each one of their plates, glasses, and spoon, Jinhee walked towards the kitchen while leaving behind a chuckling Taehee. 

'Did Taehee hold a masochistic side for laughing at that?'

Jinhee sighed.

'Nope, judging by how she teases me on a regular basis, it can't be the case. She is definitely a hardcore sadist.'


"I'm telling you, Jinhee, the movie is absolutely scary," Taehee voiced out, trying to sound spooky. "Hold me tight."

"You creep, I'm not a three years old," Jinhee retorted.

"I clearly remember that in the amusement park—"

Instantly, Jinhee placed her hand on Taehee's mouth, shutting her up. That day was an embarrassment to her, and she didn't want the events on that day to be spread out to others.

As Jinhee removed her hand from Taehee's mouth, Taehee smiled at Jinhee and said, "Don't worry; I was just joking. I know that the events on that day can't be said in public."

'Why did that sound wrong?'

Jaehyun cleared his throat. "Let's start the movie."

"I'll get the popcorn," Jinhee volunteered, getting up from the bed eagerly. 

The first movie chosen was a horror one, and Jinhee did not want others to see her crying due to fear. Last time when Jinhee watched a horror movie, she suffered from insomnia for a week.

Entering into the kitchen, Jinhee stepped towards the cabinet and took out the box of popcorn kernel. Hearing footsteps behind her, Jinhee turned to see who it belonged to.


Jinhee sighed.

"What do you need?" Jinhee questioned while putting the packet on the table.

"Well, since you possess no talent in cooking, I came here to lend help," Taehee voiced out with an innocent smile on her face.

'I know I'm not that good at cooking, but isn't saying that I possess no talent too much!?'

"It's just making some popcorn; I can manage," Jinhee replied. 

She probably would have accepted help if it was someone other than Taehee. Most definitely, Taehee had come to annoy her in the name of 'lending help'.

"Burnt or uncooked popcorn aren't something I prefer," Taehee said with her smile widening.

Jinhee was about to return to the room, but a bloodcurdling scream stopped her from doing so. If she was that frightened from hearing the sound, what would happen when she watched the movie?

"Fine, but don't create any disturbances," Jinhee voiced out.

With a pout appearing on her face, Taehee voiced out, "When did I?"

"When did you not?" Jinhee mumbled, mimicking Taehee's voice.

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