Reborn Technology Upstart

The first thousand and forty-two chapters let the run on universe coins come more violently

Since Ye Zihua's daughter-in-law was about to give birth, Pei Qing put down her work and went to visit her for a few days, not to mention his mother, who basically stayed at Ye Zihua's home now.

So now only Ye Zishu and his father are left in the family. In the past, his father didn't like to run to him, mainly because he was afraid of disturbing the life of him and Pei Qing.

Now there are only the two of them in the family, but my father comes back from work every day, and he comes to eat at his place, and the father and father drink a glass of wine together, and life is not bad.

A few days before his daughter-in-law was due to give birth, Ye Zihua stopped the work at hand and came here specially to accompany his daughter-in-law. She used to come here at night, but she would still go to work during the day.

It is not easy to master such a huge Tidal Group, especially for financial companies, the market competition is more intense, and each decision may involve billions of dollars in funds.

Although, as an uncle, he usually doesn't need to go to his sister-in-law's side because he wants to avoid suspicion, but a few days before the delivery, he still went to visit to show his concern for his sister-in-law.

We have news that several y federation countries are planning to exchange a large amount of cosmic coins with us for gold. Ye Zihua said to Ye Zishu with a smile.

Ye Zishu was a little surprised when he heard this, but he wasn't surprised when he thought about it. In fact, he had long thought that the other party would do this. It's just that more than two years have passed, and there has been no movement.

It is actually very simple to defeat Cosmic Coins, just take enough Cosmic Coins to exchange for gold. Once there is not enough gold to pay, it means that the credit of Cosmic Coins will go bankrupt.

Because there is no national sovereign credit endorsement behind the cosmic currency, if it goes bankrupt, it means that the cosmic currency is not as good as waste paper, and there is still some paper left in the waste paper, and the cosmic currency is a digital currency, not even paper.

Therefore, everyone understands the weakness of cosmic coins. In the beginning, many people had some cosmic coins in their hands, and they tried to exchange them for gold.

Other countries also know that if it is only a small payment, it will not cause substantial damage to the universe coins. If they want to hit a hit, they must concentrate their efforts and prepare enough universe coins.

It's a pity that the universe currency is not so easy to earn. Except that each country has a certain loan amount, the rest needs to be earned by oneself in trade.

The largest universe currency exporter is our country. Unfortunately, our country spends a lot of universe currency in the world, but earns more universe currency. As a result, many countries not only have no extra universe currency in their hands, but even owe a lot of money.

Fortunately, Tidal Group adopted a business model of low-interest loans and high transaction fees on Cosmocoin, which puts much less pressure on countries that owe money, but it did not cause a serious debt crisis.

The country with the most cosmic coins in the world should be a natural resource exporter, because my country has repeatedly set new highs in the import of mineral resources in recent years, and has become the country with the largest import of mineral resources in the world.

Last year, Kirin Basic Industries Group imported 2 billion tons of iron ore alone, and other minerals also imported a huge amount, becoming my country's main imported commodity category.

In addition, Kirin Resources Development Group has also mined 1 billion tons of iron ore and countless other ore resources from the seabed, which shows the extent of our country's thirst for natural resources.

Now natural resources have become an important trade item for my country to maintain the balance of international trade. Although there are other imported products, they cannot be compared in terms of trade volume.

But even so, it is not an easy task for them to collect enough universe coins and then collect them to pay for gold. It takes a long time to save money.

Because they also need to buy many technological products in our country, not to mention others, the products of Tai Chi Group alone are the necessities of many people.

Have you found out how many universe coins they plan to exchange for gold this time? Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

There is no accurate news yet, but according to our Universe Coin statistics, if they don't hesitate to go into debt,

You can collect 1 trillion universe coins.

If you don't want to be in debt and just rely on the trade balance in your hand to cash in, you can take out a maximum of 500 billion universe coins, which is the wealth accumulated by many of their countries over the past two years. Leaf Hua said.

100 million cosmic coins are 1 ton of gold, and it stands to reason that a country’s gold reserve is about a thousand tons. If you really exchange 1 trillion cosmic coins for 10,000 tons of gold, ordinary financial institutions really can’t stand it.

However, Ye Shu felt that they would not be so desperate. Before the universe currency collapsed, the universe currency still played a great role in international trade.

If they borrow money to do this, it means that their country's trade will be completely interrupted during this period. This is not a wise approach. Trade interruption means that the country's economy will basically stop.

Even he felt that these countries would not exchange all the money they saved, and they would not overestimate the tide group's gold reserves so much.

What makes Ye Zishu more curious is, how did they save so many universe coins in the past two years? We must know that our country is a country with a long-term trade surplus.

Don't underestimate people's accumulation and plunder for hundreds of years. Such a small population occupies such a large land in the world. Just buying resources is enough for them to live a good life.

What's more, they still controlled the global resources before. We imported resources from all over the world, and most of the income in the world was taken away by these countries. It is not surprising that they can save so much money. Leaf Hua said.

After hearing Ye Zihua's words, he thought it was reasonable. We didn't strongly want to change this situation. We don't even have any objections to countries whose natural resources have been plundered. We don't need to worry about it.

If you want to be rescued by God, you must first save yourself. If you don’t even do self-help, but expect others to help, that is a dream. We only need to be able to buy the resources we need from around the world, and we don’t care about the twists and turns behind these resources.

Regardless of whether there are conflicts between them, it has nothing to do with us anyway. We are resources bought with real money, which is completely reasonable and legal.

Then let them come and exchange for gold, the more the better, if we exchange gold in full this time, the reputation of Universe Coin will be further consolidated.

In addition, after they exchange gold, the circulation is extremely poor, and they want to exchange it back to the universe currency. This time, we can earn 2% of the handling fee, which is to send money to us. Ye Zishu said with a smile.

At present, the Tidal International Monetary Bank under the Tidal Group has a gold reserve of up to 300,000 tons. If it is not that too much gold is of little use, otherwise they will have more gold in their hands.

Kirin Energy Industry Group only uses a small part of their energy to produce gold, and most of it is used to produce other scarce resources to provide resource support for the interstellar ship project.

The current total amount of currency issued by Tidal International Monetary Bank is more than 10 trillion yuan. After liquidation at the end of the year, most of them will be returned to them in the form of repayment. The long-term funds are not large.

Generally speaking, the whole world owes Tidal International Currency Bank money, but because some countries earn more and some countries owe more, some countries have more universe coins in their hands.

So Ye Zihua didn't actually take this incident seriously. Now they exchanged the universe currency for gold, and they will still exchange gold for universe currency in the future.

In the past, many countries wanted to turn their sovereign credit currency into an international currency, because there are too many benefits in it, and the wealth of the world can be easily harvested by financial means.

It is precisely because some countries have excessively used financial means to harvest global wealth, which has caused many countries to be very dissatisfied with this, and the existence of Cosmocoin has meaning.

Compared with the national sovereign credit currency, the currency issued by the Tidal International Currency Bank is relatively stable, and it will not deliberately use financial means to harvest the world, which is of great benefit to many countries.

They don't have to worry about the wealth they have accumulated, and they don't have to worry about being financially harvested one day. This is the reason why Cosmocoin can develop so fast internationally.

If it is only because of anchoring gold, it is not so powerful. Without finding out how much gold the Tidal International Currency Bank holds, other countries will not trust it casually.

Therefore, the emergence of universe currency is not only the need of the times, but also the result of our own strength. Gold just puts a coat of value on the currency, making it more acceptable to pass around the world.

At present, the proportion of universe currency in global trade settlement has reached 80%, and it is still increasing slowly. After all, many countries have other countries' currencies in their hands before and want to spend time digesting them.

After the currencies of other countries in their hands are digested, it will not be difficult for Cosmic Coin to increase its settlement share in international trade to 90%, and it may even become the only settlement currency for global trade.

This time someone took the initiative to jump up and want to make trouble. The Chao Group was actually very happy to see that they had no chance to show their strength before, but finally got the chance.

As long as it shows its strength to the world this time, it will further strengthen the confidence of countries around the world in the universe coin, and completely cut off the possibility of other currencies replacing it in international trade.

If it weren't for the fact that the two brothers got together this time, Ye Zihua wouldn't bother to report to Ye Zishu, because such a move was not threatening to them at all, and instead they could earn a wave of exchange fees.

After Ye Zishu came to visit his sister-in-law, he went back immediately, leaving Pei Qing here to help, Ye Zihua also planned to put down the things at hand these few days and spend a few days with his wife at ease.

Three days later, Ye Zihua's daughter-in-law Ning Ziyuan gave birth to him a fat boy, and the old couple couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. The next day Ning Ziyuan's parents came to visit their daughter and grandson.

The matter over there was very lively, Ye Zishu did not go to join in the fun, there are still many things at hand, Pei Qing did not stay there for a long time after Ning Ziyuan gave birth.

Tidal Group thought that it would come to exchange gold in August, so it had already counted in the vault, and when it was ready for customers to exchange, it could be taken away immediately.

I just didn't expect that in August and September, there was no movement from the other party. It was not until October 1st, when the National Day holiday here, that the other party came to ask for gold exchange.

The one who came was not from a department of a country. Maybe the other party felt that the purpose of gathering all the funds together was too obvious. After all, the Tidal Group was behind the Tidal International Monetary Bank.

The Tidal Group itself is a super-financial juggernaut. Even if the Tidal International Money Bank went bankrupt because of this run, the Tidal Group itself still has powerful energy.

If they feel that the Chaos Group is not strong enough, then Ye Shu, who is behind the Chaos Group, should be more cautious, so that they can at least look good.

You must know that Ye Zishu took a space tour with Pei Qing a few months ago, and it is still fresh in the memory of many high-level officials in many countries.

Even if Ye Zishu is not such a person, then the huge real economy industry behind Ye Zishu is also an existence that they are extremely afraid of. If they really want to do something, no one can resist it.

Therefore, there is no need to do face-breaking things in this case, so the exchanged universe coins are not gathered together for exchange, but divided into several countries for exchange.

Ye Zihua didn't know that there were so many thoughts behind their doing this. Since they came to exchange, the Tidal International Currency Bank should follow the rules.

For small-amount exchanges, you can basically come over at any time without an appointment, but for large-amount exchanges, you need to make an appointment three days in advance, because you need to prepare here.

According to the appointments received by the Tidal International Currency Bank, the amount of funds to be exchanged from October 1st to 3rd is as high as 300 billion universe coins.

I thought this was the total amount of exchange. After all, 300 billion universe coins is a huge sum of money. Under the current international trade system, not many countries have such high foreign exchange reserves.

The reason is simple. It is Tidal International Monetary Bank, not the national unit, that issues cosmic coins. There is no such thing as printing a lot of money and then buying international goods with paper.

Naturally, there will be no excessive currency issuance. In the absence of artificial release of water, it is relatively difficult for each country to obtain universe coins, and the universe coins on the market are in a state of tension.

It turns out that in the next few days, there will not be many national central banks making appointments to exchange universe coins, and the previous 300 billion yuan appointment is like an appetizer.

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Faced with this situation, the personnel in charge of the exchange business were a little panicked. After all, they didn't know how much gold reserves there were in the bank's vault. Such a large amount of gold exchange put the pressure on the Tidal International Currency Bank.

Calling Ye Zihua, Ye Zihua told the business staff not to panic, and they could exchange as much as they came, and even Ye Zihua wanted them to bring more funds to exchange.

It's just that people didn't exchange in a regular manner, but reported this large-scale exchange event to the world through the media, trying to create the appearance that the Tidal International Currency Bank was about to be run and bankrupt.

The reason why they did this was also very helpless, because according to the information they received, the Tidal International Currency Bank did not panic about their exchange and was handling it in an orderly manner.

This means that the other party probably really has sufficient gold to exchange for these currencies, so they want to leak the news to cause panic in more countries and join the ranks of the run.

It's a pity that their idea has not been realized. The reason is actually very simple. Many countries do not have too many universe currency reserves, and they still need a part of the loan for international trade every year to help them conduct foreign trade.

Again, the operation of the universe currency is very different from the previous international currency, and there is no currency flood, so this trick has little effect.

Even if you have a lot of cosmic currency balances in your hands, you must also consider the meaning behind the cosmic currency. In fact, up to now, the cosmic currency and gold have no substantive meaning.

Everyone wants the universe currency not for the gold behind it, but for the goods and services behind it. As long as our country recognizes the value of the universe currency, the universe currency will not collapse easily.

However, the big effect has not been achieved, but the small effect has been achieved. There are still many individuals who hold universe coins, fearing that the value of the universe coins in their hands will depreciate, and they also join the ranks of exchanging gold.

It's just that the amount is not too large, basically it doesn't affect the overall situation, and the total amount of cosmic coins reserved for gold exchange during this period is only 700 billion cosmic coins, which is equivalent to 7000 tons of gold.

Ye Zihua originally planned to exchange gold to the other party in such a safe way, but seeing that the other party wanted to trigger an international run, he was really annoyed.

So let the staff in charge of the exchange, put on a show outside, if someone else exchanges gold, don't agree so simply, but hesitate, fabricate reasons to shirk, or delay time.

Anyway, to give people a feeling that the gold is about to be exhausted, so that the other party may increase the price. After all, if there is such a big movement, if you get nothing, you have to bear a high handling fee, which is a complete failure.

If the other party feels that as long as they work hard, it is possible to succeed, the other party will definitely try their best to increase the price, and want to complete their efforts in one battle and completely solve the biggest competitor, Universe Coin.

While asking the employees of the gold exchange department to act, Ye Zishu also asked the loan department to increase the loan amount. The purpose is to increase the total amount of currency in the market and at the same time increase the total amount of long-term loans appropriately.

The purpose of doing this is to create a better run environment, so that the other party is willing to invest more, instead of withdrawing immediately when something is wrong.

Such an arrangement was indeed noticed by the other party, so more and more funds joined the ranks of exchanging gold, and there were also many forces who did not know the truth.

On the other hand, Tidal International Commercial Bank has shown a more relaxed state in terms of loan review, making it easier for many countries to obtain funds than before, resulting in an increasing scale of funds on the market.

These countries’ loans are not entirely for their own use, but other countries borrow from them. They borrow from Tidal International Commercial Bank and then lend to other countries to earn intermediate interest. This is very tempting for the financial sector of many countries.

Originally, Ye Zishu didn't care about this. After all, in his opinion, there is no force that can bankrupt the Tidal International Currency Bank.

As a result, on October 20, even Ye Zishu, who was far away in the country, was alarmed, because the total amount of funds that came to exchange for gold reached 20 trillion universe coins, equivalent to 200,000 tons of gold.

Although it was still far from the 300,000 tons of gold reserves of the Tidal International Monetary Bank, this extremely abnormal data still aroused his vigilance.

He immediately called Ye Zihua to ask what was going on. After Ye Zihua narrated, Ye Shu knew the reason. It turned out that this was a play sung by Ye Zihua himself.

While Tidal Group desperately released liquidity to the market, it desperately shirked gold exchange, which made many people seem to see hope, so they continued to increase their stakes. In just 20 days, they gathered exchange funds of 20 trillion universe coins.

Among them, the main force is still the forces that want to bankrupt the Tidal International Currency Bank. In order to achieve this goal, they have borrowed a lot of money from countries all over the world during this period.

Of course, there are also many countries that think it is an opportunity to take advantage of small advantages, loan out universe coins from the Tidal International Commercial Bank, and then convert them into gold. When the bank goes bankrupt, they can not pay back or pay less.

In this way, they can obtain a huge amount of gold for no reason, especially in countries that have a large demand for gold. Even if gold is not necessarily currency, it is also a huge wealth.

Ye Zishu didn't expect someone to be so crazy. How could someone get involved in such a thing that is wrong at first glance? If it were him, he would definitely choose to wait and see.

Facing Ye Zishu's doubts, Ye Zihua's explanation is very simple. The risk and benefit are not directly proportional, so many people know that something is wrong, but they also want to participate. If it succeeds, they will gain too much.

Conversely, even if they fail, their loss is nothing more than some interest loss. Although it is painful, it is still within the acceptable range. The risk is not particularly high and the return is huge, which will blind people's minds.

Before these funds are converted into gold, Chaochao International Commercial Bank has actually taken a sum of money, which is the handling fee in the process of fund circulation.

The circulation of all cosmic coins must be realized through Tidal International Commercial Bank. The larger the circulation of cosmic coins and the higher the efficiency, the more money they will make.

Although Ye Shu thinks that Ye Zihua's approach is good, but now that it has reached such a scale, it should not continue to play, and end as soon as possible, so that the international financial order can be restored as soon as possible.

Playing like this will definitely affect the international trade order. Although it can make a lot of money, Ye Shu doesn't care about this money. In contrast, he values ​​the stability of international trade more.

Ye Zihua, who originally planned to continue playing, did not continue after hearing the big brother's idea, and began to ask the Tidal International Monetary Bank to tighten the universe coin loan, cutting off the source of funds.

At the same time, let the business personnel in the gold exchange department immediately speed up the gold exchange and deal with it as soon as possible, so as not to give the other party a chance to repent, but to get the other party involved.

Tide Group has always been very quick in action. The originally procrastinated gold exchange business became smooth in an instant, and the backlog of exchange documents was processed in one day.

Many exchange fund holders here suddenly felt that something was wrong, and wanted to continue to increase their lending efforts, but found that the lending department of Tidal International Commercial Bank had strengthened its review, and it was no longer so easy to get a loan.

At this time, they knew that they were on the right track, and they couldn't actually say that the Tidal Group lied to them. If they wanted to blame them, they could blame themselves for being too greedy, knowing that there was a pit, and still jumping into it.

There are also forces that do not give up, and personally send people to the vault to check the amount of gold. They don't think that the Tidal International Monetary Bank has such a huge gold reserve, and there must be fraud behind it.

Because such a huge amount of gold cannot really be shipped back, Tidal International Monetary Bank is likely to take advantage of this mentality to make actual gold into paper gold, thereby alleviating the pressure of gold shortage.

It's a pity that his thinking was too naive. The people who sent to count the gold checked it several times, and the one in front of them was real gold, and the quantity was enough, so there was no intention of deceiving them at all.

At this time, they knew that there was no way to recover. If they wanted to blame them, they were too greedy, and if they wanted to blame it, they could blame Tidal International Monetary Bank for having too much gold reserves.

It is impossible to transport so much gold back, because many cosmic coins are borrowed, and they still have to give cosmic coins back, even if they exchange the cosmic coins they own for gold, it is impossible to transport them back.

Because doing so means that their own trade will be affected. The convenience of gold in international trade is very poor, and the cost is also high. Only by converting it into universe currency can it be more convenient to circulate.

This time and again, before the gold from the Tidal International Monetary Bank has left the vault, they have earned at least 2 percent of the handling fee for the 20 trillion universe coins.

Adding the transaction fees in the process of capital circulation, the average profit rate is 3.5%, and they have earned 700 billion universe coins for nothing, and they just spend some time on the system's account.

And the 700 billion cosmic coins earned are actually in the form of arrears. To make up for the hole in the 700 billion cosmic coins, the arrears countries need to come up with corresponding resources, goods and services in exchange.

This is the essence of mastering international trade currency, which belongs to lying down to make money, but ordinary people cannot learn it.

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