Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 319 - Sinister look

Curving her lips to form a small smirk, Jinhee said, "Oh! Are you really talking about all those times I have begged you? Well, you should have let me go then or else you would not be suffering now. 

You already lost your status, Jinkyung. The next thing you will be losing is your home; I will make sure of that, Lee Jinkyung."

Standing up, Jinkyung stared at Jinhee after letting out a scoff. The pain in her hand was not decreasing, and Jinkyung wondered whether or not she had fractured it.

"Stop being so haughty, Lee Jinhee. Do you think the Han family will be letting you go this easily after all that you have done? Quit dreaming!" Jinkyung vocalised, "You have put their only son into coma. Think about how huge the situation you have caused is. Don't bring any trouble to the Lee Family with though. We did not raise you to be like this."

"You have Lee Minjoon's blood, Jinkyung; I don't, so I do not think I will be bringing any kind of trouble to the Lee family. Oh! I just remembered; I am no longer connected to your family, so whatever I do has no connection with you," Jinhee said, "One more thing, if you really think that the Han family will be punishing me for what had just happened. 

You are wrong. Up until now, Jihye-ssi had only been kind to me, and Jinkyung, don't take everyone to be as narrow-minded like you."

Lee Jinhee then added, "A piece of advice before I leave. Do not continue to create such commotion inside the hospital. You would not want them to ban you from entering the hospital. Your state is already bad enough, Jinkyung; you don't want to attract more trouble to yourself."

Clenching her hand into a tight fist, Jinkyung tightened her jaws and gritted her teeth. She was immensely angered at this moment and craved to do something to make Jinhee be down to her.

Noticing the pain that was withing Jinkyung's hand, Jinkyung decided that Jinhee deserved to go through the same ache as well. Even if Jinkyung was unable to attack Jinhee with her words, she might be able to cause Jinhee physical pain. One victory, despite of what the consequences might be, would be enough to satisfy Jinkyung.

Extending her hand towards Jinhee, Jinkyung grabbed the bunch of Jinhee's hair, surprising her, and Jinhee's eyes widened. After all that, Jinhee thought that Jinkyung will be politely leaving, but that doesn't seem to be the case in that moment.

Lee Jinhee wondered about why Jinkyung took such foolish decisions at times. Nonetheless, at this moment, instead of thinking about such useless things, she needed to concentrate on getting her hair out of Jinkyung's grip.

A sharp pain went through Jinhee's head as she closed her eyes and voiced out, "Are you crazy, Jinkyung? Let go of me or else I will be calling for help! Then, you would not be allowed to be in hospital again!"

Despite of how hard she tried, Jinhee could not get Jinkyung to loosen her hold on Jinhee's hair, and tears began to form at the corner of Jinhee's eyes due to the immense pain.

However, Jinhee managed to prevent the tears from falling down, and with how Jinkyung was pulling her hair, Jinhee found herself feeling slightly dizzy over it.

"I don't care, Lee Jinhee! I don't! You have done enough by now! All those humiliation— I will really be making you pay back for it; mark my words, Lee Jinhee. 

You will not be getting a happy ending! I will make sure of that! You are way beneath of me! How can you expect yourself to be happy when I am in such a state, Lee Jinhee? Aren't you hoping for too much!?" Jinkyung vocalised— her voice showing how angered she was. 

Jinkyung had tears flowing down her eyes, and she was not willing to believe that currently Jinhee had the upper hand in everything. When did everything change so much? Why was the luck supporting Jinhee? How dare Jinhee steal her throne?

Pulling those bunch of hair back, Jinkyung stared straight at Jinhee's face and vocalised, "Lee Jinhee, if I can't do anything, in the end, I will be killing both myself and you together. At least that will be making me satisfied."

"You are crazy!" Jinhee spat.

Extending her leg forward, Lee Jinhee attempted to kick Jinkyung, and her foot touched Jinkyung's thighs. 

Her motion caused Lee Jinkyung to lose her balance, and in a matter of second, Jinkyung fell down, pulling Jinhee's hair along with her.

A wince left Jinhee's mouth as Jinkyung's hold on her hair loosened, and losing her stability, Jinhee was about to fall down as well when someone held her shoulder, preventing that from happening.

Taken aback by that, Lee Jinhee turned back to see who her saviour was and seeing that Kim Jaehyun was standing behind her, her eyes widened. It was shock to see him here considering how this schedule has been busy these days due to the increasing amount of promotions.

"Jaehyun," she enunciated.

Relief spread through Jinhee that there was someone who was able to rescue her from this situation, and a small smile formed on Jinhee's face. Finally, her hair was free.

Lee Jinkyung, on the other hand, laid down on the ground, and anger emitted off of her. Gritting her teeth, Jinkyung stared at the ground. Jinkyung's hair fell in front of her face, hiding it, and over all, she looked to be in a bad state.

"Lee Jinkyung, I will be just saying it once again to you. Don't embarrass yourself. It doesn't look good on you," Jinhee voiced out before she proceeded to go away from that scene.

Kim Jaehyun followed after her, and extending her hand towards her, he rubbed the top of her head, fixing her messy hair.

Looking at the ground, Jinkyung mumbled, "Why? Why? Why? Why is it you this time? Lee Jinhee, you will be dead!"

Jinkyung raised her head to look up, and a sinister look appeared in her eyes.

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