Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 657: Profit distribution and year-end rewards

After reading the annual reports of various group companies under his control, Ye Zishu was a little shocked. If he hadn't confirmed it again and again, he would have wondered if his eyes had read it wrong.

His main industries generated more than 19.5 trillion yuan in revenue last year, and the scale of the handed-in profits reached 5.6 trillion yuan, which made him unbelievable.

The number of employees in the entire subsidiary industry is about 20 million, and the per capita annual output value is 977,000 yuan. This performance can no longer be described as bright, it is simply blinding his eyes.

When he evaluated last year, he felt that the revenue of its industries would exceed 14 trillion yuan, but he did not expect it to be so much higher, and the contribution of new businesses was very large.

For example, Kirin Industrial Group generated 2 trillion yuan in revenue last year, and Taiji Group's new business medical equipment and pharmaceutical business also contributed more than 3 trillion yuan in revenue.

And most of these incomes come from overseas markets. Not to mention other domestic export businesses, the export business created by their industries alone can directly send my country to the throne of the world's number one exporting country.

Almost all of them are exports of high-tech products and services, and the proportion of ordinary goods exports is very low, basically all of which are from Kirin Industry Group.

Although Kirin Industrial Group exports ordinary products, their production technology is the world's top. In a sense, it is also a high-tech industry.

Ye Zishu kept circling these data in his mind, feeling dreamy and unreal, and even wanted to smoke a little to calm himself down.

When he started his business, he thought that he would definitely be able to create a huge industry, but he never thought that he could achieve the current scene in just 4 years.

Although there were exchange rate factors in it last year, but removing the exchange rate factors, it was still in a stage of rapid development, and all group companies achieved excellent results.

There are still many industries in him that only started to develop last year, and they have already shown their glory. He doesn't know what kind of brilliance will be created this year.

The next step is to figure out how to spend the money. The profit turned over is 5.6 trillion yuan. If the plan is based on the number of employees, it is most appropriate to give it to Wancheng Foundation.

But last year, Wancheng Foundation's stall was very large. Whether they can continue to bear such a large-scale capital this year is a very real question.

Sometimes the more funds given does not mean the better, and they need to judge their ability to bear the funds. Last year, many of their projects were not completed and were still under construction.

After thinking about it, he decided to give Wancheng Foundation 4.6 trillion yuan of funds, of which 4 trillion yuan will be used for the development of real estate business, which is expected to drive 60 million jobs.

The remaining 600 billion yuan is ready to be invested in the field of highway construction. In fact, my country has long realized the importance of highways to economic development, and the country has been investing.

It's just that the economic conditions at that time were limited. Although there were constructions every year, the total mileage was not particularly large, and the main thing was to take care of the traffic between major cities.

There are no expressways in most parts of the country. In fact, it is an extremely risky move for Kirin Industrial Group to be placed in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, because the traffic conditions in these areas are really hard to describe.

If it weren't for the well-developed waterway transportation in these three provinces, there are not only the Yangtze River, the largest waterway system in the country, but also large rivers and lakes, allowing many items to be transported out.

For example, the headquarters of Qilin Timber Industry Group is in Ganzhou, and their production base is also in Ganzhou. Without the water system of the Ganjiang River, it is absolutely impossible for him to build a base here, and the production may not necessarily be shipped out.

He actually wants to invest in Henan, but Henan does not have a good water transportation system, the railway transportation system cannot afford huge transportation capacity, and the transportation cost of the road system is very high.

Therefore, he feels that under the guidance of the government, it is necessary to greatly improve the construction of our country's expressway network, especially in the areas he invests in, so that traffic cannot become an obstacle to industrial development.

It just so happens that Wancheng Jiye basically deals with construction. They have ready-made road construction materials, and they also have construction machinery business. Among the engineering equipment he gave Wancheng Jiye, there is equipment specially used for highway construction.

Whether it is erecting viaducts or digging tunnels, with these super engineering equipment, it will become easier and the cost will be greatly reduced.

The cost per kilometer of the current expressway is not cheap. For example, the construction cost of the Quanxia Expressway is 35 million yuan per kilometer, which is not much different from the average construction cost decades later, and it is still two-way and four-lane.

The high cost is not a big deal. He thinks that the long construction time is the key to the problem. The domestic economy is developing so fast that if the previous construction efficiency is used, it will not be able to keep up with the needs of economic development.

If you want to improve efficiency and reduce overall costs, you need to start from three aspects: project management, use of advanced machinery and equipment, and expressway design and construction technology.

In terms of engineering management, Wancheng Foundation has accumulated a lot of experience. They have more than 15 million employees, and the scale of the industry is very large and the system is very complicated.

Although it swelled so much last year, it was a bit difficult to manage, but it still survived, and all projects were implemented according to the plan, and there were no transitional delays.

This shows that their engineering management capabilities have reached a certain level. If the management level is not in place, with so many people, problems will occur every two days.

Why did the phenomenon of contractors appear in the previous life? Don’t you know that there will be big problems in the form of contractors, mainly because project management is too difficult.

Many projects can only be disassembled and subcontracted, so that only quality management is required, and personnel management is not required, which can greatly save management costs, and it is an efficient mode of operation.

The reason why Wancheng Jiye did this was because he wanted to avoid the situation in his previous life, especially when laws and regulations were not perfect and social governance was relatively backward, problems were more likely to occur.

On the other hand, it is the confidence in the management system. With the advanced artificial intelligence management system, the management effectiveness is directly extended to every grassroots employee, which is impossible for all other companies outside.

In terms of advanced machinery and equipment, Wancheng Jiye also has a solid foundation. Their construction machinery is produced by themselves, although these machinery are basically used to build houses.

But they also have road construction machinery and equipment, but because some equipment is relatively high-end, the research and development time is relatively long, and it is not so urgent, so it was delayed a little bit, but the research and development work was basically completed at the end of last year.

Production work is currently being arranged. It was a coincidence that these machinery and equipment were originally intended to be sold to others, but now they can be used by themselves.

For highway construction technology, he can provide relevant information. His knowledge from his previous life is still there, and there are similar technical materials in the virtual library, so it is not difficult.

Even the asphalt needed for road construction, Kirin Basic Industries Group can also produce substitutes, which are not only more environmentally friendly than asphalt, but also have a longer service life and better performance, and the cost is almost the same.

It can be said that Wancheng Jiye has all the conditions for the construction of expressways. Even if they are all built according to two-way six-lane or more lanes, the cost can be controlled at the level of 30 million yuan per kilometer.

Of course, this refers to places where the terrain is relatively flat and there are not many bridges. In areas like Guizhou, it is difficult to make cheap construction, after all, the conditions are not very good.

And the place where he wants to invest in expressways is the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei. If expressways are realized here, about 20,000 kilometers of expressways will be built.

Just 600 billion yuan can build so many expressways. Once the construction is completed, the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei will immediately become the most developed expressways in the country, and the economic development of the central region will also have a solid foundation.

It is difficult for the state funds to invest in these three provinces. At present, the state funds are mainly invested in areas with faster economic development to accelerate the faster economic development of these areas, as well as some areas that are strategically needed.

Investing in these three provinces, in addition to meeting the economic development needs of the central region, the most important thing is that the foundation here is relatively solid, making it easier for Wancheng Foundation to complete the expressway investment.

Regardless of the revenue of Kirin Industrial Group last year, which was only more than 2 trillion yuan, and the clothing manufacturing business is still in the eastern coastal provinces, it still cannot change the importance of this group in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei.

Moreover, Taiji Group also has a large amount of investment here, which has created a lot of income. Under this situation, many things can be discussed and coordinated more smoothly.

After handing over 4.6 trillion yuan to Wancheng Jiye, there was still 1 trillion yuan left. He thought about it carefully, and it was really difficult to allocate. Which industry can absorb so much money?

In fact, there are still two areas that need to be developed as soon as possible. The first is agriculture. Although agriculture requires a lot of funds, it cannot consume so much funds in a short period of time without special preparations.

If you want to develop agriculture well, you don't just need to invest money, but you need a set of practical plans. At present, Qilin Agricultural Development Group is not ready for anything, and there is simply no way to spend so much money.

The other is Kirin Environmental Industry Group. He believes that this group will also generate huge revenue in the future, but they really don't have much capital now.

Therefore, it is necessary to invest a sum of money to allow it to start seawater desalination, urban water supply, and urban waste and wastewater treatment businesses as soon as possible, and to start at this time can also cooperate with the urbanization construction of Wancheng Foundation.

After thinking about it, he decided to invest 100 billion yuan in Qilin Environmental Industry Group to support the development of the above businesses. As for the Agricultural Development Group, the 100 billion yuan from Tidal Investment Company is enough for them to use this year, and they will not be able to use up any more.

He directly gave the remaining 900 billion yuan to Kirin Resources Development Group to carry out the acquisition and investment of overseas mineral resources to cooperate with the development of the smelting industry of Kirin Basic Industry Group.

Anyway, he wants to invest in mineral resources, so it is better to invest as soon as possible. With the rapid development of our country's economy, the demand for mineral resources will increase, and the prices of these assets will skyrocket at that time.

At present, except for Wancheng Jiye, which has a high demand for metals, the other industries under him are high-tech and low-consumption industries. The domestic demand for metals has not yet experienced explosive growth.

Now is the right time to invest in overseas mineral resources. With so much money, we should be able to gain something. The current price of mineral resources is not high, and there was a wave of bankruptcies before.

He is not interested in smelting companies, but only in mineral resources. He mainly buys companies with these resources. He doesn't even bother to buy the hot oil. For him, oil resources don't mean much.

After distributing the profits, he sent a message to all the group leaders about the salary increase after the year and the year-end bonus.

Last year, the average monthly salary of grassroots employees was 1,000 yuan, and this time it has increased to 2,000 yuan. They made so much money last year, and their salaries must be greatly increased, otherwise it will be very detrimental to the development of the domestic economy.

As for the year-end bonus, it will be paid in three to six months. As for how much to pay, it depends on the actual situation of each company. It cannot be generalized. If the company does not make much money, or even loses money, it may not even have a year-end bonus.

It's not that he is reluctant to part with this little money, but that he has to do so, so as to encourage all the people in the poorly managed enterprises to work hard to run the enterprise well. Big pots of rice are absolutely unacceptable in business operations.

Middle and high-level managers have another incentive system, which is different from ordinary employees. These will be automatically calculated by their own management systems, and they do not need to be approved by him.

The reason why ordinary employees ask him to decide is mainly because ordinary employees generally have no incentives. Their work only needs to be completed according to the management system arrangement, and their management has little to do with them.

If the business is not well managed, all management personnel will be punished. Ordinary employees will generally not be punished. At most, the year-end bonus will be affected. If the management does not do well, the punishment will be very severe.

Therefore, the corresponding rewards are also richer than ordinary employees. In his opinion, the management of the company has the greatest relationship with the management. If the management is good, the rewards will be generous.

In this case, the management should be very concerned about the operation of the enterprise, and the ordinary employees don't have to worry all day long. They only need to do their jobs well and complete the reasonable tasks arranged by the above.

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