Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1052 New interstellar ship order plan and integrated business adjustment


Ever since Pei Qing wanted to write an autobiographical novel about Ye Zishu, she spent a lot of time with Ye Zishu, which was impossible before.

Although the two are already husband and wife, they will reserve space for each other, and each has a lot of things to deal with, so it is impossible to get tired of being together like ordinary couples.

It's different now, Ye Zishu is dealing with things in the study, and Pei Qing has to follow her. Although she doesn't disturb Ye Zishu's work, she always feels uncomfortable.

In the past, Pei Qing seldom went to the laboratory, because it was almost Ye Zishu's personal territory. Now Pei Qing would go to the laboratory and stay with Ye Zishu as long as she had nothing to do.

According to Pei Qing, she needs to understand Ye Zishu's working state, so that the autobiographical novel she writes will be more realistic.

Even during the meal, Pei Qing asked Ye Zishu to talk about some of her experiences over the years, such as what was the original intention of establishing each group, under what circumstances was it established, and what is the business goal after establishment.

There are also problems in the process of establishing these companies, how to solve them, and what is the business philosophy of these companies, etc., as if to help Ye Zishu recall it from the beginning.

According to Pei Qing, if you only write about his busy appearance, the readability will be poor. Autobiographical novels should not only convey the state of behavior, but also the state of thinking.

Ye Zishu thought that he only needed to talk about it after dinner, but he didn't expect Pei Qing to be so serious that he became a follower, which made him a little distressed and had no place to talk.

The acupuncture and moxibustion book written by Ye Zi was officially published at the end of February. Not surprisingly, this book was included in the latest syllabus of Tianwen Medical College and became a must-read book.

Since Leaf Book wrote biological and medical books a few years ago, no similar books have been published in the following years. Therefore, after the publication of this book, it has attracted great attention from the domestic medical industry.

As a loyal follower of the leaf book in the fields of biology and medicine, it is not surprising that Tianwen Medical College included this book in the education syllabus, because they are actually based on the theory of the leaf book.

Unexpectedly, other medical colleges and universities in China also included this book in their education syllabus without any reason, making it one of the must-reads for students.

Tai Chi Medical Group has also begun to ask its employees to study this book on acupuncture and moxibustion carefully. This requirement is not only for its Chinese medicine practitioners, but also for doctors specializing in Western medicine.

Just one week after the book was published, foreign publishing houses wanted to translate the book, which shows that the books he wrote also have great influence in the world.

In the past, Ye Zishu might not necessarily agree, but now he knows that even if he disagrees, it would be very difficult to stop us. In the past, our strength was not strong, so it was difficult to attract everyone's attention.

The situation is completely different now. Even if he disagrees, the advanced knowledge here will be passed on to the world through various channels, which cannot be avoided by manpower.

It is precisely because of this that he seldom writes papers and the like. If this book is not very important for general epidemic prevention work, he would not even bother to publish this book.

However, Ye Zishu did not sell the translation rights to other publishing houses this time, but let the publishing units under Shengshi Media Group publish overseas versions.

During this period of time, apart from being busy with the work at hand, Ye Zishu is also paying close attention to external news.

But he did bring about great changes. First of all, the protection of the natural environment is much better than in the previous life, and the damage to nature is not as serious as in the previous life.

The second is that the people are relatively wealthy, and they pursue a higher quality of life. In addition, the protection of wild animals has been strengthened, which has greatly weakened the transmission ability between the virus and the human body.

The last is the rapid improvement of medical level, especially a large number of drugs to improve physical fitness, such as longevity medicine, which has greatly improved human immunity and greatly enhanced the ability to fight against natural viruses.

Although he had made a lot of preparations for this before, but it didn't happen,

He was still secretly relieved, because once it happened, even if there were no deaths, it would still have a certain impact.

Some of the preparations he made were not completely wasted,

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The war between humans and viruses will never end, so his preparations will come in handy sooner or later.

Also in April, Kirin Industry Group sent him a new order for interstellar ships. The new order was very different from what was stated at the annual meeting.

The total number of new orders has reached 110, of which 10 are medium-sized interstellar ships and 100 are small interstellar ships. If all are completed, the total value of orders will reach 18.6 trillion yuan.

Among them are 5 interstellar transport ships, 2 interstellar scientific research ships, and 3 military ships. The construction cost of medium-sized transport ships is 50 trillion yuan, and the construction cost of medium-sized scientific research ships is 70 trillion yuan. The cost of building a ship is 100 trillion yuan.

The construction cost of small transport ships is 1 trillion yuan, the construction cost of small scientific research ships is 2 trillion yuan, and the construction cost of small military ships is 5 trillion yuan. The selling price is generally twice the construction cost.

Small interstellar ships are mainly matched with medium-sized interstellar ships. One medium-sized interstellar ship is paired with 10 small interstellar ships to form an interstellar fleet.

Of course, this configuration is not strictly regulated, and it depends on the actual situation. Among the 100 small ships, transport ships account for an absolute number, and the proportion of scientific research ships is much smaller.

Among the orders for 5 interstellar transport fleets, the order for 4 transport fleets was placed by Qilin Resources Development Group, mainly for interstellar mining and interstellar mineral transportation, and the order for the remaining 1 transport fleet was placed by Wancheng Foundation.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Wancheng Jiye, but Wancheng Jiye wanted to get involved in the interstellar transportation industry in the future, and since he didn't lack money now, he simply placed an order in advance.

Even if there is no fixed interstellar transportation mission in the future, they can also be leased to brother companies for use. Although there are many orders, scattered in the vast universe, they are almost negligible.

The order for two interstellar scientific research fleets was placed by Baihu Technology Company, which will be used for its interstellar scientific research missions and also undertake the interstellar scientific research tasks of brother companies.

Although they have sent many probes to the solar system, these probes are all detecting around the earth. Due to their relatively large limitations, they have little effect on the detection of the outer reaches of the solar system.

If he does not have his own two huge scientific research fleets, he can conduct scientific research missions in the inner and outer Kuiper Belt all year round, which can play an important role in human understanding of the solar system.

However, their funds are insufficient, and they are currently unable to build two interstellar scientific research fleets at the same time. This requires 360 trillion yuan in funds, which is definitely not something they can afford.

So their orders will be at the bottom. Even if they want to build, they will only build small scientific research ships first. Although they cannot drift in space for a long time, they can still play a certain role.

If the space tourism and interstellar tourism projects of White Tiger Technology Company are carried out as expected, it is possible to raise so much funds in the future.

In order to obtain more funds, White Tiger Technology Company is expanding the number of its space tourism space shuttles, harvesting the rich as soon as possible, and then lowering the price so that ordinary people can also have the opportunity to experience it.

However, the increase in the number of space shuttles is currently kept secret, because once the news is leaked, their carrying capacity can be calculated, and they can also be calculated before long, and there will be a big price cut.

If everyone thinks that the price will drop in a year or two, the rich may wait a while. After all, their money is not blown by strong winds, and they can save as much as they can.

If the cost is reduced to about 500,000 yuan, not to mention the international market, the domestic market alone will be very impressive. 500,000 yuan is just the savings of the domestic people for several years. Going to space to see it is also an unforgettable experience. .

If 1 billion domestic people enter space, it means a market size of at least 500 trillion yuan, and there will be no funding problem for building two scientific research fleets.

Therefore, Baihu Technology Company is not unable to make money, but needs time to put their orders at the bottom, allowing them time to accumulate funds.

The three military interstellar fleets were not ordered by the country, but were built with funds raised by his industries. The purpose is to protect the safety of the interstellar waterway and maintain space order in the future.

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Of course, this is just an aboveboard reason. In fact, there are very few countries and private individuals currently able to enter space activities. Even if they have the ability, they only send some probes.

Sending probes can't seriously affect the interstellar channel, nor can it disrupt the order of space. The units that can engage in space transportation, mining, and scientific research are all his companies, and there is no need to maintain order at all.

The reason for building three military interstellar fleets is to make everyone shut up about their work in space mining and planet development. After all, strength is the last word.

As long as the three military interstellar fleets are there, even if they have opinions, they can only shut up obediently, and save themselves from arguing with each other, creating favorable conditions for them to engage in space activities.

In addition, military fleets can also make temporary guest appearances and engage in other activities, such as interstellar exploration missions, some transportation missions, etc., which can also play an important role, but they are not as professional as dedicated ships.

They will only build one military fleet in the short term. The reason is that the cost is too high. Even if all the companies under him raise funds to build a military fleet, the cost will be 150 trillion yuan, and the cost will reach 300 trillion yuan.

In the early stage, the mining and transportation fleets that can quickly create economic value are still the mainstay. If an asteroid with high value is mined, it means huge wealth.

With abundant raw materials, the construction cost will be further reduced, so the current task is to mine and transport mineral resources, while the scientific research fleet and military fleet are mainly built in the early stage of small ships.

Ye Zishu looked at their new order plan. Although it cost a lot, he didn't stop it, because in the long run, the scale is not too big.

What's more, this is a long-term order plan. The company that placed the order will arrange production according to its own actual situation.

The industry surrounding the manufacturing of interstellar ships needs to expand production according to this new order plan, and the current production capacity is far from this order plan.

In their report, wanting to separate these three businesses, Huanyu Group is responsible for building interstellar ships in the field of transportation and mining, which matches their current business.

White Tiger Technology Company wants to become an integrator of military ships, which matches their main business, and involves a lot of advanced weapons and equipment, which is not suitable for other companies to integrate.

Kirin Industry Group wants to win the integration business of special-purpose interstellar ships such as scientific research, but Baihu Technology Company feels that it can also do this, and it is too scattered, which is not conducive to the rational use of resources.

Although these businesses are all integrated businesses, the supporting industrial investment is also not small, and excessive dispersion will inevitably bring about cost increases, so Baihu Technology Company believes that it is not necessary to divide into three.

From these requirements, Ye Zishu sees that it is not a question of reasonableness or unreasonableness, but a question of profit distribution. Several groups have their own interests and want to get a share of it.

Although the output value was not small in the past, the number of orders was relatively small, and the meaning of competition was not too strong. In addition, they were all part of the industrial system and could obtain due benefits.

It’s different now. Suddenly there is such a huge order, and there may be more orders in the future. Even if it is an integrated business, there are still many benefits to be gained.

In addition, the three groups competing for the benefits of the integration link do have valid reasons. The Huanyu Group itself is a means of transportation, which is why the integration business was handed over to them in the first place.

Baihu Technology Company itself is engaged in the research and development of military equipment, and its strength in the field of aviation and military is thriving, and it is logical to expand to the field of space military.

Kirin Industrial Group is the company with the strongest R\u0026D and manufacturing capabilities of precision instruments under his umbrella, and the most scientific research ships are advanced precision instruments and equipment, which seems to be reasonable.

As for whether other groups have ideas, he thinks there must be, but other groups have not found a valid reason. If there is a valid reason, they will definitely fight for a spot.

This kind of problem is only the first clue, as the interests involved in it become more and more complex

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Big, in the future will certainly attract the coveted by more groups, which aroused his vigilance.

It's good that he's here, he can suppress this kind of difference, and his words are absolutely authoritative, but if he's not there, the competition for interests among various groups may become fierce.

If that's the case, it's better, after all, the meat will rot in the pot after all, and I'm afraid that this kind of dispute will cause coveted by external forces and give external forces a chance to intervene.

It is conceivable that if the interstellar ship project is a big success, and also has a huge interstellar fleet, it has both strong economic interests and strong military capabilities.

In the eyes of any country and force, such forces are very worried. If there is a chance to dismember or even carve up, they will never be soft.

To avoid this situation, it is necessary to unite them unprecedentedly internally, so that external forces have no chance to intervene, so it is particularly important to bridge differences and unite internal interests.

Ye Zishu thought for a long time, and decided to separate the interstellar ship and follow-up operations, and set up a separate group company to manage it, so that he didn't have to think so much.

In order to take care of the interests of each group, the affiliated groups can invest in, but they have no management rights, only supervision rights. This can not only ensure the independence of this group, but also ensure the interests of all participating groups.

The importance of the group is unquestionable, and there is no room for any conflicts of interest. At the same time, it needs to keep the relevant technology absolutely confidential, so he intends to hand it over to artificial intelligence for management and operation.

With this idea in mind, Ye Zishu immediately wrote the plan, and after finishing writing, called Pei Qing over and showed her the plan.

If you do this, will Huanyu Group have any objections? Pei Qing asked immediately after reading it.

It was originally the meat in the bowl of the Huanyu Group, and the other two groups wanted to grab food, but not only did they not get the food, but they also gave away the benefits of the Huanyu Group, and everyone would be angry.

Although they had the opportunity to invest in this group, they did not have the right to operate it. The gap between the two was very large. At their current level, they no longer purely pursued a little money.

There are opinions for sure, but this is the only way to avoid serious rifts and differences in the future. Once it really cannot be bridged, you can imagine the consequences.

We have been able to develop to this day. In addition to my providing a lot of technology, solidarity with each other is the most important reason, because everyone understands that only when the entire system grows can they gain enough sense of security.

But in the future, when each group feels that it can dominate one side, the so-called concept of interdependence may be abandoned, and the entire industry may fall apart. Leaf Book said.

Actually, I wanted to remind you a long time ago that it is best to establish a head office on top of these group companies.

It's just that it's not so necessary at present, because as long as you are here, it doesn't matter if there is this company, but as said, if you are not here, it means that there is no leader.

At that time, each group will appeal based on its own interests, and there will definitely be more and more conflicts of interest. In the end, it is really possible that it will fall apart as you just said. Pei Qing said.

What Pei Qing said seems to make sense, but in fact it doesn't have much effect. If the head office can't suppress these group companies under it, the head office is just a decoration, and the name of the control has no practical significance.

Just like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, although Zhou Tianzi was still the emperor in name, in fact he could not command orders at all.

If we really want to solve this problem, we still need to let these groups hand over their management control and hand them over to artificial intelligence to manage them all, so that the things that Pei Qing said they are worried about will not happen.

It's just that it will take a long time to complete the reform of each group. The reason why Qinglong Technology Company took the lead in reforming is that Ren Zhengfei is about to retire soon.

Moreover, the heads of other companies still have decades to retire, especially Lei Jun, who is only a few years older than Ye Zishu, and there are still 20 to 30 years to come.


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Of course, he can also force reforms, regardless of the thoughts of these business leaders, but if they are so reckless, it will inevitably appear rough and may cause unnecessary turmoil.

Ye Zishu didn't intend to hide these thoughts from Pei Qing, even though Pei Qing is still the president of Taiji Group, in fact, she doesn't care about this interest now.

Since following Ye Zishu, the benefits brought to her by the Taiji Group have not been so attractive. In the past few years, she followed Ye Zishu to her hometown, and she rarely even went to work in the Taiji Group.

Actually, if you really want to do this, you don't have to be too timid. With your prestige, there won't be much resistance if you forcefully pass the reform plan. Pei Qing said.

Let's wait and see, at least to see how the reform of Qinglong Technology Company is going. If everything goes well and revitalizes, we will be convincing enough to push forward. Ye Zishu said.

Then what if the reform fails, or the effect is not obvious? Pei Qing asked with a smile.

Then what else can I do, cold salad, based on my understanding of Lao Ren, as long as he really wants to do this thing, the effect will definitely not be bad.

If he really has his own selfishness, which leads to the failure of the reform, I will not say anything, but there are some things that he cannot obtain. Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing seemed to grasp the point of this sentence, and asked curiously: What benefits are you planning to give?

There is nothing to hide this idea from Pei Qing, and she said directly: Actually, the domestic residents are basically not particularly short of money, and there is no problem in ensuring a comfortable life.

What's more, for those of them who have been presidents for so many years, money is definitely not their highest pursuit, and power must not be maintained if they want to continue, and it will inevitably weaken in the future.

So what is the pursuit of life? I think there should be no more allure than a longer lifespan, so I am going to provide these retired executives with life potions.

Is this okay? Pei Qing asked back.

It's not that Pei Qing thinks it's not good to give these presidents life potions, but that it may cause other chain problems, which will add a lot of trouble to Ye Zishu.

The drugs currently on the market can guarantee that the people can live to the limit of their health, so the life medicine given to these CEOs must be a medicine that breaks through the limit of life.

Once it is leaked at that time, someone will come to ask for medicine. Don't underestimate people's longing for longevity. Whether he will give it or not will be troublesome.

It's not right now, even if it's Lao Ren, there are still a few decades between now and the limit of his life. Such a long time is enough for us to continue to grow and develop. Ye Zishu said.

Since he said so, Pei Qing didn't plan to say more on this issue, anyway, she didn't make a promise, she can change her mind at any time, it's too early to say these things now.

Then when are you going to make this adjustment to the interstellar ship business, and who will it be? Pei Qing asked.

According to his idea, just let the artificial intelligence send personnel to deal with it, but if it is handled this way, it may really cause some people's dissatisfaction, at least not enough respect for them.

It seems that there is no such person who is sent to deal with it, and as long as it is a person, there may be selfishness. Whether it can be done according to his intention is still unknown.

Anyway, he himself will definitely not personally preside over the adjustment of the interstellar ship business. He doesn't have that much time to spend on it, and for him, this job is not particularly important.

How about you help me with this matter? Ye Zishu looked at Pei Qing and said with a smile.

Did they listen to me? Pei Qing said angrily.

Why don't they listen to you? In terms of seniority, you are the first group of people who followed me. In terms of contribution, Taiji Group has given blood to many industries in the past, and it still plays such a role now.

In terms of relationship, you are my wife. In terms of ability, you are no worse than them in being able to develop the Taiji Group to its current scale. In all aspects, you are the most suitable candidate. Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although what you said has a certain truth

Chapter 1052 New Starship Order Planning and Integrated Business Adjustment Free to read.


Reasonable, but our relationship is so close, it will make some people think too much. Pei Qing said helplessly.

Ye Zishu could tell that Pei Qing actually didn't want to deal with this matter, the reason was simple, she had little relationship with Taiji Group, plus she still had to do her own business, so it would be nice to be able to manage Taiji Group.

You don't have to worry about it, and it won't delay you much time. You just coordinate in the middle, and the actual execution is left to the general robot.

There is no need to establish a new group, and the business is directly handed over to Protoss Group. The original supply chain system does not need to be adjusted, only the integration link is adjusted. Leaf Book said.

In the end, Pei Qing agreed. Apart from Ye Zishu, she seems to be the only one who is suitable. The most important thing is that she has nothing to do with these businesses, and she can convince everyone with her words.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu convened all the heads of the group under it to hold a collective meeting, and expressed his thoughts at the meeting. Unexpectedly, a competition for interests, not only did not everyone get what they wanted.

Huanyu Group also lost the big cake of integration business. As for their previous investment, Taiji Group will use funds to compensate Huanyu Group, and they cannot be made to suffer in this regard.

Everyone has no objection to letting Pei Qing be the host of this business adjustment, and she is the only one who is the most suitable candidate.

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