Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 991: Wancheng Foundation’s Big Move and Tidal Group being Interviewed

, the reborn tech upstart

Time has come to September, and the affairs related to the social security fund have not been completed yet. According to Ye Ziqi, there are too many details, and many experts and scholars are constantly revising.

In fact, Leaf Chess has raised too many questions, and each version can find many loopholes, so that time is delayed again and again.

Moreover, in addition to revising existing laws and regulations, a large number of laws and regulations have also been added, because it is found that some things are not the matter itself, but will go wrong in other aspects.

Therefore, the scope of involvement is getting wider and wider, and there are more and more things to be done. In short, it is difficult to complete in a short while. According to Ye Ziqi, if it can be completed before November, it is already considered a fast progress.

Fortunately, there is not much information about the social security fund. Everyone only knows about the pension fund, which does not have much impact on society.

When the time entered September, Wancheng Foundation began to carry out large-scale real estate sales publicity work, which brought a major earthquake to the domestic real estate industry.

The first to be impacted are other real estate companies. With the rapid economic development in recent years, their business has also flourished.

Quite a few real estate companies have enjoyed the dividends brought about by rising housing prices. Although the quality and design of their houses are much worse than those of Wancheng Jiye, their sales are very good.

The reason is that there is a shortage of houses in the market. For rich people, it is uncomfortable not to invest money, even if they know that the houses developed by these real estate companies are incomparable with the houses of Wancheng Jiye.

However, there are still a large number of people who are willing to invest. The price of houses has indeed risen sharply in recent years, and the book investment income is still quite large.

Now that Wancheng Jiye has begun to supply a large number of houses to the market, tradable houses on the market will not become so scarce. Consumers generally will not choose their houses when they have options.

Like the houses they built, there is no earthquake-proof device, a lack of security, and no long-term service life. The general service life is only about 50 years, and it is not known whether it can even be achieved.

After the news of Wancheng Foundation came out, their sales office instantly became deserted, and the bustling scene in the past was completely gone.

The second is the so-called investors. After seeing the paper benefits brought about by rising house prices, everyone felt that their investment was very cost-effective and caught up with the dividends of rising real estate.

But when Wancheng Foundation issued the announcement, the situation took a 180-degree turn. The houses they invested in not only did not continue to rise, but also fell rapidly.

The reason is that the market is no longer optimistic about the real estate they invest in. The service life is too low, the design is too old, and the price/performance ratio is very low. Now that there are more choices, others are naturally unwilling to be a taker.

In fact, before that, they were only playing hand-in-hand games internally. Many people were not interested in this, and they were just waiting for Wancheng Jiye's house to be sold on the market.

It's a pity that after waiting and waiting, there is no definite news. Some of them saw the house price rising day by day, so they bought houses from other real estate companies.

Of course, most people persisted, mainly because they didn’t have too much money on hand. After all, it took only two or three years for the salary to really increase significantly.

Previously, the salaries of the employees of the enterprises under the leaf book were less than 10,000 yuan, and there were too many things to be improved in the family, so it was not possible to save much money.

The time to really save money is only a few years, but the companies under Ye Zishu have provided too many products, so the money in their hands is actually not praised too much.

It's not that Wancheng Jiye's houses are not sold. Their houses are sold in the county, but there are not too many buyers. The reason is that they haven't saved enough money, and a few years ago, rural people didn't have the idea of ​​going to the county to buy a house.

Many people have made money, and the first thing they do is to build a beautiful house on the homestead of their hometown. As for the residents of the county, they either demolish and relocate their houses, or think that renting a house is more cost-effective.

There is no rush to buy a house.

The most important thing is that banks and other financial institutions are relatively strict in terms of real estate loans, and even some areas do not have real estate loans at all.

Many people buy a house and need to buy it in full. Even if they apply for a loan, the interest rate is very high. It is actually not cost-effective to calculate. It is better to rent a house.

And Wancheng Jiye is very standardized in the management of renting houses, so that people do not feel that they are renting houses when renting houses, so there is no strong need to buy a house.

Only those who have really made money but don’t know how to invest and spend it think about buying a house to preserve its value. As for investing in the financial market, many people actually don’t understand it.

my country's current financial securities market is underdeveloped. It's not that the country discourages it, but that there are too few high-quality listed companies. The reason is that most high-value companies are under the banner of Ye Zishu.

The companies under him are unwilling to go public, but the companies that want to go public do not have much value. In addition, the financial securities market is not regulated, and the atmosphere of speculation is very heavy. It is not a healthy financial securities market.

Moreover, individuals and investors who play financial securities in this era are basically in first-tier cities in China, and rich people in other places are still very cautious about this.

In short, after the announcement of Wancheng Foundation, the heat completely overwhelmed many hot issues, such as pension funds, environmental protection, and carbon neutrality, etc., as if they disappeared for a while.

A large number of people began to discuss whether to buy a house, where to buy a house, what the price is, and what preferential policies are available. It seems that the chat content of everyone in their spare time is related to this.

Even the people in Yezishu Village are discussing where to buy a house in the county. For them, the house is now beautifully built and the car is bought. It is time to buy a house in the county.

It’s just that the price of houses in the county is already very high, the average price has risen to 20,000 yuan per square meter, and the houses are generally relatively large, the general area is 160 square meters, and the high one even reaches 200 square meters.

If calculated based on 160 square meters, the average selling price of a house is 3.2 million yuan, which seems high, but the income of county residents is not low, with an average annual income of more than 300,000 yuan.

According to the income situation, it takes about 10 years’ salary to buy a house of 160 square meters, whether it is high or low.

It is not high, mainly because the housing price and income ratios in developed countries around the world are different, but it is basically similar to this level, which shows that it is reasonable to a certain extent.

Land resources in the world are scarce resources, especially as the global population continues to increase, land will become more and more valuable, which is an irreversible process.

In contrast, our country has no real estate tax, and there is a high probability that the real estate tax will not be levied on residents for the first house, but only on families with multiple houses. The cost of holding is relatively low.

To put it bluntly, most of the residents do not actually have that much money to buy a house. After all, it has only been a few years since everyone became rich, and there is not enough time to accumulate wealth.

Fortunately, Wancheng Foundation has launched a discount activity for the first house. The discount rate will be determined according to the local income and housing price. If the ratio of housing price to income in a place is too high, the discount rate will be much larger.

Vice versa, it is necessary to take care of the purchasing power of residents and the operating profit of the enterprise. It is important to know that after the house is sold, the tax paid is not low, and the overall tax accounted for nearly 50%.

Therefore, the local government should be happy to hear the announcement of Wancheng Jiye. After all, the land use fee is not as big as the real estate sales tax. For the local government, it is a huge income.

However, among these taxes, it is necessary to standardize the public facilities built by Wancheng Foundation. At the beginning, it was considered that urban public facilities cost a lot of money and needed unified planning.

In order to prevent the local government from continuing to use money for the construction of public facilities, Wancheng Foundation signed such an agreement with the local government. Wancheng Foundation will make unified planning and construction, and Wancheng Foundation will temporarily pay the funds in advance.

Of course, the advance funds need to pay interest, which is calculated at an annual interest rate of about 5%. After the house is sold in the future, the advance funds and interest will be paid from taxes.

Conversely, if Wancheng Jiye does not sell, the local government does not need to pay the advance funds, so that the local government can obtain good public facilities without spending a penny.

Wancheng Jiye can also benefit, that is, it can obtain land at a lower price. Like other developers who do not have such strong strength, their purchase price for land is very high.

Otherwise, with housing prices rising so fast and the cost of land purchase being about the same as Wancheng Foundation, wouldn't they be making money like crazy? Obviously this is unreasonable.

The state allows enterprises to obtain excess profits in the field of technological innovation, but absolutely does not allow enterprises to obtain excess profits in land-related industries, because the land belongs to the state, and obtaining excess profits is to take advantage of the state.

Not to mention them, it is Wancheng Jiye. The actual net profit is estimated to be around 30%. This is still a large amount of cheap land obtained in the early days. Under normal circumstances, the net profit margin is around 20%.

This is because they did not build houses according to Wancheng Jiye's construction standards. If they built according to Wancheng Jiye's standards, the net profit margin is estimated to be only about 10%.

So in the final analysis, the real estate industry is not particularly profitable, but because of its large size, the total profit is very high, and it is a good business.

As for the high net profit margin of Wancheng Foundation, it is also allowed, because Wancheng Jiye not only brings local urbanization construction, but also brings a large number of industries, which is very important to the local economic development.

Other real estate companies develop real estate to buy a house, but Wancheng Foundation promotes urbanization, not just buying a house and then leaving it alone.

Instead, in the process of promoting urbanization, it has attracted many local industrial enterprises, and at the same time left behind a prosperous business, which has promoted the prosperity of the local economy. It is not a one-off deal.

What's more, when they promote urbanization, they will basically give a macro plan, which is completely different from the developers in the east and west, which is naturally more popular with the local government.

It can be said that during the rapid development of my country's economy, Wancheng Foundation has made great contributions. With so much effort, the net profit margin has reached 30%, so there is no need to feel that it is taking advantage of it.

Ye Zishu is also paying attention to the actions of Wancheng Jiye, but the real estate properties that are presented in the early stage are all high-end real estate properties, and the number is not particularly large, and the price discount is relatively small.

In the view of Wancheng Jiye, the high-end real estate in the core area is just to cut the leeks of the rich. Not only will they not give discounts, but they will sell them at a higher price.

The reason is simple, that is, their houses are of better quality and cost more. In order to promote the economic prosperity of these places, they have paid extra costs and deserve higher prices.

As for ordinary people who don't have much money and insist on joining here, there is no way. Everyone needs to know their own position, and they can only pay more if they insist.

Resources in the core areas of a city are very scarce. At this time, it is purely based on strength, and the highest price wins, which is fundamentally different from inclusive measures.

Not to mention big cities, the prices of houses in the core areas of their county towns are ridiculously high, the highest price per square meter has reached 40,000 yuan, and only the rich can come to join in the fun.

Ye Shu does not object to such an approach. After all, the allocation of resources cannot be absolutely fair, and can only be distinguished in a certain way. In modern society, money is naturally used to speak.

What he objected to was the scarcity of resources caused by the excessive concentration of public resources. Therefore, all the properties under Wancheng Jiye have complete educational facilities, sports facilities and other public facilities, and there is no obvious difference.

Of course, certain services provided by high-end communities may be better, such as high-end sports venues and special facilities specially built for the community, but school construction is definitely treated equally, because it is no longer purely a matter of money.

According to the feedback data from Wancheng Foundation, the prices of these core high-end properties are generally 50% higher than the current market prices, and some even directly doubled.

Anyway, the resources have been occupied by Wancheng Jiye, whether you want to buy it or not, because the rent in these areas is also very high, and there are high-income groups around, so it is not a loss to rent it out.

Of course, such an approach has also aroused heated discussions among the people. Some people think that Wancheng Foundation is deliberately raising housing prices.

For this reason, Wancheng Foundation also gave some explanations. Although there is no need to explain, I am afraid that the misunderstanding will expand. When everyone unanimously crusades, the government may intervene.

In order to prove that he never lied, Wancheng Jiye also released a lot of real estate properties of other grades, and the prices were also different.

They graded the real estate they owned, and divided it into 10 grades in total. The real estate in the first 5 grades basically will not be sold at a reduced price, and even the higher the grade, the greater the increase.

The larger the discount, the purpose of doing so is to take care of people of different classes, so that everyone can get what they need.

Moreover, the purpose of classifying different real estate projects is to let consumers spend money clearly and know why their money is worth it, and it is definitely not a fool.

Mainly in terms of design advantages, location advantages, supporting facilities, greening rate, floor area ratio, public resources, etc., these real estates are graded, so that everyone can buy a house that suits them.

Such a strategy is actually very popular in the market. The reason is that it makes the community more pure and realizes the people and groups that most people want to see.

It is easier for people of the same level to get along, and it is more harmonious to live in the same community. Conversely, if good and bad people are mixed, many people will live uncomfortable, and it is worth paying a higher price for this.

The biggest means of distinguishing is the money in hand, because distinguishing from other aspects is discrimination. Although Ye Zishu scoffs at this, but the general environment is like this, he has nothing to do.

Classes will always exist, and the more complex a society is, the more complex the classes will be. This itself exists with civilization and cannot be completely eliminated.

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He also didn't think about being able to completely eliminate class, but wanted to optimize the channel for class advancement, so that everyone who worked hard had the opportunity to realize class transition. This is the proper way.

In fact, there are many problems brought about by the solidification of classes. The lack of vitality in society, the difficulty of empathy between classes, and the deepening of class-to-class contradictions are all unfavorable factors for society.

In fact, he hopes that the distinction between classes should be based on honor, rather than defined in other ways, so as to ensure that wealth is not too concentrated and the bottom class can live a good life.

It can also promote people's progress, gain more honors, gain more respect, and obtain the qualifications for class transition with strength and contribution, rather than simply looking at the amount of wealth.

In fact, just because some people have money does not mean that they have made great contributions to society, and it does not mean that their contributions are small if someone has no money.

Of course, this idea is just his idea, in fact he can't do much, it is not easy to build such a system, naturally it is just a thought.

Life is unsatisfactory one out of ten times, and he still understands this truth. In fact, most people just muddle along, and only find a way when things come to an end. At least for now, this kind of demand is still relatively weak.

After Wancheng Foundation announced the real estate sales information, Tidal Group also began to promote its own preferential mortgage policies, which also caused quite a stir.

You must know that the current corporate loan interest rate is generally around 6%, and personal loans have not yet been fully opened. Only Tidal Group and Danque Financial Services Company have conducted pilot projects.

Although housing loans have been gradually launched in the past two years, and various banks have similar businesses, the interest rates are generally above 5%, and there is no room for bargaining.

Now Tidal Group has lowered the loan interest rate of the first home to about 3% as soon as it came up, which has aroused great concern from domestic counterparts, and some people expressed firm opposition to this.

It is believed that Tidal Group's actions have disrupted the order of the domestic financial market and will seriously interfere with the operations of other financial companies, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the overall economy.

Of course, only verbal objection is of no use. Tidal Group will not stop just because of the other party's verbal objection, so there is no need to do anything, because every business has people and companies that oppose it.

The most effective way to prevent the Tidal Group from doing so is to talk to the regulatory authorities and issue coercive measures to crack down on the early bird of the Chaotic Group.

Not to mention, not long after this news was announced, there was indeed a department interviewing Tidal Group, but unfortunately no mandatory documents were issued, and it was only asked to take care of the market order.

And the tide group is not without reason. The main purpose of the preferential mortgage interest rate they launched is to promote the realization of the goal of housing for people and reduce the burden on the people. There is no flaw in the general direction.

And they only give such discounts to the first suite of residents' families, because this is a basic human need, and it cannot be over-financialized, and it must be inclusive.

As for the mortgage of multiple suites, it is still based on the market price, because in their view, this is no longer a basic need, it is considered an investment, and it is naturally based on market rules.

Moreover, the commercial banks under the Tidal Group do not accept public deposits. They are not ordinary commercial banks, and should have lower constraints and greater autonomy than ordinary commercial banks.

Tidal Group clearly opposes the phenomenon of excessively high bank interest rates, which is not conducive to investment or consumption. The cost of social financing is too high, and the financial sector makes too much money.

Instead, they sued other financial institutions, leaving the competent authorities at a loss for what to say. They couldn't say that they had poor management and many bad debts. They could only ensure stable operations by raising interest rates.

So this matter was left alone, and although other financial institutions were anxious, they had nothing to do. If they really dared to do the same, problems would easily occur.

In contrast, whether it is efficiency or good loans, the Tidal Group is significantly higher. Even if they operate at a lower interest rate, they can still obtain good returns.

Moreover, Tidal Group has also done a lot of beneficial things in recent years, especially things that other commercial banks are unwilling to do. They have provided better support and played a more positive role in the development of the national economy.

For example, agricultural loans, small and medium-sized enterprise loans, personal emergency loans, etc. are things that ordinary banks are unwilling to do, but the society does have this demand.

In terms of contribution, the Tidal Group is not small at all, and naturally speaks louder, not to mention that what they did did not violate the regulations.

Financial regulation generally only regulates the deposit rate, not the loan rate, because the loan rate is a commercial market behavior, and if it is regulated, it will not be conducive to the healthy development of the financial market.

Tidal Group also successively announced their other measures, such as how to deal with overdue mortgages, how to deal with early repayments, etc., and formulated a set of detailed rules so that every lender can understand clearly in advance.

Moreover, two sets of loan rules have been formulated. The main difference lies in the nature of the mortgage loan. One mortgage loan method is that if the debtor fails to repay the loan, the house will be taken away by the bank after triggering the conditions and it belongs to the bank's assets.

The debtor does not need to bear the next debt, but he cannot refund the down payment and the loan paid. It can be regarded as handing over the house and canceling the debt.

The other is the current domestic practice, that is, housing mortgage loans. If the conditions are triggered, the house will be foreclosed, and the debtor needs to make up for the insufficient part, and late fees and other fees need to be paid in the middle.

The two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Borrowers can choose according to their own actual situation, and cannot change the loan mode midway. This approach is much better than no choice.

Of course, overdue repayment can also be negotiated, as long as a supplementary agreement is signed, but the repayment interest rate for subsequent payments will be higher, which is a punitive interest rate, and credit will also be affected.

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