Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 583 Hacker’s Death, High Demand

Boss, this operation failed! A man entered the office and said to the middle-aged man sitting in the boss chair.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man didn't speak immediately, but rubbed his forehead and said slowly, I see.

Boss, what should we do next? the man asked.

What else can we do? We should have this awareness in this operation, but we just don't want to give up that less than 1% hope.

Let's just let this matter go, and you must also clear this matter from your mind, as if nothing happened, understand? said the middle-aged man.

I understand, it's just the remaining half of the money. Should we pay these participants? the man asked.

The middle-aged man thought about this question for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and asked, Do they know that we organized this attack?

The man shook his head and said, It's probably not clear. I contacted them alone and used fake information. They want to hide themselves, and we want to hide ourselves too.

After saying this, the man became even more entangled. The remaining half of the money was not a small number. This time, the organized attack was massive and used a lot of manpower. It cost a lot of money to hire these people.

So whether to give or not is a tangled issue. If you don't want to have any more contact with these people, you can just let it go. After all, they don't know who they are, and they can't find him.

Wait, now that the whole world is watching this hacking incident, if they press, say that the time is sensitive, wait for a while.

During this period of time, try not to contact these people and keep the information silent. We can't be too cautious about Phoenix Technology. said the middle-aged man.

Hearing the middle-aged man's special advice, the man nodded his head in agreement. Only those who don't know the truth think that Phoenix Technology Company is harmless to humans and animals.

Only those in the industry, or competitors like them, know how terrifying the other party is. Not to mention the cards they haven't seen clearly, it's the show of strength on the surface that makes them feel desperate.

If it wasn't for desperation, they wouldn't have organized such a large-scale hacking, just because they wanted to win a chance.

If it weren't for the fact that his strength was getting weaker and weaker, he wouldn't even want to default on the hacker's money. It was said that it was a sensitive period, but he just wanted to rely on it.

The man went out, and only the middle-aged man was left sitting alone in the boss's chair in the office. If he didn't succeed this time, there would be no next chance.

Based on his observation of the Phoenix Technology Company, even if they are unprepared, they can be impregnable, not to mention that they will not be given another chance after this time.

The company's previous business had shrunk too much. If it weren't for the cash reserves, the company would have been unable to continue its business. Before, it was thinking of turning the situation around, but now it has no such idea at all.

In the face of absolute strength, the more he struggles, the faster the company will close down. The question before him now is which direction the company will go next.

Whether it is operating systems, business software, or even niche fields such as industrial software, there are no opportunities for established companies like them.

Although the Internet business is developing in full swing, it has also been occupied by Phoenix Technology Company in advance, eating the biggest cake in the Internet field.

They also don't have many opportunities here, unless they only focus on more subdivided fields and develop and grow when Phoenix Technology has not taken care of it.

However, the subdivision field is doomed to be small, and it has to face other competitors. Whether it can succeed or not, I have no idea.

These are secondary, and the most important thing is that they don't know where the next outlet of the Internet is. After all, the Internet is a new thing, and the companies that are currently playing the best are several companies under Phoenix Technology.

In the early days of Internet development, the fastest growing area was the mainstream field of the Internet. In this period, there were actually not many opportunities for subdivided fields, and people only paid attention to the mainstream field.

Only when the mainstream field develops to a certain extent, the subdivided field will get the attention of capital and Internet users, and have the opportunity to develop.

This is also why in the current global Internet field, only Phoenix Technology Co., Ltd. is flourishing, while it is difficult for other companies to have anything to offer.

It's not that these companies have never thought about differentiated competition, but non-mainstream is non-mainstream, and no one will pay attention to their subdivided businesses when the mainstream is crazy and eye-catching.

If no one pays attention, it means that you can't get enough traffic, you can't get enough income, and you don't have capital to favor companies like them.

If the company’s own strength is strong, it can slowly get through this stage, and it will occupy the track in advance because it enters a certain segment in advance, and wait until users and capital pay attention to them.

If it is an entrepreneurial company with very weak strength, entering the subdivision field at this stage is no different from seeking death, and it will not be delayed until the spring blossoms.

Not to mention how the mastermind of this hacking incident will determine the future development direction of the company, this day is also the unlucky day of many people, even the most unlucky day of life.

Robert is one of them. He has been exposed to computers since he was nine years old, and has been out of control ever since. With his outstanding talent, he has won many honors along the way.

But these couldn't bring him the life he wanted. By chance, he came into contact with hacker-related information, so his life path began to go astray.

After frantically learning about hacking skills, in less than a year, hacking skills have entered the room. Because of several major actions, he escaped unscathed and was regarded as a great god by the hacker circle.

No one knew that this great master who had flourished in the hacker circle was only 16 years old, and with his hacking skills, he took a lot of orders and made a lot of money.

It's just that because he is still underage, there is not much to spend the money he earns, so he can only save it, and when he becomes an adult, he can go out to the world of flowers and have a good time.

Participating in the hacking operation this time was the first time in his life that he failed, and he joined forces with so many top hackers in the world, but still ended in failure.

This made him realize that hackers are not at the top of the Internet food chain. He has never encountered them before, but all he encountered were soft persimmons.

This incident made him feel that the sky was about to change. These many people attacked together, but they couldn't even reach his shadow, which showed how powerful the opponent's defense system was.

If large companies all over the world adopt their defense system, hackers like them will have no chance at all, and there will be no chance to make money.

Although he is young, he is not stupid. He is smart. Realizing that the career of hacking has no future in the future, he plans to give up the path he wanted to take and prepare to start a normal job.

Anyway, the money he earned in the past is enough for him to be chic for a long time. If he makes some investments, he may be able to live longer. He thinks he is a person who knows current affairs.

Just when he was about to give up his hacker career, he didn't know that he was surrounded by the police downstairs, and two policemen had already quietly gone upstairs, ready to knock on his door.

A person like Robert is considered a clear-headed person. Among the hackers who participated in the attack this time, many of them smashed the keyboard because of failure.

But whether they are sober or still obsessed with obsession, they are destined to have no chance. The Phoenix Software Company has just finished the game and arranged for most people to take a break from get off work.

Many of them were resting at home, and they were called over temporarily by the phone, leaving only some people on night shift, and let these people announce the list they got.

The person on night shift announced the list of hackers who participated in the hacking on the company's social account at six in the morning. Because the list was too long, it had to be divided into several parts and sent out.

The list includes the hacker's network name, real personal information, and the country where he is located. It can be said to be quite detailed, as if the other party is not a hacker at all, but came to Phoenix Software Company to register personal information.

Yesterday's hacking incident was still at night in China. Although most people hadn't fallen asleep, they just paid attention to it. The popularity of this hacking incident in China is not high.

It was only when people got up early in the morning that they saw a lot of reports about this incident. It was not limited to the Internet, and the TV media also participated.

Because most people in China do not have access to the Internet, they can only get relevant information through TV media, and Internet security is relatively unfamiliar in China. This incident is a good opportunity to popularize science.

What's more, hacking is full of mystery and is new to many viewers. The participation of traditional media in follow-up reports is a good opportunity for them to earn traffic.

Not only the TV station got involved, but even the paper media published the whole story of the incident on their front page headlines, and also published commentators' articles.

After reading these reports, domestic audiences realized what a thrilling night last night was, and they also learned a lot of common sense about hackers by the way.

Regarding hackers, there is certainly a lack of awareness in China, and the same is true abroad. In the period when the Internet was underdeveloped, hackers were too far away from ordinary people.

Now is the period of rapid development of the Internet. Of course they can’t see the top hackers, but they have a chance to meet half-baked hackers. At least viruses and Trojan horses are closely related to many ordinary people.

So when Phoenix Software announced the list, they knew how big the hacking incident was. The long list made people feel chills when they saw it.

If ordinary people have only acquired popular science knowledge and understood the importance of network security, then many companies feel cold and cold after seeing it, and are afraid for a while.


They are not Phoenix Software Company. If so many hackers really want to attack them, their underpants will be stripped off, so they are all ready to make up for it and strengthen the company's network security.

And the first thing they thought of was Phoenix Software Company. In the face of such an intense hacker intrusion, not only was it unscathed, but it also checked the other party to the bottom. This strength is currently unrivaled.

So the colleagues on the day shift at Phoenix Software received a lot of consultation calls as soon as they went to work, and their service centers around the world were also busy.

Their network security service business has received unprecedented popularity. Those with deep pockets will place an order without saying a word and choose the most expensive service. Companies with little money will choose the service that suits them after repeated consultations and comparisons.


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