Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 548 Selling image usage rights can also make a lot of money

Then Ye Zishu went to inspect their technical department. The staff size of their technical department is not very large. Compared with before, there are not many employees, and there are still only about 200 people.

At present, the main task is to develop auxiliary functions around the intelligent video content creation system developed by Yeshu, so that the system can run better, and it is also convenient for employees in other departments to improve work efficiency.

Although the number of staff has not increased, due to the improvement in the efficiency of programming tools, the amount of work that can be done by the same number of people is not the same.

When Ye Zishu came to their department, he found that there was no tense work atmosphere like before. They also gathered in twos and threes to discuss issues, but luckily they didn't gossip.

There are more than 200 people here, all of them are men. Apart from discussing work issues, no one should be interested in discussing gossip. If you have this kind of thought, you might as well play two games.

Not to mention, Ye Zishu actually saw someone playing games at work, and when the person in charge led Ye Zishu over, he didn't evade, and was still playing with headphones.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu just glanced at it with great interest. He was playing a stand-alone game produced by Seagull Interactive Entertainment Company.

The person in charge glanced at Ye Zishu, wanting to see his reaction when he saw this situation, but Ye Zishu didn't respond at all, as if he didn't care about it at all.

The reason for this must be the company's permission and compliance with the company's management system, otherwise the person in charge would not be what he is now, and he might have scolded him long ago.

In fact, he has already foreseen this for a long time. With the improvement of production tool technology, work efficiency will inevitably be greatly improved. According to general enterprises, they will definitely choose to lay off employees to improve the overall efficiency of the enterprise and reduce costs.

However, he asked his subsidiaries to lay off employees cautiously, and he also personally formulated a set of layoff system. It is not so easy to make layoffs in enterprises, and it is to prevent various enterprises from finding various reasons to lay off employees in order to improve efficiency.

If this is really done, the entire Phoenix Technology Company may have to lay off at least half of its staff, which runs counter to his previous employment promotion.

This is also the reason why he will not sell this advanced production tool to the outside world, not to say that it is entirely to limit competitors, but to avoid more unemployment.

There are not many business owners who are as conscious as he is, and everyone has improved production efficiency, so it means that production efficiency has not been improved. Enterprise involution still exists, and employees may not be able to relax more.


It is the problem of the assessment system. His subsidiaries have different assessment systems according to the nature of the enterprises, and the assessment systems are different for different positions.

For program development positions, as long as they complete the tasks assigned by the intelligent management system, they have a very high degree of freedom in the rest of the time. Let alone playing games, they can even go home and rest.

In fact, he also considered whether to shorten the working hours, shortening the original eight hours a day to six hours or less.

However, after careful consideration, it was decided not to change it for the time being, because the current measures do not conform to the actual situation in China, and it seems to show the superiority of the company, which may cause other problems.

Moreover, once the system is established, it will not be easily changed. If employees are really required to work eight hours for a certain period of time to complete the task, they will need to pay extra salaries, and it is easy to generate dissatisfaction.

That's why it's like now. After finishing their duties, it's better to let them play games in the company or go downstairs to have a cup of coffee than to change the company system.

Because when it is really needed, the company can justifiably ask employees to complete the tasks that should be done, without giving employees the illusion of being Yang Bailao.

Of course, this kind of leisurely working state, the income obtained is naturally not as much as going all out to be busy, but it is still much better than most ordinary jobs.

It depends on how the employee treats his job, or how he plans his life. For example, he saw an employee reading a book.

If you just position yourself as an ordinary employee in this position, the requirements are really not high, but if you are not satisfied with this, you must continue to study and enrich your brain so that you can be competent for more important positions in the future.

Isn't the stratification among employees caused by the gap in their use of leisure time, and an enterprise, like society, is bound to have stratification.

It's just that he chose to be tolerant. As long as he is qualified for his job, he will take the salary of his job. If he wants to get a higher salary, he must work hard to improve himself.

It is estimated that other enterprises of Phoenix Technology have similar things, but the situation should be much better than here, because there are really not so many jobs here.

Technicians like them cannot touch the core technology, and what they do is to work around the leftovers of the core system. Over time, their passion should not be very high.

But other software companies are different. Even if the work efficiency is improved, their business is unlimited, and there is always enough work for them to arrange.

After visiting the technical department, Ye Zishu went to the modeling department. This department has a relatively large staff size, with 1,000 employees, which is not a lot.

The name of this department shows the nature of the work of this department, that is to carry out computer digital modeling, mainly modeling of film and television drama scenes, don't underestimate this work, this work is one of the core tasks of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

In fact, artificial intelligence itself can generate scene models, but the models generated by artificial intelligence do not necessarily conform to the aesthetics of contemporary audiences.

For example, in the 1980s and 1990s, the scenes of martial arts TV dramas were very simple, and even the background of the screen was artificial, and the audience had no objection to this.

But after a few decades, if you do this again, it is estimated that you will be sprayed to death by the audience. How to reflect the aesthetic tendency of the current era is the work of these modelers.

The scene modeling also includes a lot of things, involving characters, clothing, props, backgrounds, etc., and even the tone and demeanor of the characters, which are also carefully arranged.

There are two ways to use these models. One is to build them into the intelligent creation system in advance, and these materials will be automatically used when artificial intelligence creates content.

The works created in this way have basically reached the standard of viewing, but they may not fully meet the requirements. Later, they still need to be checked and modified manually, but the changes are relatively small and the workload is not large.

The other is that after artificial intelligence creates works, these appropriate models are set in when manually modifying, so that the film and television dramas can meet the listing standards.

From this perspective, the creation of artificial intelligence is not completely automatic, but still requires human intervention. This is an inevitable thing, even if Yeshu is talented, it will not be able to do it.

Not to mention artificial intelligence, even with the same script, different directors can produce completely different effects, and in the hearts of the audience, there are also differences between high and low.

Among the many modeling content, character modeling occupies a large weight, just like a film and television drama, half of the good or bad depends on the image and level of the actors.

Some faces are naturally suitable for playing a certain role. If you let him play other roles, you always feel uncomfortable. This feeling is a bit mysterious.

Character modeling is not difficult if you just mess around casually, but it is very difficult to make the character model naturally fit with a certain type of role.

This is not anime, it can blur many details, but these models are used in real film and television dramas, and no detail can be ignored.

Our current models mainly come from two sources. One is the real scene shooting. We send a lot of staff out to let them take pictures of the real scene, and then use them to make digital models.

The other is to rely entirely on imagination. This type of model is used more in fantasy, martial arts and other scenes that are out of the real world. This is also an important reason why we need so many people. The person in charge introduced.

Is the character model the same? Ye Zishu asked.

The person in charge nodded and said: The same is true for the character models, some of them are models created by ourselves, and quite a few are the rights to use images of real people.

We generally prefer the models created by ourselves in the use of the protagonist's image, because it can be used permanently and there is no copyright dispute.

For other secondary characters or mass characters, we prefer to use the purchased rights to use real-life images, which can save us a lot of modeling time and save costs.

Do you pay for the right to use the image on a per-view basis, or do you directly purchase the permanent use right? Ye Shu asked.

There are both. Some people's images are very suitable for certain types of characters. We would rather spend a lot of money to buy permanent use rights, and more character images are not prominent. We choose to pay by the number of uses. The person in charge said.

Then if a person's image frequently appears on the screen, the popularity and commercial value will increase greatly. Have you considered the situation? Ye Zishu asked.

Our permanent use rights actually include these commercial use rights, so the price is also the most expensive. In addition to the large one-time payment, we also need to pay an annual fee.

For example, we have a character image, and we pay the other party 5 million yuan in one lump sum, in addition to paying maintenance fees that are 1 times the per capita salary every year.

Until we announce the abandonment of this right to use the image, once we announce the abandonment, it means that the image owner can engage in commercial activities to obtain benefits, and we can no longer hold them accountable. said the person in charge.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu felt that this was reasonable. It not only guaranteed the interests of the image owner, but also the interests of the company. It was a relatively perfect solution.

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