Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 515: The Beginning of County Economic Construction and Development

The launch of the intelligent music creation system has completely disrupted the pace of competitors and made their advantages completely invalid. Some companies that think they are not strong have even canceled related plans.

And those giant companies are also a little hesitant. The music player can't compete with Qinglong Technology Company, and the music content, which was originally advantageous, has become precarious.

Those record giants are also facing a formidable enemy. According to such a crazy creative speed, they can't keep up with flattery. It won't be long before the record library they are proud of is not enough.

The problem is that the quality of these music songs from Shengshi Records is very good, and many songs have achieved great success as soon as they go online.

Originally, the creative ability of millions of songs per day is now compressed to 10,000 songs per day, and the quality has naturally been greatly improved, which can be said to be the best among the best.

These songs were not selected randomly. Shengshi Records has formed a large music appreciation team to select songs that meet the market positioning, and each song has been recognized by professionals.

In addition, Shengshi Records also combined the intelligent music creation system with its artists to make the development of its artists more smooth.

Specifically, it is to record the sound sources of its artists, analyze the capabilities of its artists, and then combine these data with the intelligent music creation system, so that songs are sung by the voices of these artists.

It is equivalent to letting the artists under the banner produce a large number of works out of thin air, and the artists with works will naturally become more popular and attract a large number of fans.

Although doing so puts a lot of pressure on the artists under the banner, because they have to practice songs non-stop, otherwise they will easily reveal their secrets.

But this is the pain of happiness. If you don’t want to be famous, you won’t choose to be a professional singer. Since you have chosen this path, you can’t bear the hardships, so you are in the wrong profession.

Although Shengshi Records' quarterly report has not yet come out, the current statistical data is quite impressive. Not to mention how their offline business is developing, the online business alone has brought them huge benefits.

The music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company requires membership to listen to songs online. The monthly fee in foreign developed countries is 10 US dollars, and all songs can be listened to unlimitedly.

In China and third world countries, the situation is more complicated. In China, listening to music is completely free, and even downloading songs is free, because once the fee is charged, the number of users will drop sharply.

In other countries, according to consumption habits and economic strength, some are free, and some need to pay membership fees.

However, the membership fee is generally relatively low, generally only 10 yuan per month.

If it is to download music, the cost is very high, 0.99 US dollars a song, which is equivalent to the user buying out the song, can listen to it unlimitedly, no fee will be charged, and will not be bound by membership.

But it can only be played on the music player of Qinglong Technology Company, or the local platform associated with the music platform, and cannot be played on third-party devices.

In the past, when the number of music was small, many people just chose to download the music they liked to listen to, because they thought it was more cost-effective and did not have to pay monthly membership fees.

If you are not a member, you need to pay for each piece of music you listen to. The price is 0.1 US dollars per listen, which is quite high. In contrast, it is much more cost-effective to become a member.

Now that the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company suddenly has a large amount of new music content, downloading music is not very advisable, resulting in a sudden increase in the number of members.

As long as you become a member, you can enjoy unlimited listening no matter if you are using a computer or the music player of Qinglong Technology Company. Consumers still think it is very cost-effective.

So far, the number of users of the music platform has exceeded 20 million, reaching 23 million, accounting for a very high proportion of the entire Internet users.

The income obtained by record companies or independent musicians is based on the total monthly playback volume of the entire platform, calculating the platform's income per playback, and then calculating the income of each song based on the number of playbacks.

The platform and the copyright owner are split 50-50. Before, most of the platform's revenue was shared by other record companies. Recently, Shengshi Records' share has suddenly increased significantly.

Because they have too many new songs, the proportion has not even been 1% before, but it has rapidly increased to 60%, and there is a trend of further increase, and the proportion may eventually exceed 80%.

According to this income ratio, Shengshi Records can earn about 40 million US dollars per month, and the annual income is higher than the previous record income.

This is just the beginning. According to the current speed of Internet development, the number of members of the entire platform will exceed the 100 million mark, which is what will happen in the next few years.

At that time, the revenue rate of Shengshi Records' online platform will completely crush other record companies, and the revenue will be at least 10 times that of the current one, and the future is bright.

Since the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. launched the original score, the idea of ​​creating online music has also completely changed.

In the past, online music creation always wanted to win by quantity, because the more quantity, the more playback times, at least in the absence of high-quality music, this is a very good idea.

Gu Yu

But now this way of thinking is no longer feasible. Under the impact of the huge amount of high-quality music from Shengshi Records, their creative efficiency has been impacted to pieces.

Now many of them have to rely on the originality score to obtain income. The higher the originality score, the higher the reward given by the platform.

Even if no one listens to the created music, as long as the score is particularly high, they can get a lot of money, and there is no problem in paying the creators for their daily lives.

If the original score is high, the popularity is also high, and the benefits will be more. This is to encourage them to work hard to create original and marketable music works.

Seeing the tangible benefits of the smart music creation platform, Ye Zishu looked forward to the remaining two smart content creation platforms and worked harder.

80% of the technical part of the intelligent text creation platform has been solved, and it will be completed in a few days. If the test results satisfy him, it will be able to go online in mid-March.

At that time, the online reading platform will also be operated by Kunpeng Information Technology Company. They have accumulated rich experience in the field of content operation and it is easier to promote it.

While Ye Zishu was working hard, Ye Ziqi finally came home on the weekend and brought him the news that the county town was about to change drastically.

At present, the scale of the county town is not large. There are only two streets, horizontal and vertical. If you walk on foot, you can go around in an hour. The population of the county town is only tens of thousands.

As for the industrial industry, Ye Zishu has almost no impression. The only one that has a deep impression is the porcelain factory. However, due to the heavy pollution, the people reacted strongly, and it was later closed down.

It can be said that it is a thoroughly agricultural county. If there is no leaf book, this situation may last for more than 20 years. It will not look industrialized until the coastal industries are transferred to the inland.

The news that Ye Ziqi brought was actually part of Wancheng Jiye's commercial complex plan, but they didn't expect them to move so fast.

We must know that the implementation of the construction plan of thousands of urban complexes is very complicated. It will take a lot of time just for the preliminary inspection, and then we will have to negotiate with the local area later.

He believes that the reason why it was determined so quickly is mainly composed of two factors. First, the current government has a strong desire for economic development, and naturally welcomes such investment.

In fact, the operation of the government is similar to that of people. When the local economy is expected to develop, the entire government agency will become prosperous instead of lifeless as before.

Ye Zishu had already promised them that Tianwen Medical College would be placed in the county. The capital spillover effect brought about by the construction of the medical school alone would raise the county's economy to a higher level.

What's more, he also promised to put some medical equipment industries in the county. If it is true as Ye Zishu said, the county's economy will skyrocket like a rocket.

Under such an optimistic situation, the current urban construction of the county seat is obviously a bit outdated. It can be said that the urban complex of Wancheng Jiye will settle here, which can be said to be at the right time.

Second, Wancheng Foundation also has a strong willingness to invest, instead of executing orders as before, it is much more proactive.

Wancheng Jiye intends to build an urban complex on the west side of the county seat, with a large number of residential and commercial facilities inside, which can accommodate 100,000 people.

After these are completed, the residents of the old city will be relocated there, and then the old city will be built, so that the entire county will have a new look.

In fact, Wancheng Foundation has already sent him relevant reports, especially the situation in his hometown, so he, the boss, must understand.

According to them, there are five phases of construction in the entire county. After the first three phases are completed, the county can accommodate 300,000 people to live and live, and various commercial facilities and infrastructure are complete.

After the fifth phase, the number of people living in the county can reach more than 500,000 people, which is quite an advanced plan for a county with a total population of only 800,000.

The implementation period of the entire plan is 8 to 10 years, and the total investment scale may reach 30 billion yuan, which is very large and far exceeds Ye Zishu's original plan.

There are two reasons for formulating such a radical plan. The first reason is that they have received relevant news and are full of confidence in the economic development of this county.

Another reason is that this is the hometown of the boss. Although the economy is a little behind now, it is impossible to keep watching my hometown fall behind. Sooner or later, the economic situation will change.

Ye Zishu neither denied nor affirmed their investment plan in this county. After reading it, they put it aside without giving any approval.

In the next few years, the county's economy will develop rapidly, and you won't be so surprised by then. Ye Zishu said to Ye Ziqi.

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