Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1038 Airborne tourism projects, anti-aging drug pricing and fake honey

, the reborn tech upstart

On the second day, Baihu Technology launched only five super-large space shuttles to carry tourists into space, and three of them landed in the space city. This is the first time that the space city welcomes tourists to visit.

Then they gradually increased the number of space tourism flights, but they did not use them all. They left two space shuttles for maneuvering as an emergency.

However, according to the number of tourists they have booked, all the eight super-large space shuttles currently invested in the space cannot serve them at all, and at least 20 new ones must be built.

The reason is actually very simple. They want to harvest this wave of rich people as soon as possible, and then lower the price, so that ordinary people can also have the opportunity to enjoy space tourism, and the production will be greater.

According to their estimates, at the current price, the number of customers who are able to participate in sky tourism around the world is about 10 million. If calculated according to the annual passenger capacity of 1 million, it will take 10 years.

Although there is nothing wrong with flowing water for a long time, Baihu Technology Company also needs money. There is no need to delay it for 10 years, which is too long for them.

Perhaps for other space technology companies, 10 years is just a matter of flickering, but for Baihu Technology Company, this is not the case.

They are used to the pace of rapid development, and it’s okay if the technology is immature. After the technology is mature, seeing a large number of markets waiting for them, it is a bit embarrassing for them to make money step by step.

The 20 new super-large space shuttles are just plans they have put on the construction schedule. According to their true intentions, the number of space shuttles will be increased to 50 in the future.

In this way, in two or three years, the first batch of rich people will be able to make money, and then start to reduce the price by 10 times, open the market to ordinary people, so that they can also experience space tourism.

A week later, Baihu Technology added a space landing tourism project to the original space tourism project. This project has very high requirements on people's spirit and body.

Although the airborne suit can well guarantee the safety of the experiencer, it requires a strong psychological quality and also has certain requirements for physical fitness.

The price of the project is also very expensive. You need to pay 10 million yuan for an experience, which is the same as the price of going into space on a super-large space shuttle.

According to Baihu Technology, their space suit is extremely expensive, costing as much as 5 billion yuan, and a space suit needs to be used 500 times to recover the cost.

The design life of the clothing is only 1,000 times, that is to say, during the service life of a set of space suits, Baihu Technology Company can only earn double the income at most.

In other industries, the return of 1 times may be very high, but in such a high-tech field, the return of 1 times is not so impressive, so their pricing is very reasonable.

Many people can only choose to believe the statement of Baihu Technology Company. After all, there is no way to verify such a thing. How much money they say is how much it is.

It is definitely not feasible for outsiders to study the cost. The reason is that they have no access to it. Even if they get in touch with it through experience, they will not be able to analyze any results.

What's more, the technical content of this space suit is indeed very high, and it does not require certification. It can allow people to airborne directly from space to the ground, and it can also ensure the safety of the airborne. This is enough.

You must know that other countries, not to mention using space suits, even landing a spacecraft on the ground is a dangerous process, and it will fail if you are not careful.

Of course, the actual manufacturing cost is not so exaggerated. The technology is provided by Ye Zishu, and cost considerations have always been his focus. The manufacturing cost of a set of such space suits is actually only 200 million yuan.

It is a simplified version that was sold to the military at the beginning, because it does not need to be equipped with survival equipment after landing, and it does not need to consider the needs of stealth. It only needs to send tourists back to the ground safely.

Technology is like that,

If you don't understand it, you need to spend money desperately, but once you have technical information, the cost is basically concentrated on the manufacturing materials and processes, and the cost is much lower.

Such an expensive tourism project in the eyes of ordinary people has not stopped the enthusiasm of the rich. According to their statistics, 100,000 people have already booked this service.

If all these scheduled tourists have experienced it, it can bring 1 trillion yuan in revenue to Baihu Technology Company, which is still very impressive.

For the rich, this is just the price of a few luxury cars. Compared with buying luxury cars and stacking them in the garage, experiencing a space landing service is definitely worth the money.

The entire space landing process is no stranger. When the aerospace plane of Baihu Technology Company made its first flight, a space landing performance was broadcast live on the whole network, and everyone still remembers it fresh.

These tourists participating in the space landing service have undergone a lot of training on the ground, and have also undergone psychological tests and counseling. The whole process went very smoothly.

The 500 tourists who participated in the airborne service all landed safely in the designated area. Although some people could not move their legs after landing, most of them were full of excitement after landing.

The whole project is much more exciting than bungee jumping, and it is even difficult to describe it in words. I can only describe it with general words such as great and enjoyable.

In fact, the airborne suits used by these tourists are quite different from the version used by the military. The military version has a very high degree of freedom, and they can land wherever they want.

But in this version, the landing process seems to be controlled by tourists. In fact, the intelligent program of the airborne suit controls the whole process to ensure that it will land in the designated area.

On the one hand, this is to avoid international disputes. After all, if you land in someone else's territory, you may face lawsuits. There is no need to cause trouble for yourself.

On the other hand, it is also to ensure the safety of tourists. They believe in the operation ability of intelligent programs more than they believe in the operation ability of tourists, so as to ensure that there will be no major mistakes in the process.

In order to further promote this exciting tourism project, the first airborne process also adopted an advanced live broadcast method, showing the whole process like the whole world.

The only pity is that the wonderful expressions of the experiencers in the air were not captured, because they were all wrapped in airborne suits.

Even the transparent material of the head is only transparent and clear from the inside out, and it is not clear from the outside looking in, so it is a pity.

With the opening of the airborne project, the space tourism project of White Tiger Technology Company has really entered a stage of rapid development, and the number of tourists booking space tourism projects is further increasing.

With the development of the space tourism project, the insurance business under the Tidal Group also benefited a lot, because they are the insurance company formulated by Baihu Technology.

Any tourist who wants to participate in a space tourism project must purchase insurance, and the cost of purchasing insurance will vary depending on the project.

For an ordinary project like sitting in a space shuttle and circling in space, the standard cost is 250,000 yuan, and the compensation amount is 10 million yuan.

If you choose to enter the space city, you need to pay an additional 100,000 yuan. The reason is that the tide group believes that the free activities in the space city will increase and the danger will be greater.

As for the airborne tourism project, you need to pay another 1 million yuan. The reason is that the risk probability of this project is much higher, and the insurance premium paid is naturally much higher.

These insurances are mandatory, and if you don't buy White Tiger Technology, they won't let them board the space shuttle, no matter what tourists think, anyway, that's the rule.

Of course, if tourists dislike the low compensation, they can also confidently negotiate a higher standard of insurance with the insurance company, and the insurance companies under the Tidal Group are happy to undertake these insurances.

Regardless of the fact that White Tiger Technology Company has already started to operate space tourism projects, in fact their testing work in the virtual world is still going on, which is to find out potential dangers as much as possible.

Anyway, for them, it doesn’t cost much to keep testing. At present, they have tested thousands of sorties without a single accident, which proves the safety and reliability of their space tourism project.

Even if there is an accident of one in ten thousand, or even one in one hundred thousand, the Chaozhou Group can afford the loss, which is why their insurance company is willing to cover it.

On May 20, Pei Qing told him that Taiji Group had completed the third phase of clinical trials, met the requirements for marketing, and had submitted it to the drug regulatory department for approval.

The fourth phase of clinical trials is actually a long-term observation and statistics, which will not have much impact on the listing, not to mention that Taiji Group is very confident in the products he has presented.

Originally planned to hold a temporary press conference on May 21 to introduce this anti-aging drug to the world, but during this period of time, Baihu Technology's space tourism enthusiasm was too high, and it was almost in a state of dominating the screen.

In order to avoid its edge, Taiji Group intends to schedule the press conference on June 1. At that time, the popularity of space tourism may decrease a lot, which can attract the attention of many consumers.

In addition, Children's Day also coincides with the effect of anti-aging drugs. I hope that everyone in the world can stay young and have the vitality of youth forever like young people.

Regarding the arrangement of the Taiji Group, Ye Zishu naturally had no objection. In fact, he didn't care about this kind of thing at all, but Pei Qing casually mentioned it when she was reporting the situation to him.

However, in terms of product pricing, Taiji Group and his ideas are somewhat different. He originally planned to sell the product at 20,000 yuan domestically and 60,000 yuan overseas. The triple price difference is not low.

But Taiji Group intends to increase the domestic price to 30,000 yuan, and they also have their own reasons, which are based on personal deposit balances.

It's not that the deposits of the People's Bank of China must be completely consumed, but that according to universal rules, excessive deposits should be avoided, which would lead to problems in economic development.

If it is a non-essential product, it is difficult to equalize the consumption of personal bank account deposits, but such essential drugs definitely have such an effect.

Anyway, everyone can get a stable income every month, and the significance of deposits is not as great as before, so Ye Zishu acquiesced in their approach.

And regardless of the high fees, the money earned will still flow into their hands in various ways. The money they actually spend is not high, but these funds participate in the economic cycle, which is much more effective than simply existing in the bank.

The pricing in foreign countries is a bit high. Their ex-factory price is 100,000 yuan. According to what Pei Qing said, if the price is too high and the market is too small, they plan to raise the price to 200,000 yuan or even higher.

Isn't this too obvious? Ye Zishu thought for a while and said.

Pei Qing knew what he meant, and said that the gap between domestic prices and foreign prices was too great. Although there were gaps in their products before, it was not so obvious.

The obvious mentioned here mainly refers to the very obvious feeling. Like their previous health care products, the price difference is still 10 times. Even if it is adjusted now, the domestic price is still far lower than that of foreign countries.

However, due to the relatively low overall selling price, consumers' feelings are not obvious, so it did not arouse consumers' protests, but it did not cause trouble for Taiji Group.

As for disease treatment drugs, although there are price differences between countries, the gap is even smaller. This gap is completely normal in international trade.

Nowadays, the price gap of anti-aging drugs is as high as 3 times, and the total price is so expensive. There are necessities for many people, and they have to buy them every year, and the pain is still very strong.

How about raising the domestic price to 50,000 yuan? Pei Qing suggested.

Is it too high? Ye Zishu was startled when he heard her suggestion.

He didn't think that the price was really high, but that such a price would definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the domestic people. Although they did have money in their hands, they didn't cut wool like this.

What I mean is that the price is announced to be 50,000 yuan, but we have medical insurance covering the whole people, let the medical insurance cover 30,000 yuan, and consumers pay 20,000 yuan.

And it can also increase the value of medical insurance. Anyway, for us, it is just a matter of left-handed and right-handed, and it is even just a balance of data on the books. Pei Qing said with a smile.

In the past, domestic medical insurance was not unified, and Tai Chi Group was still very concerned about pricing. Now domestic medical insurance is equivalent to being a member of Tai Chi Medical Group, and Tai Chi Group has a lot of room for manipulation.

Anyway, the medical insurance fee is insufficient, and the state does not need to supplement additional financial support. The shortfall needs to be filled by Tai Chi Group. Such an increase in selling price is just a matter on the books.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu thought it was a good idea, but he thought it would be better to raise the domestic price to 100,000 yuan, of which 70,000 yuan would be borne by medical insurance, and the residents would actually pay 30,000 yuan.

The international price can be increased to 150,000 yuan, so that the price difference between the two parties will be very low. Even if foreign consumers are dissatisfied, there will be no great reaction.

Pei Qing was left speechless by his words. Just now he disliked the price increase abroad too much, but now he wants to take the initiative to raise the price. His thinking is a bit unpredictable.

Seeing Pei Qing's expression, Ye Zishu said with a smile: Your production capacity must be limited now, and after meeting domestic demand limitedly, it will definitely be difficult to meet foreign demand.

No matter how cheap your export price is, it will be bought by rich people abroad at a high price, and it has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Instead of this, it is better for our side to temporarily increase the price, so that we can make more money, which is much better than cheap middlemen.

In the future, if the production capacity is increased and there is a sufficient share for export, it will not be too late for us to lower the price, and on the contrary, we can still win the favor of foreign consumers.

According to Ye Zishu's thinking, doing so not only makes more money, but also becomes a good person. Ordinary people will be grateful to them, which is definitely a good idea.

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she naturally agreed with him, but Pei Qing suggested: In this case, why not raise the price directly to 1 million yuan, and then gradually lower it.

For rich people, although 1 million yuan is not low, they are absolutely willing to spend it, and they can afford such a high price.

Our current annual production capacity is only 1.2 billion. If we look at the whole year, after meeting domestic demand, we still have about 200 to 400 million for export.

In fact, the domestic demand must be very strong in the early stage, and the demand is relatively concentrated. There is not much room for export. It is estimated that only a few million can be exported every month.

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If there are too many exports and the domestic people have to wait in line for a long time, the domestic people will definitely not be satisfied. This is a more appropriate export quantity in our opinion.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, Since this is the case, let's not fix the price at the initial stage, and use 1 million yuan as the reserve price, and adopt the method of share auction.

As long as the distributors are willing to pay the price, naturally the one with the highest price wins. This not only conforms to the market rules, but also allows us to make more money, and can also ease the emotions of the domestic public.

After all, if they really make money, the domestic people can understand that anyway, the more companies earn, the more money they get, which is closely related to their own interests.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing thought for a while, and naturally agreed. This method is indeed better, and it can explain the past in all aspects, and it can make more money.

Pei Qing still knows the effect of the anti-aging drug. Given the effect of this drug and their own monopoly situation, how to operate it is completely up to them to decide.

After this matter was agreed upon, Pei Qing immediately arranged to go. It will be June 1 soon, and the adjustment of the business strategy must be arranged in advance, and no troubles can occur midway.

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out warm-up publicity in advance. Even if it cannot compete with space tourism, it must let people in the industry or concerned consumers know the situation.

In this way, when they actually develop the press conference, they will be able to attract more attention, and the publicity effect will definitely be much stronger than that of the temporary development conference.

In addition, they have to negotiate with international distributors in advance, and Pei Qing has to be thankful that they have not contacted distributors before, otherwise they will not be able to go back on their word after signing the agreement.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for Taiji Group to find distributors. With their strength, they only need to send invitation letters to major distributors around the world, and they will basically come over.

Zi Shu, show me, is there something wrong with this honey? Ye Zishu's mother came to him with a jar of honey, wanting him to identify it.

Mommy, it's not like you haven't eaten it before, can you still eat it? Ye Zishu said a little speechlessly.

Someone here used to keep bees here, and he was stung when he was a child. Although he didn't keep them later, there are not many bees in the countryside, and he can get some wild honey to eat.

I just let you have a look because I think the taste is not right. His mother said angrily.

Hearing what my mother said, Ye Zishu took it over and glanced at it in his hand. He had never heard of the brand, and the packaging was quite satisfactory, so it shouldn't be particularly expensive.

Who sent it? Ye Zishu asked.

The school gave us volunteers a gift. His mother said.

In March, his mother was transferred to a school near here to do volunteer work, mainly cooking lunch for the children, and it was the same last year. This is an obligation that everyone who receives social security benefits needs to fulfill every year.

However, his mother's two years of study were not in vain, and she was preparing to take a teacher qualification certificate. In the future, she would not have to cook for the children and could do some more advanced jobs.

Ye Zishu opened the jar of honey, and couldn't tell any difference, but after looking carefully, he took some and ate it in his mouth. It was sweeter than the honey he ate when he was a child, which aroused his suspicion.

Most of the honey in the country in the previous life was fake honey, and he bought it back then. Although this jar of honey tastes different from the previous life, it doesn't mean it's real.

So he directly called an experimental robot and asked him to take it to the laboratory for testing. After all, what he said was unfounded. Of course, he could also use the super equipment on him, but he didn't think it was necessary.

I tasted it just now, and I don't like the honey I ate when I was a child, but it doesn't look completely fake. I think it may be half-truth and half-fake honey. Leaf Book explained.

After hearing this, his mother said, It's not bad for your health if you eat it.

That's not true, unless you drink it as water. Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hey, why do people nowadays like the cost so much? Honey is not such an expensive thing. His mother said with a sigh.

Expensive is not expensive, but our country has a large population. If we use traditional methods to obtain honey, we cannot meet the market demand. Even if we import it, we may not be able to meet it.

In addition, every household in the country is not bad at money, and they all want to get some honey to save and eat. The market is huge. If they do not cheat, either the price will rise, or the market will be vacant. Leaf Book said.

After a while, the robot experimenter just sent him the result. He looked at it and found that it was a half-truth product. There was honey in it, but it only accounted for 30%, and the remaining 70% was artificially prepared. of.

This is already a bit of a conscience, he can be sure that there are still a lot of fake honey on the market, which is made of ordinary sugar, anyway, domestic sugar is very cheap now.

It doesn't matter if the ingredients of their artificial honey are the same as real honey. Many of his subordinates do this. As long as the result is the same, the process can be completely ignored.

The problem is that their technical level is limited, and they can only achieve a relatively similar taste, but they cannot be completely consistent in composition, but it is a bit unauthentic to buy it as honey.

As for why the relevant departments do not supervise, the reason is not false propaganda. The product description mentions blended honey, but I did not expect that the proportion of real honey is only 30%.

How much is this can? Ye Zishu asked.

How do I know this? It shouldn't be expensive. After all, a thank you gift to a volunteer is not too expensive, it's just an expression of gratitude. His mother said.

After the mother knew the answer, she took the honey away, and she definitely wouldn't throw it away. It's okay to eat it anyway, but the behavior of the merchant is a bit embarrassing.

Ye Zishu certainly doesn't just stop at this level of thinking. The reason why the cost was prevalent in the previous life, apart from wanting to make money, the most important reason is the lack of resources.

If domestic real honey resources are sufficient, the price must be relatively cheap, and there is no need for counterfeiting. Conversely, merchants want to satisfy the market but cannot find enough products, so they can only use this method.

A good example is the seafood and fish business of Kylin Agricultural Development Group. Since they were able to supply sufficient seafood and fish products to the market, there have been few counterfeiting in this area in China.

Sufficient quantity means that all market demands can be met, and cheap price means that there is not much profit margin for counterfeiting, so it is better to use genuine goods at a fair price.

So if you want to solve this problem, you still need to use technical means to solve the problem of resource adequacy, instead of just staying at the stage of cracking down on counterfeiting, then put the cart before the horse.

Even if one is destroyed, there will be tens of thousands of others in the future. Not only will it not solve the fundamental problem, but it will also waste huge public resources. In his opinion, it is a temporary solution rather than a root cause.

How to solve the problem of insufficient natural resource endowment is a headache for him. Although industrial means can be used to solve it, doing so cannot solve all problems.

It is natural to have industrial synthesis capabilities, but the natural way to solve problems may be more extensive in technology, rather than solving a certain problem, this is the most important thing.

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