Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 692 So many people oppose solar power generation?

While Ye Zishu was concentrating on writing the book, Kirin Energy Industry Group was making a lot of noise in the country, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a green energy storm.

In the past few years, domestic power supply has been in a state of shortage, especially with the emergence of more and more high-energy-consuming industries under his umbrella, the problem of energy shortage has become more and more prominent.

Not to mention that power outages are common in Ye Zishu’s hometown in rural areas, it is not uncommon for urban residents to have power outages every now and then. On the premise of maintaining economic development, residents’ electricity consumption can only be reduced to a certain extent.

Although most of the power outages occurred during the day, they still caused great distress to residents, and there were many suggestions for expanding power production.

There is no shortage of coal in our country itself. If we really want to vigorously build thermal power generation facilities, there is absolutely no problem, but the relevant departments have not been active in this regard.

The main reason is that the solar power generation of Kirin Energy Industry Group has made relevant departments and enterprises have some concerns about increasing the construction of thermal power generation. If it is true as the information says, thermal power generation does not have an advantage.

So everyone has been waiting. Last year passed, and Kirin Energy Industry Group did not make any major moves. It just negotiated with the Qinghai government on the land issue of the solar power plant and reached an agreement.

However, construction was not started, which made the relevant enterprises a little bit ready to move after the year, not because they thought that Kirin Energy Industrial Group was out of business, but because they really couldn't bear the pressure.

There are more and more complaints about power outages, and even relatively idle people go to the relevant power department to block the door, which can be said to have aroused great public anger.

It’s not that Kirin Energy Industrial Group has not done anything after the new year. In fact, they have been actively building the transmission network before. If this is not completed, the construction of solar power generation devices will be wasted.

The number of their own employees is actually not many. The construction task of the entire transmission network was contracted to the State Grid to help implement it, because they are the only ones with so many knowledgeable employees.

The entire power transmission network is constructed in multiple sections at the same time. In the first two months, they are trying to get through the power transmission line from the solar power plant to Xining, so that they can temporarily use the national grid to transmit power to the outside world.

It's just that the output of superconducting transmission lines of Kirin Electric Industry Group was not high at that time, and the work that could have been completed in one month took two months.

Now their production capacity is gradually coming up, which can basically meet the transmission line construction of Kirin Energy Industry Group, but they are not prepared to continue to expand production capacity.

After their power transmission line was connected to Xining Unicom, it was already March, and Ye Zishu didn't care about it at that time, so he didn't need to worry about such a trivial matter.

By the beginning of April, the production capacity of solar power generation equipment produced by Kirin Energy Industry Group was gradually increased, and these equipment began to be transported to Qinghai, where the construction officially started.

At present, the production capacity of power generation equipment of Kirin Energy Industry Group is built at 400 billion watts per year, which has fully met the existing construction needs.

This year, Kirin Energy Industry Group's requirement is to complete the construction target of 200 billion watts. The production capacity is actually twice their construction target. The reason for this is for follow-up arrangements.

Although Ye Zishu thinks that 200 billion watts of power generation facilities will be added, and the annual supply of 400 billion kwh of electricity is not too small, but it is not clear whether it is enough or not.

Because many energy-consuming industries under Kirin Industrial Group do not expand production on a large scale, in addition to considering practical factors, there are also factors such as energy shortage and high energy costs.

If cheaper energy can be provided, many industries under the Kirin Industrial Group may have to expand production, and the energy may not be completely sufficient by then. Therefore, it is necessary to build more production capacity.

Kirin Energy Industrial Group has just started building a solar power plant, and the relevant departments, which have resisted the pressure for so long, immediately publicized the construction of the solar power plant to the outside world.

Solar power generation is still a relatively new thing in China, so the official publicity of solar power generation has aroused the interest of many people.

Some people began to popularize relevant knowledge in this area.

Now that the Internet is more and more developed, it is becoming easier and easier to collect information. Even foreign language materials that are difficult to understand can be translated using intelligent translation software.

It’s just that it’s okay if you don’t popularize science. After reading the popular science articles, you feel that solar power generation is very unreliable. The power generation efficiency is only about 10%, and the price is still very high.

It stands to reason that this matter has nothing to do with ordinary people, but everyone is not a fool. If the construction cost is too high, consumers like them will eventually have to pay the bill.

Some people have complained about the high price of domestic electricity, but now that it is better to use solar power directly, the price is likely to increase, who can bear it.

In addition to the discomfort of residents, enterprises will suffer even more, because the electricity used by enterprises is more expensive than that used by residents. If residents oppose the sharp increase in electricity prices, they will definitely be injured.

As a result, there are more and more news about opposition to the construction of solar power plants on the Internet, and the posters think that they will not know who posted the post.

However, most of the opponents are actually very rational. They listed a series of reasons why it is not suitable to adopt solar power generation, which is quite reasonable.

First of all, solar power is good for the climate, but the cost is too high, and the affordability of residents and businesses is poor. If everyone can't afford it, what's the point of producing this electricity?

Secondly, it is very unfavorable to the development of the domestic economy. Although some industries in our country are in a leading position in the world, most industrial enterprises are actually still at the low end of the industrial chain.

If the power supply price is too high, it will not only increase the cost of enterprises, but also reduce the competitiveness of my country's export industry, and many small and medium-sized enterprises will face the risk of bankruptcy.

Then there is opposition to such radical environmental protection. Some people think that the reason for building high-cost solar power plants is mainly to respond to climate protection initiatives, because the government also supported the sales of waste gas treatment equipment of Kirin Environmental Industry Group before.

Finally, I doubt whether solar power generation can cover the domestic electricity gap. The efficiency of solar power generation is very low, and the production capacity and investment scale need to be huge, which cannot be achieved in the short term.

The cost of power generation of Kirin Energy Industry Group is only known to the relevant state departments, and it is impossible to tell the truth.

But now a wave of opposition has been set off on the Internet, and even spread offline, causing serious social impact. The relevant departments directly handed over the issue to Kirin Energy Industry Group for clarification.

Kirin Energy Industrial Group, who originally didn't intend to respond, had to post a message on its corporate social account. The words were very simple, just a few simple sentences.

The first sentence said: Please believe in Kirin Energy Industry Group, and at the same time, please believe in Ye Zishu, which has created countless miracles. You will never be disappointed!

The second sentence said: In the future, the electricity bill will only be cheaper than it is now. If it is more expensive, we Kirin Energy Industry Group would rather sell electricity at a loss. We will do what we say!

The first sentence brought out Ye Zishu to increase its persuasiveness. Although everyone is not clear about many things about Ye Zishu, the information revealed now can be called a legend.

Kylin Energy Industry Group may not be bought by everyone, but Ye Zishu's account is still bought by many people. After all, he has created too many miracles in his hands.

Even if the second sentence is a reassurance for everyone, at least it is guaranteed that it will not be more expensive than it is now. As for whether it can be made cheaper, everyone can only wait and see later.

In fact, everyone still believes that it will be cheaper, because they all carried the leaf book out, which is tantamount to betting on the reputation of the leaf book. If it cannot be done, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of the leaf book.

Ordinary people may not pay much attention to reputation, but in the position of Ye Zishu, reputation is extremely important. Sometimes for the sake of reputation, he can bear the loss and can't break his promise.

What's more, Ye Zishu is not a person who is in a loss-making business, otherwise he would not be able to become a super rich man in such a short period of time, so after this message was sent out, it was miraculous that not many people mentioned it again.

Sure enough, carrying out the leaf book is worth a thousand words. Kirin Energy Industrial Group doesn't even need to explain how much their power generation cost is. If it's an ordinary person, it really can't do it.

Ye Zishu, who didn't care about this matter at first, was reminded by the intelligent assistant, and then he realized that Kirin Energy Industrial Group had lifted himself out as a guarantee without authorization. He was a little bit dumbfounded, so he decided to punish them and deduct their bonuses.

Without his consent, doing things under his banner is absolutely not allowed by him. Even if there is a reason for the incident, he must be punished, but the severity of the punishment is different. This is to take this as a warning, otherwise he will be expelled .

Not long after Kirin Energy Industry Group’s statement was issued, the official also gave some news, mainly in response to doubts about the small scale of power generation.

When everyone learned that Kirin Energy Industry Group will build 200 billion watts of solar power generation facilities, they immediately felt relieved. Judging from the current total domestic power generation, this increase is a bit large.

The official information is also very mysterious. It didn't even mention the investment scale, because if it said the investment scale, it would be tantamount to exposing the construction cost of solar power generation facilities.

Moreover, the construction of power generation facilities this time is entirely a voluntary act of private enterprises. The state encourages them to build clean energy, but they will not intervene too much, so there is no need for the government to disclose the scale of investment.

After the situation calmed down, Kirin Energy Industry Group accelerated the construction of solar power generation facilities, and at the same time asked the State Grid to send more personnel to participate in the construction of related facilities.

And our country has launched a vigorous green energy development plan, which has also sparked intense discussions abroad, especially as citizens of developed countries, I feel that the actions of my country are a bit slow.

They have their own pride. They brought up the climate issue. As a result, it was a developing country that took the lead in building green energy on a large scale, but they themselves have been slow to move.

Not only their own citizens are dissatisfied with this, but netizens from other developing countries are also watching the excitement, and by the way ridiculed a few words.

After all, before making a plan, we still need to look at the construction cost, so they consulted Kirin Energy Industry Group for relevant information, and then went back to consider how to do it.

The external quotation here is FOB price of 20 yuan per watt, and the power generation efficiency of solar panels is 25%, excluding auxiliary equipment such as brackets. This is the quotation that Kirin Energy Industry Group has studied for a long time.

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